Alright, I know it has been a long time but I am going to attempt a marvel story with Kakarot but instead of the usual control army and take on the entire universe. I am going to write a revenge story against the other gods controlling the other universes.

Marvel is universe 7 and Dragonball super was the original before the 'event' happened. Meaning the two universes exists together, I only accelerated time and had the gods shape universe seven in their lazy image.

Kakarot is the god of destruction and all the events that happened in DBZ and Super happened.

With some changes, Kakarot has a harem (as usual) consisting of Bulma, 18, and Vegeta(female). Kakarot only had 4 kids(Trunks, Marron, and Gohan and Goten)

The Z fighters and the enemies they fought with some that became allies existed but have a different relationship with Kakarot.

Suggestions welcomed on how I should introduce them.

Kakarot is OP! So understand if I make some Marvel Characters weaker than what they are. Also I will try to follow the timeline of major comic events but don't expect it to be precise because I am too lazy to learn when all theses events like civil war 1 and 2, xmen vs avengers, or house of M occurred.

Please read and review and Enjoy

Marvel Era

In the middle of Earth's oceans we find a huge submarine moving throughout the ocean and bright lights searching the floor for something. Above the ship was a man in his advanced suit of armor calibrated for the deep pressures of the water, his arc reactor acting as a beacon and the slits in his armored face constantly scanning for their objective.

Swimming far lower than any of them dared to reach, a woman in a black leotard with a lightning bolt and her hands creating a yellow light illuminating her vision. Unlike her companion she wore a mask attached to an oxygen tank on her back but with some help, it was reinforced to handle the high pressure and just in case it failed she could easily hold her breath for a long time.

Perks of being a meta human.

Hearing the voice of her friend in her ear piece"See anything Carol?"

"No, too much sand" she responded " Are you sure the energy signature was here Tony?"

"Shield found it first" He said, taking his chances he landed on the ocean floor with Carol following close behind.

"Then why are we here?" she asked

"Um...I kinda owe Fury a favor" he chuckled while Carol glared at him "What?"

"Stop hacking into Shield" she walked towards the underwater cliff and stared into the abyss" Now hurry up and scan this, my skin is starting to get wrinkled"

"Excuse me Ms. Marvel" Tony stomped forward and looked into the darkness, the blue light shooting out of his eyes and a ball falling into the darkness with the same blue light flashing all around as it fell.

'Energy signature?, sounds like Fury is not telling us something again'

Carol remained quiet until a confirmed noise from Tony brought her out of her thoughts.

"Huge structure at the bottom, Looks reinforced and VERY old. Maybe alien?, from the shape it might be" He looked at "Alright Carol, Scans showing it to be around 10,000 Meters. Think you can reach it?"

"What do you think?"

"Honestly, we should tell Fury we found it, give him the location and leave. Let him find a way to retrieve it"

"If only it were that easy" she mumbled "I'm sure you owe Fury more than one favor"

"Maybe... alright, how are we doing this?"

"I'm going to rush in there and grab the structure before the high pressure affects me then fly to the helicarrier and go home"

"Easier said then done" he chuckled before holding out his hand "Ready?"

She pulled off the oxygen tank but took a deep breath before, she yanked the mask off and shot off into the abyss at lightning speeds. She heard Tony talking then begin to change into static before her crushed earpiece fell out. The sunlight slowly faded and she rushed past the deep sea diving Whales and unluckily ran into a giant squid. Quickly dodging the tentacles and diving deeper until the light couldn't reach her anymore.

'There goes the pressure" she flinched a bit but kept on track, her own air still under control. The temperature dropped but did not affect her and the increasing pressure was slowly affecting her. After a few minutes she saw a white domed shaped building sitting in the floor and lava surrounding the structure like a prison. She crashed into the floor and shot forward to lift the building.

She paused to look at the building, she saw the entire structure covered in green moss and several dents all across the surface with a few scorch marks on the lower section. She looked at something hidden underneath the moss and moved closer to the symbol, she wiped the material away and revealed a large circle with a break in the circle to make a 'C' and the caption underneath it in ENGLISH LETTERS!

'Capsule Corporation?!' She remained shocked that the leader in technology development had a base THIS deep in the ocean, did anyone know they were this advanced?

'I thought Namor's people were the only ones capable of diving the furthest, Capsule Corp. blew that assumption away!' Feeling her lungs slowly burn she decided to ask questions later and get the prize. Digging her feet into the ground, she stuck her fingers in the ground and gently lifted the dome.


Carol nearly screamed when an intense screech shot through the water and into her ear drums, the ground begun to shake and several more cracks appeared along the ground allowing even more lava to flow. Feeling her lungs burn even more she quickly returned to the building but her heart stopped as she saw something in the darkness.

She remained frozen as she looked at glowing red eyes the size of a submarine and next to them five huge mouth filled with lots of teeth and black eyes slowly floating towards her. She saw the gaping maws of huge sharks expand but her attention was even more focused on the approaching red eyes. Her lungs were burning even more than before combined with the pressure, she needed air more than ever.

The red eyes finally came into view but now she was wishing it stayed hidden. The light from the lava illuminated the entire area and revealed the biggest octopus known only by myth, the tentacles smashed into the ground with its entire body slowly moving in.

'A Kraken?!" Carol thought as she slowly floated to the building, the sharks she deemed as megalodons rushing her position and one of the Kraken's tentacles slowly moving to crush her.

Pause: Now I know this seems out of character for Carol so to make it clear she is not scared but this is me interpreting my fear of the ocean through my writing. I don't care what people say, I am FUCKING afraid of the deep ocean because the thought of something that BIG living in the dark and can easily move faster than any ship scares the hell out of me. Plus the amount of teeth and how big the eyes are don't help as well, then size comparison to a ship truly frightens me.

Just thought you should know, let me know if you think the same way


"Wish I could go that far" Tony said to his AI companion as he sat on the floor of the ocean still looking at the abyss.

