I got two reviews so here's my reply, guys!~
Wherever Girl: Air horns, you just gotta love them. But only when you're not on the receiving end. And thanks for the tip, sis! =D
Toothless Productions: Thanks, little sis! I'm glad you like it so far!
Also, one more thing, there are more OCs in this chapter. I do NOT own one of them. The one that I do NOT own is Magnolia. She belongs to Toothless "Oliver Kirkland the Angel" Productions aka Toothless Productions on here. Also, I like to call her sis. We're not actually related.
WARNING! This is where it gets dark!
Unknown POV
'Grrr. Where is that bastard? He's supposed to be here,' They thought. There were police sirens and the figure ran into the woods, climbing up a tree. The police searched everywhere and couldn't find him.
"Call Luciano and tell him that Allison has escaped," The captain ordered one of his men. The man nodded and did so, "You two, stay with him!"
A dagger was thrown from the trees and gunshots rang from the guns.
"Tell him that Sakir has escaped too!" The captain ordered. The officers nodded
Dianne, Luciano, Feliciano and Oliver came back down after awhile.
"And then Dianne replied with an 'Oliver, Oliver, where art thou?' And kissed Oliver's hand. Oliver couldn't stop blushing for a week!" Klaus was telling them a story. Oliver blushed.
"I thought you swore that you would never tell that story?" Oliver exclaimed.
"You weren't in the room and well, Flavio suggested that we should tell stories about what our life is like being with the girls," Lutz explained.
"That reminds me of the time when Dianne brought Captain home. Luciano's reaction was priceless!" Klaus exclaimed.
"Who's Captain?" Italy asked. Klaus started laughing so much that he couldn't reply. Lutz chuckled.
"Before Klaus tells you, you need to know that there is a difference between a Boa and a Boa Constrictor. Boa snakes are not poisonous, while Boa Constrictors are. But Captain is a Boa Snake. His full name is Captain Jack Sparrow but we call him Captain for short," Lutz replied.
"One day, Dianne and Lilly were staying over with us and we, Luciano and I, were needed. So we let Lillic stay with them. Second worst mistake ever. When we came back, Captain was curled around Dianne, who was playing a video game with Captain watching, Lilly was sleeping on the couch with an open book in her arm about how to take care of snakes, and Lillic was writing something down. Luciano screeched, getting the girls attention. He had then screamed, 'Where did that snake come from?' And Lillic replied that they had found him outside, bleeding and hurt badly, so Dianne had begged Lillic that they would heal him. They did and Captain wouldn't leave. Turns out that he really bonded with Dianne so we had no choice but to keep him."
Italy laughed, "That sounds like something that you would do, Luciano~"
"Because that's something that he would do, dear North. That even reminds me of when Luciano was younger, he would always want to keep wild animals as pets. Even if they were really dangerous," Klaus laughed. Luciano blushed and covered his face with his hands. Klaus laughed, continuing, "There was this one time a bear followed him home and he wanted to keep him as a pet. When I first saw him with the bear in my kitchen, I swear my startled scream must of alerted the whole neighborhood."
They all laughed except for Luciano, who had covered his face in embarrassment.
"Wait, what do you mean by your kitchen?" Austria asked, "Weren't the boys raised by my 2P?"
"First off, can you please call us 2nd Players and not 2Ps? That's like us calling you 1Ps and not 1st Players. It's like an insult," Luciano exclaimed.
"Second, remember what we told you earlier about Roland? About how he was abusive?" Klaus replied.
"Oh," Some of the 1st Players exclaimed.
"I've been wanting to ask this, but Dianne said that you guys helped her and Lilly control her powers. How did you help them to do that?" Spain asked, changing the topic. Luciano smirked and suddenly he was next by Spain. Spain jumped, yelping. Luciano zoomed back next to Lutz after that.
"Because we have our own powers as well," Luciano explained, "Mines include speed, Healing, Blood-Manipulation, Memory Lock, Future-Sight, and my SIREN powers."
"Mines are Thunder, Polarity, and Metal Control," Lutz answered.
"I have Lighting Powers, Memory Unlock, limited Teleportation, and Invisibility," Klaus replied.
"I can use fire, manipulate fire, become flames, and teleport. My brother and I also use Native American Magic," Allen told them.
"Same as my brother only with ice instead and I can't teleport but I can freeze time as well as become invisible," Matt answered.
"Speed, Nerve Manipulation, Possession, Calming Spirit, Nightmare," Flavio.
"Shadow Teleportation, Shadow Manipulation, and Power of The Black Kitzune," Kuro.
"Ice and Flower Manipulation," Issac.
"Smoke Teleportation, Smoke Manipulation, really, I can just manipulate anything cloudy and teleport using them," Louis.
"Basic European Magic and I've been studying some Imagineer's powers," Oliver.
"Werewolf," Torin.
"Lupin," Lavis.
"Vampire. Can also manipulate blood," Edin.
"Nature's tongue. Basically, I can communicate with animals," Anthony.
"Again, since my brother is out of it, he has the Power of The White Kitzune," Kuro growled out, "He's also able to use Shadow, an ability to trick your enemies into thinking that you're here when you're there."
Luciano's phone began to ring. He answered it.
"Luciano, Allison and Sakir had escaped from prison. We believe that they might be heading towards your location," A voice exclaimed.
"Got it. We'll do what we can, keep everyone alert," Luciano replied.
"Alright, sir," The voice answered and hung up.
"Who was that?" Ukraine asked.
"The police force. They keep us updated if anything happens in our world while we're gone," Louis replied.
"So they know about you guys being nations?" Belarus asked.
"Yes. They also know about you guys too. We're also the rulers of our own countries as well. The Micronations rule their own counties as well under our guidance," Issac answered.
"So you guys get to rule your own country? That's awesome~" North Italy exclaimed.
"The only downside is that we still have a lot of paperwork," Allen spoke.
"Of course there is," The Northern American brothers grumbled. Almost everyone chuckled.
"There's going to be paperwork for everything. Honestly, you won't live for long if you keep your heads stuck in the clouds," England retorted.
"You also don't live very long if all you do is bury yourself in paperwork, brat. All that does is makes you sick to no end," Luciano quick-witty replied.
