This chapter takes place at the same time as the previous chapter. This chapter focuses on Medli. I know peeps are wanting more romance between Medli and Komali and its on its way, but there is a decent wait before that so hold on! Also! I will be joining the United States Navy and am leaving for boot camp in August. I am going to try to finish this story long before then, but if I can't then starting august, I will have a two month period of no phone or internet.

"Valoo!" Medli shouted, emptying her hands and running to the dragon. Valoo was making quite a lot of noise from his roost and it worried Medli a great deal. When Medli made it to the dragon, she was shocked to see his entire lower half was stone.

"Medli! Fly to the Earth Temple immediately!" Valoo called to her. Medli teared up as Valoo's chest, then neck, and finally his head turned completely solid. Once Valoo had gone completely still, he paled to grey. Medli wiped away tears as she took off flying towards the Earth Temple.

Medli was flying out of the way a bit to avoid the Tower of the Gods, but she saw Makar in the distance very close to the tower. Medli changed direction and flew towards Makar, yelling for him to get away from the tower. Makar didn't seem to hear her. Medli felt so much anxiety waiting for impending doom. Medli yelled again in vain as the black clouds violently shifted below Makar. Medli watched in terror as a spiked dragon with scales the colour of oil dove up out of the clouds and caught the korok sage in his mouth. The dragon fell back into the clouds and vanished. Medli flew up high and dove down into the clouds after the dragon.

Deep inside the smoke Medli came face to face with the black dragon. In the split second Medli was as close to the dragon as she was, she took in every detail of his wretched face and body. The large dragon had black scales like dirty oil. He had sharp, irregular spikes running down his back from the top of his head to the tip of his tail where three large spikes frayed outward. The dragon had ivory horns that curled downward like a goat's. His eyes were a deep blood red with cat-like pupils. The sides of the neck and down to the shoulders had much thicker scales leaving only a slim section of softer scales running down his center. The dragon had three bleeding triangles in the center of his scales and several claw marks on the surrounding scales.

Even though it was only for a split second, Medli felt like she was looking into darkness for an eternity. She forgot where she was. She shouldn't have been able to stand up, there was no land. Medli looked around, she was still inside the clouds and there was cloud beneath her feet. She was standing on clouds. Medli took off flying in an attempt to leave the clouds. Medli could faintly see the bell at the top of the tower. Deimos lunged after her as she neared the top of the smoke cloud. Medli turned and saw the beast soaring towards her. Medli beat her wings as hard as she could to get away, but she couldn't go fast enough. In hopes that someone would hear, Medli let out a cry for help as she chucked her lyre at the golden bell. The harp struck the ancient bell with a resounding chime. The pure tone of the bell rung through the air. A beam of golden light pierced through the clouds. The light was blindingly bright. Medli could no longer see the dragon, she could only feel his rough scales as he grabbed her and dragged her down into the clouds chuckling evilly.

Deimos sat on his clouds waiting for the beam of light to die down. Once the light faded, a small portal to the world below opened. Deimos entered the portal taking Medli and Makar with him. When the beast reached the ground below, he put Medli and Makar in a sort of sleep state. The sages were engulfed by a deep purple magical energy as they were slowly drained of their energy. Deimos set the two sages aside and conjured an air bubble around the castle. Once he was finished, he stepped into the water and swam off south-east in search of Farore. He had located her shard of the Triforce, but could not touch it.

Medli awoke lying next to Makar deep inside of Hyrule castle. She didn't recognize any of her surroundings, but she could tell from the iron bars in front of her that she was in a dungeon. Medli scrambled around the cell in search of anything long, skinny and sturdy. Makar was still unconscious, or he would have woken from the noise Medli was making trying to move things. Medli had no luck finding anything to use to pick the lock. She reached outside the door and felt the keyhole then she checked the door to make sure it was actually locked... it was unfortunately. Medli looked up at the ceiling and to her sides again. She called out for anyone. When no one responded, Medli plucked one of her feathers, shouting out in pain. She sharpened the end of the feather on the stone floor and inserted it into the lock. After some struggle and the addition of two other feathers, the lock clicked and the door relaxed into a moveable position. Medli readjusted her scarf so that she could hold Makar on her back with it until he woke up.

