Soon, it became too much for them to hold back. Then Tsubasa smirked.

"Come off the door Julian," he said, "I have a plan."

On the outside, they kept ramming the door over and over again until suddenly, they were able to just easily get through. Teru stood next to Rago as they walked through.

"This place looks…. Familiar," said Ryuga. "It feels like I've been here before."

"Me too," replied a village woman with raven hair and chocolate eyes. "It's like trying to remember a dream but you're awake. Or remembering life when you're asleep."

"Jamie was right about the beast and the castle," Teru said nervously, "don't you think he could've been right about all the magical, talking objects?"

"I doubt anyone is that powerful," Rago replied. "Now stop being such a fool Teru. We need to get to the beast." Teru nodded in agreement. No one was that powerful. They kept walking through the main entrance when Teru noticed an adorable teapot with a container for sugar and creamer, all of their eyes closed. He went over there, smiling.

"Why hello there," he said in a light voice. "You must be the talking creamer and sugar bowl! Oh, but you seem to be missing the cup! And this must be your grandmother!" Hikaru's eyes snapped open, full of anger.

"Grandmother," she asked incredulously. "Attack!" Suddenly, everything around them came to life, starting to fight off the invaders. Aguma went right over to Rago, trying to punch him, but Rago grabbed Teru and used him as a human shield. Teru's head became light and he couldn't focus, so when the piano behind them started to fall, he didn't notice Rago step away and became trapped underneath. He looked up at Rago, his hand up so that Rago could help him from out from underneath the piano.

"Help me Rago," he said in a weak voice since his chest was being crushed.

"Sorry old Friend," Rago replied, "but someone's got to be the hero and kill the beast." He went up the stairs, leaving Teru by himself, forced to scramble out from underneath the piano as Madoka dusted his face.

"Looks like you were on the wrong side," she said before flying off. Aguma placed Hikaru on a chandelier, pushing it to spin as she spat hot water down on the invaders.

"I hope you like your tea nice and hot," she said as she started burning people, "cause I don't do lukewarm or iced!" On the floor, Kenta and Yuki were working together to throw the saucers underneath them at people.

"Bert you I can hit the guy with the glasses and the yellow strands," said Kenta as he hit Doji right in the face.

"Ha, I'm gonna get the guy with the cat face," said Yuki as he threw a saucer at Johannes.

Hope was working on picking the lock.

"We have to get out of here," she said as she used one of her pins to try and unlock it, but to no avail. "We have to help him!"

"What are you saying Hope," asked Jamie with concern. "We kept you trapped there for six weeks!" She turned to him, gently taking his hands.

"He let me go Jamie." She smiled. "He's not the monster you think he is. He's not the nicest of people, but he's a human like you or me. Just cursed."

"And how can you be sure," he asked, his voice full of concern. She took out the rattle that she had grabbed before leaving.

"This was my rattle when I was little," she said, choking up a bit. "This was from our house when I was a child. When you were very little. He took me there." She wiped away her tears. "And he's the one who told me I should tell you what happened to Maman. About our father. And I promise, I will."

"You will," he asked, a bit surprised, but she nodded.

"Yes, I promise. But we have to get out of here first. He needs me." Jamie nodded and leaned forward, looking at the lock.

"We can't pick it, but I remember this lock," Jamie said. "It's a water safe lock. I saw it at the fair last year. It opens up if it's full of water. It was originally made in case livestock carriages fell into the river."

"I have some holy water," Père Da Xiang said as he pulled out a flask. "Will that work?"

"Yes," said Jamie, "but we need something to hold it in so we can submerge the lock. Like a jar or a bowl or-"

"How about a teacup," asked Hope's satchel. They all gasped and she went into her satchel, pulling out Yu.

"Yu, what are you doing here," she asked.

"I wanted to ask you to come back to the castle," Yu said. "You're my friend, and I don't wanna loose you!" She smiled and nuzzled her face against him.

"You're not gonna loose me Yu," she said with a smile as she looked towards Jamie. "Will Yu be big enough?" Jamie nodded picking him up.

"Thank you Yu," he said, holding Yu out to Da Xiang so he could fill up the flask. Then Jamie stuck his hand out, submerging the lock in the water. With a click, it opened up and they all got out. Hope went and got Masamune and two other horses ready, taking off her dress and underskirt so she was left in her baggy pants like undergarments and the corset. With that, the three of them raced off to the castle.

Tsubasa came from the East Wing with a table full of books and Ai in tow.

