"Look! It's Akeno-senpai!"

"Huh?! Where!?"

"Holy shit she's hot as fuck!"

"I think I'm in love now"

"I bet you losers couldn't score a date with her"

"Man, I can show her a good time that she'll never forget"

"Keep dreaming Bro, your small dick headass couldn't do shit"

"Fuck off man!"

"Shut it you idiots, and watch how a pro gets shit done"


Boys these days are so funny, I can't help but giggle at their comedic skits. Their comments are amusing enough for me to get a good laugh out of them.

And speaking of boys…...My eyes opened slightly to gaze at the boy, who was walking towards me with confidence protruding out of him…...Ara? We have ourselves a contender huh? I guess I should have some fun with my Kōhai. After all I am their Senpai.

"Hey beautiful"


I covered my mouth to muffle my giggle, which I couldn't help. My Kōhai faltered a little which is understandable, especially when your Senpai is the one laughing at you. Poor, poor, poor cute little Kōhai, sorry to shatter your overly confident persona…..but you're going to have to do better than, 'Hey beautiful'.

I opened my eyes halfway, and stared at the now shattered Kōhai. I looked at him with a disappointed looked, I was hoping he was going to put up some sort of resistance, but sadly it seems he's a one pump chub. He slumped over and stalked over towards his buddies, who were now making fun of him for proclaiming he was a pro at picking up chicks.

After waiting a few minutes to see if one of his buddies was going to attempt to flirt with me, which they didn't. I decided to take my leave, and carry on my previous task… stalking. You didn't misread that, it's the truth. Stalking.

Now you're probably wondering, who? Well I stalk anyone who catches my attention, but that's mainly all I can do. Since the Supernatural Headhonchos implemented this law, that states we weren't allowed to cause any type of harm to humans or do anything that would reveal the existence of the Supernatural World. Unless those humans made a contract with any Fraction from the Supernatural world, or was exposed to an extreme measure to our world. Then it was all game.

So stalking was all I could do at the moment, even though this school was educating other Supernatural beings from other Fractions, I couldn't cause any type of trouble for my Fraction, or that would've lead to trouble for us. So stalking it was, which I didn't mind much. I do get a good laugh or two, especially when I stalk the Occult Research Club President. She's so fun to stalk.


I laughed quietly to myself, since I had a feeling that today was going to be an exciting one. And little did I know, I was right on the dot.

Walking into the school building, I was greeted by Kōhais and Senpais. I greeted them back with a 'Good Morning to you as well', with a kind smile. Causing most of them to fawn over me, which wasn't anything new for me. You could say it was a norm for me since Freshman Year. I didn't try to stop it, but instead accepted it because I saw it as a opportunity to get some amusement out of it.

As I was walking up the stairs, I sensed a familiar presence that brought a smile upon my face. Because this feeling I felt was that of killing intent, and it was being targeted upon me, and just knowing that made me hot and bothered. Turning my attention in the direction of the source, my smile only increased more when I spotted the host of the source.

Crimson hair that stood out from everyone else in this school, blue-green eyes that can capture any male or female just by looking into them, big ol'oppai just like mine, hourglass frame that can rile up the boys. But the one thing that stood out from her that I enjoyed, was her facial expression.

Her eyes were narrowed, as if she saw an nuisance, which she did. Her mouth was straight, like a stern drill sergeant watching his cadets train. Her expression was that of someone, who saw their most hated archenemy, and this only made me smile more.

She stopped a few feet away from me, and crossed her arms underneath her bosom. She looked as though she was about to confront me for something I did, which I probably did. While I on the other hand, was standing with my hands locked together in front of my skirt. Giving me the image of a innocent girl, who was smiling at her angry friend.

We stared into each other's eyes, locked in a battle of dominance. Her cold narrowed eyes gaze into my lidded eyes. And while this little battle of ours was going on, we didn't notice (care) that a crowd of students were now watching our little stare down.

"Is that Rias-senpai, and Akeno-senpai?"

"Yeah. I wonder what they're doing?"

"Looks like they're having a stare down with one another"

"What do you think happen?"

