Pyrrha could not believe what she was seeing right now. Her green eyes blinked repeatedly at the three little people, trying to make sense of what she's observing. She had her face pretty level with little people, so they were more or less eye to eye. The tiny arms of the three shrunken huntresses-in-training waved the the red-haired girl's face. Nora was still fighting an intense internal conflict with herself right now, serving as a nice platform for the shrunken girls to talk to Pyrrha.

"Hi Pyrrha!" The squeaky voice of tiny Ruby yelled with her arms waving. Hearing the little voice made Pyrrha twitch a bit.

" I dreaming?" Pyrrha asked herself whilst still keeping eye contact with the tiny girls.

"You're not dreaming! We're real!" Ruby shouted. Pyrrha shook her head and stared at them oncell more, still not believing it. In order to demonstrate that they were real, Ruby hopped the great distance between Nora and Pyrrha and landed on the Invincible Girl's nose. "We're real!" Pyrrha''s reaction was to flinch back in fear as if a bug just landed on her face, making poor Ruby fall down to the Earth.

Subconsciously, Pyrrha's hand shot forward and caught the little huntress. Ruby found her fall was cushioned by the softness of Pyrrha's glove, which she was really thankful for since it was terrifying to fall down from so high.


Said girl heard a booming but concerned voice call her name, and she looked up to see the beautiful green eyes of Pyrrha stare down at her. Ruby felt scared at first, but then she relaxed and actually got a bit of a sense of comfort from being in the safety of her friends hand. Definitely more safer than with Nora at least... Anyways, Pyrrha's eye twitched when she witnessed the other two shrunken girls jump onto her hand, confirming their existence.

"W-What happened to you?" Pyrrha said after needing a moment to find her words.

"We got shrunk when some of Weiss' weird dust touched us!" Ruby yelled, unknowingly getting a very panicked stare from the heiress. This did not go unnoticed by Blake, and she eyed her suspiciously.

"Oh dust! It must be awful being so small!" Pyrrha said with a concerned tone and face.

"You have no idea..." Blake sighed, looking back over her shoulder and at Nora. Nora still had a blank stare on her face and was still completely still except for her head twitched every now and then.

*inside Nora's mind*



"Hehe...exactly, silly!"

*real world*

Everyone awkwardly looked at Nora with concern and generally weirded out with this different behavior. She was twitching at a slightly faster rate and her mouth hung open a bit.

"...weird..." Ruby said.

"I know! I'll take you to Professor Ozpin! He'll know what to do!" Pyrrha said. At the mention of the headmaster, Weiss immediately panicked and scrambled to say something.

"What!? No!" The heiress blurted out.

"Why?" Blake inquired with suspicion. Weiss hesitated since she was still in the process of formulating anot excuse that sounded plausible while keeping the whole thing secret.

"Look, it's probably best for all of us if we don't let anyone know about this." She managed to say calmly. "It'll be really embarassing if people knew!" She finished her excuse, trying to not show any nervousness towards the others. To her absolute relief the others looked like they were agreeing with her, though Blake still looked a bit suspicious at her. The catgirl made a mental note to investigate this later.

"Yeah...being small isn't as fun as fun as I thought ..." Ruby sadly nodded her heads. Her dreams of cool tiny adventures like in some stories and shows she read and saw as a kid being crushed. No pun intended.

"Well, what should I do then?" Pyrrha asked. At this time Nora was beginning to come back to her senses, and she was now shaking her head back and forth to get her inner monster out. Then, she suddenly just walked out of the room without a word. Everyone watched her leave before continuing on, thinking she just needed to take a walk for her headache or whatever.

"Just take us to our dorm room, and I'll make us normal again." Weiss said. "And after that's done, then we will never speak of this again."

It was agreed on, and Pyrrha did as asked with Team RWBY in carry. The girls rode on top of her head where they could hide in her hair if anyone else saw them. It was a short trip to their dorm, and in no time at all Pyrrha found herself where it all began. The vial of dust that formerly contained the shrinking dust was still there, but it's contents had already dissipated and were now harmless.

"Alright, now we need you to go to my dust collection and find anew unmarked red container." Weiss ordered carefully.

