The homes had indeed been repaired, but the entire town was in complete shambles. The bus that had previously been carrying the opposing team back to the other side of the island was flipped over, and dying fires were still simmering.

People were seen everywhere, clutching desperately to their loved ones. But it had also seemed that the Turans had helped with building makeshift hospitals as well. There were people resting peacefully in cots, and people trying to care for them.

Once Jay had come up carrying the magical vials, it seemed that everyone knew that they were saved. Within minutes, the vials were all used up, and everyone in town was slowly getting up in a daze.

As everything was happening, Nya stood off to the side, holding one of the vials close to her. Her mind was deep in thought, and she stared at the magic like it would hold answers on the glass.

Jay came up behind her, having just finished healing a woman, and looked at the vial with her from over her shoulder.

Then Jay quietly said, "Are you thinking about bringing back Zane?"
At the words being said aloud, Nya took a sharp intake of breath, but did not deny it.

"It's all I've been thinking about." said Nya. "It's possible, you know? It can heal anyone, bring back anyone..."

Jay didn't say anything, waiting for her to continue. Nya turned around to face him, her face crumpled.

"I just..." Nya said, sighing. "I don't know. I can't pass up this chance when I know that I can save him. I can't make that mistake again. I have no idea what to do."

Nya suddenly felt tears coming down her face, and Jay pulled her close to him, laying a hand on the back of her head to comfort her.

Nya immediately dried her tears, and breathed a shaky sigh, appreciative of the gesture.
Jay breathed out through his nose in his own sigh, and leaned his head down to speak into Nya's ear.

"I miss him too." Jay said. "Even with our differences. You know me, Nya. I would never leave someone else for dead."

Nya stayed silent for several moments, knowing that Jay wasn't finished speaking.

"But Zane...he's at peace right now." said Jay, choking on his words. "As much as it hurts to ask, do you believe that he would want to be back? Would he really be happy?"

Nya stopped for a moment to ponder everything.

Zane never had the willpower to stick around for very long. It was like something had always been wrong. It had only been enough to tip him over the edge when they had all endured Ninjago. And when she thought about it, it would be difficult for him to come back, and his girlfriend was with another guy. It would be worse for him.

Zane was at peace now. It hadn't been Nya's time to die, and it hadn't been the townspeople's time, either. But it had been his. Nya knew this, had always known this.

He was happy, now, wherever he is. And it was time to begin something new with each other, by moving on.

Nya backed away from Jay's shoulder, and Jay knew the decision that Nya had come to. He could see it on her face, sagged over in defeat and yet acceptance.

"I'm sorry, Nya." said Jay, and Nya cast her eyes down. "I wish it wasn't like this." Nya kept staring at the ground, her arms tight as they hung down her sides.

And then Jay brought her chin up with his fingers and leaned his head down, connecting their lips together in a comforting kiss.

Nya sagged into his arms, which were wrapped tightly around her in a warm embrace, and kissed back fervently. She hadn't realized until the first time that she had kissed him how much she had wanted this to happen. How much she had needed this to happen.

She wasn't just seeking comfort, or something to live for. All that she had been seeking was him.

Nya swung her arms around his neck, and made the startling discovery that she didn't want to let him go. Because finally they had found each other, and they were going to do it all together, no matter the difficulties.

Jay seemed to be extremely receiving of Nya's advances, and took long seconds before finally breaking away. Nya could feel Jay's breath on her mouth, and she watched as Jay's mouth turned up in a bright smile. Everything was going to be alright.

After everything was done, and everyone had been properly healed, Nya walked with the others down the crowded street. And even though it was noisy all around them, it was completely silent for all of them.

Wu had been there all along, helping with everybody and using his extensive knowledge of magic to heal the townspeople. It felt good for Wu, knowing that he was finally using his mind to make a town instead of destroying it.

There was an empty space inside of him though, which had formed ever since Misako had died. She had, he supposed, been an extremely important person in his life and one whom no one could replace.

He still remembered all of the memories that the other, dead Wu had passed on to him upon reawakening. He had been glad that Nya had not received this kind of aftermath when she was brought back. Luckily for her, she had not been dead as long as Wu had been, and so she was simply fine.

But Wu could still remember everything that he had experienced with Misako himself. Bringing the now dead droid Lloyd to life in the abandoned house on Ninjago. Speaking with her like a normal person on the rusty table inside the cabin. Feeling the texture of her figure surrounding him as she had kissed him for the first and last time.

But Wu knew that it had been her time. He was not glad that she was gone or dead. He wasn't. But he knew that everyone had to go at sometime, and he knew that it must all add up to something.

It must.

Wu's eyes fell on his son, who walked ahead of him with the little boy Cole on his arm. They were talking smoothly to each other about something, and it didn't take a genius to tell that this didn't happen often. Especially not with everything that had occurred over time.

Kai glanced back, and his eyes met Wu's. For a second, his smile dimmed, and he turned back around. Wu watched as his son lifted Cole up onto his shoulders, and felt a soft pang in his heart.

How would he ever fix it with his son?

They had all taken a route through the forest. None of them have said a word.

Nya couldn't help but look overhead at the bottoms of the trees, and remember back to when she would make this walk alone. Had it really only been that long ago that everything was so wrong?

Nya looked ahead, and with each step, her heart made another thundering beat. She was waiting to see it, to find the spot that she had made the journey to so many times in these very woods.

Then that's when Nya saw it.
The trees parted into a small clearing, with its reeds brown and rotted, with a spoiled lake pushed into a

corner behind trees and plants. It wasn't the best place to visit. But there was something there that would stand out from all of it.

