AN: Hello, and welcome to Healing Holiday. The first few chapters are credited to Spiced Gold, the author of the two stories that happens before this one. I hope you all enjoy.
Also while this story will feature Corona characters I am keeping it on the frozen fandom since they are not the protagonists.
I hope you all enjoy.
For those who follow me and haven't read the other stories, I am putting below a link to them. I also highly recommend them, as she is a brilliant author, and have inspired part of my writing on HTLIG:
s/10800031/1/Opening-the-Doors the first one in this trilogy
s/10883557/1/Sunshine the second in this trilogy
Without further ado:
The cool breeze was delightful, causing the branches above Anna to sway gently, the leaves murmuring a tune. She reclined against the base of the tree, one arm resting on the smooth brown stone set into the ground there, the other wrapped around a small white shape.
The shape proved to be a snowy reindeer calf, with ice blue eyes and shiny hard hooves, his body cool and soft. He was leaning into her side, perfectly still and content. Anna smiled. "So, Bae, we should probably go inside and interrupt Elsa."
Bae blinked at her, a smile on his white lips, and that made Anna grin, because Elsa and the calf were linked. If Bae was smiling and peaceful, there was no reason to worry over Elsa. And Anna did worry.
Elsa had had a rough few weeks not long ago, and Anna made sure to check on her frequently, largely for her own peace of mind.
It had not been an easy road for either sister to travel. Elsa had been shut into her own mind and inhibitions, and hadn't even realised how much her withdrawal was hurting Anna. And since hurting Anna was one thing that Elsa feared, once this was pointed out to her she felt even worse. And whilst Anna loved her sister with all her heart, being Elsa's emotional pillar was exhausting at times. They had settled into a comfortable routine, and by now Anna knew Elsa's moods well enough to spot a problem before it happened.
But there were some days when trying to put on a brave face, and telling Elsa, again, that everything was fine and she was still here, that Anna felt like she needed a break as well. That was why she was outside with Bae, spending some time with the deer without pressure or worrying what time it was and what she needed to do.
Elsa liked to work in the mornings, and get things out of the way. It gave her a sense of control over the day, and sometimes that need for control made Anna nervous – little things bothered Elsa more than they should, changes in routine could upset her for days – but it kept Elsa calmer.
Anna liked to spend the mornings doing absolutely nothing constructive, and then work a little in the afternoons (they had started splitting Elsa's work between them whenever possible, since Anna liked being needed and Elsa couldn't manage everything alone) and the evenings.
Now, the sun was reaching its highest point, which meant, first off, that Bae needed to come inside. The snow deer generally kept himself cool enough, Elsa's powers had been developed enough for her to allow him to remain solid without a flurry, but during the heat of the day, he needed to be kept out of the sun.
"Come on, Bae," Anna called, getting to her feet. "You've got to come inside now, and I've got to check on Elsa."
Bae sprang to his feet, still gazing up at her with those endless blue eyes that were, when the light hit them just right, the exact same shade as Elsa's eyes. Anna went inside to seek Elsa out, and found the Queen in her study, surrounded by papers and books.
Elsa looked up, swiftly, her mind immediately wondering if something was wrong, if she had missed something, but when she saw Anna standing the doorway, a fraction of the tension left her. But it took a while, of careful observation, before Elsa allowed herself to smile. "Hi."
"I've brought Bae inside, so I was just checking on you."
There was an involuntary clenching of one of Elsa's hands, the same arm with the two fading white scars on it, then, she nodded stiffly. "I'm fine."
"Good. You look busy."
"I'm just thinking. Planning." Elsa ran a hand through her hair. It was something she often did when overwhelmed, and it made Anna slightly nervous.
What could be bothering Elsa?
"Is something wrong?" Anna ventured.
Elsa shook her head. "No. Nothing's wrong. I just need to get this done."
"Can I help?"
"I'm almost done. I'll tell you at dinner."
That was a promise, both that she would share this mysterious problem with Anna and that she would be at dinner, because on some days Elsa longed to lock the door of her study and just sit on the floor and cry. Some days she avoided Anna at meal times, and avoided meals with even more zeal. Some days she couldn't eat, and couldn't sleep. But now that there were no more locked doors between them, those days, with snow falling from the ceiling and ice creeping up the walls, were growing less frequent.
"You'll be okay, on your own, until dinner?" Anna enquired, because she knew when Elsa was uncertain about life, when things were overwhelming. She recognised the signs of impending panic, she knew when Elsa wanted to shut off the world and just forget everything, even for a little while.
And she knew the tell-tale twitch of Elsa's fingers, drawing attention to the scars on her arm, which told Anna that something was weighing her sister down.
But Elsa drew in a deep breath, nodded, and said surely, "I'll be fine."
Things were sometimes delicate between them – because Elsa had spent so long hiding behind a façade of calm control that showing Anna what she really felt made her vulnerable, made her feel exposed. Sometimes Anna pushed too much, and she knew she had to be careful because Elsa was oh so breakable, and so it was that the two of them often found themselves at an impasse – neither one wanting to give or take too much from the other.
Anna didn't press the matter, because Bae was still standing serenely at her feet, and however forced it might have been Elsa had still managed a smile. There was no need to panic, just yet.
"So, I see you at dinner then?" Anna gingerly spoke, as if expecting Elsa to suddenly break down, or regret her promise. It saddened Elsa that her sister often expected her to derail, as if she was a complete emotional wreck.