"Okay..." Pyrrha trailed. She moved to do as asked, but then she abruptly stopped. "Um, question? Where is your dust?"

"WHAT!?" All three tiny girls screamed with Weiss being the loudest. So loud that her high pitched voice hurt Pyrrha's ears a bit. Peering precariously over the edge of Pyrrha's head with nothing but strands of hair holding them all back, it was all gone. Weiss' entire collection of dust was missing. The owner of the dust felt her heart drop, and she fell back in despair.

"Father's gonna kill me..." She whimpered in fear.

"Your father!? That's all you're worried about!?" Blake shouted at the fearful heiress. "Someone out there has your stupid weird dust and you're worried about getting in trouble with your dad!?"

"Blake! Calm down!" Ruby said as she was afraid of this sudden turn of events.

The tables have been reversed now. Earlier, it had been Weiss raging, but now it was Blake's turn to rage. The only thing that stopped her from going on a full on rant was a massive gloved hand closing around all three of them. The next thing they all new, they had Pyrrha's concerned wall of a face looking down at them with weary eyes.

"No need to panic." The warrior girl calmly said. "We need to stay calm about this, and panicking isn't going to help." She said with gentle authority. Blake did calm down as nobody wanted to argue with the girl who was several times their size. She was right about it anyway. "Now who could have possibly stolen your dust?"

Suddenly, Pyrrha was startled when something in the room fell over, and she accidentally and unknowingly dropped Team RWBY. She quickly turned around fully alert, and saw that Zwei had tipped over a lamp after hiding behind a dresser.

"Zwei?" Pyrrha said. The dog barked when his name was called and hopped over to her with all the power of his stubby legs. Pyrrha kneeled down and petted the doggo, who seemed to be spooked a bit. "What happened here? Do you know what happened to all of Weiss' dust?"

Zwei barked out, but again, people can't understand doggish and Zwei's barks got nothing from Pyrrha other than a sigh.

"So much for that..." She sighed. "Okay girls, I think what we must do is go to Professor Ozpin. There's no other way." Pyrrha said. What got her confused though was that no squeaky voices responded to her. Then she remembered how she jumped when Zwei spooked her, and she frantically searched for them on the floor. She lifted her feet up in fear of accidentally stepping on any of them, but sighed in relief to find none of them stuck to her shoes. "Hello!? Where did you all go!?"

She shifted in place uncomfortably when she felt something squirming on her chest. It kinda tickledo her a bit even though this was no time for laughing, nd she looked down in flustered annoyance only for her eyes to go wider than dinner plates. Down in between her bosom, were the three shrunken girls she temporarily lost. The poor things were squirming up out from between the massive mountains of soft and squishy booby flesh and were gasping for air. Unlike earlier for Yang, they straight up fell in between instead of simply on top where it was somewhat safer. Pyrrha's face got extremely red, redder than even her hair color when she noticed their situation.

"O-oh dear..." She embarassedly said. "I'm sorry!" Pyrrha apologized while reaching to retrieve the poor tinies from her chest.

Then, Yang came into the room, making Pyrrha jump some more. This simple action led to Team RWBY falling right back down into the canyon that entrapped them only a moment ago, much to everyone's discomfort. Pyrrha's and the tinies. Especially since Pyrrha's mind subconsciously sent a finger forth to gently pushes them deeper in for she was afraid Yang will see them.

"H-hello!" The girl nervously waved in a sweat, trying to hide her blush.

"Huh? Oh, hey Pyrrha!" Yang waved when she walked into the room. Pyrrha's eyes widened at the possibility of Yang stepping on any of them. "What are you doing in my room? And have you seen-"

"STOP!" Pyrrha very nearly screeched, making Yang jump herself. Pyrrha threw her hands on her mouth when she realized her action, and quickly apologized. "Oh! I'm sorry Yang, but you scared me."

"Uh, don't worry about it. It's cool." Yang said, raising a brow at Pyrrha's strange behavior. "So...what are you doing in my room?"

"I-um...I..." Pyrrha sweated, not sure if she should stick to what Weiss' plan was. Eventually, she sighed and decided to go with telling Yang the truth. "Yang...would you believe me if I said your team shrunk?"

