Summary: "You shouldn't underestimate a Fairy!" Lucy staggered to her feet, drawing Gula's attention just enough for him to lessen the pressure of his magic against her teammates, "I call upon the Black Gate of the Leviathan! Open! Barathrum!"
Authors Note: I'm back and this story is finally winding up. We're up to the second last sin and while it's short, it's starts bringing everything together. I hope you guys have enjoyed it so far and hope you keep enjoying it right up until the end. Someone on Ao3 said the story jumps a lot and it's hard to follow, so please let me know if you feel the same way. I was planning to go through and edit later on, but if this needs to be amended now, please tell me.
Disclaimer: I in no way own Fairy Tail! I do however own my own characters. Or the origin of the Black Zodiac though the names and descriptions used in this story are of my creation and interpretation.
Arc: Gluttony
Previously: "It was the only way out I saw." Ava cracked open her unseeing eyes, the light nearly completely obscuring her form, "For what it's worth… I truly am sorry Ferrum. I would do it all over again, if I could."
The Spirit said nothing, tears silently tracking down her face. And just like that, Ava disappeared in a shower of sparkles and light, a single black key laying where she had been.
Chapter 22: Fighting Gravity
Everything was quiet, blood slowly staining the marble around the blonde mage and soaking into the ash and glittering dust casing the black key, but Lucy didn't have the strength the grab it, or even look when footsteps that approached her.
"You will approach my Mistress no more." Cold and decisive, Ferrum's voice cut through the haze in her mind and Lucy shifted, a stifled gasp leaving her as she tried to turn her head.
"Ferrum…" Lucy whispered, her voice choked with tears and fatigue, "Let them come."
Warmth washed over her, the remains of her magic draining while Gemini tried to heal her, and it was only with a shake of her head that they stopped, vanishing instantly to allow her to conserve what remained of her energy.
"Lucy…" Evergreen crouched carefully beside her friend, her hands fluttering over the numerous wounds but yet never touching, "You look like hell."
She would have laughed if she had the emotional availability, but she knew Evergreen was telling the truth. Everything hurt, her dress was in tatters and barely clinging to her, and even then, she worried for the others, noticing the blood and torn fabric out of the corner of her eye.
"What about you guys?" Strained and desperate, Lucy spun in place, her eyes racking over the group of mages that had helped her in her latest fight.
"Us? We didn't just go up against one of the sins. We might be strong, strong enough to be in Laxus' team, but we are in no way on either you or Master Laxus' level Miss Lucy." Freed leant over her, his cravat in hand to dab at the blood on her face, his eyes narrowed in concentration, "Bixlow has run to try find something suitable to bandage your wounds with. It would be foolish to continue after the husband in our state."
"But if he… what about Laxus?" Driven by panic, Lucy tore herself from the ground, her legs threatening to buckle under her, each wound pulling harshly and making her stagger. Slipping on the blood on the ground, Lucy's vision was filled with shimmering black and deep red, expecting to be coated in it, only to be caught, arms carefully wrapping around her waist and pulling her into a warm embrace.
"Easy there Blondie. Your spirit did a good job." His voice rubbled through his chest like a purr and she sunk into him, allowing him to take her weight, "Great job showing me up… again. Maybe next time let me take the hits?"
"Maybe next time you should listen to me before charging in like that?" She met his sarcasm with her own effortlessly, her eyes drooping. Carefully, so as to not jostle her injuries, he lowered her to the ground, her head resting in his lap, making sure she was lying comfortably on her side so that the large gash on her back wouldn't touch the ground.
"I found a first aid kit!" Bixlow's voice reverberated through the now desolate ballroom, the guest having long since fled, "Freed!"
Together, Freed and Bixlow worked carefully and meticulously, cleaning and bandaging each person numerous wounds.
"Blondie. Why didn't you let your spirit heal you? You really need it." Laxus barely suppressed a growl when Lucy winced, her eyes watering while Freed worked on wrapping her back in gauze.