"Need some cold, dry ice for that sick burn, chico?" North Italy exclaimed. Everyone just went wild at the two's quick replies to the English's insult.
"Now, now, let's not start~" Lutz laughed.
"Yeah, let's not start what? A fight?" A familiar voice exclaimed.
Dianne's POV
Oh no. I looked at the time at my phone. 4:45
Mom was back...
"Oh, hi...mom," I squeaked out.
"Kathleen, calm down," Kuro replied.
"Get out. Now. I don't want you bastards in my house," My mom hissed.
"We were here in the first place because Dianne called for us," Luciano exclaimed.
"I don't want to hear it! I want you out now!"
"Hey! What is your problem with them!" Italy exclaimed, "They've been nothing but kind and caring since they got here! They took care of your daughter while you were gone and this is how you treat them?"
"Feli, please, stay out of it," Flavio begged.
"Ever since those bastards came here, my daughter has been in danger and almost-" I couldn't take it anymore.
"SHUT UP, MOTHER!" I yelled, "These so-called bastards have been more of a family to me for years than you have been in one day! So just shut up and leave them alone! They've saved my life! Without them in the first place, Lilly and I would have been experimented on or worse, killed!"
I stormed up to my room and slammed the door.
America's POV
After Dianne left, the argument got worse.
"Now look at what you've done!" Kathleen started.
"We did nothing," Luciano replied, keeping his voice calm, but I could tell he seemed like he was about to explode at any second.
"Nothing? Yeah, right!" She raised her hand and was about to do something but Lutz caught her hand.
Flavio took Luciano away from the fight. Luciano was wide-eyed, and had clenched Flavio's shirt. He breathed in and out slowly. That...looked like signs of a panic attack.
"I usually don't hit women but if you raise your hand against my husband like that again, I won't hesitate to fight you," Lutz spoke dangerously.
"My brother and I got Dianne, if that's okay, Luciano?" I whispered to Luciano.
"Please, and grazie," He whispered back. Canada and I left.
We knocked on Dianne's door. When she didn't reply, I leaned on the door and listened. I heard sobbing and opened the door.
"Hey, Dianne. What's wrong?" I asked.
"It's nothing," She lied.
"Silver-tongue," I replied. She blushed.
"Only Luciano can call me that," She grumbled.
"Alright then, Silver," I answered. She growled reluctantly.
"Fine. It's just that I'm tired of my mother just being so judgmental of them. Hell, I'm tired of everyone judging the Second Players just because of what they think that they see. Luciano and Lutz practically raise Lilly and I like we are part of their own family. Yet my mother just keeps insulting them because she knows that they have better parenting methods than hers. She's just jealous and she won't admit it. She hates them because she claims that they just are taking me away from her. She doesn't understand the fact that maybe, just maybe, I want to be taken away? Maybe I don't want to be here? Maybe the fact that my sister's abusive?" She ranted.
"Wait, are you saying that you rather live with them?" Canada asked, confused. I facepawned.
"Yes, Matthew, that's exactly what she's saying and I can understand why," I replied. He gave me one of his stares to which I just gave him a glare and he backed off.
"Why do you say that you can understand?" She asked me. I turned back and sighed, and patted her head.
"Because having to deal with my own crazy family, I too feel like I need an escape sometimes," I answered. She hugged me. I gently hugged her back.
"Hey!" Canada exclaimed, pouting. I chuckled. Dianne smiled.
"Thanks, guys. I needed that," She replied. We smiled too.
Lilly ran up the stairs into Dianne's room, "Aku-ratios, attacking. Nations...2nd's...fighting. Need...help!"
She was gasping and panting as she entered. She didn't notice the Akuratio behind her. It reached for her.
A black blur ran past us and killed the Akuratio. We looked around for Dianne but didn't see her. All we saw was a black haired girl. When she turned to us, her ruby-red eyes deadly serious, I felt a shiver through my spine.
"Maya-" Lilly began, but the girl, Maya, shushed her.
"Take the boys and hide, now. It's going to get bloody," She growled out. Lilly nodded and motioned for us to follow her. We went down to our bedrooms and used the secret passage to the safe place.
"Where are we going?" My brother asked.
"The Lithilliam. But once we get there, you must not freak out," She replied.
After awhile, Lilly opened a door. We went in. We ended up in what looked like a large windowed dome.
However, in our amazement, we didn't noticed the white cloud-like creature that had snuck in.
"AH!" We turned around to see that an akuratio had grabbed Lilly.
"Lilly!" We both exclaimed and rushed to help her.
"No! Stay away! Just run!" But we ignored her and tried to fight it off. It grabbed us too and...swallowed us, I guess? It, well, it surrounded itself around us and suddenly everything went dark.
Canada's POV
As soon as it "swallowed" us, everything went dark.
When I woke up, I was supposedly in the glass dome.
"Beautiful, isn't it?~" I heard my voice chuckle behind me. Whirling around in shock, I came face-to-face with...me? But as soon as I turned around, I wanted to turn back.
What I saw behind the other me, was a sight I never want to see again. Behind him, every single nation that I knew was dead. Even the 2nd Players. The only one left barely alive was Matt.
"What? What's wrong? Afraid of me now?" He darkly chuckled.
"Y-Yes, I am," I turned around to see Lilly crying and shaking. She was the one who answered. She was covered in blood. Lillic, unconscious, was behind her.
"Why?~ I thought that you wanted to be my ice queen?~"
"But not like this! Why, Canada? Why? Why did you kill them?" She screamed out, crying.
"For us, my darling pet!~ Why do you spit out such hatred and venom at me?~"
"Because you killed our family!" She cried. I realized something. I looked back at Germany and Italy then back at her. I couldn't believe that I didn't notice it before.
But then the picture faded, Lilly's scream as the image melted away.
"No!" I yelled, trying to grab for Lilly but it was too late. I then heard a chuckle behind me again, it was the same one.
"Did you like seeing that?~" I turned around, hatred in my eyes, "Did you like seeing them all dead?~ Oh, and the look of fear in her eyes!~ The sadness, the pain, the hatred, the anger!~ You loved that!~"
"No I didn't, you fucking bastard!" I yelled. The other me only smirked.
