Author note:

Hello, everyone. English is not my first language, so be easy on me. Thanks for those who have taken time to review and follow the story.

Please review if you have time, all feedback are appreciated.

Have a nice day.

One year later

"You are good to go, Commander. I don't see any reason to hold you behind but in case you experience any dizziness or nausea in the next 24 hours, you need to see a doctor,"

"I keep that in mind, thanks guys." Steve stood up as he thanked the paramedics, took his vest and looked around, his eyes scanned the area, finding for his partner.

His eyes found Danny standing far behind. Steve walked past a few police officer and stood beside Danny. "Hey,"

"Hey, they checked you?"

"Yeah," Steve nodded. "They cleared me, but asked me to keep an eye on dizziness or nausea."

Danny nodded.

"Come on, Danny. You know I got no choice." Steve argued. "I had to do something, Danny if not the boy would have burnt alive."

"I know."

"Then, what's with the face, babe?" Steve asked.

Danny sighed. "I'm happy that you saved the boy, but I just concerned you know, I don't like the idea you have put your life in line to save the boy."

"Danny, I took precautions before I enter the burning house, you know that."

"I know, I know."

"Then, what is really bothering you? You haven't been the real you since yesterday like something is bothering you and you are not telling me. I thought we promised about being open with each other."

Danny rubbed his face. "I didn't want to remind you." Danny forced a laugh. "You know it's funny, you guys didn't seem to remember about it but I can't seem to forget about it, and looking at you running into burning house today, not knowing if you going to come out alive, it just feels like a deja vu moment."

Steve frowned for a moment but then he remembered. "Oh, Danny…"

"Yeah." Danny nodded. "You were shot, you almost died last year. Can you believe it, it's already a year."

Steve remained silent. Honestly, he didn't remember. He was too focused on the case.

"You know," Danny continued. "I didn't remember it myself but then the thought just popped up. Grace has the prom night to attend, Charlie has a play date with Sara, Rachel, she has business conferences in Maui and you were too focused on the case. I was so grateful with that. I thought that's great, everybody is busy nobody will remember it."

"Buddy, you should have talked about this to me."

"I know and I'm sorry I didn't. I thought it's nothing but then, seeing you like that just now, everything just flashed like a slow motion in front of my eyes." Danny let out a harsh breath.

"I honestly didn't remember, Danny. You guys have given so many good memories to remember for the past one year that the shooting, I don't know, maybe I don't have a place to remember about it."

Danny smiled.

"I wanted to tell you something since you have said it has been a year. Last year, I was in a dark place and if it isn't for you, I don't think I would be here, so thanks, brother."

Danny smiled. "We saved each other, that's the truth."

"I have an idea. How about we create a new memory today so that next year we will remember this new memory instead of last year's shooting." Steve suggested.

"What you have in mind?"

"Let's hit the side street," Steve took his wallet and showed Danny, "On me."

"You're buying?" Danny asked, surprised.

Steve wrapped his hand around Danny's shoulder, pulling him towards their car. "Like I said, let's make new memories."

"Oh, then, I'm buying dinner, supper and maybe even breakfast for tomorrow," Danny mumbled.

Steve chuckled. "Anything for you brother, anything for you…"

Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the one who accept you as who you are. The one who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what - Unknown-

The End

Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone for all the those encouraging and educational reviews. I would not have come so far without you guys enjoying the story. So, a big fat thanks for everyone.

Sincere apologies for the mistakes if there are any. All feedbacks are appreciated.

Thank you for your time. Have a nice day.