Nya pushed aside the plants and waded through the sea of tall grass until her eyes met with what she was walking toward.

A large sized stone, worn and cracked from age and weather, was planted in the ground as if it was one of the plants. Nya and the others walked right up to it, and the words upon the stone made each of their hearts melt a little more.

The words IN MEMORY OF ZANE JULIEN stood out as the only words on the stone like a blinding white on a black canvas.

Nya swallowed hard, and tried hard not to let the tears roll down her face. She remembered all of the times she would sit up in bed, screaming, calling out for Zane. Trying to save him. Then in the next moment she would realize that it was all just a dream.

Nya choked on the gathering emotion, but wouldn't let it show. Nevertheless, both Kai and Jay laid a hand on her shoulder as they stared at the stone.

It was obvious that they had not come here often, not like Nya had. She had always been the one to change the flowers, her days alternating with that of Zane's parents. When they saw each other, they never speak a lot. But the mutual respect and relation was enough for both of them.

Wu stood back from it all, watching with regret deep in his eyes. He knew Zane. According to his memories, anyway. He had been a good kid.

Wu watched as the girl Nya finally let a tear slip, and she briefly wiped it away like it was a pesky fly.

The boy next to her, Jay, turned towards her and pulled her gently into an embrace. Nya seemed to relax within his hold, and simply mourned her friend.

Out of the corner of his eye, Wu saw Kai was walking towards him, his eyes not meeting Wu's. Then Kai came to a stop in front of him, and looked him over mildly, as if studying him.

"So." Kai said. "You' dad."

Wu took a deep inhale. "Really, it's...only if you want me to be." he said.

Kai nodded slightly, acknowledging him in silence.

"So." said Kai after a small moment of silence passed. "What are you going to do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the portal's gone. Are you going to sail back to Ninjago?"

Wu looked down at the ground, a small smile pulling on his lips.

"I will not be going back to Ninjago." said Wu. "At least not until the fifteen years are over."

"You're staying here?" Kai asked, and he sounded shocked. "Why? I thought Ninjago was your home."

Wu fidgeted slightly with his hands, suddenly not knowing exactly how to put talk to him.

"I..." Wu hesitated. "I'm going to stay here. On the Dark Island...with you."

"" Kai said, still sounding surprised. "What do you mean?"

"You're my son." said Wu. "I...I haven't been apart of your life for so long, because I wasn't able to. And I want to make up for that."

Kai scoffed, but said nothing else.

Wu continued. "I haven't been part of your life before now. But I want you to understand that it was not my fault. I'm ready to stay here, Kai. I'm staying here with you and the townspeople, and I'm here to live a new life. And I want you to be a part of it."

Kai looked at him for a long second, and stuffed his hands deep into his pockets. "I just..." said Kai. "I already have a father. His name is Michael."
"I understand." said Wu gravely. "I am just asking you to give me a chance."

"How can I?" Kai said softly, but suddenly he sounded angry. "Am I just supposed to forgive you for everything that you've done? You helped create Lloyd, which almost killed my friends. My family. The townspeople. Me."

"I know." Wu said in a whisper.

Kai breathed heavily, almost panting, his eyes pinned on his father.

Wu looked up at his son, and the remorse in his eyes was enough to make Kai's face soften.

"I am so sorry." said Wu, and his voice nearly broke. " are the only family that I have. And I want you with me. And I want to fix it."

Kai didn't respond, but his expression was easier now. Without a word, he stuffed his hands into his pockets, burying them stoically in the cloth.

And then he met his father's eyes again, and gave a small nod of acknowledgment.

And somehow, Wu knew what it meant. They weren't alright yet, but they were going to be.

At that, Kai turned around from his father, and walked ahead of them. Wu followed closely behind him.

Everyone had left after Kai and Wu had, and now it was just Nya kneeling down by Zane's memorial.

Everything seemed to be so quiet, and so peaceful now that she was alone. Finally, she let the tears roll down her face, and let her sobs echo around her.

She stared at Zane's name through her blurry vision, wrinkling her lips as she pressed them tightly together.

"I'm sorry..." said Nya, and her speech was shaky, and quiet. "I'm so sorry, Zane. I wish...I wish that I could have been there for you."

No one responded to her heartfelt apology, except for the crickets nearby the area, and the soft wind that blew the leaves.

Nya dried her tears, and tried hard to ease her breathing.

"But I have to move on." Nya said, and now she was talking more to herself and than to Zane. "I...I need to move on. It had been your time, hadn't it?"

Nya thought back to all of the times that Zane's parents had told her the same thing, whenever they met to share their grief. They had realized it sooner than she had that it was just meant to be this way.

She wished she had listened to them back then. She was listening to them now.

Nya laid a hand tenderly on Zane's stone, and ran her finger across the rough texture of the grave. She felt stray tears fall from her eyes and onto her lap.

"I love you." Nya whispered. "I will always love you. And I will always remember you."

She gave another sob, and then another. She bowed her head, leaning her forehead against the stone.

After a long minute of easing her breaths, and whispering to herself and to Zane, Nya looked up again.

She wiped the tears from her eyes, and wiped her hands on her clothes, looking at the words printed across it. Then she stood, and dusted off her jeans and then her hands. She was done.

Nya walked away from the stone, and met up with Jay who was standing a ways down the path, waiting for her. He wrapped an arm comfortingly around her shoulder, and immediately, Nya knew she wasn't alone this time.

And still the stone sits, in the middle of the clearing in the woods, as it was meant to be.