"Oh, don't lie to yourself, Can~na~da!~ Eheheheheh!~ You loved it! Seeing all their dead bodies!~ Well except for the girls and your 2nd Player, after all you need him in order to be alive~ But you did love it!~ The stabbing, the pleading and the begging for you to stop~ But you never did~" The other me laughed. He was crazy.
Whoosh! He was right in front of me. I tried to step back to get away from him, but he grabbed me by the throat and held me down to the ground.
"You love it~ Their pain is your pleasure~" And he bit my neck. I screamed.
"Canada!" Someone yelled. I woke up. It was my brother, America, who yelled. I hugged him, crying.
"Canada? What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" I nodded.
"Y-You and everyone were dead! I-I killed you all except for my 2nd Player, Lilly and Lillic!" Then I heard a dark chuckle come from my brother. I felt something wet drip onto my hair. Startled, I looked up, but as soon as I did that, I wish that I hadn't. Blood was pouring from his chest.
"Ohoh, but Canada, you did. You did kill me and everyone else," Tears streamed down his eyes as blood came from his mouth and his stabbed chest. He fell limp, right into my into my arms.
"No!" I cried.
"Canada! This isn't real!" I heard Lilly's voice call out.
"Please! Stop it! Stop fooling me!" I sobbed.
"Oh~ So easily broken~" A voice, the other me, laughed as he wrapped his arms around my chest.
Tears fell down my eyes, "Please, just do whatever the hell you want with me..."
The bastard smirked and slid my shirt off.
"Canada! Don't give up! You can't give up that easily! Please!" Those words were all I needed to hear before I snapped out of it. I kicked him in the weak spot, grabbed my shirt and ran. He lept in front of me. I took steps back.
"You foolish, pathetic brat!" He yelled at me, angrily.
"I'm not going to give in! Even if I do become like you, I know that I won't win! I trust my brother to end me before it'd get to that point!" I yelled. Suddenly, the room shattered and I woke up for real.
America's POV
When I opened my eyes, I was in a dungeon.
"What do you think of your new home? Nice?" He spoke. I looked to find him right in front of me. I struggled against the chains, "Ah, ah, dear~ Don't try, darling~ I've had them customized just for you, my love~"
"Please, just let me go and no one has to be hurt," I growled. He chuckled.
"Oh, but if I do, then your family is the one that pays the crime of your punishment~" He turned the TV on, showing on different screens of my family and friends in different chambers, being tortured. Even the 2nd Players weren't spared. Some of them...were even forced to be torturing their 1st Players.
"Please!" I begged, "Please! Just leave them alone! Do whatever the hell you want with me but please! Leave them alone!"
He licked the tears off my cheek and I let him, "Good boy~ I'll spare them~"
"What are you doing? Don't give up!" Dianne's voice rang through my head.
"I must be going crazy. I'm hearing voices in my head," I cried. He took my cheeks into his hands. Surprisingly, they felt warm.
"Don't worry, love. I'll make it go away," He promised, purring into my ear.
"Alfred F. Jones! You wake up right now! Or else I will put ice down your back!" My brother's voice.
"Wait. You...You're not real," I muttered.
"Speak clearly, love~ You know I hate it when you mutter," He lectured me.
"You're not real!" I yelled. Then I woke up. Canada hugged me, crying. I hugged him back.
Lilly's POV
"I told you not to come after me!" I lectured them.
"We were just trying to save our friend," America exclaimed. I blushed.
"I...I get that, but still. What if Dianne and I hadn't gotten to you two in time? Did you ever think about what would of happened then? You could've died! And you would've stayed dead!" I cried out.
"Where is Dianne and the others?" Canada asked.
"She's helping the others," I replied.
England's POV
When the monsters attacked us, I was one of those who got swallowed first.
When I thought that I woke up, I was in front of Engrina.
"Engri-" SLAP! She slapped me. I was shocked.
"You pathetic idiot! Why won't you listen! She's right! I am an Imagineer! Please! Believe her! I beg you to! Don't listen to your brother! He's got us all wrong! Believe Dianne! Believe what she has to say! If not for your sake, then for your kind's sake! For the sake of the worlds!" She yelled at me. Tears were in her eyes.
"Fine. One chance. That's all she gets," I grumbled.
"That's all we need," She told me. Then I woke up.
Romano's POV
I tried my best to defend myself after Lilly left but even as a Mafioso boss, I had my limit.
When I woke up in the nightmare, I saw the bodies of my brothers, but they were dead.
"No...No!" I screamed as I ran towards them, "Feliciano! Sebastian! Wake up! Please!"
When they didn't stir, I just couldn't help it. Tears ran down my eyes as I let out a pained cry.
"Romano! Snap out of it! Your brothers are fine!" I heard my bastard 2nd Player yell to me.
"Why?" I growled, "Why should I believe you?"
"I know I never had given you a reason to believe me and I probably never will. But please, trust me when I say that your brothers aren't dead. They're alive. Feli's waiting for you to wake up," Flavio spoke sadly. I sighed.
"Fine," I growled.
"Now to get out of here," He raised his palm to the sky and everything went dark again. I woke up and Feliciano hugged me. I hugged him back. Spain hugged me too.
Latvia's POV
After we all got out of that hellhole, the 2nd Players started checking over some of us to make sure that we were alright.
Once they were done, I took my 2nd Player out to the dining room.
"Lavis, um, how did Issac find out about your all's you know?" I asked. He looked at me.
"He didn't. We told him. Well, he found out about Torin through the death of our version of Stalin, but Edin and I, we told him," He answered me.
"You told him? Why?"
"Well, after finding about Torin, he wanted to know if we had any secrets like that so we had no choice but to tell him."
"Was he angry?"
"Yes. But he was angry because we didn't tell him sooner. He calmed down after we told him why we didn't tell him sooner."
"Was it because of the Hunters?"
"Do you mind if I tell Toris and Eduard about our conversation?"
"I don't mind."
I went to Toris and Eduard and told them privately about the conversation that Lavis and I had.
"So he knows? And he was only angry because they didn't tell him sooner?" Toris asked. I nodded.
"That's kind of a relief." Eduard sighed.
America's POV
After everything was over, we went back to the family room.
"America, we need to talk," Canada told me. Uh-oh...this can't be good. We went into the dining room.
"Yeah, bro?" I asked.
"America, when we were attacked by that Akuratio, what did you see?"