"Alright," said Tsubasa, holding a needle that was fashioned into a sword. "Attack!" The books started flying at the villagers, making them soar through the air. Tsubasa smirked in victory. "Good job!" Three of the men started coming up the stairs to stop them. Tsubasa watched them and held up his sword. "So it's finally time for me to use my skills!"

Several of the towns people were surrounding Julian as he tried to back away.

"Someone silence that harpsichord," called out one of the villagers. Julian glared at her in response.

"I am a PIANO," he cried out in anger and pride, knocking her over. Ai started hopping down the stairs, Bao, Johannes, and Jack coming up to her.

"Ah look at you boys," she exclaimed. "It's time to get to work!" With a flurry of cloth, they were soon dressed elegantly, with powdered wigs and make up. "Ah yes what pretty little boys! Pretty pretty little boys!" Bao and Johannes looked at themselves in horror, but Jack couldn't help but smile. "Be free my boy!" He daintily started walking down the stairs. "Be free! Be free! Be free~!" Julian soon became surrounded by the invaders, knocking them over again and again, but soon it became useless as they figured out his patterns and started dodging.

"I can't keep up with this," he cried out loudly.

"Julian," she cried out while he looked up at her.

"Ai, it's you," he said with a smile.

"I'm coming my love," she said as she jumped up on the railing. "I won't let anyone hurt him! This is going to be the end of the fight! That's right, the fat lady is singing!" She let out a long, high-pitched note as she landed on the woman who called for her husband's destruction. The moment she landed, she sang out once again, her clothes tying people up and sending them rolling out of the castle. One of the villagers came at with her with an ax, Julian made a sacrifice and started shooting his piano keys out at them, sending them running.

Another group tried to get around the battle and go straight to the best by going through the kitchen. When they did they all realized they smelled something delicious cooking. One of them when to swipe a fingerful of it, only for the lid to shut tightly on their fingers. With a cry, they looked and realized the stove was alive as well.

"Get out of my kitchen," Benkei screamed out as the drawers opened up, sending multiple sharp implements at them. "BA-BA-BA-BULL!" They all started screaming in return and ran out of the kitchen as the knives followed them.

Hikaru was still shooting water out from the chandelier until she noticed a platinum blonde man with a red streak in his hair. She couldn't help but gasp. "Ryuga?!" She lost her concentration, and fell off of the chandelier. She screamed, afraid she was going to crash to the ground, but Teru caught her perfectly.

"Thank for the catch," she said.

"No problem," Teru replied, then ducking with his arms out as someone tried to smash Hikaru, only for her to spray hot water in their face.

"Who's side are you on," she asked as Teru straightened back out.

"Well I was on Rago's side-"


"The one who was in front and left me under the piano," he informed her.

"I see," she replied with a frown.

"We were close but he just left me there," Teru said sadly. "I don't think he's a person I want in my life anymore. He's so toxic."

"You're way too good for him anyway," Hikaru replied. "You can find a much better man than him." Teru smiled and nodded. "Shall we get back to the fight then?"

"Oh yes." Teru started using Hikaru as a weapon against the villagers.

As everyone continued to fight, one villager remained completely calm as she walked from the entrance to the stairs. No one seemed to notice her as she walked up the stairs. It was as if the battle was not going on around her at all.

Hope, Da Xiang, and Jamie rode in on their horses, putting them to a halt.

"You two need to help fend off the other villagers," Hope ordered as she jumped off of Masamune. "I'll go help Kyoya!" They nodded and went in while Père Da Xiang suffered the worst possible case of déjà vu.

Kyoya sat on the balcony, with Rago slowly creeping up behind him.

"There's no reason for you to try and sneak up behind me," Kyoya said. "I know you're there."

"Do you know why I've come too," Rago asked.

"You think I'm a vile demon or a vile creature or something along those lines," Kyoya said emotionlessly. "It's the same story over and over again. Why would it be any different?"

"Actually," said Rago as he pulled out and cocked his gun, "you're in the way. Even if Hope doesn't love you, you still pose a threat. I can never marry her as long as you're in the way." Kyoya growled.

"She'll only marry whom she wants," he replied. "She's not the kind to let anyone boss her around."

"I'm still more likely to marry her than you," Rago said with a smirk. "At least I'm not a beast!" With that, he shot Kyoya. He howled in pain as he fell forward, catching himself on a tower. Rago went to shoot him again, but Hope came from up behind him and stole his first gun, taking it and breaking it over her knee. "Why are you in your undergarments," he asked in horror.

"That doesn't matter," she said, glaring. "Where is he?!"

