Moments & Stolen Fleeting Kisses

By Eagle Alchemist


Rain fell thickly onto the island of Berk. The deluge had lasted three weeks thus far and many Berkians were fed up with it. Either they stayed home or braved the downpour to head for the Great Hall. The fire there was warm and welcoming, with Mead on tap. There was a gathering at the far end of the hall. Jovial men's voices filled the cavernous space as Stoic and Gobber, along with many others, told stories and relived long ago battles. Laughter, pounding slaps on wood and the clinking of goblets rang out between the voices.

Astrid was sat at a table enjoying some Yak steaks with potatoes, Stormfly just behind her. The other riders were currently challenging each other to Maces and Talons, something that had started back on Dragons Edge. There were a few extra viewers too. She smiled and shook her head. Those guys never changed. The huge wooden door opened letting in a damp chill wind. Astrid looked to see whom had entered and struggled to keep her smile from claiming her entire face.

Hiccup was walking toward her, Toothless at his heels. She took stock as he approached. Droplets of water dripped from his tussled hair, that was now mostly plastered to his forehead and neck. The leather over his tunic glistened from the layer of water on it. His red tunic darker than usual due to being wet through. Her pulse quickened just at the anticipation of Hiccup coming closer. He was smiling. The kind of smile that told Astrid he was pleased about something. Probably a new gadget or tail fin or some other crazy creative thing he had come up with. She didn't care right then, just the way he looked was all she was focused on. Hiccup stopped on her right side, but remained standing.


"Hey." Astrid mimicked "So, are you going to sit down?"

"Actually, no." He scratched the back of his head "I, um, wanted to show you something."

"Show me what?" She seemed to be looking all over him to locate the item.

"Well, it's not here. It's at my house, actually."

"Oh?" Her curiosity was piqued, in more ways than one.

"Yeah. So do you want to come see it?" Then he quickly added "I'd really like your opinion on it."

"Sure I'll take a look." She got up "But yo0u know I won't sugar coat my answer."

"Oh I know." He grinned and then whispered "I wouldn't want it any other way."

Acting as normal as possible the pair headed out, their dragons close behind. Thankfully Hiccup's house was fairly close by. After another shower the pair were inside again and shaking off the worst of it. As well as being sprayed by their drenched dragons. Said dragons settled on the floor on either side of the hearth. Hiccup started up to his room, Astrid followed and when they reached his room she noticed something on his desk wrapped in cloth. He picked it up and turned to face her. She had no clue what it was, but it was long. The cloth his any other clues. Her eyes lifted to his and she raised a brow.

"Well?" She asked expectantly.

"Okay, so, I was trying out some new designs..." He began.

Tail fin, Astrid thought.

"...and after a half dozen failures, I think I finally found the right balance."

He began to unwrap the item. She expected to see some new version of the tail fin for Toothless. So her expression was one of complete surprise once the item was revealed. It wasn't a fin at all. It was an axe. A really nice looking axe at that. Her hand ran lightly over the handle. Hiccup watched her with bated breath while she examined the axe.

From the base there was a metal skull shaped end that almost perfectly matched those on her waistband. Above that was a section of sheep's wool, held in place by a tan leather strap coiled around it. Her fingers passed that and brushed over the raw wood. Dark like her current axe. More tan leather strapping let to the head, which was held in place by dyed red and blue straps. The blades were curved more than any axe she had seen. Creating a crescent moon arc on either end, giving the entire axe head an oval shape. The added width of the blades were supported by metal plates held fast with rivets and the cap shaped metal tip completed the piece.

Not saying a word, Astrid picked up the axe and began turning it, swinging it and tossing it from hand to hand. The axe was well balanced. Almost like it had been made to her taste and abilities.

"So..." Hiccup questioned.

"Feels good. Nice weight. Perfect length for the handle. Blades are great. The crescent moon style maximises on the potential damage area. All in all a good solid axe fit for a Viking." She told him.

"Okay. Great." He looked pleased.

Astrid sensed there was more to this. After all, if he had made an axe and wanted her opinion he didn't need to show her in private. Hiccup could see in her eyes that she was getting suspicious. It was time for him to come clean with his girlfriend.

"Um, Astrid..."


"You said it was a solid axe fit for a Viking. Right?"

"I did." She replied.

"Well, would you say it's a good axe for" He asked tentatively.

Hiccup watched as those azure eyes glanced at the axe and then back up to his face. Reality dawned.

"Hiccup, did you make this axe for me?"

"I did." He gave her that shy, adorable look that always made her think back to the Hiccup of years passed.

Astrid turned the axe in her hands. She was so touched by his gesture. So much so, words failed her. Hiccup was suddenly nervous. Astrid wasn't normally so quiet.

"A-Astrid? Are you..."

