Chapter 1: Welcome to Camelot

BGM-Sonic and the Black Knight OST-Black Sword in the Sky

In the middle of some deserted plains, a crow is seen poking the skull of an animal before flying away, with a girl seen running away a few seconds later. This little hoodie lady is running away from a dark knight on horseback. The knight then draws out his sword to cut the sky open, where a few dozen creatures are then summoned and surround the girl. With no way out the girl bangs her staff onto the ground and begins her incantation.

"Ifaras zaras yezaras, Ifaris zaris yezarik." The girl said as the creatures start closing in on her.

"O brave knight, swift as the wind, heed my call." She finishes as suddenly a portal in the sky opens with five individuals falling from the sky, with one of them holding two chill dogs.


"Wwwwwooooooooaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" all five colorful teenagers yell out as they face-plant onto the ground.

The blue one was first to get up and without hesitation, quickly grabs one of his chili dogs and slides to catch the other one. "Hey…Where are we?" Sonic the Hedgehog said as he gets up.

"Wherever we are, I wished the ground wasn't so hard." Ruby Rose said as she and the other girls start to get up, with them checking themselves to see if anything is broken.

"Who in the right mind would just create a portal on the ground that would just suck us all in?" Weiss asked, annoying wiping away the dust from her clothes.

"Whoever it was, they're going to pay for messing up my hair." Yang said in an angry tone as she checks on her hair.

"That's the least of your worries." Blake sweatdropped before surveying her surroundings.

BGM-Sonic and the Black Knight OST-The Story of King Arthur

Just then the mysterious girl comes running towards the group. "Beings from a distant world, please forgive my abrupt summons." She said as she takes off her hood revealing her pink hair.

The group is then surrounded by the dark knight and an army of his minions. They all start to look at what they are up against while Sonic scarfs down on one of his chili dogs, licking the sauce from his fingers as well.

"Could you be anymore disgusting Sonic?" Weiss asks Sonic, with the latter completely ignoring her as he is too focus on the dark knight that is in front of him.

"Oh! I get it. No problem. We're used to stuff like this." He said as he throws his chili dog into the air, followed by quickly taking out the enemies from behind, ending with him catching his chili dog before it falls to the ground like a cocky pro.

"Tsk, showoff." Yang smirks as the group takes out their own weapons and start to stare at the dark knight, with Sonic and Ruby in front. Before the two could dash off, the girl quickly grabs both of them.

"No! You mustn't!" She said as she pulls the two back, causing Sonic to drop his chili dog.

She then creates a small twister that surrounds them, which sends Sonic's chili dog far away before he could do anything about it.

"Nooooo!" Sonic said as the group disappear in the wind.

The dark knight flies up to a cliff where three other knights are then seen kneeling down to him. "I shall give chase. Spread out and go after them. Slay them on sight." He orders them as he flies away with the three of them nodding to his response.

"Let's go." The purple cat in the knight armor says as she stands up.

"Must we? She is the Royal Wizard after all." The red echidna responded, thinking that hunting down that mysterious wizard is wrong.

"The King's orders are absolute, Gawain." The black hedgehog told Gawain.

"I know, but..."

"Without loyalty to the king we are nothing." The purple cat interrupted Gawain. The black hedgehog nods in response as he and Gawain start walking away, leaving the cat knight alone for a bit. "Still, the King…He has changed, and this kingdom…" She stares to the distance before walking off with the others.


BGM-Sonic X OST-Sonic Drive

Sonic: I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog. After escaping from that black knight we are introduced to Merlina. She tells us that we are in a world called Camelot and that we were summoned here to help save it from King Arthur. This wouldn't be the first time I have to save a fairy tale world from some nutjob so let's take care of this fast guys. What, the guy is immortal, then how are we going to beat him?

Next time on D-Avengers: Avenging Knights:

Introductions are in Order

Sonic: Peter's gonna be jealous that he missed out on this adventure.

KFX here: Like I said before, this is a remake/revision of my first story which was originally called Sonic, RWBY and the Black Knight, now called D-Avengers: Avenging Knights, taking place shortly after Spider-Island DX. Don't expect too big changes of this story. Again, it's just revision, clean up some grammar and all that.