"That's of little concern to you," Rago replied. "When I slay him, we will return to the village and you will be my wife." He jumped down as Hope ran to the tower closest to Kyoya. Rago was faster, and crawled to the top of the tower next to Kyoya, aiming his gun.

"NO," called out Hope as she picked up and threw a rock at Rago's hand, making him drop the gun. Kyoya looked over at her in surprise, his eyes filling up with Hope.

"You came back," he said in a soft voice.

"I couldn't let them kill you," she said. "I'm sorry that I couldn't stop them! But don't give up!" He nodded, turning towards Rago before jumping over to a bridge, waiting for Rago to follow, which he inevitably did. Rago pulled out a hunting knife, trying to stab Kyoya, but Kyoya managed to disarm him and grab him by the neck, holding him over the empty chasm. Rago grasped at his wrist.

"P-Please don't kill me Beast," he stuttered out. "I don't wanna die!" Kyoya growled, ready to drop him until he saw Hope's horrified face behind Rago. His eyes softened, but then returned to a glare as he pulled Rago in close.

"I am not a beast," he snarled out. "I am Kyoya!" He threw Rago to the ground, looking over to Hope and backing up a bit, ready to jump.

"Don't," she begged. "It's too far!" He ignored her and jumped anyway, just barely catching the side. She grabbed his arm and helped him up before hugging him tightly. I'm sorry," she said softly. "I never should've left." He smiled and wrapped his arms around her.

"It's alright," he replied. "You were right to want to leave." Then, she heard a gunshot, Kyoya howling out in pain just a moment after. She looked past him and saw that Rago had his gun once again and was shooting at Kyoya. "NO!" She pushed Kyoya back and stood in front of him, holding her arms out, protecting him from Rago as Kyoya had protected her from her father. "If you want to kill him, then you'll have to kill me too!"

"Get out of the way Hope," Rago called out. "I won't hesitate to shoot you as well!"

"Then do it!" Rago cocked the gun, but the stone underneath him crumbled away, and he plummeted hundreds of feet. Hope went back to Kyoya, pulling him in so he wouldn't be out in the cold. "I'm sorry, if I don't left then this wouldn't have happened."

"Don't blame yourself," he replied, putting a hand on her cheek. She gently put her hand over his, tearing up. "At least I got to see you one last time."

"Don't say that," she sobbed out. "We're together now, everything's going to be okay." He closed his eyes. "No please, don't leave me!" Slowly, the last petal fell, shriveling up as it hit the ground.

The invaders were running off, with Teru, Père Da Xiang, and Jamie still at the castle. Ginga swept Madoka up in his arms, smiling.

"We beat them off Madoka," he said excitedly as she started to close her eyes, making Ginga worry. "Madoka?"

"We didn't make it," she said softly. "Goodbye Ginga…" Her wings folded back and she became a novelty feather duster.

"Madoka… no…" Julien and Ai were standing close to each other.

"I'm sorry we couldn't spend more time together," Ai sad sadly, closing her drawers. "Good bye my love."

"No," Julian said as he tried to hold back the tears in his voice as he continued to play a sad tune. "Don't leave me… please…" Suddenly, his music stopped. Hokuto scratched at the both of them before falling over, completely still and no longer barking.

"What's going on," asked Jamie as he watched it.

"I don't know," Père Da Xiang honestly replied.

"They're not moving anymore," Teru noticed, speaking in a sad voice.

"The last petal of the rose fell," said Tsubasa. "Now we all become antiques for the rest of our existence." Hikaru was on her cart with Kenta and Yuki, looking around frantically.

"Had anyone seen Yu," she asked with a sob. "I can't find him!"

"He's nowhere," said Kenta sadly. Tsubasa and Ginga looked at each other sadly as her face disappeared off the teapot, with Yuki and Kenta's following.

"Mama," called out Yu as he jumped over. They looked in horror as he looked like he was going to crash to the ground, but Aguma caught him, safe and sound and placed him next to Hikaru as he too lost his face. Then, Aguma straightened out, staying completely still.

"Ginga," said Tsubasa. "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize mon ami," Ginga replied. "I already know." Tsubasa nodded, going rigid as the only movable items became his gears and clock hands. Ginga looked up at them.

"We're going to need someone to take care of us." He said to Da Xiang, Jamie, and Teru. "You don't have to, but please, don't let anyone hurt Madoka." He twirled around, his shape changing into that of an ordinary candelabra. Teru picked him up.

"It would be my honor."

Hope was crying over Kyoya's body as Sophia walked up, looking over at them.

"Please, don't leave me," she sobbed out. "I love you." She gently kissed his forehead, and Sophia smiled.

