Disclaimer: Would that I could acquire the rights to Sailor Moon... Talk about a cash cow!

Author's Note: So there's this fantastic Tumblr that just started up called Transmissions From The Moon, and in addition to featuring Sailor Moon fanfiction read over podcast (shameless plug, be on the look out for some of my fics!), they're also hosting a drabble challenge. I've never done one before, so I'm eager to try my hand! There are twenty five prompts, hence, this story will have twenty five chapters. I've mixed up the order of the prompts a bit to suit my needs (not that any casual readers here will notice *le shrugs*). I'm trying to challenge myself not to create full-blown chapters (a struggle, for sure, because I tend to get wordy xD). As drabbles, you're only intended to get a peek - a snippet of a moment. I apologize if a shorter chapter length rankles any fans, but, it's my story. Nyah nyah!

Also, just a heads up: this story will not include Crystal Tokyo. I'm playing with fiction by having Chibi-Usa born before its inception. More fun this way! *cheshire grin*

The Bun-Head in the Oven

Prompt: "Tomorrow"

Usagi Chiba (née Tsukino) was a great many things, but astute, she was not.

Twenty-freaking-one years old, and she still needed a cat to point her in the right direction.

"You really think so?"

"I really think so," the guardian feline with a shock of black fur purred, and there was just enough holier-than-thou inflection in her voice to set Usagi scowling. She straightened on the bed; folded two indignant arms across her chest.

"I don't know if I think so."

"Oh, I think so," the cat demurred, casually extending a few claws. Usagi eyed her small companion warily. "I also think, if I'm right, that this is hardly the time to turn a blind eye."

The blonde with buns for hair fingered nervously at one of the flaxen-colored wisps that tickled at her ear. She glanced toward the window, waxing sunlight catching her gentle profile so that she looked, just for a moment, like the Neo-Queen to come. A sigh rumbled in her throat.

"I suppose I shouldn't discredit the idea yet. But... it's probably just a bug, Luna."

"Don't you want to know for sure?" Luna parried, and her bright crimson depths flashed with something like motherly concern. Usagi chuckled as she threw up her hands like a criminal caught.

"Alright! Alright! I'll buy a pregnancy test tomorrow. Happy? Now. Mamo-chan will be home from work any minute, and I really have to get dinner going!" The vivacious young woman flounced from the mattress and made for the bedroom door, but not without a last mulish grumble under her breath.

"I still don't think so."

"I think so!" Luna shouted back, and she shook her head with affectionate exasperation when the only response was a slammed door.

Next Prompt: "Answers"