The Agenda

-Aboard Wolf Ketch: Interrogation room-

W1: Please, take a seat-

W2: What is the meaning of this!

9: Calm yourself, you are not in trouble.

W1: We simply need to ask you some questions.

W2: Liiiike what? I was on my break, cleaning my weapon before you stormed in and locked me in here!

9: This is a special case. We need you to cooperate.


W1: Reaver Yissix, you have extensive training with melee weapons, with a rank rising like no tomorrow... and are former prisoner to the dissolving House Winter. Conscripted when we came to join the inferior House under our superior Wolf Banner. You wore strange armor of an unknown House and your imprisonment was of unknown reason to us. We cared little of these… until now. What was your previous House?

W2: Ha! You cannot be serious. Why does this matter?

9: Answer the question Reaver vandal… the dregs could always use another playmate, and you know what happens to playmates~

W2: Alright alright… no need to threaten me. It was all quite simple. I belonged to a House known as House of Glass, before they abandoned me to those… refused to defend me, ME, a member of their House, from those Winters and their accusations.

9: And what was it you did, exactly…

W1: Answer the question

W2: I uh… I… had a night with a winter….

9: I doubt that would be enough to warrant such an punishment~

W2: Th- the Kell's… daughter…

9: My my… the prime crime indeed. scandalous even. To seduce the daughter of a Kell and use her for a night… I doubt you would understand the implications of royalty and purity of Kell Leadership and their families….

W2: Well I-

9: you probably thought so 'highly' of yourself. You could just have your way with her, and cast her aside. How devious… are you sure you are not a King?

W1: So before Glass… you were a King, is that what we are to presume?

W2: No… NO, I was a Devil!… but… nevermind

9: That is hard to believe from where I am sitting, but alas, we did not come to judge you for that… what can you tell us about this... House of Glass?

W1: Well… we are waiting…

W2: We~ we were a small House. less than a hundred but had a few great minds that kept everything running. Stole technology with the aim to make it better. to make it our own, and then sell it… see how well that turned out.

9: Explain?

W2: … We um~ ran into issues with the other Houses. Most notable being the Devils… and to say they were unhappy with what we had done would be an understatement. Then one day, Lightbearers came for us… Our Kell fought bravely, but alas, was defeated, and we were forced to flee. The one we call 'Krystan' convinced everyone, save for our Archon, that we should find the Lightbearers powers. He found a Lightbearer book that told him so!

W1: … That is… huh~

9: Right… like he could read their text-

W2: It is true! He can read the demon's language, and recites its rituals like praise to Hell itself! He may not be able to speak in their tongue, but he can decipher their text.

W1: So, you mean to tell us that this 'Krystan' learned the Lightbearer language?

W2: Yes… and he was very popular amongst the House. He became the new Kell, surpassing our Archon even, as he was just a Baron.

9: Now this is truly an interesting tale… please continue.

W2: Why do you ponder me of this? ...We ventured for a time, found some records of research on a planet called 'Venus'. That is where you found me, and my… predicament. I know not of their present whereabouts, as they left me to rot amongst the spent shells of shrapnel launchers….

W1: Well… this is VERY interesting indeed.

W2: grrrrr… I suppose you find it all crazy. Impossible. I will not sit here and be insulted by the likes of-

9: Quite contrary, we find it useful.

W2: ...Useful? Could there be a more useless sub-

W1: look at these images and tell me this is a useless subject! Look at them very closely…

W2: Why... how... have the rest of us not heard of these murders?

9: because until now, there had been no reason to track a mysterious group of individuals on the scorched plains of the red planet to which we no almost nothing about… until now, that is. They used to only steal weapons, Ether, and components. Things necessary for a House to survive.

W1: Until a few days ago, their tales of night raids have been spreading as ghost stories amongst the ranks. Guards are afraid to patrol their own stations INSIDE the camps, in fear their throats will be slit!

9: We have been suppressing the stories as much as possible. no sense letting fear grip the troops. Until they made a daring day raid, and Baron Solkroks was slain… this is the final Insult. Kell Euryale has mobilised what remains of our Silent Fang, and they currently seek the killers' whereabouts, but even they have hit a snag…

W1: Two of our scouts were reported missing. We found them dead just earlier today. However, their deaths were not in vain, for have also picked up the killer's trail.

W2: And these killers… you believe them to be House of Glass?

W1: Before we lost contact with our scouts, one of them was able to message us and confirm that, yes, they are Fallen. They bear colours similar to your old cloak-

W2: Where did you find this!

9: Did you really think you could hide it? So let me ask… where do your loyalties lie…

W2: give me a flame… I will burn this cloak, as I should have done long ago, and I will help you track them, and when I find them, they WILL pay!