"Komali, I hope you are safe right now." Medli said aloud to herself as she walked rushed through the halls of the castle looking for any exit. Her heart felt heavy as her mind wandered. She was worried for Komali and of what he might feel if he knew she was gone.

Medli managed to find her way to a large open room with a large spiral staircase going up the wall. The round room had the Royal Family Crest embedded in the floor. Medli stood in the center of the room and looked up, inspecting the staircase all the way up. It was broken about halfway up and there appeared not to be an exit. They were sealed in. If there had been a window or something, Medli could just fly up. She opted not to waste her energy and left the room through a different door than the one she had come in through.

Medli stopped down a dead end hallway to rest. It was out of the way a bit so she trusted she could take a moment. Her back was tight from carrying Makar. The Korok was still completely unconscious. Medli wondered if she was supposed to have awoken at all. Clearly if the spell was powerful enough to keep the forest spirit down, it should have done more to her; after all she was actually mortal. Medli heard loud thud from above. She peeked around the corner and watched into the round room. A square of light appeared on the floor. Medli watched the shadows formed in the patch of light. She could make out the dragon, but wasn't sure what it was holding. Whatever it had, it dropped it into the room. Medli jumped in surprise when a large blue serpent crashed into the floor. The light faded as the sound of stone scraping together told Medli that the room was being sealed again. Medli ran to the serpent.

The blue dragon was badly injured and bleeding. Her breathing was erratic and her eyes squinted in pain. Medli ran off down one of the hallways in search of as much cloth as possible. She couldn't find much, but she did find some. There was a small medical ward in the dungeon. Medli scavenged the room for anything she could use. The Rito found a bundle of cloth bandage, a spool of thread, a thick needle, and a pair of pliers. She found considerably many other things that she thought might be useful, but she left them. She made tending to the injured dragon her priority.

Medli returned with everything she had grabbed. She took a piece of the bandage and tied it tightly above the wound on the dragon's arm. She took another length of it and held it near the dragon's mouth.

"Bite down hard on this. It will help with the pain." She instructed. The blue dragon reluctantly obeyed, lightly holding the cloth in her jaw. Medli took the pliers and plucked a scale from around the dragon's wound, receiving a roar of pain from her. "Bite hard!" Medli responded. She watched as the serpent tightened her jaw firmly around the bundle of cloth. Medli continued taking scale out around the bleeding wound. When she had enough exposed skin, Medli began stitching the deep gash. Once Medli had stitched the wound on the dragon's arm, she wrapped it and moved onto the dragon's chest. Three deep gashes spanned from the dragon's right shoulder to her left side.

Once Medli had finished tending to the blue dragon, she sat back and wiped the blood off of her hands onto what remained of the roll of bandage. The dragon sighed lightly and went to sleep.

Several hours later as Medli was returning from gathering more supplies from the medical ward, the dragon awoke.

"Good you're awake. I wish I could say I had food, but i can't seem to find anything." Medli said disappointedly. "Are you feeling any better?"

"I am thank you. Who are you young one?"

"I am Medli, attendant to Valoo. At least I as until he turned to stone."

"Medli! I met a friend of yours not long before that beast showed up. I am Faron. Before I took on this form, I was known as Farore."

As the dragon revealed who she was, Medli felt her knees go weak. Medli dropped to a bow, lightly touching her forehead to the floor.

"Do you all do this?" Faron asked. Medli held her bow silently. "You may rise" Farore said softly. She hated groveling, but as Medli was bowing, Farore sensed only respoect and no fear or other intention.

"Thank you ma'am."

"You are used to this aren't you?" Farore asked.

"Used to what? Being around royalty or divinity? Not entirely, but I've trained my entire life to be the attendant to the great spirit Valoo and I am the Sage of the Earth Temple." Medli replied.

"You are a sage? I should have known. My power must be quite weak to not recognize the spirit of a sage in my presence."

"The forest spirit laying over there is the sage of the Wind Temple."

"Where are the other five sages?"

"Other five? There are only two sages. We serve the Hero of Time by appeasing the Goddesses so that the Master Sword retains its true power." Farore was entirely perplexed by Medli's statement. Farore explained the original purpose of the sages.

Everything before the break in the chapter happens at the same time as last chapter, everything after kinda happens just before and at the same time as the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed. Chapter nine is on its way!