The next day Cosette walked into the building and Valjean was retrieving his mail as usual. He smiled at her.

"Hello Mr. Valjean," she smiled at him.

"Hello," he waved.

She bounced up to him and they took the stairs up. "Did mama tell you, I didn't have ballet?"

"She did say something about that. You certainly have a lot of extracurriculars don't you?"

"Not that many, just two. Tai Kwando Monday and Friday. Ballet Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Saturday morning sometimes."

"No activities on Sundays?"

"No, mama and I go to church on Sunday and after we usually do something together. Though we haven't been doing anything these last couple of Sundays."

"That sounds nice. What church do you guys go to?"

"We used to go to St. Peter and Paul but now I don't know now that we moved," she shrugged.

"I'm sure you will figure a place."

They were sitting outside Cosette's apartment. Small talk had died out and Cosette was pulling something out of her bag.

"I hope Mama won't be too tired to help with homework tonight," she mumbled.

"What kind of homework?"

"Geography and math," Cosette said pointing to her worksheets.

"Well I haven't been in school for a while but perhaps I can help you?"

Cosette considered and nodded. "But what if it's too hard?"

He laughed, "We will see."

Soon enough he was helping her with her math worksheets. He was confused with what he saw but once he realized it was just multiplication he was able to help.

"Your way is weird," Cosette said chewing on her pencil eraser cap.

"This is how we used to do it."

When they finished her math homework it was now her dreaded subject of world geography,

"Why don't you like geography?"

"So much memorizing! I will never know all of the countries in Europe!"

"You're a bright child, I know you can. Besides, don't think of it as memorizing but knowing something cool from each country. It will make knowing the countries easier."

"Like what?"

"Take France. Some people enjoy eating snails."

Cosette shook her head, "No that's not true! You're fibbing."

"I'm telling the truth. I am from France and have tried the dish," Valjean chuckled raising his right hand as if swearing an oath.

"You're from France?"

"Yes. I lived there for nearly 40 years in fact."

"Wow, you're old," she said bluntly.

"yes. yes, I am." He was not offended, he thought it charming how children spoke the plain truth.

Just then Fantine came up the stairs. "Mama!"

"Hello!" Fantine said happily. She hugged her daughter kissed her forehead.

"Cosette, your key to the apartment was ready so I picked it up!" Today had gone well because hse had received a call on her lunch break that the spare key was ready to pick up.

"That's great, then Mr. Valjean and I can finish my homework in our dining room," she said excitedly.

Fantine's stomach turned. She knew Cosette liked their neighbor very much but it was wrong.

"We'll see." She said with pursed lips.

"He helped me finish my homework. He is even better at math than you!"

"is that so? Well head on inside and stick a bag of peas in the microwave for dinner," she told her.

Cosette went inside and closed the door. Fantine turned to Valjean then.

"She seems to like your company," Fantine said slowly.

"She's a sweet girl. Very smart."

"She is."

"I know it may be odd but Cosette is welcome to my apartment anytime. You too. I realize you just moved here and have no reason to accept this offer, but just know at any point you are both welcome."

"I really do hate to ask but, would you mind if Cosette spent those couple of hours I'm not home with you? Fantine looked at the floor, her face red.

"Of course!"

"I know Cosette wouldn't do anything reckless, but I can't help but worry about her. Thank you so much. You don't realize how much this puts my mind at ease," Fantine then hugged him.

He initially stiffened at the touch but when he realized it was simply a hug he hugged her back. They parted and Fantine looked towards her door.

"Again I cannot thank you enough!"

He raised a hand in goodbye as she slipped into her apartment.