"In theory, it is very possible to design a suit of armor to handle that pressure" His AI companion suggested.

"No, it really isn't"

"Then how can you build a suit to handle the Hulk of all meta humans"

That's easy but one small crack in my armor than the whole system is gone, we don't know what's down there yet but it might give me something to do in my spare time, aside from parties."

"WARNING!" Tony took that as an disagreement and not the ground trembling.

"Oh come on, It cant be bad for me to try something new Jarvis"

"SIR! I ADVISE YOU TO CLEAR THE AREA AND ALERT THE HELICARRIER!" Tony quickly stood up as Jarvis showed the depth chart and seven life forms racing to the surface and the last one had the biggest heart beat.

"What the hell?" Tony muttered as he looked into the abyss to see a glowing yellow figure skyrocketing upward and holding a dome building. Tony watched Carol race past him and fly past the submarine and into the sky, he looked back into the abyss and saw several extremely big sharks coming at him and giant red eyes following at high speeds. Activating his thrusters he followed Carol.

"Fury, you need to take off now!" Tony shouted into his radio, Iron man looked where the ship was when he flew into the sky.

"Why?" the man's voice responded.

"Because you got 6 giant monsters coming straight for you!" He screamed as he saw the red eyes get even bigger. He looked at Carol and saw her gasping for air but still holding the building that had several wires hanging off the bottom.

"There's nothing there " The gruff voice of Fury responded, Tony quickly responded.

"What?! Do you not detect the lifeforms beneath us?!"

"No, there's nothing there" Tony quickly looked back into the water and to his surprise and shock there were no glowing red eyes or any activity as he scanned the area.

"" he muttered as he scanned again but could not find anything "where the hell did they go?"

"They vanished..." Carol said, she was able to gather her bearings as she stared at the water "one minute they were chasing me then they vanished, magic?" she asked

"" Tony wasn't sure anymore, he would have to look over his suit's recordings or make a few adjustments.

"Lets just get this back to the tower" Tony said.

"But what about Fury, he wants this"

"He can get it later, I know what I saw and if this thing is being guarded by such a creature then this could be bigger than S.H.I.E.L.D" Tony said.

"Better tell him then, see you back at the tower" she said, angling her body she shot off into the sky and towards New York With Tony following to the best of his suit's abilities.


"Where the hell are you going with that artifact?"

"To our base, Carol's says this thing was being guarded by a huge creature"

"There was nothing on our scan Stark!"

"Then we will give this back to you once we concluded it is not life threatening okay? Good, bye!" Tony cut the connection as he heard Fury beginning to shout and would no less show up at the tower with force to intimidate the avengers.

While fury was shouting at the blank screen, he failed to notice the creeping tentacles slowly grabbing onto his ship and effectively cut off their connections to the outside world by destroying their relays...

"Put it down slowly, this thing is old and likely fragile" A man in a white lab coat said to Carol as she landed in the underground hangar.

"Its far from fragile Banner, ripping it from the ground and handling the pressure of the deepest known parts of the ocean prove that" she said, Banner chuckled and called in a few people to help wash the building off.

"Can you tell me why we are washing a building?" a woman the size of a pen and dressed in her black and yellow uniform asked. Carol looked at he flying figure before and took a step back as she grew to her normal size for everyone to see.

"Fury wanted it and I had to go deep sea diving to get" she simply said

"Oh that makes sense" she said

"and a kraken was guarding it" the room went quiet as they stared at the blonde heroine in surprise "what?"

"What the hell is a Kraken doing guarding something like this" Janet asked, pointing at the building "wait, how the hell is a kraken still alive ?!" she said.

"The kraken disappeared when I reached the sky, might of been a illusion to scare off any trespassers" she suggested

"Oh yeah, everyone loves to swim to such depths, its the newest trend these days. I might even take a dip to see the lights of a few angler fish" she joked.

"You think the kraken was an illusion?" a new face said and revealed a scientist by the name of Hank Pym. He quietly chuckled at the joke his wife made, he focused on the building with the giant 'C' on the side.

"Had to be, it disappeared faster than Tony could scan it" she pointed to the building "This building was under its protection...then it could of been guarding whatever was inside"

"Perhaps the building was there before the Kraken was" Banner said, the others looked at him for an explanation " just adding my thoughts"

"The scans show this building to be EXTREMELY older than anything ever created by mankind that we know of, the fact its Capsule corp.'s property leaves a lot of questions unanswered"

"Then lets get it open and find some" They all looked up to see Tony flying in and landing next to the dome. His suit was still dripping water and had a few pieces of seaweed stuck to it.

"What did Fury say?" she said, knowing the conversation wasn't pleasant.

"He probably yelled a lot after I cut the connection" he said causing everyone to groan, pissing off Fury was just asking for a bad day with SHIELD "now to get this door opened" he said.

"Let me help" Carol said, they both grabbed the doors and to their small surprise the doors were barely moving.

"Okay... a bit more strength" Tony muttered as they tried again, the doors groaned in protest but eventually opened from their super strength. The entire room went quiet as the gust of damp air rushed out. The people helping stopped to try to get a peak inside but all they could see is pitch black. His eyes acting as a light, Tony walked through the doorway to see what was a giant room filled with old machines and unfinished projects.

"Looks a lot like capsule tech in here, nothing looks any different than what we see today"

"You mean no advance weapons of mass destruction?" Janet joked as she looked at a briefcase hanging on the wall" hello..." she grabbed the briefcase and walked out, placing it on the table to be examined later. She walked back in to see the others looking at two pods next to each other.

"Wow..." Janet whispered as Tony scanned the empty pods with several parts missing from the lower part of the coffin like box.

"The pods must've failed when time passed" He said, Carol was examining the intact computer system near the other side of the room.

"We need some power in here Tony, the computer might still work" she said

"I'd be surprise if it still works after all this time, might mostly have corrupted data" They left the dome to let the people work.

