A/N: Aside from using the names of the Charmed Ones children, this story does not follow the comic books.
For this story, the Harry Potter timeline is quite a bit skewered. Harry was born in 2002 instead of 1981. Wyatt's birth is also a bit altered. Instead of February 2003, he was born in September 2002.
Phoebe Halliwell was in her bedroom with her husband Coop doing some spring cleaning. Phoebe was going through their dresser while Coop took on the closet. "Can you believe how long it's been since we've cleaned all this out?"
"I don't think we've ever cleaned this closet out, I don't even recognize half the stuff here. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen this," Coop said as he held out a small brown, wooden box.
Phoebe turned to see what her husband was referring to. "Oh, that's my box of keepsakes. I've had that since I left for New York. That thing really is old."
"These are all your keepsakes since then? You can't have many then," Coop said.
"Well, I'm not a pack rat," she said with a chuckle.
"Mind if I look?" Coop asked.
"Of course not. Go ahead. If you're looking for gold jewelry to help us make it big, good luck though," Phoebe said before going back to her task. She was sorting out the clothes she wanted to keep from the ones she never wore anymore.
Coop found a few knickknacks and trinkets. There wasn't much noteworthy, except one thing. An old photo. "You kept this?"
Phoebe immediately turned around, hearing the hurt laced in her husbands voice. When she did, she was faced with the past. Coop was holding an old picture of her and her ex-husband Cole. "Okay, it's not what you think."
"I'm not sure what else it could be. You kept a picture of your demon ex-husband as a keepsake," Coop said, looking away.
"Coop, I haven't looked at that box in years. In fact, the last time was probably before we even met," Phoebe said.
"You must have realized somewhere deep down that you kept this. There must be a reason," Coop said with pain laced in his voice.
"There isn't! Like I said, I haven't looked at that box in forever. I probably put that picture in not long after Cole died. Then I just forgot about it," Phoebe tried to assure him.
"But why? You were already divorced. You were over him, weren't you?" Coop asked.
"Coop, this isn't a big deal. But you know what, I'll get rid of it," Phoebe said as she walked over and took the photo from him. The second her fingers touched the picture, she gasped and was pulled into a premonition.
Phoebe saw a boy with Black messy hair chasing a woman who was laughing at him. He pointed what looked like stick at her and muttered something. The woman fell, but whatever the boy did didn't seem to affect her the way he wanted as she just kept laughing. Then the boy began to get extremely angry and an energy ball formed in his free hand.
Phoebe gasped once more as she pulled out of the premonition. She dropped the picture she was holding to the floor and took a couple of breaths.
"Phoebe are you okay? Did you see something?" Coop asked, momentarily forgetting the tension that had just been between them
Phoebe nodded. "Yeah. We gotta go to the Manor."
About ten minutes later, Phoebe was sitting at the dining room table with her husband, sisters, and brother-in-laws.
"So this demon was attacking a woman. Do you think she was a witch? Do you have any idea who or where she is?" Piper asked.
"No, but she's not the innocent. The kid is," Phoebe said confidently.
"The kid? The demon? What makes you say that?" Piper asked. Normally, she'd agree. The kid would seem like the most likely innocent since he was a child, but Phoebe said he produced an energy ball, which was a demon power. That did not scream innocent.
"Trust me, the woman was no innocent. She looked like she could play the worst villain in the world," Phoebe said.
"Right, but looks can be deceiving, and this kid has demon powers," Piper pointed out
"Piper's right. It seems more likely that this boy is our villain here," Paige agreed.
"I don't think so. Look, I can't explain it, but my instincts tell me that this kid is the one that needs our help," Phoebe said.
"What else could you tell from your premonition?" Leo asked.
"Not much. The boy looked like he was a cross between the ages of Wyatt and Chris. He had dark hair and green eyes, wore glasses. I couldn't tell anything about the environment itself. It was too dark. Oh, but before he used his powers, the kid was using some sort of stick," Phoebe told them.
"What? Like he was hitting the woman with a stick?" Henry asked.
"No. Some kind of light burst out and the woman fell," Phoebe said.
"It could be a wand. Did it look kind of old?" Leo asked.
"Yeah, but it didn't look like a wand. It just looked like a thin piece of wood," Phoebe said.
"There's a type of wizard that use wands like that," Coop chimed in.
"Yeah. The boy probably goes to school for it?" Leo said.
"Like Magic School?" Piper asked.
"No, not like our magic school. Their magic's different than yours. They enhance it through wands. Most can't really use it otherwise. When they turn eleven, they go to a special school to learn," Leo told them.
"That sucks. They're held back by a stupid piece of wood?" Paige asked.
"They are limited. Most of their magic is through spells. They don't have special powers like you do. But on the up side, they don't have to hide as much as you do. They can't tell mortals about it outside their families, but this type of magic is actually a society. They have their own jobs, shops, and schools all around us. We just can't see it because we don't have their type of magic," Leo explained.
"And they can be demons too?" Piper asked.
"Well, I've never heard of it happening, but that's not to say it's not possible. If one of his parents was a wizard or even just mortal, it's possible. Some children develop this magic even when their parents don't," Leo said.
"You think the elders would know if there was a half demon wizard?" Paige asked.
"Maybe, but they don't usually bother with them often, so they might not too," Leo said.
"Well, I'm gonna go ask anyway," Paige said before orbing away.
"Phoebe, are you okay?" Piper asked. Her sister was acting a bit weird about this. She was way too sure that this boy was an innocent, and Piper understood to a certain extent. It was a kid. But it wasn't the first time that a demon looked innocent. They once had to take on a bunch of demon children that escaped their prison in an ice cream truck. Phoebe knew to be more skeptical than this.
"I don't know. When I had that premonition and saw that kid, I felt weird. It was like I recognized him, but at the same time, I know I've never seen him before," Phoebe said. She'd had that feeling from the very moment she'd laid eyes on him.
"Do you think that's why you're so sure he's an innocent?" Piper asked.
"I don't know. Like I said, my instincts are telling me I'm supposed to protect him. It's like they're screaming that," Phoebe said.
"Okay, but just try to consider the fact that he might just be the one we're supposed to stop," Piper advised.
Phoebe nodded and got up. She needed to get some air.