"Gula is still around. I needed to make sure I had at least a little magic left." Lucy scoffed, catching the guilty look in Ferrum's eyes when she looked over Laxus' arm, "And stop that Ferrum. It wasn't your fault. I let my anger get the better of me. There's no one to blame but myself."
"Mistress…" Ferrum choked, the first sign of emotion since Ava disappeared, "Please. Allow me to offer you this instead."
The spirit lowered her sword and shield, both glowing their respective black and white before they shrunk down to the size of the hearts on Lucy's earrings.
"Ferrum?" Everyone paused, allowing Lucy to sit up so that she could converse with the steely zodiac.
"In times where you do not have the energy or magic to summon my or my kin, let my strength always be with you and my protection guard you at all times." Kneeling, Ferrum bowed her head, offering, "You need only think of me and I will allow them to expand, aiding you when you need them."
"Ferrum… That's amazing." A bright smile lit the blonde's face, the tears shimmering in her eyes threatening to fall, "Are they heavy?"
"No. You will not feel their presence unless you wish to."
"Thank you Ferrum. I… I don't know how I can repay you." Lucy reached for the offered weapons, her fingers shaking as she took them from her newest spirit. But Ferrum grabbed her wrist before she could fully pull away, startling them all with the sudden move.
"I ask only one thing of you Mistress, and nothing more." The severity of her voice had Lucy nodding wide eyed, "The only thing I want is revenge. For my kin and for what the wretched bitch did to Avarice."
Lucy paused, even her breath stalling in her throat before she nodded, answer solemnly, "Of course. What happened… whatever happened to the siblings, it wasn't right. And what happened to your keys, it's beyond inhumane. I promise. We'll make things right."
Ferrum looked close into Lucy's eyes before looking at the others gathered around, taking in the serious expressions they all wore, before she smiled, a small chuckle leaving her, "Very well. I suppose I should go see father now."
"Father?!" Lucy gasped, reaching towards the spirit that slowly faded.
"That, Mistress, shall be a story for another time I believe. I don't think many of my brethren would appreciate if you lost your life to Lucifera of all people, so make sure to tend to your wounds." And just like that, the spirit of the Sword vanished.
xXx The First Sin xXx
Collected and bandage, the wounded mages made their way through the broken and desolate hallways, only a few lacrima lights still working and more breaking as time passed.
"This is eerie…"
"Not even my old home was this… empty." Lucy shivered, tucking herself further into Laxus' side.
"Now that's saying something." Bixlow whistled in shock, his babies hovering quietly over his shoulder.
"Well how to we find this guy them? This place is huge." Laxus scoffed, squeezing Lucy's shoulder before stopping, his nose twitching.
"Then I suppose a final blessing for you, Dreyar, is that you don't have to waste your time." A voice that few had heard echoed through the shadows, putting them all on the defensive, "But that will be your only mercy tonight."
"Come out you coward." Freed stood ready at the front of the group, Evergreen at the back of the group with her fan out
"Please. Like you could do anything to me, the second Infernos Sin!" From behind the group a man appeared, his nimble fingers undoing the buttons of his jacket, piercing silver eyes staring at them through a curtain of brown hair.
"We've faced worse things than you." Laxus brought his magic to the surface, noticing the way Gula seemed to shift, his very figure moving like a mirage.
Gula merely scoffed, looking straight at Lucy, "Did you know that you, Miss Heartfillia, killed my wife?" Gula paced, discarding his suit jacket as he went, carefully and methodically undoing his cuff links. His suddenly bloated belly strained his white button down, his chest heaving with every breath, "What did she do to deserve it? What gave you the right to take her away from me? Or from the others?"
Lucy gapped, leaning heavily against Laxus who simply growled at the man in their way, "If you knew what was good for you you'd back off."