The axe was set down with care. She went to him. Wrapped her arms around him and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. She felt relax. His hands settle on her waist. Her kiss returned. Something things however had changed over the weeks since they had become a couple. Over time, each make out session grew in intensity and exploration. Astrid edged closer. Forcing Hiccup back against the desk. Lips moving together. Tongues sweeping and savouring. Astrid's hands slid into his hair. In turn his drifted up her back. Hearts pounded. Pulses raced. A now familiar heat began to build in her gut. She pressed her pelvis firmly against his.

Hiccup responded with a small buck of his hips. The pair moaned softly. As her right hand gripped gently onto his hair tugging slightly, his left hand trailed over her ribs, finger tips dancing lightly over the side of her bosom. That move elicited a sound from Astrid that he had only recently learned was a great big YES for him to explore more. To try more. Astrid had no inkling as to what Hiccup was about to do next. That one sound caused a new sensation within him. A passionate flame, like none before. Never breaking contact and not missing a beat, Hiccup turned the tables on Astrid.

She could feel the now familiar firmness poking her and when Hiccup pressed a little firmer against her she was treated to the most delicious sensation in her gut. Suddenly the man she loved broke the kiss. They both panted heavily. Before she could utter a single word, he swept half the papers off his desk and lifted her up onto it. Now he stood between her legs and pressed against her in a new area. She gasped, as his mouth attacked her neck like a starving dragon let loose on a pile of fish. Sucking, nipping and running the tip of his tongue along her pulse point.

"Ahhh...Hiccup." She breathed, once again tugging at his hear.

His response to the hair tugging was to grind against her. She moaned wantonly. He groaned deeply. He had no idea why doing that felt so good, but he absolutely wanted more. Hiccup was just about to lose himself with Astrid. The young couple were about to experience a whole new level of pleasure together.

Then the door of the house opened and big booming voices filled the lower level.

Hiccup froze. Astrid froze. It was like they had both been hit by a Flightmare's paralysing blast in their moment of intimacy. Both felt a wave of fear wash through them. The pair seemed to hope if they didn't move, make a sound or breath they would go unnoticed. But then Hiccup lifted his head. Their eyes met. And realisation hit.

The dragon!

"Hiccup!" Stoic bellowed as he started up the stairs.

The pair panicked. Astrid jumped off the desk and tried to straighten her clothing. Hiccup seemed lost, turning his head this way and that as it looking for an answer. Just before Stoic reached the upper level, Astrid punched Hiccup's arm. That move acted like a reset switch. Stoic entered the room. He noted the pair seemed like they had been interrupted. But he was smart enough not to ask why. He did not want to have that talk with his son.

"Uh, dad. Did, did you need something?" Hiccup asked nervously.

"You missed a heck of a show up at the Great Hall son." He laughed heartily "Gobber dared your friend Tuffnutt to a contest."

"A contest?"

"Aye, a drinking contest." Stoic roared with more laughter "Boy got through three mugs before he fell off the chair, passed out cold!"

Hiccup and Astrid nervously laughed along with his father. After a few moments all three slowly stopped laughing and let out a calming sigh.

"Right." Stoic clasped his hands together "So, I'll leave you two to...whatever you were...well..." Stoic seemed lost for words.

"Yeah. Right...what we were...discussing. Right Astrid?"

"Right. Discussing. Planning." She quickly agreed.

Awkwardly Stoic left the room and went back downstairs to rejoin Gobber. Once they were sure he was gone, the young couple breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was close." Astrid said quietly.

"Too close." Hiccup added.

"We seriously need to start finding a better place where nobody will interrupt us." She said crossing her arms.

"Agreed." Then Hiccup posed an idea "Or, you know, we could just tell everyone about us."

She gave him the same look as the time he had attempted to put his foot down with her. He held up his hands in surrender.

"Or, or not."

"I vote not." Astrid relaxed "I should head home."

"Alright. See you in the morning?" Hiccup asked.

"Of course." She passed close enough to leave a quick peck on his cheek "We'll go flying. Early. And far from Berk."

"Deal." He smiled and watched her leave.

As Toothless came upstairs and settled on his stone bed, Hiccup flopped out onto his own bed and pondered how to solve a certain issue he was having. A very hard issue. One that throbbed insistently every time he thought of his feisty, blonde haired and blue eyes girlfriend.

He sighed and tried to sleep. Though he already knew, his dreams would be filled with all the things he wish he could do to Astrid. Thor help him.


Okay guys! That I'm afraid is it. The finale instalment. I know I know there are probably a lot more scenarios out there but sadly the muse has left me and so I won't attempt to force it, because well you know, if you force it what you get is utter dragon turd. So anyway, thank you all for reading and for the positive comments (you know who you are) and I shall see you all sometime again soon I hope. BYE!