Warning – Mentions of rape and beatings in this chapter.

NA –

I am SOOO SORRY about the delay, but I was really, really busy with school, it was my last year, doing a research project… But I am graduating :D Hopefully this means more updates? And this one is my longest so far I think so hopefully that makes up for something.

Certain parts of this is dialogue taken straight from the movie, so not mine. And yes, from the movie, not the book because I was too lazy to pick it up, read it, translate the French then transcribe what I needed. From reading the synopsis though, important details are all there, stories the same but minor details have disappeared.

The Order meeting - July 9th

July 9th

Around 8, Molly heard her husband open their bedroom door and head towards her at the kitchen table.

"Good morning, love." Arthur kissed her cheek and went to pour himself a cup of tea. He froze when he saw the living room door, as if suddenly remembering what was going on.

"Morning," She brought him out of his thoughts. Motioning towards the door, she stated, "I've already taken care of her. She gave me permission to access her vault, so I'm going to collect a couple of things, then head back here." She motioned towards the food keeping warm in the oven. "I've already prepped breakfast."

Arthur nodded at the statement, then frowned. "You can't go into her vault, it's been frozen."

Molly paused; she'd forgotten that detail. Anyone who was sent to Azkaban had their vault frozen for the duration of their sentence. "Right, well then…"

Molly got up and slipped back into the living room. She was quiet at first, expecting Bellatrix to be asleep. To her surprise she found the witch silently crying, head turned towards the back of the sofa.

"Bellatrix?" Bellatrix startled, and Molly saw her struggle to bring her arm up to wipe the tears away, but it ran out of energy and fell back down. "It's okay." Molly said softly, "I just wanted to let you know that your account was frozen when you were imprisoned."

With a rough voice, Bellatrix replied; "Oh, right." She cleared her throat. "My mother's shouldn't be, and Andy, Cissy and I all have access to it." Bellatrix started staring into space again at the mention of her sisters.

Molly nodded and decided it was best to leave her old friend to her thoughts. She left the living room, locking the door. She looked to her husband, now eating his breakfast quietly. "I'm heading out."

Her husband barely acknowledged her.

Molly turned to the chimney. Then she suddenly had a better idea. Not quite wanting Arthur to figure out her plan, she instead went to apparate outside.

She landed right on the Tonks' footpath. She nervously wrung her hands. Andromeda was one of the people invited to the meeting today, though she did not think anyone, but Dumbledore and Poppy knew exactly what the subject of today's meeting was. She knew though that Andromeda was one of the people, or the person, most hurt from Bellatrix and Narcissa's decision to follow He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Ted Tonks answered the knock on the door, and quickly moved to the side. "Molly! How nice to see you. Come in! Andromeda is in the kitchen."

"Thank you, Ted." She moved past him, and slowly, nervously approached the kitchen. When she heard Ted following, she stopped and turned towards him. "Actually, Ted, could I speak to Andromeda alone?"

He shot her a curious look, but acquiesced the request. Molly found Andromeda leaning against the counter with a cup of tea.

"Molly? What's wrong?" Andromeda could plainly see the tension on her friend's face.

Molly looked at Andromeda. "Are you going to be at the meeting today?"

"I was planning to be. Why?"

"Do you know what it's about?"

Andromeda shook her head. "No, Dumbledore didn't say in his message."

"Bellatrix showed up at my place." Molly deadpanned. No use in dancing around the subject.

"What?!" Andromeda dropped her mug. "Is everyone alright?!" The middle Black looked at the edge of panic, knowing full well how dangerous her sister could be.

Molly kept her calm. "Everyone is fine… except for Bellatrix."

Andromeda calmed down slightly but gave Molly a curious look. "Except for Bellatrix?"

Molly nodded. "She defected from the Death Eaters, she was tortured as a result."

Andromeda, who up until then was standing, weakly sat down on the dining room chair closest to her. She stared thoughtfully at nothing. Molly gave her some time to ponder, then waved her hand in front of her friend's face, unfortunately she was still on a schedule. Andy looked up at Molly.

"I don't believe it." She paused, "Cissy maybe, but not Bella."

