So I'm posting these silly things strictly for fun, pulling them from the late lamented FMA Fic Contest on Livejournal.
Danish (from the prompt "Bluberries")
Solf dropped into one of the bistro chairs and considered the sultry brunette across the table. "Time on your hands?"
Lust regarded him cooly over the top of her book. "I could ask you the same thing. Work's drying up as much for you as it is for me, sweetheart."
Solf grimaced. "As much as I hate to admit it, you're right."
Lust tossed her book on the table with frustrated roughness. "You'd think they'd make another damn movie or something!"
"We weren't in the last one," Solf remarked with a dismissive shrug. "The golden boys were, of course, and Five-Alarm-Sparky," he sneered, "but not us."
"It was mid-canon!" Lust snapped. "They could've squeezed us in!" She picked up her blueberry danish and frowned at it.
"Something wrong with it?"
"No," Lust replied. "I'm wondering how hard these are to make."
"So you never have to leave the house?" Solf said with a smirk.
She glared at him. "No. I was thinking of opening up a bakery."
Solf stared at her. "A bakery? Are you shitting me?"
"As much as I'd like to say I can afford to stand around and look pretty," Lust shot back, "there's a point where you have to be pragmatic. And I can't just go to Daddy and ask for money without a real good reason."
"At least you have somebody to ask. Your siblings don't seem to have a problem with it."
Lust's eyes narrowed a little. "I have a little more integrity than that."
"Which, admittedly, isn't saying much."
Lust ignored that. "I mean, look at this place!" She waved her danish around. "Look at all these people with their morning coffee and shit! It's a gold mine waiting to be tapped, or whatever you do with gold mines."
"Blow them up?" Solf asked hopefully.
Lust sighed. "No. Face it! Convention appearances are getting fewer and farther between."
"Ain't that the truth," Solf agreed morosely. "Well, have fun with that."
Lust lifted her shoulders, then gave him a more studied look. She reached out and smacked his arm. "Hey! Go in on it with me!"
"What?" Solf flinched, then gave a snort. "Me? Be the Pillsbury Doughboy? Get out!"
"No, seriously, Solfie!" Lust pleaded. "We make a pretty good team, don't we?"
"Huh! Off and on."
"Well…" Lust walked her fingers across the table and up his sleeve. "When it's good, it's really good!"
Solf rolled his eyes. "And when it's bad, it's horrid."
Lust huffed and stuck out her lower lip.
"Don't do that."
"Tch!" Lust waved her danish in front of his face. "Don't you want to make delectable pastries like this? Don't you want to make people happy?"
"Blooooberreee…" Lust sang softly. "You love blooooberreeee…"
Solf waved the pastry away from his face, trying not to grin. "Stop that."
Lust smiled seductively, knowing she how easily she could get under his skin. "You know you want to! What've you got to lose?"
"My life savings and my dignity."
Lust leaned forward, giving Solf an exclusive view of her cleavage. "I'll let you lick the icing bowl," she said in a husky purr.
"Oh, honey…" Solf groaned, weakening.
Lust chuckled and took a bite out of her danish. "That's my little doughboy."
Solf rolled his eyes. "Don't talk with your mouth full."