But she couldn't exactly blame her sister. The scars on her wrists were more than enough proof that Elsa had indeed ended up worse than Anna's worst expectations. She nodded, keeping her smile, and hoping that Bae would not pick up on the dampening of her mood.
Thankfully he did not, as Anna turned around and left the office. Elsa sighed and looked down at the paperwork she was going through so she could allow herself to take a break with her dear sister. It is worth it. Anna is worth this and so much more. It was this kind of thought that kept her going when everything else seemed to want her to crumble or fail.
Now I only need to figure how I'll tell her about my plans for our holiday. Because Elsa knew very well how sometimes she didn't pick the best words, and she didn't want to freak Anna out for nothing.
Easier said than done. Everything now a days feels like Anna is treating me like walking on thin ice. Despite her attempt at focusing on her work instead of on this thought it made her heart break a little more.
She could only hope that her conversation with her sister would go better than her current attempt at working. Elsa glanced at the clock, and it made her breath hitch in her throat. Well, I guess I will find out soon enough.
It was dinner time.
"Anna." Elsa broke the silence at dinner, staring hard at the table. She had been eating doggedly, as though it was the most tiresome task she had had to attend to all day, and now seemed somewhat relieved that she could put off eating in favour of studying the décor.
"Is something wrong?" Anna tried hard not to sound panicked, but history suggested that whenever Elsa was unsettled, the worst should be assumed.
There was a brief flicker of something in Elsa's eyes – perhaps sadness that Anna assumed the worst about her, but she knew she had only herself to blame for that – before she tamped it down and pasted a neutral expression on her face. "No. Nothing's wrong."
"Oh, good." Anna let out a sigh of relief. She offered a tentative smile, "So, what's up?"
"I made a promise."
Anna waited patiently for the rest of the explanation. Elsa was clearly warring with some very conflicting thoughts and emotions, clenching and unclenching her hand, the little crease between her eyebrows growing deeper every second.
"Things have been hard for me lately, but I know you're there, whenever I need you." Elsa glanced briefly at Anna, then away again. "And you put up with me, on the days when I'm not myself or I'm having doubts. And you know I promised you we'd spend some time together. Just the two of us."
Anna's face lit up. "The holiday?" Elsa had promised that they would take a holiday together, to spend time together with no pressure and no worries and no responsibilities.
"Yes. I've put aside two weeks. We can-"
"Let's go to Corona!" Anna blurted out, bouncing up and down in her seat. "Please, please, please!"
"What?" Elsa asked faintly, because she had not been expecting that. She felt the world narrow, the dinner that she had actually eaten very nearly made an appearance back onto the plate.
"We've got family there, we can go and visit." Anna beamed. "And they said we could visit anytime in the last letter, right? It'll be amazing, and anyway, I've never left Arendelle, can we please go?" Anna switched to begging, because the look on Elsa's face was definitely not matching her enthusiasm. "Please, please, please, it's not far, and it's what I really want."
Bae picked up on her excitement, and leapt up from his spot on the floor, and started dashing around the table, leaving snowy footprints.
"It's only, like, a three day trip, and Councilman Benedict is fixing up all the things you asked for, it's not like you need to be here, and you've scheduled the time off anyway-"
She was still nattering on, while Elsa stared at her and had a brief, internal freak out over several things: getting on a ship seemed like the world's most insurmountable task. Then there was the idea of spending a week with strangers. There was her magic – what if it went out of control again? There was the thought of leaving Arendelle – her personal security blanket. There was the mortifying prospect of showing other people who she really was – the depressed Queen of Arendelle with two failed suicides under her belt and the scars to show for it.
The idea of going away was horrifying, to say the least.
Bae made a questioning sound. He was finely attuned to Elsa's emotional state, being created by her, and the difference in the sisters' reactions was confusing for him. One of them looked like the world was crashing down around her; the other looked as though the excitement might make her burst.
Elsa gulped. "Are you sure that's what you want? We could stay here." Where it's safe. "And just spend time together." Where there are no other people. Elsa had not considered that a 'holiday' would entail going away. She assumed it just meant time off. Her visions of spending days snuggled in bed reading with Anna flitted away, along with her self-assurance.
"This is going to be amazing!" Anna jumped out of her seat. "Thank you so much!"
Bae nudged her leg, cocking his head to one side at the snowflakes that were starting to fall around them. Anna paused in her mad dash around the table to give Elsa a hug. She flicked her eyes at the sudden snow, then to her sister. "Um . . . Elsa?"
"Corona?" Elsa swallowed hard. "I… you're sure you don't want to stay here?"
"It'll be okay," Anna said brightly, trying to stop Elsa from panicking. "It'll be fun. And safe." She tried to keep smiling, tried to keep the excited fire in her eyes lit. But she could feel Elsa's ice slowly putting a damper on her spirits. Elsa wouldn't allow this. She would never agree to this. It had been stupid to even ask.
Elsa saw the fire die in Anna's eyes, saw the smile falter, and her heart clenched. Oh, god, she wants this. You owe her so much, has she ever asked for anything before? Don't break her heart.
"But it's quite short notice," Anna said, subdued, bringing her hands together and fiddling her fingers. "Probably wouldn't be able to get everything organised. Silly idea."
The vice around Elsa's heart and throat tightened slightly. She forced the snow to stop. "Anna."
"Hm?" Anna looked hopeful, daring to think that maybe . . .?
Elsa took a deep breath. And another. "If that's what you want . . . if you're sure . . . I . . ." Another deep breath, and Anna was going to explode from the anticipation. "We'll go to Corona."