It was Harfest. And Mae had guilt-tripped Vaan into dressing up. Of course, he had mostly agreed because Bea was going insane over a play, and Gregg had agreed as well as Mae.
And to be honest, he wanted to make sure that nothing bad happened.
Sadly, he failed, because after the play, Mae had run off into the woods, right past him. She had even climbed a fence, using only her feet since her hands were hidden, and then run off faster than ever.
He followed the best her could, but his costume was so irritatingly itchy he could hardly run without his fur being pulled out. He finally caught up with her at the same time as Molly, and then they both were taken back into town.
Of course, Mae dragged me to Gregg, Angus, Bea, and Germ before I could do anything else.
"Mae, what is going on!?" he exclaimed as she pushed him onto the couch in between Gregg and Bea.
"Guys, I just saw a person get kidnapped!" she said quickly. To the others, it may sound like excitement, but Vaan saw the horror in her eyes, and knew she needed to calm down right now. If she didn't do so right now, then she might begin to relapse.
Nobody wanted that to happen. They couldn't have it happen.
He jolted back into the conversation as he heard Bea tell Mae she'd take her to the library.
After they left, Gregg and Angus offered to take Vaan back to Mae's house, but he told them he'd be fine. In truth, he needed to be alone for a minute, and he knew he was fast enough to run away if need be.
They didn't want to agree, but Vaan commented that it was unlikely for the kidnapper to strike twice in one hour. Plus, he also told them he was no stranger to fights. Mae had taught him a lot about fighting. Especially when at a disadvantage.
And he would probably be at a disadvantage against someone strong enough to kidnap someone and carry them away at speeds faster than even Mae can go.
When he got home, he said goodnight to Mae's parents, and went up to his room quietly, opening the window and sitting sideways on the sill like he enjoys doing.
He gazed at the stars for the night.
"Alright Mae, let's see if we can find this 'ghost' of yours. I'm tired, so let's make this quick."
Mae nods, and walks to the computer, beginning to type in the necessary phrases.
Several entries popped up, and she started looking at them. The graveyard, park, and historical society were the first places they agreed upon.
Then she saw a fourth article, and her intrigue grew. "Another ghost clipping. This one's… by the tracks."
Bea raised an eyebrow. "Maybe your new brother will take you there."
Mae nodded. "Alright. So, tomorrow we'll head to the graveyard?"
Bea nods, already walking away. "C'mon, I'll drive you home," she says, prompting Mae to turn off the computer and follow.