W1: I am glad we could have this talk… you will join up with the secondary strike force. Your ship leaves in a day's time-

W2: BAH, you wait too long! I want the next skiff out, send me right to the front! My blades have yearned for blood as of late, and theirs will sate it! they abandoned me like an empty Ether pod. I will have my revenge!

9: Very well… you will be going with the next supply run. It should be here in shortly, and you can contact command on the ground from there.

W2: Good… good good, I… there is just one more thing….

W1: Yes?

W2: There are two amongst their group, who I want 'alive'...

9: I hope you do understand that there will be no mercy shown to them. They have murdered our brothers and sisters. The only proper return... is to slaughter them… as ordered by the Ke-

W2: I will find those I seek. I know their symbols, their voices, their fighting style… leave them to me!

W1: Very well. Should the opportunity present itself, you shall be granted the freedom to do as you see fit. Bringing in prisoners will bring great satisfaction to the Kell when she… executes them personally...

W2: I will make it certain you do not regret this.

9: We trust you will not… and who knows, maybe this will finalize your promotion.

W1: Indeed. I will be sure to… put in a good word for you to Kell Euryale.

W2: I appreciate the thought, my Captain.

W1: Well, everything seems to be in order. You are free until your expected departure. refrain from being late, we already have enough problems with deadlines….


-Later, aboard a skiff bound for the Red planet-

W2: Thought you could just get rid of me that easily huh, Barkiss! Even after all I had done to mend myself; just one slip up, just ONE! ...and you all toss me aside like a spent shell. Well, you will ALL learn to submit, or face the wrath of my blade's new sting… hhhhhh... I will be seeing you soon….

-Inside a secluded room among the Ketch's quarters-


4: What news do you have for me…

9: Next time, tell Radich to stop killing everything on sight… those Wolves he killed were forward scouts. I do not care if they were a security risk, he is putting the entirety of House of Glass in jeopardy!

4: So, they have a name… House of Glass. How… fitting…. What else have you learned?

9: That the Wolves are just one of many conflicts they have had to endure; In Fact, their time on the Red planet has been relatively shorter than I first expected.

4: And how is it you came by such fruitful information?

9: One of them resides with the Wolves now… from before the House arrived on the Red planet. He was imprisoned by House Winter for… a crime I would rather not talk about, but he was one of them, and not on good terms.

4: I suppose his imprisonment was… preventable then.

9: Quite… though it is his fault, and they let him be punished for it.

4: hehehe, I am liking the sound of these warriors already. They still retain a high value of moral responsibility. Not common for a House these days.

9: Yes, and another thing, their Kell has a name. Krystan. After some digging with our network I linked him back to a rogue section of the Devils that branched away. One of his main "hobbies," was the research and deciphering of alien texts. Lightbearer text's. He has read these and believes there is some great power that they can find. That is why they are here, on the Red planet.

4: A power? How intriguing. I will inform him right away, and I will be sure to mention to Radich that he is… outdoing himself…

9: Mmmmm… This House yields great interest and can potentially be greatly beneficial to us.

4: Indeed, but there are too many unknowns still.

9: True… Oh, and before I forget. We should be watching close, if we are to study them further we need them alive. The Wolves will soon be upon them, and mercy is out of the question.

4: Hmm… well… then this will be quite the test… will it not…

9: I hate your train of thought sometimes...


Author's Note:

Contrary to what Krissa will say. there was a lot to edit on this short side chapter… well from my POV. But I am quite lazy, and it was mostly down to needing serious focus on what characters will be saying and such, and how they would say it. *shrugs*

Any who, I'd like a shout out to my friend Activesilence64, whom has earned himself a reference; The new Kell of Wolves, Euryale, whom you should be coming up in the next few chapters of his story, when he gets around to them. but alas, feel free check him out.

now that I am getting into the rhythm of college, i'll be finding myself time to write up following chapters, and then with a dash of hope get through the editing process fast and efficient, but there's often a LOT of stuff to cover in edits, so please bear with me for the long waits.

I am thankful to each and everyone one of my readers who enjoy and continue to enjoy this little journey I am bringing you on.

As always, feel free, and encouraged to leave comments for me, or PM me. I thank you all for your patience, though I do feel terrible for not pumping out more content. hopefully that will now change.

Until next time, i wish you all a great day.


Editor's Note:

HEYOOOO it's Krissa again ;p

This was a rather fun little side chapter, learned a lot about the characters from it. Editing wise, there wasn't much to do but I hope y'all enjoyed reading!

Aaaaanywho I don't have much to say right now,

Small Warlock out,