"Alright Tony, get some power in there" Banner said, Iron man walked around the building looking for an outlet or a power box of some sort but could only find the remaining wires hanging out from the bottom. Shrugging his shoulders he grabbed connected the wires to a generator brought out by the staff.

Everyone watched the dome become active and the lights sputter before shining brightly illuminating the entire room. Carol walked back inside and walked straight towards the computer slowly rebooting and powering on. She didn't touch anything and watched the screen become white and the capsule logo appear on the screen.

Following right behind her Janet's gaze fell onto the pods sitting on the other end of the room. With lights to see she could look inside the window of the two pods, she gasped and looked more closely at the figures laying inside unmoving. She felt a little disgusted as she saw one have skeletal remains with a lab coat and the other have a man sleeping peacefully...

A man?...

"Guys!" she shouted, rushing in Banner and Pym looked inside to see a man in what appeared to be in his thirties not moving. They shined a flashlight to get a clearer look and saw the eyes rapidly moving around underneath his eye lids.

"He's alive still?" Banner muttered "This doesn't make sense, the skeleton confirmed the machines failed a long time ago. He should've died with the other" Pym said

"I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't human" Tony said as he reentered the room " We have found stranger things, right?" walking to the computer he saw Carol open the files that appeared on the screen.

"Videos?" Janet asked, she and the two scientists stood behind them looking at the archives, a total of 5 and a few schematics for what looked like a chamber and several robots for non-lethal purposes.

"Food recipes?" Tony asked, they all raised their eyebrows as 5 dozen books worth of food recipes filled the screen "Why would they save this? There's nothing in here to even store food let alone cook" Pym said.

Ignoring the recipes (even though Janet would acquire a few later) they opened the archive videos to show each of the five with the same woman in each one. Her turquoise hair and blue eyes made her extremely beautiful but you could tell she was getting older with a few gray hairs appearing in the later images of the last 3 videos. Clicking on the first one, they saw the woman looking at them with a calm but anxious expression.

"Doesn't she look familiar?" Tony said.

"Yeah, she looks like the current owner of Capsule Corp. but older" Carol said, making the connection instantly.

The woman on the screen had a striking resemblance to the current owner of the Capsule Corporation, Bulma Briefs was her name to the world as she and her company led the world into a new age of android creation to serve as a new defense force for the planet against the enemies of Earth and the avengers should they go rogue.

"She's sitting in her giant tower in China right now so how the hell is she here in the pod" Janet said.

"These videos might explain, play them carol" Agreeing, she played the first video.

On the screen they see Bulma checking the pod and adjusting a few wires on the side with her tools, she stopped and walked back to the screen looking right into the camera.

Video 1

"Alright, Um my name is Bulma Briefs. I decided to record theses updates to keep those who find us informed of what is currently happening or...has already happened" she walked over to the second pod and opened the door to it "Right now we are currently hiding with several bunkers across the planet holding some of the smartest humans I could find and unfortunately...had to leave the rest to face their slaughter" she walked back to the screen.

"My parents chose to remain on the surface with my sister and our children have been taken away from the planet...maybe even this dimension, I cant be sure but I miss them already" she bit her lip to hide her tears " Android 18 has also chosen to stay to see if anything would be salvageable but I fear she wont survive the attack" She wiped her tears away.

"Vegeta, she was our 2nd strongest fighter but she was assassinated and left us with nothing to protect Earth. I think she took his poisoning the hardest, they denied him a fight and resorted to cheap tactics leaving her alone to fight them" She took off her coat and hung it on the wall then returned to her seat" I told her to join you can see she didn't" She took a deep breath and looked intensely at the camera.

"I don't know what is going to happen, the rest of Earth's protectors are too weak to challenge our enemies and the dragonballs are completely useless against the gods, I mean the dragons are too afraid to even come out.

"Dragonballs?" Tony muttered

"I don't know what is going to happen to our beloved planet, all this was probably pointless was worth a shot. Me and Kakarot are going to be sleeping for a while and hopefully when I wake up he does too. Then we can have some revenge on those gods" she smiled on the screen "but that's it for now, I need to conserve power for the pods and with some luck establish contact with Whis, his mentor and guide. Bye...for now strangers"

Video End

"Gods? What, like Odin or something?" Janet asked

"Play the next one" Tony said

Carol activated the second video and showed the same woman with a warm smile but her eyes were still sad. The man was still unconscious and everything slightly the same.

Video 2

"Um, I believe it has been a long time since the last video, from what I could tell from the chronometer, the pods work better than I thought." she smiled in triumph "From what I can tell, we might be under water I don't know. I am going to send some drones outside through the emergency exit, if we are then might have a chance at an alternative power source to sustain us for even longer. Also need to send a few drones to the surface, see if it is safe to come up" The screen went black but started again but showed the woman with tears in her eyes.

"So, the Earth was attacked but why?" Banner said "If they were this advanced then they could of easily left the planet"

"Unless this threat went farther than Earth, that could explain their gods attacking them" Pym said

"The drones came back from the surface" she took a shuddering breath " it all gone, the cities, dinosaurs, forests, small villages, Even the damn satellites. There's nothing left!" she shouted, gasping for air and letting her tears fall.

"I've let the drones continue on hooking up a power cable and converting the planet's core but mostly the heat coming from the surface to power until our technology finally breaks down. I don't need food or water but I do need a drink" she joked " I am going to go back under until I have to reawaken again to make some adjustments and to see what the next move is, I hope he wakes up before me" she cut the video, switching back to the room showing Bulma again but the entire room is dark except for the computer illuminating her face.

"I guess I can start a diary or something, there is really no one to talk to down the dark" she whispered the last part.

"The man with me is my...husband. We met when I ran him over with my car, he would have killed me on the spot but I was able to persuade him" She paused in thought and then chuckled " I saved the planet for once...funny. We met and the rest just became history until...he met them"

"Them?" Tony asked.