"I...I saw you and everyone being tortured. Even the 2nd Players, some of them were even forced to tortured some of you guys. I was held back by chains. Why? What did you see?"
"I...I had snapped. I saw a snapped version of me standing around all your all's dead bodies" My eyes widen and I hugged my brother, "I killed everyone except for my 2nd Player, Lilly and Lillic."
His voice cracked, "I'm so scared, America."
I hugged him tighter, "Don't worry. I'll be your hero and I'll stop you," I promised him.
He shook his head, "No, America. If...If that happens, please, just put me down. Promise me."
I was shocked, "Canada..."
"Promise me," He softly shouted. I sadly sighed.
"I promise."
"Thank you."
Allen's POV
I was listening to my 1st Player's and his brother's conversation. I wasn't trying to be rude but I was concerned about them. Especially after what Lilly and Dianne told me about what they heard in the boys "Nightmare."
'Matt, you're gonna need to hear this,' I telepathically told my brother.
'What is it?' He asked, telepathically. I explained to him what I heard. I heard him mentally sigh, 'I've told Luciano, Lilly, Lillic and Dianne.'
I left to check up on Lilly. When I was almost at her and Dianne's room, my phone rang. I picked it up.
"Can Magnolia and I come over?" He asked.
"I'll have to ask Dianne," I began.
"She said that it was okay. Can we?"
"Sure," I answered.
After I quickly checked up on Lilly, I went to Oliver and told him about the phone call that I just got.
"Good. I was missing playing with my daughter~" Oliver exclaimed.
"You have a daughter?" Almost all the 1st Players exclaimed.
"Yes. Her name's Magnolia. She's a baby fairy that I created with magic~" Oliver explained. A portal opened, and he stepped through, carrying Magnolia.
"Maggie!~ Have you been a good girl for your cousin?~" He asked Magnolia who laughed and giggled.
After the portal opened, a red-hair boy carrying a white-haired little girl stepped through the portal.
The white-haired girl was a toddler and the red-haired boy looked to be twelve.
The red-head boy walked to Allen, after giving the white-haired toddler to Oliver.
"Hey dad," The red-head boy greeted Allen. Allen smiled and ruffled the boy's hair.
"Hello, Aslan," He replied.
"YOU HAVE A SON?" Almost ever 1st Player exclaimed.
"Hey, Aslan!~" Alfred exclaimed, giving him a high-five.
"YOU KNEW?" France and England exclaimed.
"Why wouldn't he know his godson?" Canada muttered.
"YOU KNEW TOO?" They exclaimed again.
"Stop yelling!" Luciano...yelled. North Italy muffled his giggles.
"Sorry," They squeaked.
America's POV
"So...who's the mom?" Austria asked. The 2nd Players, the three girls, Canada and I facepawned.
"Austria! You do not just randomly ask someone that question!" Prussia scolded, "You could easily get killed just by asking that question!"
"It's okay, Gil. He's a curious idiot," Allen interrupted Prussia's rant, "In fact, he was asking what most people were wondering. I'm the mom, actually."
There was awkwardly dead silence. Prussia then hit Austria on the back of the head, "You idiot. No wonder you get dumped easily."
"My brother's right," Germany grumbled.
"You're an idiot!" Dianne quoted to Austria.
"Okay, that's enough Judge Judy for you," Luciano told her. There was some laughter, giggles and snickers.
"Who's the other father?" Hungary asked. Oh no.
"Hungary! That is the one question that you should never ask!" I yelled out, "Not everyone is comfortable sharing that information! If they want to tell you, they will! But you should never ask nor bring that kind of topic up!"
Hungary, and just about everyone else, looked at me in shock.
"Does that mean that you know who Aslan's other father is?" She asked. I sighed, irritated.
"I'm not going to answer that. Figure that out yourself, noisy lady," I left, angrily.
Canada's POV
After my brother left, Hungary was shocked. Austria started to rant, "That bastard! Calling her nosy? How rude and hypocritical!"
"Excuse me?" I exclaimed, "If anything, my brother was only telling the truth! You shouldn't be poking your nose into other people's businesses. Whenever Al pokes his nose into other people's business, it's only because he was either provoked or worried!"
Austria scoffed, "Right. If that's true, then give me an example. And if you have to think of one up, then-"
"Japan, I don't want to open any old wounds up, but-"
"It's okay. We've forgiven each other a long time ago," Japan replied. I nodded.
"Peril Harbor. Japan attacked Hawaii first, which is why America joined WWII. The Vietnam War, he was forced into it but he was worried about her in the first place. The Korean War, which even though is technically not over. He wanted to make sure that South Korea was okay and if he needed any help. I'd say more, but I'd rather not get onto sore subjects," I listed off. Austria knew that he lost.
"Canada, mon petite, how do you know all of this stuff?" France exclaimed.
"I do my research," I answered, "I'll go check up on America."
I left.
Matt's POV
After Canada left, Lilly let out a whistle.
"Damn!" Dianne exclaimed, "Now that's a super ultra mega burn right then and there!"
"Pfft. That sure was. I didn't know that Matthew had that much spitfire in him!" North Italy replied.
"He has quite a lot of spitfire. He only uses it when needed," I replied.
"Oh? And how would you know?" France asked, skeptical.
"Well, duh. Why wouldn't I know about 1st Player? After all, I do hang out with him from time to time," I answered. France was shocked. Luciano snickered.
"Yeah, we'd all hang out with you from time to time if you all weren't either so skeptical or live with someone that was," Luciano replied.
"Caw! Caw!" We all turned to the window. It was a crow-raven. Luciano opened the window and let the bird in.
"Bastillo, how many times do we have to tell you? Use the door!" Luciano scolded.
The bird transformed into a raven-haired boy with blue-brown eyes and pale skin.
"It's just so much fun to use the window, though, Mr-" Bastillo stopped at Luciano's glare, "Pops."
Luciano sighed, somewhat irritated, and muttered, "I swear..."
"You have a son?" Almost all the 1st Players exclaimed.
"I'm adopted. My name's Bastillo Vargas," He introduced.
"Bassy!" Dianne exclaimed, glomping the bird-shifter.
"Oy! Get offa me!" He yelled out.
"Fshherherher~ Nope!~" She exclaimed.
"Dianne, get off him," Luciano told her. She pouted, then sighed.
"Fine," She grumbled and let Bastillo go.
"By the way, who is Sakir?" Hungary asked carefully.
"Sakir is Sadiq's 2nd Player," I answered.
"He's...also Aslan's other father," Allen replied. Most of the 1st Players gaped at him in shock.
"Then why...?" Ukraine asked, unsure if she wanted to know the answer.
"Because he raped my dad," Aslan answered, hatefully, "I hate him for hurting my dad."
"I think I can understand that. To hate someone because they hurt people that you are close to," Belarus answered, "I hate people who hurt my big brother because they think that it's okay to hurt him for something that he has no control over."
Most of the 1st Players and us 2nd Players glared at Poland.
"Is that why you scare Poland a lot? Because he accuses Russia of doing such things?" Toris asked. Belarus nodded. Toris laughed softly, "Then you should of asked me to help you! He constantly gets on my nerves for staying with your brother during the Soviet Union and the Cold War. Even the other two Baltics don't complain. But that's because we know why Russia acted the way that he did."
Russia's POV
I looked at Estonia and Latvia, wanting to know if what Lithuania said was true.
"It is true, Mr. Russia. We knew why you acted like that all along. The reason why we left was so we could tell our leaders what was going on and get help. Lithuania stayed so that way if your leaders did something, he could help you," Estonia replied. Latvia nodded. I gently hugged them.
"Thank you," I spoke. They hugged me back, smiling.
Issac's POV
I watched as my 1st Player and the two Baltics hug. I smiled softly behind my scarf. Torin held my hand.
"Told you he was going to be okay," Torin teased me quietly. I blushed.
"Rude," I grumbled. He chuckled.
North Italy's POV
We heard a knock coming from the bathroom mirror. Luciano sighed.
"That's Kugle," Luciano replied, "Austria, I recommend that you leave the room until I explain to Kugle who you are."
"Why should I-" Austria was interrupted by Torin taking him and Poland out of the room and upstairs.
"Issac, remind me to thank your husband later," Luciano asked Issac.
"I will do," Issac replied.
Luciano went into the bathroom and came back with Kugle, who looked like a brown-haired Kuglemugle.
"Kugle, you remember what I said about 1st Players and 2nd Players?" Luciano asked. Kugle nodded, "Do you also remember what I told you about the 1st Player version of Austria?"
Kugle nodded again.
Luciano sighed, "Well, Roland's 1st Player is here. You have our permission to hurt him if he tries to hurt you."
Austria came back in and Kugle hid. Austria got on his knees, "Hello, little one. I won't hurt you, will you please come out?"
"Austria, don't force them," Luciano warned. Kugle didn't come out from behind Luciano.
Austria sadly sighed, "I guess I should let him get used to me being around first."
"Them," Russia and Issac exclaimed.
"Kugle likes to be called they/them. They don't like it when you refer to them as a gender they don't want to be called," Issac explained.
I slowly went up to Kugle, trying not to scare them and bent down, "Hello Kugle, I'm Feliciano. I'm Luciano's 1st Player."
They gave me a small wave and went to Prussia.
"Hello, there, little one," Prussia softly spoke.
"Are you...Gilbert? Uncle Klaus' 1st Player?" Kugle asked softly.
"Yep. You can call me Uncle Gil if you like," Prussia quietly answered. A soft white bird gently landed on Kugle's shoulder. They petted the bird on the head with one finger.
"Hello, Frederich," Kugle greeted the bird. Prussia blinked.
"Yep, Kugle named the bird after him," Klaus answered. Prussia smiled and ruffled Kugle's hair.
"Is there anyone else that is coming over?" Germany asked.
"Not that we know of," Luciano answered, "Then again, they would usually call first."
Luciano's POV
"Is there anyone else that is coming over?" Ludwig asked.
"Not that we know of," I answered, "Then again, they would usually call first."
Alfred and Matthew came down.
"Are you feeling better now, Alfred?" I asked. He nodded. I looked at Matthew, "What about you, Matthew?"
"Yes," Matthew replied.
"Where did Poland go?" Alfred asked.
"I tied him up. I had a feeling that he was going to say something stupid that would insult Kugle," Torin answered. Kugle waved to Alfred and Matthew shyly. Alfred softly smiled and walked up to Kugle.
"Hello, Kugle. How are you?" Alfred softly asked.
"I've been fine," Kugle softly replied.
Alfred smiled, "That's good."
"Oh, by the way, that girl with the black hair and red eyes, who was she?" Matthew asked.
"Her name's Maya. She's a demon that Dianne saved from a demon hunter," Lutz replied.
"She's really nice," Kugle spoke.
"Where is she now?" Alfred asked. I pointed to Dianne.
"She resides in Dianne," Kuro explained.
"Heh?" Lovino exclaimed, "You mean that there's a demon residing inside her body? And you're okay with it?"
"Not at first," I replied.
"We're not really religious or anything," Torin explained, "We're more of a, 'You don't hurt us, we won't hurt you,' kind of group. As long as Maya doesn't hurt Dianne, we don't have a reason to hurt Maya."
"Why would you even trust a demon, though?" Lovino exclaimed.
"They don't," Dianne interrupted, "Not that much. She scares Luci~"
"Sort of," I replied.
"What the fu-" Lovino began to say.
"Language!" I scolded. Dianne started snickering.
"Did you just...scold him?" Antonio asked, confused.
"Yep," Dianne snickered.
"He has so many kids to take care of, not just us," Lillic replied, "There is also the twins, Rory and Lilliana. They're my younger siblings."
"Oh, really? How old are they?" Ukraine asked.
"Four years old and are a hassle to handle already. They're more mischievous than Fred and George, and Hikaru and Karou mixed together. They also possess the power of the Gemini Zodiac, which makes them even more troublesome," I explained.
"Then there's Rogers, Yuuki, and me," Bastillo replied, "Yuuki's my boyfriend but we consider him as part of the family already."
"Who's Yuuki?" Lovino asked.
"Another Vampire," Bastillo answered.
"Who is Rogers?" Feliciano asked.
"He's an Oni," I replied, simply. Feliciano froze.
"Don't worry. He won't hurt you guys. He's actually very friendly," Lutz spoke up. I noticed that Feliciano was still frozen. I took him by the hand and led him out of the room.
"Feliciano, look at me. It's okay, you're safe. Those monsters aren't here," I softly told him. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed that Lovino had followed us. I hugged Feliciano, "They're safe. Your brother is safe, Germany and Prussia are safe, Japan's safe, the Allies are safe, Spain's safe. You're going to be okay. So are they."
"Grazie, Luciano," Feliciano spoke softly.
"De nada, Feliciano," I told him, "If you ever need or want to talk about or if you just need a hug or anything, you can come to me. My door's always open."
Feliciano giggled.
"What was that all about?" Lovino questioned.
"The Oni house," I told him after I covered Feliciano's ears.
We went back.
Flavio's POV
Later, Allen and I went to his room.
"Hey, Allen? Are you going to be okay?" I asked.
"If you're asking about Sakir...then yes, I will be. I will be as long as I can protect my kid from that bastard," He told me, but I knew he was lying. I hugged him.
"It's okay to not be alright," I told him. Tears welled up in his eyes and he hugged me back.
"I'm not alright. I don't want to see him again. I still have nightmares about what he did to me, and what he did to Aslan. I hate him for making me forget about my kid, for making me forget about what he did to me and Aslan. I want the bastard dead...but I'm scared to do it myself," He cried into my arms. I hugged him closer.
"If he comes near you, I'll kill him," I promised him. Allen's been my best friend since we've met. We've known each other for a long time. So when I found out what Sakir did to him, I wanted to murder Sakir in cold blood.
"Thanks, Flavio," He softly replied.
"By the way-"
"If you keep asking, I won't do it," Allen interrupted me. He and I laughed.
"Heh, I knew that would cheer you up," I snickered.
"You always do, Flavi, you always do," He smiled.
"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FUCK OFF AND LEAVE HIM ALONE!" We heard Dianne shout. We ran up to see what had happen.
Russia's POV
After Luciano, Feliciano and Lovino came back, Allen and Flavio left.
"So, Dianne, is Luciano your father?" I asked. She started laughing. I was confused.
"Just give her a minute," Lilly told me.
"Not biologically, but I wish that he and Lutz were," Dianne answered, still laughing. Then she stopped, smiling somewhat sadly, "My dad's also human, not a nation. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with my dad, but...well, it's my mom and sister. My sister's a narcissist, but she's good at pretending, so my mom doesn't know no matter how many times I tried to tell her. My mom and I are too different. My whole family's dysfunctional and we all have problems. My dad's also diagnosed with narcissism but he's getting help for it. The narcissism runs in our family, actually."
"Narcissism is when someone is all about themselves, right?" Ukraine asked.
"Yeah, pretty much. I didn't even know that my dad was a narcissist until my mom said that he was diagnosed with it. It was pretty shocking because he never acted like that around me," Dianne answered.
"You said that your whole family's dysfunctional, what do you mean by that?" Belarus asked.
"Well, like I said, my dad and sister are narcissists. My mom dates a lot of guys, says she's trying for another fish in the sea. I have very many problems myself. I have my ADHD, Autism, depression, PTSD, anxiety, among other things," She told us. A black and white cat jumped on the coffee table that Dianne was sitting on. The cat sat in her lap.
"Well, hello there, Spencer!" She exclaimed, kissing the cat's head, "The strangers everywhere must be scaring you."
"Aw, who's this cute little one?" I asked.
"His name is Spencer. He's shy, so if he runs away, it's not because of you. He's just a scaredy-kitten," She explained.
"He also likes to sniff people's hair, just to warn you," Luciano spoke.
"Seriously?" Germany asked, weirded out.
"That's his way of trying to find out if he can trust you or not," Dianne replied.
"Aw! His eyes are really adorable! They're so green!" Alfred exclaimed.
"They are?" I asked.
"Yep, they look like emeralds," He answered. Dianne giggled.
"We say that when he was born, the finest emeralds were chosen to be his eyes hence his nickname, Emerald," Dianne told us. Alfred and I just coo'd.
"If they were made from emerald, then why-" China began.
"Dude, if you finish that sentence, I will literally stab you," America threatened, disgusted.
"Excuse me?" China exclaimed.
"Russia, girls, if you want to brush Spencer's fur, there are brushes upstairs in the computer room. It's the room with the blue carpet. The brushes are in the yellow bin. Lilly and Lillic can show you where," Dianne told us. She gave Spencer to Lilly, who led the way.
Bastillo's POV
"Russia, girls, if you want to brush Spencer's fur, there are brushes upstairs in the computer room. It's the room with the blue carpet. The brushes are in the yellow bin. Lilly and Lillic can show you where," Dianne told Ivan and his sisters. She gave Spencer to Lilly, who led the way.
Hoh, boy. If Dianne does something like that, then that means something's gonna happen, and boy, did something happen.
"China, that's just gross. There is no way that I would gouge my own cat's eyes. You are just gross for even suggesting that," Dianne spoke, annoyed.
"I was just joking," Yao defended.
"Even so, that wasn't funny," Dianne replied, "There are some things that you just don't joke about, and that was one of them. Please, don't joke about that again."
"Seriously? You Americans can joke about things like that and laugh but when I do it, it's gross and unacceptable?" Yao started.
"That's not what I'm saying, China, and you know that!"
"Geeze, America, control your people! No wonder they are so racist," Yao growled. We all just stepped back. He really shouldn't have said that.
"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FUCK OFF AND LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Dianne yelled. Allen and Flavio came running up to see what had happened.
"Wh-" Yao started.
"She right. You don't know what Alfred has been through. He didn't want to do most of what he did, but he had to. He had to in order to protect his people and the ones who he cares about," Kiku told Yao and left.
"The poor kid's been though a lot. He just wanted to be treated equally. I know what that was like, that's why I helped him during the Revolutionary War.* We were able to understand each other. He doesn't want to be looked at like a child, he wanted to be looked at as an equal. He suffers through so much so that his people could be treated equally," Gilbert spoke, then left to find Alfred. Matthew went with him.
"I don't appreciate you talking to him like that. Sure, he and I fight a lot, but I still care about him, even if I never say it," Arthur growled.
"Amerique is like a son to me, even though I make fun of him, I know my limits," Francis snarled.
"The kid's strong and brave. He's very smart and wise, despite how he acts. He stood up for me when no one else did," Ludwig replied, remembering all that America did for him.
"He only acts the way he acts because he doesn't want anyone to worry about him, but he's wrong. We do worry about him no matter what. He's our friend. However, with the way you been treating him, you are no friend to any of us. I'm sure that everyone, even Russia, would agree," Feliciano spoke up.
"Change your attitude, bastard, or we'll send the mafia after you," Lovino threatened.
"That was very rude of you, China. To even suggest that he would control his people, that's just wrong. He made his country the way he made it so that people won't be controlled nor feel like they are, or feel like that they have to be controlled. He cried when he found out that slavery was still around in his country and others as well. He broke down and told me everything at the time. Because I was there. Because I saw pass his mask. Because I wore that same mask. You're selfish, China, because you think you know better. The truth is, you can't know everything. He's more involved with his people and his government than you think," Antonio told him.
They all then left.
"America breaks down crying a lot because he's gone through shit everyday. Hell, I have stayed over with him just to help him get better. We even have him come over to our world just to help him feel better about himself. He would of ended his life a long time ago, had we not talked him out of it," Allen spoke.
"He's the reason why Russia and many other countries didn't end their lives when they wanted to. Because of that, we're still around. People like you, however, are the reason why he's been wanting to end his. Why his life feels lesser. Why we feel like we're not worth it if he isn't worth it. By hurting him, you hurt the people he's saved. By hurting him, you hurt your own family," Toris growled. The Baltic Trio left.
Luciano's POV
After I took Alfred out of the room, we went out to the front.
"Our offers still stands, ya know," I told Alfred.
"You know I can't do that Luciano," He mumbled.
"That's why I said offers. Both you and Canada can come live with us," I replied. He stood up.
"You and I both know that we can't-that I can't do that! If I go, then he'll go after Canada! If we both go, who knows who he'll target next?" Alfred exclaimed.
"I'm surprised that you haven't told them yet," I replied.
"He'll do whatever it takes to make me suffer, even hurting you all," He mumbled that last part but I still heard him.
"Was that what your 'Nightmare' was about?" I asked. He sniffled and nodded. I hugged him, "I told you that we would do everything to keep all of you safe. All you got to do is just tell us, just say the words and we'll be there. We all love you, Alfred. You're part of our family."
"Thank you, Luciano," He sniffled. I smiled.
"You're welcome, Al," I told him. Gilbert and Matthew came in and hugged Alfred as well.
We all went back in. Yao stayed far away from Alfred and didn't speak to them.
We have offered Alfred and Matthew to stay with us in our world many times. I didn't just offer it to protect the two boys, but also because they're family.
Russia, his sisters and two of my girls came back down. Spencer ran up to me and sat in my lap. I smiled softly and petted the cat.
"We could hear what was happening," Natalie muttered and glared at Yao. Ivan and Ukraine ignored Yao when he tried to talk to Ivan.
"Dianne? Do you have any other pets in the house?" Ivan asked her.
"We have Clarabell, Spencer, Lilo and Stitch. Why?" She replied.
"Oh, I saw Aslan playing with a tarantula, I think that's what they're called? He said that the tarantula's name was Aragog," Ivan answered.
"Aragog's Aslan's therapy animal. The kid has anxiety and PTSD so Aragog is trained to alert us if he were to have an attack. As long as you don't try to hurt him or Aslan, he won't attack you," Dianne told him.
"Therapy animal?" He asked.
"It's because of my own PTSD," Aslan explained.
"Oh, okay," Ivan replied.
"That's impossible, children shouldn't have PTSD," Rodrich scoffed.
BANG! A gunshot rang and a bullet scratched Rodrich's cheek.
"Excuse me, bastardo?~" Dianne spoke. She had been the one to shoot the gun.
"His PTSD and mines were both diagnosed by a real certified therapist. You are not one. So don't you dare say something like that," Dianne interrupted, growling.
"I'm not done yet! You need to shut your big fat whore mouth!"
"Hey! Don't you dare talk to him like that!"
"You shut up too, Hungary! I am sick of you treating Prussia the way that you do! You have been treating him like a piece of trash! He is not who you believe him to be! In fact, he's more of a gentleman than that supposed gentleman that you once married! He didn't treat you any differently once he found out that you were a woman! He treated you the same damn way! Yet you left him for some whore who believes that women should be treated like things? The hell kind of idiot are you?" Dianne yelled. Then she turned back to Rodrich, "You are a selfish, conceited little bitch! I still can't believe that Prussia still considers you two his friends! Because the way it looks like to me is that you only claim to be his friends so you can stab him in the back!"
"You two need to grow the fuck up and either leave Prussia alone or not be his 'friends' at all if you're going to act like that," Dianne snarled.
"She's got a point. If you want to be Prussia's friends, then act like it. If you only want to be friends with him just to make fun of him behind his back, then you can forget it. Gil has been there for me, and if he needs me to be there for him, I will be," Alfred hissed at the Austrian bastard and the Hungarian bitch. Gilbert left the room and both Alfred and Matthew followed him.
"We agree with America. Prussia is our friend and we will not stand by and let you two treat him like that," Antonio spoke and left with Francis, Arthur and Lovino.
"Don't ever talk to my brother ever again," Ludwig hissed at Rodrich. He and Feliciano left to comfort Gilbert with the others.
"Wow, aren't you two rude and spiteful," I exclaimed. They jumped. Well, I hadn't spoke during this whole thing. I didn't need to. Dianne was pointing out a lot of things.
"The-" The Austrian bastard began.
"If you finish that sentence with, 'things we say about him are true, though,' I will tell Dianne what you said and she will kill you, and I won't stop her," I threatened.
"The things you say are not true and never will be true. Because of you two, however, he ends up thinking that they were. That he is a bad person. He's not. He's a really good person. He's nice, and kind. He's willing to do whatever it takes to protect his family. Even if it means that he has to die for them," Klaus spoke.
"Even I have to agree with the Italian bastard," Kathleen grumbled, "Although, where did she get that gun?"
Lutz patted his pockets then blinked, surprised, "I think she stole it from me."
"Pick-pocketing? Really?"
