hello hello my wonderful people! im so on fire this week, updating my third story and posting a new oneshot for bnha XD life is good, y'all im thriving (except for finals next week but we don't care about those) anyways, enjoy this little chapter!

What Whale Watching Brings: Thaluke

Summary: She's sitting in the corner of the boat, being dragged onto it by her dad. Sadly, she's seasick and the only thing that helps is the earbuds on her ears. So who is this guy sitting next to her and why is so he damn talkative?

Thalia curses every god in the sky as the boat thrashes like an eel in the water.

Fuck this. Fuck that. Fuck everything.

She pumped up the volume on her phone, blasting a random Fall Out Boy song. She hoped it would blow out her ears. She wants to get off this damned boat.

Thalia slowly turned her head to look at her dad and his latest girlfriend; Zeus Grace was grinning and telling the woman next to a him a joke. Clyamede Luca, she briefly recalled. The daughter of one of her dad's numerous business partners.

The young woman giggled at whatever the hell her dad said and stared at him lustfully. Thalia snorted; this girl was probably with him for his looks and money. There goes another skanky slut, she thought scornfully.

Zeus turns around her from his conversation to look at his 17 year old daughter. He flashed her a smile and a thumbs up.

"You doing good there, Thals?" he asked.

She glared at him fiercely. "Just peachy, thanks."

Zeus didn't catch her sarcasm and simply nodded, before turning back to Clyamede. He said something again and she bursts into peals of girlish giggles, placing her hand on his knee. As expected as her player of a father, he didn't move away.


Thalia flicked through her playlist, searching for I Write Sins Not Tragedies, just for the brief amusement of the irony of the lyrics.

Her father tapped her shoulder, causing her to glance up.

"What?" she demanded. She was so not in the mood to talk to her bastard of a father.

"Cly and I are heading out to the deck. Do you want to come?" he asked.

Thalia sneered at her father. "I'll pass. Don't feel like hanging out with your new whore."

As quick as lightning, Zeus grabs her wrist. His electric blue eyes, the same shade as hers, flash with anger.

"Watch your tongue," he hissed, before roughly releasing her.

Thalia massaged her wrist as she swore out her dad under her breath, her blazing blue eyes never leaving his back as he and that damned Clyamede walked outside.

As she placed her earbuds back in, she felt a new presence next to her. A hand brushed her arm, making her glare up at that stupid little fucker—

"Hey, you alright? That guy treated you pretty rough."

It's a guy. A blonde guy. Thalia analyzed him; short cropped blonde hair, like he just came from the military, blue eyes (like a river, or a pond, perhaps. Not the same electrifying shade as hers), and a long, jagged scar over his left eye. He wore a white t-shirt with a pair of Hawaiian flower shorts. Underneath the shirt, she could tell he had…a four pack? Maybe? He was definitely muscular; she could see his bare arms, which had a mural of scars.

"Checking me out already? We just met," he joked playfully.

Thalia hardened her expression; she literally was not going to break under this stranger's soft blue gaze.

"Who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you talking to me?" she finally demanded, meeting his soft, baby fucking blue eyes.

The guy put his hands up, as if in surrender. "Whoa, calm down princess. Name's Luke, Luke Castellan." He smiled, as if to hopefully ease her back into calmness. "And I'm talking to you because you seem lonely."

She rolled her eyes and tucked her earbuds back into her ears, hoping that this Luke guy would just leave. What a fucking creep.

She finally found the song she had been searching for, and leaned back against the window, hoping to relax her killer headache.

I fucking hate boats.

"Hey, is that Panic! At the Disco?" Luke asked with a smile. "It's I Write Sins, Not Tragedies, right?"

God, why can't he just fucking leave?

Thalia continued her quest to ignore the insufferably friendly, good looking boy next to her, but as he jabbered on about his favorite songs of the new album, and previous albums, she couldn't help but remove one earbud (just one), to listen to him talk.