"just listen" Carol said

" Kakarot was by far the strongest saiyan to ever exist in our universe, I mean his race did nothing but fight. Being the strongest attracts unwanted attention and boy did we attract attention" They saw several images of aliens and humanoid like creatures all with the same evil expressions and each one fighting a man with a tail or sometimes fighting different people but with the same tails and a couple with glowing blonde hair. But the images of the man kept appearing and some with electricity flowing around and him and a few with longer hair with no eyebrows.

"Scary looking dude" Janet said as another image of the man covered in red fur and staring down a white demon with spikes coming out his back and several purple orbs covering his chest "both of them"

"As you hopefully saw, that was Kakarot and the people in the other ones were our kids and mate. We defended earth from each and everyone of those things you saw, they threatened the entire universe and each time we succeeded, most of the time it was because of Kakarot but that's what made him stronger than everyone else. After we defeated the last villain we had maybe about 5 years of peace, our son became a scholar and stopped fighting all together much to Kakarot's displeasure and our two sons became teenagers and focused on having fun than fighting" She laughed

"Why is she saying this?" Carol said

"Its been a long time since she has talked to someone, remembering her past helps her cope with being alone" Banner said, speaking from experience to when he had to run away from everything when he became the hulk, people need someone to talk to once in a while.

"his daughter also stopped fighting and focused on living in luxury, Kakarot and Vegeta decided to just leave them alone. They stopped coming to our family gatherings and barely even acknowledged their milestones in life" she smiled, remembering something " He still loved me, we even spent more time together because he was afraid of losing me" she unconsciously rubbed what looked like a scar on her neck.

"I think that is enough back story for now, I have a lot of time to finish our story and hopefully before something bad happens, end video"

Video End

"How much time were they down there?"

"She never says, could be anytime when we evolved and began walking upright, could even be before that. Its impossible for humans to exist when the dinosaurs existed, there has been no evidence of any human remains or civilizations existing around the time" Tony said, JARVIS was looking for any information regarding old civilizations.

"Play the next one, she looks urgent in that one" Tony said, Carol selected the third video and watched as it fizzled to life but with some static.

Video 3

"I cant believe I forgot to mention this right away!" she said, looking worried "under no circumstances do you open the pod containing Kakarot, If he is released before he is awake, they will send-ZZZZHHHAATTTT!" The video's picture suddenly broke apart and static filled the screen but they could see the distorted images until the video replayed back the to beginning.

"Dammit, corrupted files!" Tony cursed as he stepped closer to the console "JARVIS, Think you can fix this?"

"Affirmative sir, the last two videos will also need to be fixed as well. The process could take a while seeing as this is very delicate technology" The AI replied

"Get to it then" Plugging in a dagger into a small port, the AI quickly worked through the system to recover the footage.

The others approached the pod containing the man named Kakarot, their only thoughts were this man was what destroyed the previous civilization and supposedly caused the downfall of an entire universe, possibly the reason for the unexplained timeline.

"Think we should open it?" Janet asked

"You heard the lady Jan, we open it and their 'gods' will come down upon our weak world" Hank said "Not the gods and weak world part but it was implied" he amended after seeing the strange looks from his teammates.

"Well wouldn't it be technically opened since it has a huge crack in the glass, the crack would indicate it is no longer sealed" Bruce said, examining the crack reaching from the top to the bottom "She would prepare for this wouldn't she?"

"The pod was the first way to shield him" Tony said

"Then what was the second one" Hank said

"Its the building itself" Carol finally spoke, her gut already telling her something was wrong "That's explains a lot"

"Explains what?" Bruce said

"It explains how Fury was able to find him in the first place, the building must of hid the energy signature coming from the building or in this case him but when it failed it turned to a beacon for anyone to find"

"So anyone actually monitoring the planet could have found him, Who knows how long Fury was looking for this!" Hank said

"Did you find anything useful when you hacked SHIELD? Something simple as this could of been found, maybe it had a date or a time stamp?" Janet asked, there was no way they could have missed something so obvious.

"JARVIS, Did we get anything from the database pertaining to this?"

"There has been several reports linked to several organizations lurking around the area you found the building, they all appeared to be working with each other without conflict until Shield finally acted "

"What organizations?" Tony asked

"Only the well known ones, HYDRA, AIM, Wakanda-"

"Wakanda, they were working with AIM?"

"Negative, only observing like Shield was, Black panther wanted to keep the observations secret and keep the avengers in the U.S."

"Have to talk to him later, what were the other ones?"

"Several countries looking at meta human studies to improve their armies, Latveria and symkarian but it is not conclusive since they were well hidden by their cloaking technology and only doom bots were seen flying above the area at night"

"How the hell did we miss this?! They were all there and we missed this?" Janet said, they all looked at Tony waiting for an answer.

"Why are you looking at me?" Tony asked

"Your the one who has the super A.I and money to keep us going, you mean to tell us you missed this much activity in the span of three weeks!" Carol shouted

"Calm down captain, we got it first and they didn't. I say that is a win for us Avengers"

"Sir, we have several figures approaching the building" JARVIS alerted the small squad of Avengers

"You were saying?" Carol said.

"Okay? Just send them away I'm sure the front desk can handle them"

"Sir, they are not coming from the front, they are coming from the skies" They quickly ran out of the building ready.

"Make sure the defenses are primed and ready, can we get a name of our guests?" Tony looked at the hangar doors above them waiting for an answer from JARVIS but he was taking longer than he should have "What's the problem JARVIS?"

"The scans show no signs of life within them, only robotic"

"Son of a bitch! I knew we forgot someone" Carol said, the doors exploded and five figures came crashing to the ground. They were covered in ninja uniforms but on their chest was the giant Capsule corporation logo shining brightly on their chest. They quickly raised their hands and produced energy balls just like Iron man could do but much stronger than the billionaire. Their blue eyes glowed brightly and the front one took a step forward with its arm still raised.

