The gulls cried out as the waves crashed along the shore away from them. This was the one thing that Harper did miss about Australia besides the animals, the surf. The thrill of riding the waves and feeling the board glide with the water as the thundering wave came around her body. Not that Japan didn't have the waves for surfing, she was just a bit far from them and now being a capital and doing business alongside Kiku, she didn't get to venture to the waters.

Today was an exception. With the world meeting in her native home, she somehow convinced him to join her along the beaches of her old walking grounds and surfing spots, yet she was more impressed with herself as she got him not only in the water but on a board as well. Well, her board to be exact. She felt him fidget on the piece as he watched the water lap their legs, she couldn't help but giggle at him.



"What now did I do?"

Yes, since the moment they came to Australia, she would showed him things that were common to her yet foreign to him. From the animals and vegetation of the land, to the people and the foods, she enjoyed watching him interact with her familiar world.

"Nothing, just smiling at you."

"Your mind is spinning, it's dangerous when it does."

"Hey. I am a good girl."

"You weren't very good last night."

She felt herself blush as he spoke of their actions, "You didn't stop me."

"You are too beautiful to stop."


"Am not."

She laughed at him as she looked down to the band upon her finger. It was hard to believe that three months ago he had placed the sparkling piece on her as the chocolate gem glittered in the sun. She smiled as she agreed with the girls as they saw the ring ad said how it matched his eyes. It was funny, not only did hers match his, all the girl's rings matched their husband's eyes.

A deep thought came to her mind, "Kiku?"


"Has Sadiq..." she trailed off, knowing he would catch her drift.

"Rumor from Hercules is that there was a woman that came to the capital building with all past lives of his along with Habibah's memories asking for him personally."

"Do you think?"

"I would like to hope so. He needs it."

Harper nodded in agreement. She was lucky to meet the Turk as he came one day, his little girl wrapped around his leg. She could see him trying to hold happiness yet struggled with the thought of it all. She had heard how Alfred had lost Amber and had Liberty to hold him together, yet his at least had a happy ending.

"What was Nora so hushed about?" he broke her thought.

"Oh, well." she smiled, "There will be a new little one running around."


"Hai. She's excited. She was wondering how to tell him so we were all giving her advice on how to drop it to him. Either way, I know he'll be dancing around in happiness."

"That is true." he paused, "Harper, what about you?"

"What about me?" she asked as she felt the water move a little faster around them.

"Well, maybe one day, you know..."

"You and I have a baby?"

"Hai. I mean if you want to, I mean-"

She kissed him, gripping his face within her hands, feeling total glee course through her, "Yes Kiku. One day I'd love to have a baby. Sooner the better in my mind."

He moved closer to her, his hands resting on her lower back as he pulled her the rest of the way. His face just inches away from hers as he gave her that sweet smile of his. His eyes glittering in the Aussie sun as the water moved out to the ocean. She knew what was coming but didn't stop him as he placed his lips to hers again.

"Then we need to get working on it right away then. Tonight, after a hot bath?" he asked.

Harper smiled as she moved the board slightly with her legs, opening her eyes and looking behind Kiku, she saw the approaching wave as he stared lovingly at her, "Hai, we most definitely can."

Pulling him into another heated kiss, she smirked against his mouth as she held tightly to him as the loud rumble of the wave was right behind him. "Hold your breath Kiku."

He gave a puzzled look only to be flipped within the water as the wave came over top of them. She popped out of the water as she heard Kiku sputtering and coughing as he stumbled upon the shore. Gaining her breath, Harper started laughing as she saw his hair all disheveled on his head and rubbed his nose from the salty water, she couldn't help it as he reminded her of a raccoon that tried to get the bad taste from his mouth.

"You find this funny?" he said to her.

"Hilarious to be exact." she said between fits.

"Fine." he sprinted her way.

Harper dropped the board in the sand as she took off away from him, laughing as she heard him gain up on her. Solid arms grabbed her middle, lifting her in the air as she squealed in protest.

"I'm sorry, it was funny. No more laughing I swear."

"You lie." he attempted to throw her in the water.

Harper maneuvered herself from him, toppling him to the ground and sitting on his stomach. "I win."

"I let you."

"Sore loser."

He smiled at her as she held his arms by his head, just to have a devilish grin form upon his lips. His arms were suddenly caging her to him as he placed butterfly kisses to her neck and jaw.

"Hmm, maybe after the bath. You and I walk the beach later tonight and I take you under the stars and moon instead of the bed. Would you let me?"

She nearly jumped out of her skin with his offer as his mouth trailed to the sensitive spot of her neck, pulling his head back she looked into those deep browns once more and smiled.

"Of course, I will let you." she kissed him, "There's no one else I'd want that with but you."

His arms tightened as he hugged her and she hugged back, feeling his warms and love radiate off him as the Australian sun kissed her back.

Yes, Harper couldn't wait to see what else would come for them, but for now, she was just the happiest in his arms.



The crash of waves filled her head as the sea salt scent drifted across her nose once more. How she loved that sight and smell as her eyes looked over the gorgeous blue waters. How she wished she could dip her feet in them again. Feel the warm sand under her hands as she let the beautiful day go by as the appetizing smells of traditional foods filled her senses, making her hunger for the delicious meals. Especially the ones he cooked.

God how Chloe missed him. His happy demeanor, his cheery voice, those sweet golden browns looking at her longingly as the fluent language left his lips. Yes, the more she dreamed of the country, the more she wanted to get back there and repeat her vacation again.

"Oi, Chloe!" she heard someone yell, "Ya ain't being paid to sit around on yer arse daydreaming. Clean the glasses!"

And now she was back to reality. The cool bar that she somehow called home, the jerk-off she worked for and the usual drunken clientele entered the bar. She gave a heavy sigh as she began her usual routine; clean the glasses, pour the drinks, get the grub, and make the people happy to buy more. Yep, nothing more exciting than a barista.

"Dreaming of him again, were ya?" she heard the one barista say.

'Wouldn't you?" she smiled.

Most of her coworkers knew how her memories plagued her and dreams were awing and strange, they also knew how bad she wanted to get out of the small island and travel to the warmer areas, away from the British Isle.

"One day you'll find yourself on those beaches again." the cook yelled.

"Yea, one day." she sighed, "Not soon enough."

The door swung open as the mailman came in for his usual as he handed a letter to Chloe. He smiled as he sat down in his usual spot as she prepared his drink, her mind wondering of the letter until the address showed off brightly to her.

Chloe nearly screamed in excitement as she ripped open the envelope and read the sweet letter within, just to see something fall to the ground. Lifting the small piece up her eyes widened in awe as the letter spoke everything she could have dreamed.

Was it dangerous to do so, yes but dammit to hell she was diving in before she lost the chance. Throwing off her apron and grabbing her bag, she made her way to the door as she flashed the little piece to her friends, both smiled and waved to her, giving good luck calls out to her as her boss stopped her at the door.

"Where do ya think yer going?"

Chloe smiled at him, "As of now you worthless aiteann, I quit. And as for me, I'm going back to what calls me. So, you want to find me, search the beaches of Italy where me arse will be firmly planted."