"As I once said before, true beauty is found within." With a swift movement of her hand, the crystal dome shattered, the sand glowing like gold as the rose petals came back to life, swarming around Kyoya's body. Hope took a step back as he was lifted up into the air, his body glowing as he shifted back into the shape of a man, with wild teal hair and tanned skin. Slowly, he landed on the ground, his back facing her as he pat himself to make sure it was real, then quickly turned around towards Hope with a smile, both on his face and with his sky blue eyes. Hope took a step back, uncertain of him.

"Hope, it's me," he said. "It's Kyoya!" She hesitantly took a few steps forward, putting her hand on his cheek and looking into his eyes, smiling when she recognized them as they same ones the beast had.

"It is you," she exclaimed. "I thought I'd lost you."

"You didn't, and you won't ever again." He pulled her in for a kiss, and light swarmed around them. As the sun rose, the castle shifted back to its original, beautiful form. Sophia smiled at them, turning into a storm of white rose petals and floating away.

In the courtyard, Hokuto got back on his feet, spinning around a bit and slowly turning into a dog while Jamie and Père Da Xiang looked on in shock. Hokuto decided to take a leak on Aguma, who moved away.

"Can't you pee somewhere else," he asked the dog.

"Julian," sang out Ai as cloth exploded from her drawer, covering her and Julian. When the cloth finally hit the ground, the heavyset blonde woman was in Julian's arms as he held onto her tightly.

"I'll never let go of you again," he said, kissing her cheek.

In an explosion of cogs and gears and springs, Tsubasa stood proudly, his face twitching a bit as he reached back to tie up his silver hair. He heard something behind him and smiled.

"Ginga!" The redhead smiled at him brightly, holding his arms out to hug Tsubasa.

"We did it Tsubasa," he said as they hugged. "We beat the clock!" Out of the corner of their eyes, Ginga noticed an explosion of feathers. "Oh Madoka!" He ran over and reached into the pile, pulling out the brunette and staring into her aqua eyes. "I thought I'd never see you again!" She smiled and held onto him tightly.

"Oh Ginga." Da Xiang's eyes widened.

"I-I remember," he said softly, running towards the chapel. "Mei-Mei, Chao Xin, Chi Yun!" Tsubasa noticed the cart with the tea family was rolling away so he grabbed it, making them all fly up in the air as well as the tray. The tray first landed on the steps and they all followed suit, landing on it and sliding down.

"Yu, Kenta, Yuki, you're all little boys again," Hikaru said excitedly. "The curse is broken!"

"Kenta," asked one of the village women. His eyes teared up as he ran up to her, hugging her tightly.

"Mom," he said, crying against her legs. "I missed you!" Yuki followed suit, reuniting with his mother as Ryuga came over to them.

"Hikaru? Yu?" She smiled brightly and ran over to him, hugging him tightly with Yu between them. "I can't believe this. I have to deal with this again." Hikaru punched his arm. She knew he was joking but she wasn't amused.

"I missed you too jerk."

"Tsubasa," asked the chocolate-eyed woman from before. Tsubasa turned around and smiled, holding out his arms.

"I missed you Lex." They hugged tightly. Madoka and Ginga were smiling at each other until she noticed something.

"Ginga look," she pointed out. Hope and Kyoya were walking towards all of them, with Yu running up to her excitedly.

"I bet you don't recognize me Hope, but it's me, Yu!" She smiled at him and hugged him tightly.

"Of course I recognize you," she replied.

"BA-BA-BA-BULL," came Benkei's booming voice, making Kyoya cringe. A very large and heavyset man came running out, grabbing Kyoya from behind and hugging him tightly. "Kyoya buddy!"


Soon, everyone was dressed in fine attire as Ai stood by the piano, singing out while her husband played. Jamie looked on from an easel, painting the scene while Kyoya and Hope danced in the center, a thoughtful look on her face.

"I know that look," Kyoya said. "What exactly are you thinking?"

"How would you feel about growing a beard," she asked, to which he playfully growled at her in response, making her laugh. "You know, that reminds me, we still haven't battled yet."

"We can fix that after the dance," he said. "This isn't just for us. It's for all the reuniting families here. The mothers finding their sons. The wives finding husbands. Or husbands finding husbands." He nodded his head towards Teru and Jack as they danced.

"You have to make that legal first," she replied.

"It was before whoever took over messed everything up," he said. "Don't worry, you'll be allowed to Blade and Teru and Jack will be allowed to get married, I promise."

"You'd better keep that promise."

From outside the castle, Sophia looked on with a smile.

"Nothing left to say here for Beauty and the Beast."