Gula didn't respond, stopping a few feet from them before turning his back, "Such aggression. Don't you know you should understand your opponent before you try to pick a fight? You could have made this easy."
Laxus grumbled, passing Lucy to Bixlow so he could prowl forward, pushing past Ever, his lightning sparking all around him. Newly healed skin glowing brightly. But before he could even get a few steps forward he was lifted from the ground, his arms swinging as he tried to find his balance.
"What in Mavis' name?" Evergreen gasped, her arms going limp at her sides as she watched her leader float in the air.
Before they could ponder a solution, the blonde slayer slammed into the ground with a pained grunt, his clothes stretching around him to touch the marble.
"You shouldn't underestimate me, foolish slayer. There is a reason that I am the second sin." The man turned, a twisted grin on his face. His tongue darted out, wetting his lips before he spoke again, "I've always wondered what a Slayer would taste like. So how about I make a pancake out of you?"
Disgust rolled through the group, putting them all on edge while Laxus fought against the pressure holding him down, lightning arcing off him in quick succession.
Freed lifted his rapier, glaring at the sin before him, rage pouring through his body,
"I don't think so! Dark Écriture: Wings!" He shot the air of the corridor faster than any of the others could follow, but even he was thwarted by Gula's magic. He shot into the air, directly above Gula, and slammed so fiercely into the stone that it cracked around him.
"Freed! No!" Ever raised her fan, her magic answering her desperation, "Fairy Mach-"
The rest of her spell was cut off as she and Bixlow were slammed into either side of the hall, taken by surprise.
"No!" Lucy, weakened and without support, dropped to her knees, unable to do more than share a glance with Laxus before Gula stepped into her line of sight.
"Pathetic little mage. I'll be taking those keys back. And maybe I'll be merciful enough for you to live long enough to see the reincarnation of my siblings before my Master kills you. Maybe." Gula sneered down at the blonde, smirking at the fear that was etched across her face, "But first, I'll let you watch as your mate and friends are crushed and eaten."
Eyes wide, Lucy could only listen as those around her screamed in pain, mouths held open by the force holding them. Through the fog of panic in her mind, the keys on her hips warmed, a quiet call that forced her into action. She ran through her keys, recounting each ones' attributes and made a split second decision as her hand brushed against her pouch.
"You shouldn't underestimate a Fairy!" Lucy staggered to her feet, drawing Gula's attention just enough for him to lessen the pressure of his magic against her teammates, "I call upon the Black Gate of the Leviathan! Open! Barathrum!"
Everything was plunged into darkness, a coldness seeping into their skin that it left them all numb, "Hello Mistress." His tone was conceited, but it was in the way he went quiet after speaking that spoke to her of his true nature.
"Thank you, Barathrum. Please, I need you to get him. I don't have the magic to let you get rid of him. But I just need him to let up on the others." Lucy blinked, though the darkness refused to shift from before her eyes and she sighed, taking comfort in the hand the spirit placed on her shoulder.
"Of course, Mistress. It will be done."
His words were immediately followed by Gula's screams, made all the more terrifying by the fact that she couldn't see what her spirit had done to the man.
"No! No! I won't! I won't do it! Get away. They're mine! All mine! No!"
Within moments, the darkness was gone and so was the last of Lucy's magic. The lack of pressure had Laxus up and his magic charged, while the others followed suit.
"Fairy Machine Gun: Leprechaun!"
"Dark Écriture: Pain!"
"Baryon Formation!"
"Lighting Dragon's Roar!"
The attack was so intense that the concussion blast of their combined powers sent them all flying, the walls, ceiling and floor all cracking and crumbling so quickly that it was only thanks to Laxus and Freed that they managed to get out before it completely collapsed.
xXx The First Sin xXx
And now there's only one sin left. At the end of the story I'll pop up some notes on the Sins and the keys mentioned and go back over them in the spin off for the Zodiac War. But until then, a massive thank you to the following for reviewing the last chapter: