Reading Team PHNK

An: I know, I know! But from the very start, when Spirit planned to write Team PHNK, I had asked to do the reading of it. And here I am now, going to do just that! So here it is!

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY, Naruto, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, or Hunger Games


Ruby yelped as she fell on her butt. "Ow…" she mumbled. Suddenly, several bangs resounded behind her as the remainder of Team RWBY appeared.

"What the heck is going on?!" Yang demanded.

"I don't know, Yang, no GET OFF ME!" Weiss Schnee shouted.

"Where are we?" Blake asked. She stood and looked around the homey looking room with a bunch of couches and recliners around a glass table and in front of a fireplace. She couldn't examine anymore because another set of lights flashed and Team JNPR landed beside them.

"Good Lord, why me?!" Jaune cried from under his teammates, whom had landed on top of him.

"Sorry, Jaune!" Pyrrha shouted as she tried to jump off Jaune, only to find she couldn't because of Nora. "Nora, we're crushing Jaune! Please get up!"

"Mmm…pancakes…" Nora mumbled dizzyingly, knocked out. Ren sighed from his position.

"Nora, there's pancakes on that table," he said with a monotone.

"WHERE?!" Nora immediately jumped up and surveyed the room. When she saw none, she pouted. "Rrrrrrreeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnn!" she whined. "That was mean!"

"My apologies, Nora, but you were crushing us," Ren said as he and the others picked themselves up.

Jaune groaned as he stood and cracked his back. He looked around and frowned. "Where are we?" he asked.

"That's what we're trying to find out," Blake said as Yang finally stopped her argument with Weiss.

Pyrrha looked around as well. "Who could have sent us here?" she asked as more flashes and exclaims of surprise sounded out.

"What in Merlin's name just happened?!" Harry Potter shouted.

"I don't know, Harry!" Hermione Granger shouted back.

"Seaweed Brain, what did you do?!" Annabeth Chase questioned loudly.

"Nothing!" Percy Jackson answered.

"Peeta! Are you ok?!" Katniss Everdeen asked loudly.

"Yeah," Peeta Millark groaned. "But that hurt!"

"Ack! G-Gaara, you're gourd is crushing my balls!" Naruto Uzumaki groaned.

Suddenly, a wave of sand knocked the group into the air. They all cried out in surprise, but they were all able to land on their feet safely. The blonde male stood and groaned in pain. "Thanks, Gaara," he mumbled.

Yang, having slowly grown annoyed, exploded. "GRRRR…WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?!" she shouted, gathering everyone's attention as her hair caught fire and her eyes turned red. Harry spoke up first.

"Who the bloody hell are you?!" he asked.

"Perhaps, I can explain," a voice called out, gaining everyone's attention. Everyone turned to see a young man in his early twenties wearing a red T-shirt, blue jeans, and boots under a trench coat with the hood up. The man had brown hair and blue eyes. He grinned at the assembled group. "Yo!" he said with a wave.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" they shouted in unison.

"Nice to meet you all too," he chuckled. "Since y'all asked, the name's Dragon. And I brought you all here for one, singular purpose."

"And what's that?" Annabeth asked, wary of the figure.

Dragon smirked and snapped his fingers, causing a book to land on the table behind him. "Simply to read a book containing the events of a reality where you sixteen change the very fate of Remnant," he said, getting dubious looks from the group.

"You don't expect us to believe that, right?" Katniss asked questioningly. Dragon just grinned and snapped his fingers, causing a big TV to appear above a hearth. Everyone turned to it and saw it flicker to life. Much to their surprise, images of themselves appeared on the screen.

A version of Naruto wearing a long orange coat glared at a one eyed man. "This is MY village, old man," the Naruto growled, pulling out two tri-bladed kunai. "And as its Kage, if you attack my village's people…" He threw one and reappeared behind the man in a yellow flash. "…YOU DEAL WITH ME!" he roared, a Rasengan in hand.

The screen flashed to a version of Harry, with dog ears and a tail. "I…am the Son of Prongs; the successor of Padfoot; the student of Moony! The son of the powerful witch in the world!" he shouted as he slashed at a man wearing a bone mask, leaving a massive gash on the man's chest. "I am the Marauder's heir! The leader of the Schnee Dust Company's Animagus Corp.; I am Harry James Potter!" He slashed a couple more times before he sent his foot straight into the man's sternum, sending him to the ground. He stomped on his head and growled, "The man who defied Death himself! What hope do you have against me?!"

Another scene appeared of Jaune fending off a massive Grimm with a horse body and a human rider with extremely long arms. He shouted wordlessly as he brought his sword down in a vertical cut, the blade vibrating with barely contained power. Suddenly, it was like the world stalled. All Ren and Nora could see was a blinding white light. Jaune saw the Grimm before him separate into two separate pieces before it vanished in the same light Ren and Nora were seeing. Suddenly, time seemed to return and a massive cut appeared through the abandoned town of Kuroyuri, splitting a mountain in two and sending two massive waves of earth flying on either side of the slash.

The screen showed a destroyed city with a man with white hair holding Peeta firmly in front of him as Katniss took aim with a bow. "Don't you see, Everdeen?!" the man shouted. "The anarchy you've caused?! This war is causing innocent men and women to die! For what?! Him?!" He motioned to Peeta. "A mother who lost her mind?! A sister who died in vain?! A friend who abandoned you?! What?!"

"Do you trust me?" she whispered softly, her eyes meeting Peeta's.

He didn't hesitate. "Yes," he said. Snow was unimpressed.

"How can you possibly think you won't him?" the President asked. Katniss smiled, no humor gracing her face.

"I don't," she admitted, and let her arrow fly.

The screen flickered to a visage of an older Ruby, with black sclera and her silver eyes glowing brightly. "You don't…" she growled, punching a burly looking man. "Know a THING…about me! NOT anymore, Hazel! But one thing hasn't changed: I'M still HER creation! HER KNIGHTMARE! And I fully intend to own this curse! And I'll use it to rip out whatever's left of her cold, black heart!"

Another scene appeared, showing Percy wearing a wicked looking suit of armor and holding a trident that seemed to have axe heads attached to the sides. "I am the Savior of Olympus! Son of the Earth shaker and the new God of the Seas, Ares!" he proclaimed in a loud voice. He pointed his trident to the ground and shouted, "And you've just pissed…ME…OFF!" He slammed his trident into the ground, and suddenly, the ground around him began to shake violently.

Dragon snapped his fingers again, and the TV turned off. "Believe me now?" he asked the shocked group. They nodded slowly.

"B-But why us?" Jaune questioned.

Dragon shrugged. "Why not? Now why don't we settle down and introduce ourselves and get started, shall we?" he asked. Everyone nodded and headed for the sitting area.

Team RWBY took one of the bigger couches in front of the table, while JNPR took the other. Percy and Annabeth shared a recliner, and Harry commandeered the one next to them. Hermione ended up sharing a couch with Naruto and Gaara. Katniss and Peeta shared a recliner like Percy and Annabeth.

"Now who wants to start off?" Dragon asked. Naruto shrugged and spoke up.

"Sure why not? I'll go," Naruto said, and addressed the group. "Yo! I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Remember it!" Yang and Blake blushed as they got a good look at him, but before anyone could notice, the redhead beside him spoke up.

"My name is Gaara," the Kazekage intoned, but said no other word. Weiss blushed this time, something Ruby caught, but didn't say anything.

Hermione figured she should go next. "Well, I guess I'll introduce myself now. I'm Hermione Granger," she smiled at the group, then motioned for Harry to follow.

He nodded and sighed. "I'm Harry Potter. Nice to meet all of you," he said, and Ruby couldn't help but blush herself as she met his eyes and turned away. Weiss was the only person to notice this, but she said nothing, deciding to file it away for later.

"We'll go next," Percy announced, getting everyone to turn to him. He grinned. "What's up? I'm Percy Jackson! Nice to meet you."

"And I'm Annabeth Chase," Annabeth said. They all nodded to them.

Peeta spoke up then. "We'll here goes nothing," he mumbled. Louder, he spoke: Hello everybody, I'm Peeta Millark." He nudged Katniss, who seemed reluctant to speak, but after a seemingly silent talk between the two, she sighed and addressed the group.

"My name is Katniss Everdeen," she said quietly, and promptly shut up.

Now it was the two Huntsmen/Huntresses teams. Ruby snapped out of her funk by shaking her black/red streaked hair and smiled at the group. "Well, my name is Ruby! Ruby Rose!" she said brightly.

Yang decided to continue. "And I'm Yang Xiao Long! Nice to meet you!" she said, winking at the men, causing the three with female companions to narrow their eyes at the girl.

"Blake Belladonna," Blake said, and not another word came from her.

"My name is Weiss Schnee," Weiss finished.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" Nora shouted, gaining everyone's attention. "Me next! Me next! I'm the Queen of the Castle, Her royal majesty, Nora Valkyrie!" Everyone but her friends looked at her oddly. Ren sighed.

"I'm Lie Ren," Ren said, trying to get back to a sense of normalcy so the eight newcomers (to him at least) felt comfortable again.

Pyrrha took this time to smile at the group. "I'm Pyrrha Nikos. Hello!" she said with a wave.

"And I'm Jaune Arc," Jaune said. He thought about trying to smooth talk the three girls who showed up, but one look at them told him they might not appreciate it, especially Katniss.

Dragon smiled. "Alright! Hard part's over!" he said, and summoned the book to him. "I'll start reading for us!"

An: What do you think? Review and tell me!