"…and that's why High Hopes is the best song from their new album," he finished with a grin. "So, how about you? What's your favorite?"

She decided not to look at him this time, and just stare at her phone when she answered.

"King Of The Clouds," she finally responded.

"That one's super good too!"

As Luke begins to talk to her, Thalia sighed again and closed her eyes. Why can't he just leave me alone?

"Oi, what's your name?" he asked suddenly.

Thalia peeled an eye open. "Name's Thalia."

"Last name?"

"Not saying."

He chuckled and the sound is playfully amused.

"Ah. A mysterious, beautiful girl." Luke grinned at her again. "More things to discover about you then."

She's had it. She was so done.

"Okay, you're okay and all, but can you seriously shut up for like, three seconds?" Thalia snapped. "I'm seasick and I have a killer headache, so just leave me alone."

His blue eyes widened in sympathy.

"Shit, I'm so fucking sorry," Luke groaned. "Dammit, I meet a pretty girl and I can't fucking shut up and now I fucked up."

His miserable expression was so comically funny that Thalia found that her headache cleared a little bit and she laughed. His blonde head snapped up.

"Did I just hear you laugh?"

Thalia felt a smirk creep over her face.


"Aha! So you're not a cold ice queen," Luke smiled again, another blinding white smile. "Tell me more."

Thalia snorted. "About what? I barely know you."

"Fine, we'll play Twenty Questions."

"Twenty Questions? You're so fucking lame already; I'm regretting my decision to stop ignoring you," she said with a wide smile.

Luke winked playfully. "I try."

And they talk, talk about anything and everything, and Thalia felt herself become more attracted to Luke Castellan, who was becoming less and less of a stranger every moment.

He was 19 years old. He wanted to become a doctor, so he was in med school. He lived with his mom, because his dad was a dipshit bastard who left for another woman. He had no idea how to cook. He loved Panic! At The Disco and Green Day and a slew of other musicians that Thalia was absolutely in love with. He knew a little bit of guitar, but couldn't sing for his life.

And with each passing word, Thalia forgot that she was there to whale watch and found herself watching Luke instead.

She was pleased to see that he was doing the same thing.

And of course, Luke questions her as well.

Thalia Grace. 17 years old. Green Day was her absolute favorite band. She knew how to play the drums, the saxophone, and the guitar. Her mom was addicted to drugs and her dad had thrown her into a hospital ward, in order to not tarnish his perfect, businessman reputation. She was going to have a little brother, but her dad made her mom abort the child. Her favorite colors were green and purple. She wanted to pursue music in college.

The three hours were up before they noticed it, and Thalia felt a little sad to be leaving a person she got to know so quickly.

As Thalia stood to leave the boat, Luke grabbed her phone.

"Give my phone back, you little dipshit," she hissed.

Luke flashed her another grin.

"I put my number in. You're welcome. Text me whenever, Thals."

Thalia growled. "Fuck off Luke."

"Thalia. Hurry up." Her father's sharp, stern voice cut through her and she whipped around to snarl back, "Fuck off."

Zeus left with Clyamede, fuming at Thalia's retort.

Luke let out a low whistle.

"Damn, now you got me considering 'warrior princess' for your new name," he nudged her gently.

Thalia rolled her eyes again for the umpteenth time and grabs his phone to type in her number.

"Call me anytime, Castellan," she grinned as they left the plank.

"Will do."

Thalia waved at Luke as he headed off towards the boardwalk to the restaurants. As if he could feel her blue gaze, he turned around, a smirk in place.

"Checking me out again, Thals? You have no shame."

Thalia had nothing to say, but merely rolled her eyes and flipped off the blonde as she turned the opposite way. She heard Luke's chuckles at her reaction as she strode off to the parking lot.

this is awful, but i hope some of y'all are satisfied with this lol

sorry if it's a little rushed and that the present/past tense changed; i got so into writing with present tense i kept forgetting this whole story uses past, so just bear with me here XD

- love, soul