"Damn capsule corp" Tony muttered as he raised his hands in the same way.

"YOU ARE IN THE POSSESSION OF CAPSULE CORPORATION PROPERTY, PLEASE HAND IT OVER OR WE WILL TAKE IT BY FORCE" They all shivered when they heard the cold dead synthesized voice reaching their own ears. Tony looked at the robots then put more power into his hands.

"We found it first" That was a lie" How about you go back to your lady boss and tell her she owes me a new door, or I can send her to you in pieces. You do realize we have a Hulk right?" he said, knowing who ever was controlling them was monitoring the whole conversation through the robots eyes.

"What am I then?" Carol said, her eyes focused on the robots not moving.

"Eye candy" Carol rolled her eyes "Now leave MY property before I sue Capsule corporation for attacking my building"

"NEGATIVE, NEW DIRECTIVE RECIEVED. PREPARE TO ENGAGE AVENGERS" The avengers all tensed while Bruce was ready to transform before they could even stop him. Hank and Janet were reaching for their belts and Carol ignited her fist.

The Avengers and the Androids were staring each other down waiting for one to move, they ignored the smoke going into the sky and the sirens blaring in the hangar.

"Sir another figure is coming, female and in a transport coming fast"

"STANDOWN 42! THATS AN ORDER,ALL OF YOU!" Recognizing the voice coming from the speaker on the transportation, the androids dropped their hands and saluted the woman landing on the ground in her white hover car/ plane. The Avengers slightly relaxed but waited for ramp to finish dropping and showing a woman dressed in a black jacket with the capsule logo on the left arm with a white shirt underneath and blue jeans with yellow shoes and yellow straps replacing the laces (Trunk's boots).

"Sorry about that, My androids are still being constantly updated. I told them to only talk to you but I guess my technicians put a danger alert on any that see Avengers"

"That doesn't explain why you are here and why you blew up my hangar doors" The woman chuckled when she heard the anger coming from the billionaire's voice.

"Well I'm sure you already know, oh also next time don't put your main base and the mansion in such a populated place. You might understand why your own government is looking towards my company to contain you, no offense... its just business" She shook her short turquoise hair out of her face and walked past the Avengers towards her building. She ran her hands over the strong frame work and stopped by the door.

Carol saw where she was going and took an aggressive step forward, alerting the androids and quickly moving "Get away from th-!" She quickly backed up when the five androids were in front of the woman ready to protect their master "Damn androids...' she muttered

"What were my orders?" The woman asked her creations clearly annoyed.


"initiate shutdown, Code- 54759 EVO" The woman said, the others watch the deadly androids collapse to the ground and their glowing eyes turn dark "Better, cant have a conversation with body guards interrupting" She stepped through the door and was quickly followed by the avengers.

"JARVIS, get those doors fixed. This is going to be a long day" Tony said before walking in and looking at the blue haired woman gasping and running around looking at the junk then ran straight to the computer only to be cut off by .

"That's off limits" she said but the blue haired woman only shrugged her shoulders before pulling a tablet from her bag she had and accessed the computer much to the others shock.

"Its still works, they haven't changed much at all" she whispered, she paced around the room looking at the tablet, her eyes widening slightly as she looked at the images Bulma had shown them in the footage.

"This is Amazing! Her data is all here!" She said but frowned when she saw it was mostly food recipes " I always wondered where we got our unique foods from" she chuckled and continued to search for what she came here for. The whole time she ignored the questions the small team of Avengers were asking much to their ire.

"Hey! Are you listening?!" Janet shouted in the blue haired woman's ear. The woman jumped and fumbled with her tablet before gathering herself and looking at the annoyed people looking at her.

"Oh sorry, I usually get lost in the past" she said "I'm sure you know me" she said

"Yeah we know who you are" Tony said, his mask hiding his annoyed expression.

"But we want to know why you look exactly the same as a woman from pre civilization, down to the eyes and hair with the face" Carol added in.

"Oh that's easy" she said "The woman you saw is my ancestor, the very reason Capsule corporation and all the technologies we have are further advanced. She gave my predecessors the data they needed to create the androids but luckily her father locked it all away before they could use them "

"Then how do you explain them?" Bruce asked, pointing at the group of androids laying on the ground.

"My father unlocked them long before I was born, he did not have a reason to use them until during the Vietnam and cold war when we saw humans defying things they haven't seen since our ancestors went into hiding" She left out the details of her father manipulating the world to get the funding to place Capsule corp. in the business world and create weapons far better than Stark's. The only reason stark was on top was because he sold his weapons to militaries everywhere and not establishing a failsafe for when those weapons fell into enemy hands. Plus the fact he had a lot of people working in shady business with terrorists until their beloved boss found out thus leading to Iron man being born because of Stark's own weapons being used against him. Everyone at Capsule Corp. was extremely cautious when getting involved with international affairs.

Their ideals seemed to be out of date but that's what happens when you remain hidden from the world for so long without any conflicts regardless of your world being destroyed. The one thing her ancestor did not account for was the people she saved to begin letting others in their vaults and being able to provide for them and sustain life for everyone to live in peace. It seemed unreal when her parents told her the story, humans living in peace. Her mother said that's how everything was before her ancestors left the surface and nothing would change that.

"Unlocked them? You mean your ancestors created these things?" Tony said, Jarvis showed him the scans of their bodies, the machinery was so simple but far more effective than anything he could imagine or anything this world could create. He would have made one himself but JARVIS had alerted him of a virus erasing everything related to the robot. He could only assume Capsule Corp. was involved and activated their failsafe.

"No, my father said some old guy with a hatred for a child created them so he could get revenge but he did almost succeed. That's what I heard" she explained as she listened to the videos before pausing the video and looking at the pods.

"He wouldn't be here..." she muttered, turning around she saw pods hidden behind the group of heroes "What are you hiding?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with" Carol said, a warning on the tip of her tongue but she decided to try to be nice. Emphasis on try.

