
I stretched my arms above my head as the sun started to set. Both my elbows clicked softly before I lowered them back down to my sides.

I want to keep searching for more herbs. Tsunade allowed me to roam the border of the land of fire for one week only. As soon as that sun sets, I must return to Konohagakure. I pulled the book of known herbs out of my side pouch and flicked through the pages.

Maybe I can find some useful herbs to take back to the village with me on my route back.

I eventually came across a page that was tampered with. There seemed to be a herb just a few miles out from the fire border that was…a healing aid or something. The page is too difficult to read fully.

Returning my book to my pouch, I headed towards the written location of the herb.

The forest I was in started to become more populated with trees and it started to make me feel slightly claustrophobic.

I could smell it before I saw it. It has a very dense apple-like like scent to it. I walked towards it before bending down and examining its' exterior.

These herbs look like they've just grown…to the second. I found it odd so I got the book out again to see if there were any further notes about this herb at all.

I came across a section that stated 'Herbs do not exist in this location. Herbs don't grow back, no further threat' scribbled in pencil. My curiosity piqued as I put the book away and removed a chakra infused vial.

I coated my hand with a small layer of my chakra, to protect my skin from any physical immediate dangers from the herb, before picking all the herbs and placing them in the vial. I looked at the vial and was satisfied with the amount I successfully gathered. I put the vial back into my pouch while I turned my attention back to the location I picked the herbs, although I couldn't see the stems or the herbs at all. I made sure to leave remains so that the herb could grow again.

Before I could think about the problem for too long, I sensed someone's presence. I immediately masked my chakra and hid up in one of the nearby heavily dressed trees. I felt my heart racing. I don't know why my body reacted so defensively but my instinct had told me it was for a good reason…which isn't a good sign.

A few seconds later I heard voices speaking…but I couldn't make them out just yet. They seemed to be heading in my direction as their voices started to get louder.

"I hope this is worth it. 10 years Sasori made us wait for…and if this turns out to be a joke then he's lucky he's dead" a male voice murmured. My eyes involuntarily widened. He's not talking about Sasori of the Red Sand…right?

And ten years? Are they talking about the herbs I've just taken…surely it didn't take the herb ten years to grow? Before any more thoughts could invade my mind, three cloaked males walked into my view…all wearing Akatsuki garbs. To be safe, I covered my pouch with a heavy unique chakra that was impossible to get through…unless you're a professional medic ninja.

Now was the time to start panicking…I couldn't possibly run away now, they would notice me if I ran. All I could do was kneel as still as I could until they pass the area…There's no way I could engage them in battle.

The three fast approached the area that I was just in…I guess they really were here for the herbs…but why?

"Sasori lied, that bastard." I looked closer and saw that the three Akatsuki members were Deidara, Itachi and Kisame. I subconsciously crossed my fingers and started relying on hope to get me through this situation.

"Why would he lie about something like that, Deidara?" Kisame asked as Itachi walked over to the exact location the herbs were before crouching.

"They were here." Itachi's voice bored. He stood back up and started to look around the area.

"What's the plan of action?" Kisame asked. Itachi stopped looking around before turning to Kisame.

"I'll cover this area, I have a feeling that the person that took these herbs are close by, given the information Sasori told us. You can head two miles to the east and Deidara, you go to the west." Itachi ordered as they both nodded their heads and left the area.

I am in big trouble…my only strategy is to make it back into the leaf village…but that's ten minutes away if I ran at full speed.

"I'll give you one chance to surrender yourself to us. Otherwise the consequences will be dire." Itachi's voice snapped my attention back onto him.

I kept myself hidden in the tree as Itachi started to look above him. He was looking in the complete opposite direction to me…I can either throw a smoke bomb at him to disorientate him but let my presence be known…or I could quietly try to get away.

My body involuntarily froze up due to the severity of the situation. I simply couldn't bring myself to move anything.

There was a long pause of stillness…even the trees and the wind had seemed to stop in time.

My body started to relax more. I feel like Itachi is still unaware of my location.

"Nothing." Deidara said before jumping to Itachi's side. "I believe that they may have got away." Itachi looked over to Deidara and said something that I couldn't quite catch.

"Check two miles south." Itachi said out loud as Deidara nodded. Deidara darted off. Itachi started to walk away in the opposite direction to me. As soon as he was out of sight I let out a long, soft sigh.

Suddenly an arm had shot and tightened across my stomach and a hand was forced on my face with a cloth from behind me. I negated my instinct to inhale and moved my hands to perform a substitution jutsu. My jutsu didn't seem to work as the arm moved slightly upwards to push into my diaphragm. I used my hands to try and move the arm away from my stomach but it wasn't budging.

I couldn't hold my breath anymore. I deeply inhaled whatever the cloth was soaked in and I could instantly feel a sensation of numbness shoot through my body. My knees buckled. I was trying to fight for my consciousness as I was brought to the ground.

"…to our advantage." I heard deep murmurs converse but I couldn't quite make out every word that was being said. The cloth was moved away from my face. I looked up to see Itachi looking down at me. "Haruno, Sakura."

I'm revisiting a fanfic...AGAIN! D; I want to make it more accurate :) please review