"Well, it happened." Molly stated. "And I'm inclined to believe her, considering her condition, and her good behaviour these past couple of days."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Has she mentioned Cissy at all?"

"She only woke up last night, barely able to talk. She hasn't mentioned Narcissa, nor have I asked." Molly explained. "We weren't sure she was going to survive, and we weren't sure what her intentions were, so we kept it as quiet as possible."

Andromeda wasn't satisfied, getting a little angry; "If ever one of my sisters shows up like that, you tell me first." Looking a bit like her older sister as she semi-threatened the redhead.

Molly nodded, understanding. "Do you want to talk to her before the meeting?"

Andromeda seemed to think about it for several moments. "No. And I won't be coming to the meeting in person… I have… Some thinking to do." She met Molly's gaze. "Was there anything else?"

"Um, yeah. I was wondering if you had anything she could wear. She was completely naked when she managed to get to our door."

Andromeda seemed like she wanted to ask more questions but finally she got up. "Of course." She led Molly upstairs to see what they could manage.

Molly got back to the Burrow with a set of dark robes and a wheelchair dating back from when the 'graceful' Nymphadora broke both legs jumping off an elevated branch as a preteen. She was and still is one to take chances, not always for the better unfortunately.

Molly snuck into the living room, Bellatrix was asleep again. She didn't want to wake her up, she needed all the sleep she could get. The dress was loose on the thinned-out woman, so it was easy to slip it over her head and arms. Bringing it down her body was a challenge, Bellatrix did slightly wake up, but thankfully fell right back asleep and Molly slipped back out of the living room, locking with a curse impervious to a simple unlocking spell.

Molly had zoned out. They had been going around in circles, arguing back and forth. Of course, the real tiebreaker was currently locked up in the living room sleeping. They had tried to wake her up an hour into the meeting, but Poppy determined she was again in a healing sleep, deeper than normal sleep but not quite a coma, and that she should not be woken up. Molly would have preferred they not need to bother the witch to reach a decision, but it was becoming more and more obvious that the witch's testimony would be needed to settle this.

So far, Minerva was reluctant but willing to try, having known Bellatrix before and after having joined the Death Eaters. Alastair was vehemently opposed, even going so far as to shouting, "Azkaban or death!" at some point over all the yelling. Kingsley was so far unwilling to try, not so much that he believed Bellatrix was incapable of being reformed but because he wanted to stay in good terms with the general public.

Lupin was adamantly against it, having lost his brother to Bellatrix. His friend kept him calmer than he probably would have been, keeping a hand on him, though she hadn't said much. Tonks was probably struggling to filter through all the things she had heard from her mother about their family life and what she had heard from others.

Arthur was still as reserved as before, and Molly wasn't certain what her children thought. She would have to ask them after the meeting. They hadn't been invited, but the extendible ear on the staircase was very obvious.

Andromeda had not shown up, as expected. She would probably have Tonks fill her in. Andy may not have wanted to hear all that would be said about her sister. She missed both her sisters and seemed to have separated them into 'before and after', this conversation would blend the two together.

Poppy hadn't given an opinion, but she had detailed all of the wounds Bellatrix had recently gained and all old ones she had noted. As magic healed wounds quickly, Poppy had brought the pictures she had taken on the day of to back up her statements. Reactions were varied, some believing Bellatrix deserved it, others were a little sickened, but all knew this to be a reality of war. However, it did convince everyone that the injuries she had sustained were very real.

After all that, at the very least, everyone could agree that useful information could be gathered from the dark witch today. That is, if she woke up. Molly looked at the clock, it was 2 o'clock, and then looked at the arguing people around her. Perhaps they should continue this tomorrow? Let everyone steep for a bit.

"Quiet!" Dumbledore ordered out of the blue. Albus had not said a word the entirety of the meeting. However, Molly wasn't too worried about him. If Bellatrix could help their war effort, which Molly was certain she would, he would accept her and encourage the others to do so. "Bellatrix has woken up and may join us now."

Molly blinked a bit, regaining her bearings in the refreshing quiet, then hurriedly stood up as they were all waiting for her. She unlocked the door and slowly opened it. Bellatrix's tired eyes turned towards her and Molly sent her a nervous smile as she closed the door behind her.

"What's going on?" Bellatrix asked with a raspy voice.

"The Order meeting."

"Oh, right."

"They want to speak with you."

Bellatrix closed her eyes and seemed to collect herself. When she opened them again all the openness, she had had in them in Molly's presence disappeared.

Molly walked to the wheelchair and brought it to the couch. "I know you do not like to show weakness, but today it may be in your best interest to speak freely."

Bellatrix grit her teeth, but Molly wasn't certain if it was in response to her statement or the pain that must have shot through her body as she was transferred to the wheelchair.

As she settled, Bellatrix whispered. "Andy is here."

"No, she isn't." Molly replied as she tucked her old friend under a blanket, perhaps she was more anxious to see her sister than Molly had thought. Molly handed the woman her water cup so she could drink what she needed now and not have the embarrassment of letting the others know she couldn't hold a glass of water.

Bellatrix looked at the redhead with a little knowing smile and said, "Yes, she is," before taking a few long sips of water and giving the cup back to Molly.

A little confused, Molly decided to ignore the odd statement and wheeled Bellatrix to the kitchen, after all, people were waiting for them. Dark, angry, eyes turned to Bellatrix as she was wheeled in, even those willing to consider giving her a second chance. Speaking about someone, and seeing them, were two very different things. The air was thick with emotion.

Alastair's face curled into a snarl and he was about to start swearing at her when Dumbledore raised his hand commandingly.

Albus turned to Bellatrix. "How good of you to join us. Please…" He smiled at her, "Explain."

It was clear that Bellatrix now had to defend herself, and that Dumbledore would have final say. Dumbledore's expression also conveyed that no one was to interrupt.

Bellatrix fiddled with the blanket covering her. Where to start?

Her eyes locked briefly with Shacklebolt, he had now visibly relaxed. Bellatrix knew Kingsley could see auras, having told her and their other friends when they were younger. He must have seen something in her that put him at ease, and in turn, she calmed down. If she had to be honest with herself, she had also doubted her conviction.

"Where do you want me to start?" Bellatrix asked in a gravelly voice.

"With your crimes…" Moody growled. "We all know that's all you are good for."

"Alastair." Dumbledore warned. "From the beginning please, Bellatrix. Why did you join the Death Eaters? I know you once defended against them."

Bellatrix didn't need to be reminded of those days. Maybe Moody did though. Once their group, Molly, Andromeda, Amelia & Eunice and she had skipped curfew and joined the Aurors, including Alastair and Kingsley, Moody's protégé, when they had heard of attacks at the Scottish/English border. Most of her friends had continued the fight against the emerging threat after their graduation, but she…

"The Dark Lord threatened to kill my family. Andy…Cissy…" Bellatrix choked on the last name, "if I didn't agree to join him."

"Bullshit." Moody interrupted. "He didn't have that kind of sway then."

Kingsley looked at Moody like he had gained an extra head. His rage had obviously blinded him. Voldemort already had a following back then, and even if he didn't, he was just as deadly back then.

"Tell that to Shina!" Bellatrix snapped back, looking at the tabletop, tears now streaming down her face. The others were surprised, nay shocked, to hear this. They looked at each other whilst Bellatrix grit her teeth and tears continued down her face. They hadn't even thought it was a possible explanation for the girl's disappearance. "I didn't believe he actually wanted me that badly until he killed Shina. He told me I could do what I wanted until I graduated but after that I was to marry Rodolphus and join the Death Eaters or Andy was next."

It was quiet as the attendees digested the new information and Bellatrix took the time to recover her energy and voice.

"That does not excuse how much harm you have done." Moody growled. "So many deaths… lives ruined. You should be dead."

Bellatrix looked straight at him for the first time; "Then kill me."

Molly's heart tightened. The words were a dare. No emotion, Bellatrix truly wanted to die. 'But why would she come here if that were true?'

Moody only grumbled. His words were barely audible; "…too good…59 dead…"

"Wait, what?" Bellatrix looked to Molly. "How many people do you think I've killed?"

"59 killed, 15 tortures, roughly 50 counts of destruction of property." Kingsley listed.

'Yet Molly is still readily willing to give me a second chance?' Bellatrix shook her head and whispered something to herself.

"Pardon me?" Dumbledore prodded.

Staring at the table, the broken woman repeated herself. "Those bastards…used my breakdown…to blame me."

"Oh, please." Moody got up to leave before being waved back down by Dumbledore.

"They never retrieved my memories, did they?" Bellatrix, seemingly not having noticed Moody's little show. "No, why would they?" She answered her own question and started whispering to herself; "Jack, Three and Four, Anna, Sharon," Bellatrix's voice got rougher and quieter as the names went on. "Robert, Josh, Amy, Dave, Mathew…" And finally, a barely audible, "Maybe Sirius?", before the woman's voice finally gave out.

Molly stood and went to get her friend's sippy cup. She recognized some of the people mentioned. Anna Watts was an Order member, a muggle-born. The Smeatons, Sharon, Robert and their two, thankfully adult, children, were a wizarding family found dead early on. Bellatrix was convicted with the murders of both Anna and the Smeatons. She didn't remember the others being mentioned. They could be on her list of convictions, but judging by Kingsley's reaction, some of them weren't, meaning whether or not Bellatrix was lying about the number of people she killed, the list was inaccurate. She also noticed that these all seemed to be victims killed before or at the start of the First Wizarding War, save, of course, for Sirius. But she seemed unsure of that kill?

Picking up the cup, she paused, taking a deep breath to gather her thoughts. Was it wrong to put the dead aside for her friend?

Back in the kitchen Molly waved the cup in front of the woman's face, startling her out of her reverie. Bellatrix reached for the cup and self-consciously drank from it as everyone watched. She tried to put the cup on the table when she was finished but dropped it. She softly thanked Molly as the redhead bent to pick up the cup.

Bellatrix turned to Dumbledore.

"I've killed 10 civilians, 20 in the line of battle and two other Death Eaters. I've never tortured anyone. I don't know how much property damage I am responsible for… I often turned to it instead of killing."

"Fucking bullshit!" Moody stood up so fast he tipped his chair over. He aimed his wand at Bellatrix. "What about the Longbottoms?" He growled.

Bellatrix opened her mouth to reply but Dumbledore spoke first;

"Perhaps it would be best if Bellatrix showed us what really happened? Arthur, do you still have that Pensieve?"

"Yes, I do."

Molly had forgotten about that thing. It had been placed in the attic, out of the way, after the twins had broken the base whilst running around. She watched as the retractable ear disappeared off the staircase, the children having heard Arthur get up from the table. They would probably hide in their rooms until their father came back down to the kitchen.

A scratching at the window surprised the tense group. They turned to the kitchen window to see a familiar-looking kneazle. It managed to pull the cracked window open and casually walk into the room, as if it lived here. It then strutted to Molly and waited patiently. Molly noticed a note in the new arrival's collar and took it.

Mrs. Weasley, Ginny,

Please take care of Crookshanks for me? I will come get him before the start of the school year.

Thank you,


Molly had no problem with the request but wondered what had prompted it. To the others she simply explained; "Hermione will be joining us before the start of the school year and sent Crookshanks ahead." She would send the girl an owl later for further information.

As soon as Molly put the note down the orange cat walked under the table, towards the living room, and jumped onto Bellatrix's lap. It surprised the witch, but she nonetheless buried her fingers in the soft fur. Kingsley looked at the cat oddly while Dumbledore gave a small smile.

Arthur made it back into the kitchen carrying the cumbersome bowl and placed it on the table. Without a word Dumbledore handed Bellatrix his wand, ignoring the gasps of shock from the others at the table, and the drawing of a few wands. The unwelcomed guest hesitated but took it, immediately she put it to her temple and pulled out three memories. First, the night the Longbottoms' were tortured, second, the battle at the Department of Mysteries, all of it, and the last, a long-held secret that should now be told. She dropped each silvery strand into the Pensieve and handed the wand back to its owner. Albus in turn pointed to the Pensieve, modifying it so it would project its contents above it, permitting the entire group to see the memories.