"It is my concern when it involves my ancestor's vault which I remind you my family and their company have been searching for this specific vault for a VERY long time. Do you have any idea what my family will do when they find out you have their saviors vault?"

"Nothing we cant handle, they're welcomed to try" Tony chuckled, showing a bit of arrogance in his response.

"The androids you have faced are the low level models, they've been gathering data on every single one of you and let me tell you, you are in no way ready to fight those special models" She explained, not caring for what she was revealing.

"She's bluffing" Hank stated, Janet stifled a laugh like the others.

"I think so too" Carol said

" You can look if you can give us some solid answers to what he is" Tony said " Then we can talk about what leaves and what stays, the man in the pod definitely stays"

"Of course, now move!" she pushed passed the iron avenger and walked past the group to look at the pods next to each other, one had the huge crack in the glass and the other held what looked like a skeleton in a lab coat.

"No...she couldn't have died like this" she whispered, tears building in her eyes as she examined the remains "all alone for so long" she placed a shaky hand on the glass out of respect before moving to the next pod. Her eyes widened as she looked at the man, his white armor shined in the lights with his tail twitching on the side. She walked around the pod looking at him with a scientific and hero like gaze.

"Do you know who this is?" Bruce stepped in front of her to bring her attention back to them.

"This? Um...well you see..." she slowly said unsure whether they would love the news "My family has this story or legend as most would call it" she explained.

"A legend, in this era?" Carol scoffed, annoying the woman.

"Its not something to scoff at , what you've found is someone who destroys planets for a living...oops!" There goes the answer they did not want to hear, when Earth was in danger (again) all jokes were off the table and solutions were quickly thought of.

"explain, now" Tony demanded.

"From what I have been told, this man has been responsible for saving the planet from the many threats that showed up to destroy the earth or possibly the universe if he failed to beat them. My grandmother said he was sent here to kill everyone on the planet but my ancestor look alike convinced him to help her instead. Pretty easy considering he was only a child but that's not important"

"Not important?! A kid came here to kill all life but instead became the savior of Earth. Explain why I should not believe this person is a hero if he destroys planets" Carol said

"I don't know, its only a story they tell my generation so we could tell our next of kin. All I know is, he shouldn't be on the planet"

"Why, is he really that dangerous?" Janet asked.

"They're still looking for him..." Tony said, hoping is wasn't too late to hide him from the world or even this universe.


"Sir we have situation in downtown" JARVIS informed the iron avenger, Hank and Janet ran out of the room to get their uniforms and Bruce waiting to see if he would be needed.

"Show us what we got" Iron man's eyes grew brighter and a video was showing on the white wall to show several fires and crowds of people running away from what looked like energy discharges striking buildings and destroying cars." Get me a close up on nearest camera to the energy discharge"

"Sir, the energy discharges are the exact same as the androids but with hostile intent"

"Tony we need to get moving before more people die, call in our heavies!" Carol said before running out of the room and launching herself into the sky straight into the fight.

"I'll send my androids with you, if its what I think it is you are going to need all the help you can get" Bulma said, using her tablet to reactivate her androids and issuing them their new orders.

"You really think I'm letting stay here?" Bulma growled before shouting. "Bruce, time to get going" The man nodded before running outside. Bulma saw his green eyes glowing before a loud roar echoed throughout the building followed by a small earth quake and the roaring fading away.

"Get your ass moving before more people die, we don't have time for something so stupid" Tony gritted his teeth before running to the door, he stopped at the entrance to look at the woman.

"Don't touch anything" Tony blasted off into the sky following the flames and directions the people were running from. His eyes widened when a red blip on his radar came rushing towards him.

"Incoming!" Tony yelled in pain when a body impacted his own, he saw blonde hair as they went crashing into a building and going through the thin walls before crashing onto the streets below. His system came back online after a few seconds and he saw Carol laying next him and a huge dent in his chest with the people running barely giving a glance then sprinting even harder.

"Ah! JARVIS, you ready?"

"All systems ready for combat sir" The blue interface switched to red (combat mode) "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!"

"Come on, Wake UP!" she screamed at the man in the pod, she screamed in frustration as she tried to open the pod but it was sealed tight "I should've kept one of the androids with me" she muttered before she saw the pad on the side. She looked around to see if anyone of the staff was outside but the entire hangar was empty. Checking one more time, she called out to Jarvis but only received an automated response. Most likely helping its creator with the fight.

She walked back into the building and activated her watch, connecting her to her own special friend.

"Lexi, you there?" The watch flashed a bright yellow before a female figure appeared on her arm and covered in the same clothing Bulma was wearing. Her yellow hair was short and spiked but her green eyes shined with excitement at seeing her creator.

"Bulma!, Where are you?" she asked, the AI looked around the building "and why are you in a vault?"

"This isn't just any vault my friend, This is THE vault!" She squealed "The avengers investigated the strange energy signature coming from the ocean and it led to this!" She quickly said but her smile slightly fell "And I found her remains"

"Your father would love to hear about this find Bulma, capsule corp. has been looking for this for a millennia!" She said before looking at the files in Bulma's tablet" I should be able to recover the corrupted files faster than JARVIS and also send the data to your" The yellow AI looked at Bulma.

"Don't ask, it will make sense when I tell you what else I found!" she became excited again and walked over to the pod containing the saiyan. The AI looked at the man with a blank gaze before looking at Bulma.

"Bulma, I know this is not suppose to happen when you created me but who is this?" The AI asked.

"Must still be locked down" she muttered, talking about the data her father did not want anyone to get in this day and age "This my technological friend is Kakarot" she said excitedly.

"I'm still loss"

"Oh my" she muttered before typing a few commands then waiting as the AI had a blank gaze. Her yellow body flashed for a few seconds before her face became shock.

"Bulma, we need to kill him!"

"What?! Why?!"

"Can you imagine what this man is capable of? If he wakes up, we are all dead!"