"How would I know man? I don't even know them on a first name basis"

"I hope they fight for our sake!"

"Yeah! And maybe in the process we'll see some Oppai pop out during it!"


"Just despicable, how can those perverts live with themselves?"

"They need some rehabilitation"

"I'm all for that bro!"

"Yeah, let's get those Oppais popping!"

"Hell yeah!"


"Please go for the shirt girls!"

"""""""""""FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"""""""""""

"Somebody explain to me, what this unsavoury sight I'm seeing at the moment!"

A cold strict voice spoke out, ceasing the shouting from the crowd. Their look on their faces was amusing to me, when they saw the Student Council glaring at them.

"Nobody isn't going to say anything, huh? Well disperse and get to class then, now!"

Immediately everyone complied, and began hurriedly to class, not wanting to feel the Student Council's wrath. Once everyone had left, Rias-kun and I felt the gaze of the President fall on us.

Rias-kun's demeanor was dwindling little by little, whereas I was having trouble to contain my laughter after seeing Rias-kun struggle to contain here posture.


"Why is it always you two, that causes trouble in school?"

"Fufufufu, I'm very sorry Kaichou, but Rias-kun wanted to have a staring contest with me. And who was I to turn her down, she's a lot of fun you know"

I replied, while letting out a small giggle. Rias-kun glared at me, for the comment.

"Sorry Kaichou, but I can't stand being near a stalker, who loves messing with me"

Rias-kun's tone was laced with so much venom, that it made my womanhood between my thighs hot and bothered.

Rias-kun took notice of my unusual stance, and immediately knew what was happening to me. She narrowed her eyes, and looked at me in disgust and disbelief.


"I'm going to let you both off with just a warning, but next time you two cause a disturbance in my school, I won't be so lenient with your punishment"

After hearing Kaichou's warning, I couldn't help myself from getting aroused. Who wouldn't want to be dominated by such a beauty, like her. A blush appeared on my face, which Kaichou took note of it. But decided to not say anything about it.

"Do I make myself crystal clear?"


Rias-kun and I responded together, which earned me a glare from the amusing redhead.

Kaichou turned on her heel, walking away with her members close behind. She suddenly halted her movement, and turned her head to look back a little.

"Oh, and Rias-san"

Rias-kun, turned her attention to Kaichou, raising a eyebrow.

"I want you to company me, I have something important to discuss with you"

Rias-kun didn't say a word, but instead made her way over to Kaichou. As soon as she caught up to Kaichou, Rias-kun looked back at me with a hateful glare, before turning the corner and out of sight.





I let out a playful laugh, covering my mouth. Smiling at the corner Rias-kun and Kaichou took. After a minute passed, I decided that was enough fun for the morning.

I turned around, and made my way to class. Walking through the little crowded halls, I was thinking about what Kaichou wanted to discuss with Rias-kun.

Hmmm….. Interesting, I wond-




I fell back from the sudden contact, and landed pretty hard on my hiney. Rubbing the lovely pain that was bestowed upon my buttocks, I squealed in delight on the inside. I looked over at the person responsible for it.

"So sorry about that. I wasn't watching where….I…...was….going….."

His sentence trailed off, when he looked at me. At first I thought he was mesmerized by my beauty, but it was my turn to be surprised.

His face showed that of horror and shock. His eyes defined the definition of fear…... wait….his eyes weren't on me,... but towards my head. Was there something above my head?

I looked up to see if there was anything above my head, but found nothing. I looked back at the boy, suddenly he crawled back away from me. His action caught me off guard, but I immediately regained myself.

I didn't realize a smile crept on my face, as I was getting more intrigued by this boy, or more so my newest toy.

"It's quite alright my sweet Kōhai~"

He looked away from my head, and stared at me with fear in his eyes. My smiled increased more, as I looked at him trembled underneath my gaze.


[X] Production


A Grey-Senpai Story

Yandere no ai

Chapter 4

Akeno's POV

After that eventful day, I took the liberty of getting some information on the cute Kōhai I bumped into in the hall. Seeing how he caught my attention, for the way he acted towards me.