Bellatrix turned her attention to the kneazle-cat on her lap when the first memory appeared above the table, she did not need to see any of it again.

Bellatrix was sitting on her bed, reading. The door to the room opened to reveal Narcissa, who has a bruised face.

"What are you doing?" The blonde asked.

"Enjoying the quiet."

Narcissa went to sit next to Bellatrix. "Don't you find it odd that no one is here?"

"They are probably trying to find a way to avoid being captured by the Aurors."

"I don't know… Some of them seemed hell-bent on revenge…" Narcissa paused. "Wasn't there another potential boy?"

"Yes. But the Dark Lord is gone, obviously, he attacked the right one."

"Do the others know this?"

"Fuck." Bellatrix put the book down and vaulted out of bed. She looked at Narcissa. "Stay here." And Disapparated.

She landed in front of the Longbottom house. Screams could be heard from inside. She Disapparated once more, into the house. She landed in the entryway and ran into the living room, where she found Bartemius Jr, Rabastan and Rodolphus, the latter had his wand pointed towards Alice and Frank. The couple were screaming on the floor, Alice trying, struggling, to calm the crying baby in the corner.

"What are you doing?" Bellatrix angrily asked them.

Rodolphus stopped the spell. "Asking them…nicely… Where the Dark Lord is."

"Where the Dark Lord is?" Bellatrix mock-echoed back. "He's fucking dead, you idiot!"

"No, He isn't." Rabastan growled. "And they know where He is."

"No! We don't…. Please…" Frank addressed Bellatrix directly.

Bellatrix seemingly ignored Frank, addressing the others. "Why would you think they have the answer?"

"They are Aurors. They are Order members." Bartemius Jr. poorly explained.

Then Rabastan declared. "Maybe they'll be more cooperative when…" He pointed his wand at the baby. "Cru.."

Bellatrix dived for the boy and disapparated.

Darkness was seen for a minute before Bellatrix stepped out of the closet, she had apparated in. The little boy, Neville, was still crying and she brought him in closer, hoping to give some comfort and keep him quiet. They were in Andromeda's entryway. Bellatrix looked upstairs; a light had come on. Too late. Quickly she put the still crying boy on the carpet and disapparated once more.

She was back in the Longbottoms' living room.

"What the fuck, Bellatrix?!" Rabastan yelled.

Bellatrix looked down to see that Frank had passed out and Alice was now incoherent.

"What did you do?!" She responded.

Nothing more was said as several Aurors burst into the house and the Death Eaters hastily made their exit.

The group looked at Bellatrix, stunned. Wands were lowered, but before questions were asked the second memory came into view.

A group of masked Death Eaters were walking down the entrance hallway to the Department of Mysteries and stopped at one of its many locked doors. Bellatrix, who had once been an unspeakable, waved her hand in front of the odd wooden door with the unusable knob, unlocking it. The door opened and the Death Eaters went in. Bellatrix did not let the door shut, enchanting it to remain slightly open and unlocked. The group then parted amongst the rows of prophecies and hid.

Not long after, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville and Luna walked by Bellatrix's field of vision and she silently followed them.

"It should be here." Declared Harry shortly before Neville said;

"Harry? It's got your name on it."

The Death Eaters watched as Harry stared into the crystal ball, silently getting into position behind one masked individual.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry asked.

"You know, you should learn to tell the difference between dreams…" Lucius removed his mask. "And reality. You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy."

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it."

At that Bellatrix cackle and in a distant, seemingly disembodied crazy voice said. "He knows how to play." She came forward. "Itty, bitty, baby, Potter."

"Bellatrix Lestrange."

Bellatrix looked to the boy who had spoken. "Neville Longbottom is it?" She shifted in place at the rage in Neville's eyes.

"Now, let's everybody just calm down…shall we?" Lucius calmly stated. "All we want is that prophecy."

"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?"

"You dare speak his name?" Bellatrix hissed.