"He wouldn't kill us" Bulma defended "You saw the history, he is a hero"

"He was only a hero because HIS WIFE was the only reason he fought for Earth! His wife is dead Bulma! He has no reason to let this planet remain" Bulma quickly looked at the pod containing the man and saw his eyes begin to twitch and his breathing begin to pick up "OH NO HE'S WAKING UP!" The AI screamed in terror, she scanned the body and saw his readings spike.

"Shut up Lexi!" Bulma whispered harshly before running to the computer "Transfer the data and everything from the video to my implant" The Ai gave her a questioning gaze before following the orders, Bulma winced and closed her eyes, feeling the information and everything the avengers did not get to rush into her head. She concentrated on how her ancestor acted and what she knew about Kakarot personally...intimately.

"Bulma, what are you up too?" Lexi said, she saw her creator stumble before steadying herself in the main computer "Bulma?" she asked.

"I-I am..." she whispered, her headache slightly going away before she walked away from the computer and returned to the pod with the groaning man " Do I look like her?" she asked, the AI quickly compared the faces of her creator and the other woman, giving the results"

"You have a 99.7% match miss but what does..." she trailed off looking at her creator in shock "Bulma please don't tell me-"

"Yup" Bulma said, smiling at the idea " I am going to pose as his wife" she said, she quickly and gently moved the pod containing her ancestor's remains behind some of the junk "Sorry" she whispered and returned to the pod holding the man.

'Dammit, husband. Husband..." She repeated and recalled everything her ancestor could explain in the computer hard drives.

"This is a bad idea miss, it wont work" She pleaded with her creator.

"And why not?, I look just like her" she adjusted her hair and fixed her clothes.

"But you aren't her! This only works in the movies humans watch"

"I'm going to be his wife and nothing is going to change my mind. You shouldn't have mentioned that bit of info if you did not want me to do this" She made sure to check her ancestor was still hidden.

"You always have crazy ideas but this one is too much for you to take chances on" she quickly looked for other reasons " And what about your boyfriend, Hmmm? Just going to forget about him?"

"Lexi, you and I both know he's with someone at the moment. You even provided the proof" The groaning man began to move even more, making Bulma a bit more nervous. The whole planet depended on her to act right.

'Now I know what ancestor me was talking about in the first video' she mused before looking at the pad from before.

"Lexi, scan this" the AI looked at the pad before looking back at her creator.

"It is a finger scanner, it is still operational but the print last left on the surface is gone" Bulma looked at the pad before looking at Lexi.

"You think it will work with me?" she asked

"You only resemble your ancestor miss, I never said your DNA was a perfect match" Lexi said but before she could stop her creator, Bulma placed her thumb on the pad "Or you could just ignore me" she muttered

Bulma watched the scanner activate and scan her thumb, she grew nervous when it took a while to get a reading but breathed a sigh of relief when it flashed green. She yelped when the cover of the pod blew off and smashed into the ground loudly. She winced then looked inside the pod to the man moving around and beginning to mumble.

"What do I do?" she whispered and looked at Lexi. The AI stayed quiet and created a barrier to hide behind like she was waiting for an explosion to happen. Bulma huffed and deactivated her watch, sending the AI back into her implant in her head.

"Be careful miss, he's a walking time bomb" Lexi said in her head.

"Um...Kakarot" she whispered, the saiyan stopped moving before he looked in the direction of the voice of his mate.

"Kakarot..." He turned his head to the voice that he loved for years.

'Wake up idiot!" He mentally screamed at himself, his eyelids were heavier than the increased gravity he trained in. His body was extremely rested but his tail was trying to move, like him it did not get very far. Tired of trying to move naturally, he reached into himself and drew out the energy he possessed to get his limbs moving. He sighed as he felt the rush of warmth flood his body and his mind quickly clear up.

"Kakarot..." her voice came through louder this time. He took a deep breath before opening his eyes. He slightly winced from the bright lights but focused on the woman looking at him. He gave his mate a small smile but turned into a smirk when he saw the red taint her cheeks. He looked into her blue eyes before lifting himself out of the pod, gripping the side he jumped over the ledge and landed on the floor.

"Woah..." he said as he regained his balance but continued to stumble to the junk pile. His stumbling stopped when he felt a slim pair of arms wrap around his chest and his mate step in front of him, her cheeks was still red.

"Come on big guy, lets get you outside" she grunted as she led him out the door, Kakarot let his 'wife' lead him outside to what appeared to be a larger room filled with planes and cars but he did see the huge hole in the roof leading to the outside. He heard the sirens in the distance with several explosions and small earthquakes shaking the ground they were on, Bulma gently laid him on the side of the building looking for a way to close the door. Kakarot continued to explore and saw the building they came out of looking extremely old, even for capsule corp. and their perfect white buildings.

"What happened Bulma?" he said before coughing and holding his stomach "Oh my stomach" he moaned before shooting forward and throwing up black liquid for about a minute much to the disgust of Bulma watching. Kakarot gagged a few minutes but nothing was left in his system to throw out, he fell on his back gasping for air and wiping the black liquid from his lips.

"I don't suppose I can get my kiss?" he asked sweetly, causing his woman to blush once again.

'She doesn't blush this much..." he thought, Bulma saw the look and quickly stepped into her role.

"Yeah right Kakarot, brush your teeth and some mouthwash then we can talk" she snapped back, Kakarot laughed before standing up and looking at the roof. He stretched his muscles before looking Bulma who was still blushing.

"What happened?" he asked once again, his bones loudly popped and he checked his armor for any cracks, he frowned when he saw his main armor have small crack appear all around when he flexed.

"Yo- We've been asleep for a LONG time, you were poisoned and I had to cure you" she explained, recalling the information she had. She continued to speak again but a powerful explosion from outside caught their attention " But the explanation can wait later, right now we have some people looking for us and want us dead. Go take care of them will ya?" she kindly asked, Kakarot processed the words she spoke really quickly.