"She's like a Carmen Sandiego, you can't stop her. You can only train her," I spoke.
"It's a show on Netflix," I answered.
"Oh...sound's familiar."
"Based off the game, 'Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?'"
"Oh. Now I remember. I'll have to watch it sometimes."
"It's really good! Maybe we can binge-watch it together sometimes?" Kuro asked, excited. Kathleen nodded.
"I guess," Kathleen replied.
Hungary's POV
I was really surprised by Dianne's and the other's reaction, but...they were right. I treated Prussia like shit...
Prussia had been really nice to me all this time. He never even judged me...
When did I become this...this bratty little bitch?
All the times we've hung out as kids, he may have been eccentric but he just wanted to hang out with me.
When he found out that I was a girl...he didn't judge me.
Tears formed in my eyes. I was an idiot.
Austria left to his room, tugging at my arm. He wanted me to follow.
We went to his room.
"I can't believe that she thinks we're being so rude to him! She's just a child! She shouldn't boss us around like this! Who the hell does she think she is!" He ranted.
"A wise one, apparently. She's right. We have been rude to him, and for no good reason," I replied. He looked at me, shocked.
"What the hell do you mean? He's an idiot! An arsehole! He's done nothing but bothered us!"
"That's just what you think! You only think he's bothered you when he hasn't done shit! In fact, he's just trying to be helpful!"
"Haven't you forgotten when he tried to offer the cloth from his crotch?" He yelled at me.
"I have, but once he found out that I was a girl, he didn't make fun of me or tell me that I should act more like a woman! Instead, he gave me his clothes to cover myself up! He's a nice person and accepted me for who I was! Unlike you, apparently!" I yelled back.
He slapped me, harshly. I fell against wall. I looked at him, shocked.
"I-" He started. I ran out the room, slamming the door and went out the back.
Lilly's POV
I heard a door slam, and turned to see Hungary walk outside. I followed her. She started crying, holding her cheek. I sat down next to her.
"Here, let me see that," I softly spoke. She let me heal the slap mark.
"You were right. I am an idiot. I should of never married Austria..." She sobbed. I hugged her.
"No, you're not an idiot. Austria is. If he was smarter, he would of seen you for who you really are, but he didn't, and he tried to change you," I tried to comfort her.
"I just feel...so dumb and stupid for believing his words and lies," She told me.
"We all fell for that at least once in our life. We all thought that we could trust someone and they betrayed that trust. The only thing that we can do is just carry on," I replied.
"Thank you, Lilly," She softly replied.
"It's no problem," I told her.
"That must be Prussia," I muttered. We went inside, and sure enough, Prussia was ready to kill Austria.
"Which one of you told Prussia what happened?" I asked Dianne.
"None of us did. We all heard what happened, then when Hungary ran outside, we pretty much figured out what happened," She answered. I sighed.
SLAP! We looked up to see that Kathleen had slapped Austria.
"Austria, I am a single grown woman with three children in my house. I work a part-time job. Women are not toys and we are not things. We are just as human as you are. I may not live an immortal life like you, but I sure as damn well am independent and don't always need a man in my life. I go out on dates because I choose to, not because I 'have' to," She then grabbed her computer and left to go upstairs.
"That's my mother for you. Austria, if you don't want to get castrated, I'd suggest that you'd stay as far away as possible from us girls," Dianne replied. Austria paled.
"Throw him into the shame room, that'll teach him," Luciano muttered.
"Excuse me, the what now?" England exclaimed. Dianne snickered.
"It's like a room for time outs, but we call it the shame room. There's also a get-along room," Dianne laughed.
"Why do you even have a room like that?" Russia asked Luciano.
Luciano just pointed at Matt and Dianne, "Because of those two."
Belarus let out a snort, "That sounds like something we should hear. Could you tell us some stories about those time?"
"Sure. It all started when one time, Matt and Dianne started a prank war that got so bad that it was getting on our nerves, to the point that even Klaus was getting angry at the two. So one day, he grab the two and shoved them into a spare room that we had and locked them in there until the two finally made up and stopped pranking each other...or at least not to the point that Klaus got hissy at them. Then they decided to team up and play pranks on all of us, except for Klaus," Luciano told them.
"They made a wise move not to prank me. Last time a certain someone pulled a prank on me, he got grounded...for three months," Klaus replied, smirking as he looked at Luciano.
Luciano groaned, "Can you not say that?"
"Wait, Luciano, you pull pranks? You seem like a no-nonsense kind of person," Matthew exclaimed.
Lutz laughed, "Oh, yes, he does. In fact, Luciano's one of the most likely to play a prank on you! Klaus is actually the Prankster King. He has a tendency to rub off of people. Like, before Luciano and Klaus met, Luciano was not for breaking the rules. After, oh, man, you should of seen him pulling pranks left and right. He even got me into it and back then, I was a stickler for rules. We were known as the Fearsome Five. The kids, however, seem to be out-pranking us. Reminds me of the good ol' days. Right, Luciano?"
"True," Luciano snickered.
"Yeah, you better watch out for Papa's pranks. His tend to really scare the hell out of you," Lillic replied.
Aslan yawned.
"Tired?" I asked. He nodded.
"You can go to sleep if you want," Allen told Aslan.
"Okay," Aslan mumbled, then left.
*I don't know if you all know this, but I remember reading somewhere that Prussia actually helped America win their freedom against England in the Revolutionary War. Neat, eh?
Also, SORRY THIS IS LATE! I had to deal with writers block, the holidays, and so many other things! XP
I love the holidays and all, but at the same time, sometimes I just hate it. XP
Now for the questions:
-What type of powers do you think Lilly has?
-Why do you think Italy asked if Lilly's hair was naturally like the way it was?
-When Italy was thinking about Lilly and Lillic, what do you think the last word Italy was going to 'say,' before Romano interrupted his thoughts?
-Why did Germany have a feeling that he should listen to his heart and trust Lillic?
-Why do you think only Dianne, Lilly and Italy notice that Lillic eyes change from their colorful emotionless purple to the demonic scary red and back?
-'Oho, when Prussia finds out, he's so gonna be shocked~' Why do you think that Klaus thought that?
PLEASE answer these questions in the REVIEWS OR IN THE PM BOXES so I can see your answers! I'm curious to hear what you think!