"It's alright, he's just a curious lad, aren't you?" Lucius kept control of the situation. "Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really."

The Death Eaters started to encircle the children. They placed themselves back to back, each facing a different hallway, Harry still facing Lucius and Bellatrix.

"Haven't you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord? Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant?" Lucius walked forward and Bellatrix followed close behind. "Don't you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand." He looked down at the glowing orb. "All you have to do is give it to me. Then I can show you everything."

The Death Eaters got closer and closer.

"I've waited 14 years." Harry stated sadly.

"I know." Lucius acknowledged, hopefully.

"I guess I can wait a little longer." Harry stated. "Now!" He yelled.

The teens, almost in unison, yelled out; "Stupefy!" and bright red lights flew out of their wands, hitting a couple of unaware Death eaters, though most Disaparated before they could be hit.

The next few minutes were spent watching the Death Eaters chasing the children around. Bellatrix watching the chaos from above in the dark mist form granted by the Dark Lord. Lucius was seen several times Apparating in front of Harry, trying once more to get the prophecy. The children held up well, using well-placed spells to get around the older wizards.

Bellatrix watched as a "Recducto!" sent by Ginny caused the prophecies to start falling. The shelves started collapsing around the children as they ran and disappeared through the closest door.

The Death Eaters were swirling around, seemingly having lost sight of the teens whilst Bellatrix just stared at the spot where she had last seen the children. It didn't take long before one of the others found the door and went through it. She quickly followed suit.

They swirled around; Harry knocked down by one of them. The rest of the children were grabbed by the Death Eaters; Bellatrix had grabbed Neville.

Harry stood up, looked around at his friends and watched as Lucius approached him. "Did you actually believe or were you truly naïve enough to think that children stood a chance against us? I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends die."

"Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville shouted, but was quieted by Bellatrix tightening her grip on him.

Bellatrix watched as Harry handed over the prophecy to Lucius. Her grip loosened in preparation for Disaparition back to Malfoy manor.

Then, without any of the normal noises or images that come from Apparition, Sirius appeared behind Lucius. And hit the blond man squarely in the jaw. White jets of light soon landed in the room whilst Harry ran to his godfather. The lights knocked Lucius to the ground and the prophecy shattered. Seeing the newcomers now make their way towards her, Bellatrix let Neville go and took her mist form. She wasn't the only one to do so.

The next few minutes were a blur as Bellatrix swirled around in her mist form, trying to shake off one of the balls of light. But it was possible to see some of the Order members trying to evacuate the children. Soon a bright light started to swirl around Bellatrix, an attacking Order member. They threw spells at each other, going around the room. Bellatrix faced the threat square on, but veered once, seemingly running away. The Order member followed, but quickly veered away when they were about to crash into Tonks and Rabastan, Bellatrix, however, nearly crashed into Rabastan, distracting him enough for Tonks to get the upper hand in the fight. Eventually Bellatrix shook off the Order member. She then sent a jet towards Hermione, which hit Dolohov instead. She swerved once more and spotted the scene on the raised dais.

Lucius had just fallen off the rise of the Veil when Bellatrix appeared behind Sirius, a silent red jet shot from her wand. Sirius staggered and was about to straighten up when he seemingly mis-stepped and fell. Right into the veil. She immediately turned back into her mist form as Harry sprinted towards her. He shot curse after curse, and she dodged them all.

Harry stopped throwing curses at her, and Bellatrix turned to see that both the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. She Disapparated.

And Apparated back at Malfoy manor. Bellatrix stomped back to her room, shooting Bombardas at the decorations along the hallway. In between, Lucius, Antonin, Rodolphus and Rabastan were also heard Aparating back at the Manor.

The adults shifted in their seats; they were all uncomfortable watching their collective children go through such a thing. Yet proud to see how well they handled themselves.

"That explains how the children were able to get in." Kingsley whispered to himself. "Someone forgot to take you off the Unspeakables list."

Darkness disappeared and a startled Marlene came into view, holding a shirt, an open suitcase on the bed. Marlene dropped the shirt and pulled her wand, pointing it at the newcomer.