"Alright then, nothing changed much huh?" he joked before looking at the sky, he closed his eyes and focused on the huge energies concentrated in one area. He smirked a bit before igniting his aura and opening his red eyes, they glowed then became dark.

"See you soon Bulma" He said before shooting into the sky faster than Bulma could see, Her AI quickly appeared and looked at her friend.

"You suck, your heart rate is not normal and the sweat buildup almost gave you away! You cant act like her!"

"I have to, the world depends on me convincing the GOD OF FREAKIN DESTRUCTION to not destroy us!" she screamed, she clutched her chest and walked around to calm herself.

"Miss?" the AI asked quietly.

"What?!" she snapped.

"What about his family?" she said, Bulma abruptly stopped and grabbed her head, feeling the headache coming on.

"Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?" she said.

"GET DOWN!" Tony yelled when he saw Hulk flying towards them at break neck speeds. The avengers present dove to the ground and the ones that could fly launched themselves into the sky. Susan Storm of the Fantastic Four created a force field around the people she was evacuating with Spiderman swinging all the people he could carry from the destroyed buildings.

"Who are these people?!" Steve shouted as he held his shield up from the incoming white gloved fist. The first avenger flew a few good yards away from the alien and crashed into a car with some of his teammates rushing the figures. Carol and wonderman were smashed into the ground by the round figure with massive hands and the same outfit as the alien swiftly moving around them delivering kicks and punches no one could follow.

"We cant keep up Tony, even the androids weren't able to track him" Hawkeye said from his perch on a building, Natasha was with him and had her sniper rifle aimed at the large alien but her strongest bullets kept bouncing off his impenetrable skin.

"THOR!" Carol shouted "Give me some juice" The god swiftly summon lighting and aimed it at the blonde, Carol screamed but felt all her wounds heal and her power come back full force. Thor swung his hammer once again and launched himself at fat alien with Carol right behind him and her fist glowing.

"HAVE AT THEE!" The god shouted as he and Carol slammed their hammer and fist into their target but to their shock it was met with the same giant hands. Carol attempted to burn through the hand but she felt her shoulder dislocate as she was slammed into the street once again.

"AH! she screamed in pain, she tried punching the hand still holding onto her arm but it remained strong and slammed her into the ground again and again. Thor followed the same fate but did not have a dislocated shoulder, his hammer hung onto his wrist but his armor was coming apart. The fat alien threw them into another building and blocked the incoming green giant ready to smash him, wonderman quietly snuck around him then charged with the Hulk still coming down on him.

"HULK SMASH!" Hulk smiled in triumphed when he felt his fist crash into something fleshy, his smile turned to a growl as he saw it was wonderman's body imprinted into the ground and groaning in pain. The hulk quickly looked up to meet an uppercut that sent him flying into the sky.

"Nuisance!" The round alien finally spoke, he rubbed his moustache as he saw the 'avengers' they called themselves gather together ready to face them. The slim alien appeared next to his partner and tossed the beaten body of wonderman to them. Thor and Carol crawled out of the ruins beaten but not down, Carol held her arm while Thor could barely hold onto his hammer.

"What do we do Cap?" Thing asked, Steve Rodgers looked at his shield with a large dent in the middle but still holding together.

"What do you want?!" He shouted, the aliens remained in a relax stance but finally smiled.

"We want the saiyan!" The slim one said much to the annoyance of Tony.

"And we said we don't know what the hell a saiyan is!" He shouted.

"You found something with the exact same energy signature as the saiyan. You mean to tell us there is no such thing even related to it?" The fat one said this time.

"Tony, I think we should give him up" Carol whispered "Look, is he worth all of this?" Tony looked at the destroyed buildings in a surprisingly contained area.

"Then what? They might destroy everyone" he said.

"I don't think so, the damage is greatly contained here. They know what they came here for, they only wanted our attention" Widow said as she zoomed in with her sniper.

"Nat is right Tony, give up whatever is you found. Save everyone a few broken bones" Hawkeye reasoned.

"Too late" Spiderman winced , he webbed a bloody spot on his chest "but I am open to less breaking" he joked.

"Look, I don't know what is going on but we have people injured looking at us to blame and those androids saved our asses by helping those people. Who would look like the bad guy?" Susan muttered with Janet and Hank agreeing.

"(sigh) JARVIS? Where is Bulma?" he said

"She is still in the hangar"

"what about the man?" the others looked at iron man in disbelief.

"He is st-" The AI paused before answering " The man has fled from the hangar, it appears Bulma may have set him free" Tony and the other avengers present during the discovery began to get nervous.

"Where the hell is he dammit?!"


"Searching..." The others waited, confusion and questions on their minds.


"Dammit JARVIS where is he?!"

"In front of us" Everyone looked up and saw the man who was once sleeping standing in front of them tall and confident. His spiky hair waved in the wind and his cracked armor was gone but the body suit that was underneath showed his powerful muscles. HIs black GI pants swayed with his hair and his white shoes(Trunks like) shined in the sun.

"Crap" Tony muttered, he scan everything he could but came up with nothing. The avengers and FF remained still as they watched the man continue looking at aliens with matching spandex.

"Toppo, Jiren" he said, they could only assumed it was the names of the aliens " What the hell are doing in MY universe let alone on MY planet?!" He said, his red eyes meeting the black and yellow ones of the spandex duo "And you better not lie to a God of Destruction!" the red eyes flashed purple before turning back into red.

I know, sorry I did not update Kakarot but I am getting to it. That's why we have tons of other fanfics to read to pass the time. Harem suggestions welcomed because when it comes to marvel, I have no idea when to stop. Vegito should be an example of that, also I might need to pull some BS to make the back story connect and for Bulma's descendant trick Kakarot. Also a bit of some under power but I can easily fix it should the occasion arise.

Please read and review

Suggestions welcomed and enjoy!