"What, like in one of those stupid science fiction movies?" Yang chuckled. She stopped chuckling when Pyrrha nodded her head, but she still kept a smile. "Are you serious? You're telling me that Ruby, Weiss, and Blake are tiny now?" She said in a not believing at all tone.

"...yes?" Pyrrha said nervously and unsuredly even though she knew the truth. The truth was literally in her cleavage after all...

"Riiiiighhhhht..." Yang slowly nodded her head up and down in that still not believing tone. "What, are they like in your pockets or something?" Yang joked as she didn't believe it. Pyrrha shifted in place and looked down at her chest for a moment before looking back up at her.

"Well...not quite..." The girl said.

Before Yang could say anything, she was slightly taken aback when Pyrrha reached two fingers into her clothes and shuffled around a bit for something. Then to her confusion, three tiny spots of color peeped up from between her cleavage. One was red, one was black, and one was white. Pyrrha let the spots rest a bit before lifting them up and putting them in her hand. Almost hesitantly, she held her hand out for Yang to see the truth.

Yang leaned closer in genuine curiosity, and her mouth hung wide open when she finally made out the tiny shapes.

"Yang, they shrunk..." Pyrrha simply said while holding the proof of goddamn pudding out for her to witness.

", huh? What?" Yang stuttered as she couldn't believe it. "T-that's impossible!" She yelled. In a flash, she snatched her team from Pyrrha's hand and carefully examined them with the worriedness of a big sister. In this case, really big sister...

"Are you guys okay!?" Her voice boomed while her worried eyes of purple beamed down on the dizzy tinies.

"Ahhh! Yang! Lower your voice!" Ruby shouted with her ears covered as tightly as she could. "We're alright!"

"Just stop yelling!" Blake meowed in a shriek.

Realizing her error, Yang stepped back and covered her mouth with her free hand. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" She apologized. "How did this happen?"

"It's Weiss' fault!" Blake yelled, casting a glare at the heiress. "She and her stupid dust made this happen to us!"

Weiss would've shouted back, but all her attention was taken up when an ominously eerie red glow bathed over them. Fearfully looking up, Weiss saw Yang's eyes were blood red, having turned this way upon hearing how this happened. It made Yang angry to think of what dangers her little sister could've possibly been in all because of Weiss. The heiress feared for her life as her pathetically tiny being was quite literally at the mercy of an enormous goddess of destruction and rage. She can quite easily be squashed into nothingness by Yang if she felt like it, but Weiss gulped and quickly thought of a way to get out of this.

"Weiss..." The goddess of rage said in a low, threatening tone with her evil eyes trained firmly on the helpless bug at her mercy.

"N-Now Yang! Please listen!" Weiss begged. The heiress squeaked like a mouse in terror when Yang deliberately plucked her up in a tight pinch. Not so much as to seriously hurt her, but enough to make her uncomfortable as Yang held her before her mighty face. "Meet! Y-Yang!"

"Weiss!" Ruby and Blake yelled as they worried about what Yang'll do to her. Blake seemed especially worried as she felt like Yang was going to seriously hurt Weiss and it will be all her fault. Pyrrha looked worried as well, but for whatever reason, she stood by and watched. Even Zwei whimpered in fear, and the scared doggo whimpered with his ears drooping down while he hid under and a bed.

In absolute terror, Weiss managed to finally find the words to get her out of this.

"That's nothing compared to the terror you put us through!" She screamed as loud as she could in a mixture of fear for her life and pent up aggression from her experience with Yang earlier.

"What are you saying?" Yang said in a still angry tone. "Answer me, now..." She very gently applied more pressure, but it was enough to make Weiss squirm like a worm. Rhyme intended.

"Ungh! Ah! Y-you put us through absolute heck when you didn't notice us earlier!" Weiss yelled in a tone similar to before.

"What?" Yang gasped, her eyes turning back to their normal color and becoming worried again.

"You...if anything, you're the one who's at fault here!" Weiss ranted. " If you didn't come in and scare us like that earlier, we wouldn't be like this to begin with!" She shouted, getting satisfaction from the widening of Yang's eyes.