Bellatrix raised her empty hands, showed no aggression. "They are coming for you."

Marlene frowned, but her attention was on the Death Eater.

"I can hide you until it has passed. Maybe a month or so?"

"Why?" Marlene asked. "Why would you?"

Bellatrix ignored the question. "Finish packing."

"I'll be with Sirius soon; I don't need your help."

"Finish packing."

"Get out."


The blonde didn't let her finish the sentence and sent an Incarcerous towards the intruder.

"Fuck." Bellatrix dodged the jet, slid behind Marlene and grabbed her from behind. There was a bit of a struggle. "I do not wish to harm you."

"Go fuck yourself."

At that, Bellatrix pulled a cloth out and pressed it over Marlene's nose and mouth. The scared woman first trashed about harder before her body gradually went limp. Bellatrix carefully scooped her up and Disapparated.

They Apparated to a bedroom and Bellatrix put Marlene down on the bed before going back to the first room. The Death Eater finished throwing the things Marlene had left on the bed in the open suitcase, as well as seemingly important documents left on the desk. An invitation to a family party was seen briefly on the nightstand.

When Bellatrix finished, she Apparated next to the bed where Marlene was now stirring. She placed the suitcase next to the bed and Dissaparated one last time.

"Marlene wasn't at the McKinnon massacre?" Remus asked. 127 bodies were found the morning of that sunny April day in 1978, charred beyond recognition, 31 of which children, the youngest 8 days old.

"What do you think you just saw?" Bellatrix answered him, a little irritated with his dense head.

"Why didn't you warn the rest of the clan? 127 people could have been saved." He accused.

"I didn't know they would go after their family…or kill so many…" Bella felt the bile rise up in her, she had accidentally seen the scene of the crime, the seeming mountain of charred corpses, through the mind of its orchestrator. "And it was 102 McKinnons, 25 of them were Death Eaters. Their Deaths weren't reported to keep the identities of those still alive secret."

"Why didn't you let her go?" Remus growled.

"I had to tell her about the attack at some point… After, letting out her grief, she decided it was best to leave the country."

"Letting out her grief?" Molly asked.

"She attacked me." Bellatrix shrugged.

"Who was responsible for the attack? Why did they do it?" Kingsley questioned, the investigation had led nowhere, even if the Dark mark in the sky clearly spelled out who was responsible.

"Travers. He wanted Marlene. That's all I knew at the start. He came back around midnight, with a group of around 30 Death Eaters, a few werewolves. Not Greyback though, he was already on the hunt for Mary. I can give you a list of names later if you like." She looked at Remus, who shifted uncomfortably and grit his teeth at the mention of his late wife. "I only noticed that Death Eaters had also fallen during the massacre at the next meeting."

"Was the…excursion…Approved by You-Know-Who? Or can Death Eaters just do as they want?" Kingsley pushed for more information on the workings of the Death Eaters.

Bellatrix thought a bit before answering. "Anything large must be approved beforehand, many of the McKinnons were impressive witches and wizards, I'm not surprised they got permission to attack the reunion. Small groups or individuals can act before asking, but whether the Dark Lord takes credit or not depends on how stupid the acts are or if they get caught."

There was a small pause as Bellatrix took another sip of water.

"Is Marlene still alive today?" Remus asked suspiciously. Bellatrix nodded. "Do you know where she is?"

"We inferred that it would be safer for her and her daughter that only Marlene knew where they were. I imagine she's also changed her name by now."

"Marlene had a child?" Molly asked.

"Yes," Bella answered. "Hers and Sirius'."

"How the fuck do you know that?" Remus growled. Sirius had only told him and the Potters about the pregnancy at that point.

Bellatrix shrugged. "I overheard Travers and Dolohov talking about it. Some have connections within St. Mungo's. I don't know who has them, or who they are. But I wouldn't be surprised if they were also sometimes used to… finish off loose ends."

Molly frowned thoughtfully. "Is that why you saved Marlene? Because she was carrying Sirius' child?"

"I do not have much of a heart. I do not approve of killing innocents, but, considering the cost if I was caught, the only people I will go out of my way to help is family." Bellatrix said quietly.