I was staring down at my phone in class, with a contempt smile across my face, as I looked at the information I gained from my source.

Issei Hyoudou's Files


Issei Hyoudou










5 Feet 7 Inches


137 lbs

Hair Color:


Eye Color:


My eyes took in the information carefully, reciting everything inside my head like a broken record. I scrolled up on the screen, and continued reading the rest.


Kuoh Town


609 Torisuna Street


Father - Jin Hyoudou

Mother - Griselda Hyoudou

Older Sister - Grayfia Hyoudou

Younger Sister - Koneko Hyoudou

Younger Brother - Lee Hyoudou


My smile grew when I saw his address, maybe I can have some fun after school. I looked up from my phone, making sure nobody wasn't watching me. After doing so and seeing that no one was, I looked back down at my phone, and scrolled up until it landed on a picture of him.

My eyes slyly squinted, as I smiled amusingly at the picture. Zooming in on it, I stared into his aloof eyes. My body shivered looking into those bored eyes. Suddenly memories of him looking at me with those fearful eyes resurfaced in my brain.

I felt my cheeks flush, my eyes soften with lust, my breathing went out of norm, and between my thighs I felt an extreme hotness brewing there. I let go of my phone without knowing, and quickly grabbed my skirt to try and hide my excitement. Rubbing my thighs together to relieve myself from this lustful grasp.

And while this was all happening, I didn't notice my fellow Kōhai were now watching me with deep blushes adorning their face. Continuing on with relieving myself, I knew I was soon at my climax. My head shot up to look at the ceiling, tongue sticking out inelegantly, my eyes were so close to being shut. The hotness between my thighs burst, like a volcano erupting after so many years of being inactive.


My body spasmed from the utter release of pleasure. I never felt this much pleasure, that wasn't involved with my S&M foreplay. I wasn't being punished or doing the punishing, but instead just looking at a picture made me cum so damn hard…

I slumped forward in my seat, as my chest rose up and down in long and deep breaths. I could feel the heat in my cheeks, and the water at the edges of my eyes. I could feel everyone's gazes on me, but I don't care if they just saw me cum, that just added more fuel to the already lit fire to my masochism.



That's what I would've said, but I am a girl who can contain herself from saying such indecency, or rather shouting them out.

I looked up and smiled at my fellow Kōhai, taking control of myself and hiding my climax that just happened seconds ago. Acting like nothing happened just put them off in such a confused state, that it brought laughter within me.

I noticed that all the boys in my class were staring at me with deep blushes across their faces. They were hunched over with funny expressions all over their faces, hiding their Jr's from the girls and I.


"Ara Ara Ara~ Well aren't you boys a bunch of perverts~ Fufufufufufufufu~"

I cupped the side of my face, titling my head to the side as I smiled at them. The boys immediately blushed in embarrassment, looking away to hide their shame. The girls heard what I said and glared at the innocent boys.

The girls immediately gave an earful to the boys about dignity and shame. I watched with on with a smile adorned on my face. I always enjoyed other's suffering I don't know why, but I always seemed to be smiling about it.

Suddenly my smile vanished and was replaced with a emotionless facade. I looked over to my right and noticed Rias-kun looking over in my direction. I followed where her eyes were looking at, and it lead to my phone which was still open.

Rias-kun narrowed her eyes, and looked at me with a questioning look. But I didn't flinch nor change my expression. I'm going to be honest with you, I hate other's getting into my business.

Especially when it deals with my newest interest. I won't let anyone get in my way, even if they're acquaintances of mine.

You're not going to get in my way Rias-kun, even if you are the Lucifer's little sister. If you get in the way of my business, I'll kill you and anybody else who tries….

To be continued….

Sorry about the wait everyone, just a little tricky to write Akeno's point of view. Hopefully I got it right on the mark.

This chapter was basically a filler for Akeno's POV on how she took the first meeting with Issei.

Please leave a review down below, those are always so helpful. Favorite and Follow if you found the story to your interest.

That's all for today, and I hope you all have a wonderful day.