"Well...she's not wrong." Blake admitted, though she still felt like Weiss was at fault for having the stuff to begin with.

"Yeah..." Ruby agreed. Pyrrha said nothing as she had nothing to do with this, but nodded her head anyway so she didn't feel left out.

"Y-You mean...I did this to you?" Yang stuttered. Then, it all became clear to her now. How the girls suddenly disappeared from the room after she spooked them, how Ruby was all panicked through the scroll... "OH MY GOSH I'M SO SORRY!" Yang apologized very quickly with the words coming across as barely understandable blurs of sound.

"You nearly squashed us! Nearly squashed me in your cleavage! And you juggled us around in your chest without even noticing us!" Weiss continued her rant. "For shame on you for scaring us! For shame!" She hissed. After hearing all of this, Yang simply stood in awe, feeling really bad for what she's done.

"Well...I..." Yang struggled to say some words. She genuinely looked like she felt really bad for all this happening, and it was starting to make her friends sad as well. "I'm sorry, girls..." Yang held her head low as she apologized, slight tears forming at her eyes. She even set Weiss back down on her palm.

"It's okay, Yang." Ruby said sweetly, moving to hug Yang's thumb in a cute display that made Yang smile. Blake also forgave her, and Weiss seemed hesitant at first, but quickly remembered hoe close she was to death with the Yangry side of the dragon girl.

"As much as this whole experience was unpleasant, I forgive you." The heiress managed a half genuine smile, but Yang couldn't tell the difference. You do not want to piss off the person the size of a mountain to you.

Similar to what Nora did earlier when they forgave her, Yang took them in for a hug but instead held them against her warm cheek instead of her large chest. Pyrrha had a smile on her face from how sweet the scene was, and so did the shrunken girls. However, no matter how sweet the scene was, they couldn't ignore Yang's tears lightly falling down on them and drenching them soaking wet.

"Oh, sorry!" Yang laughed good heartedly. Her team laughed too, even if they were annoyed with how Heavy their clothes felt from being wet. While Pyrrha did appreciate the sincerity of this sweet moment, her sense of duty could not ignore the greater problem here.

"I really hate to interrupt, but there's still the problem of all of Weiss' missing dust." She reminded them. "What if someone else gets shrunken?"

"Do you have anymore of that shrinking stuff?" Blake asked the heiress.

"I believe I have two more vials of that." Weiss said. "Alongside the regular normal kinds of dust, I have a vial of growth dust, some gravity dust, among other kinds of dust..."

"All illegal kinds at that..." Blake sighed, gaining a slight glare from Weiss.

"So should we go to Professor Goodwitch?" Yang suggested.

"I'd rather we don't! It'd be embarassing if anyone knew about this!" Weiss said. "Besides, we get in huge trouble for this!"

"You mean, you'd be in huge trouble for this!" Ruby said.

"Ruby, all of you, please! If word gets out that I have dust like this, I can get into some deep deep trouble with not just the achool, but the whole kingdom as well!" She declared with all seriousness. "And that goes for all of you too! They'll think you're accomplices!" This last part may or may not be plausible, but Weiss wanted anything to not get anyone to know about this.

""Well...when you put it like that, it does sound pretty bad." Blake agreed for once.

"Exactly! Now what I think we should do is set out and find where my dust went."

This was something they all could agree with, and Yang happily gave them a ride on top of her head where they were easily hidden in her soft blonde hair. Zwei the doggy barked and went along with them on their quest to find the the if, and the get the girls back to normal.

Meanwhile, someone was fiddling with the contents of Weiss' dust case. Somehow, this someone knew what types of dust were what and had a very small amount of shrink dust ready for use. Currently, this person's eyes were set on a Team CRDL.

Another chapter of this. Yay!

Still glad people are actually interested in this.

Review Responses:

Michamya: It's good, Michael Rosen. You enjoy what you want to.

Guest: That's fine, but that's not what happened to Jaune and he's still gonna appear.

Malice in Pyroland: LOL Guess you like this then?

cipher111996: Oh, it's not over yet...