"Your methods are a little unconventional." Molly commented to her old friend whilst looking down at her lap.

"I didn't want to risk her splinching." Bellatrix put simply.

"Where did you take her? Why didn't you tell Sirius?" Remus continued to question.

"I took her to Black Manor, she lived there for a couple months before moving out. We thought she might be able to go back to her normal life, but when the Massacre was revealed, she feared for her child and herself." Bellatrix shrugged, appearing nonchalant. "Marlene mentioned telling Sirius, I don't know if she did or not, but I wasn't going to approach him. He would've ripped my throat out before I could tell him."

"He would have told me." Remus mumbled under his breath. He still seemed on the edge of believing Bellatrix's story, after all, no one had seen Marlene since that day. Who's to say she hadn't killed his brother's wife after this event?

Kingsley had been quiet, seemingly pondering all the questions that he could possibly ask the defector. He frowned; "Why were you tortured? You are not stupid; wouldn't you have time to escape if you were planning to defect? How did you get caught?"

"I got angry. I snapped... I liked Bones… In that moment of weakness, the Dark Lord saw into my mind and decided that my goals were not aligned with his… They hadn't been for a while."

That answer was given whilst Bellatrix stared at the table, even though she seemed to try and look at Kingsley -her eyes were closing. In fact, she may have even fallen asleep. The next thing she knew her face was down on the table, the half-kneazle was not on her lap anymore and Molly was lightly shaking her awake. Bellatrix struggled to lift her head, so Molly helped her sit up. She grit her teeth at the general pain and stiffness in her body. The cat jumped back onto her lap as soon as there was enough room. Treading her fingers through the fur, she looked around the table. They had obviously been talking, Moody and Remus still looked quite angry, Molly looked concerned, the rest were guarded.

"Bellatrix." The witch turned to Dumbledore. "We have decided to… postpone final judgment. We will give you a chance. Serve our cause well and prove your change of heart and you will be free once more after the war. Certain conditions must, of course, be met, and you will be under supervision until the final verdict is reached."

The now Ex-Death Eater stared at the grand wizard, needing the time to process the unexpected news. Not only were they not killing her, they weren't sending her to Azkaban nor some other security prison, they were giving her the chance to be free again. Tears of joy nearly spilt as she acquiesced the request.

"I will meet all your conditions. What are they?"

"You will willingly surrender your wand until future notice." Kingsley started, Bellatrix nodded in understanding and acceptance. "Once you have access, you will surrender all Dark items in the possession of the Black family, possibly the Lestrange's items if you have access to them after the war and you should inform us of any Dark items you know of which are retrievable." Bellatrix nodded one more. "You give us a list of all Death Eaters known to you, their roles and ranks." Kingsley absentmindedly noted; "We've just seen that Lucius is a bigger piece in this."

"Please, Lucius isn't that important. He's just another set of ears inside the ministry." Bellatrix quietly said.

"Why was he the one to approach Harry?" Arthur asked.

"Because we thought the boy might be a little more receptive to someone he had already met." Bellatrix turned back to Kingsley. "On the other hand, I would pay attention to Thicknesse. He is not a Death Eater, but I believe the Dark Lord has great plans for him."

Kingsley nodded, making a mental note. "I expect a list in the next couple of days." Bellatrix nodded once more. "Molly has also agreed to let you live here until further notice. You are not to leave the premises." Kingsley looked at her sternly. "Do you agree to all of these terms, and any we feel necessary to impose on you later on?"

"Yes sir." They were being extraordinarily kind, but she wasn't about to mention it for fear of worse treatment.


At that Alastair stormed out, clearly unhappy with the final verdict. Remus stood and asked Tonks; "Are you coming?"

"I have a couple more questions for her, but I'll see you later."

Remus grit his teeth and turned to storm past but was stopped by Dumbledore's raised hand. The elder reached inside his robe and pulled out an envelope.

"This is for you."

Remus quietly accepted it and left the Burrow.

Kingsley watched the door close and once again addressed Bellatrix.

"Molly told us you did come with a bag of items. Minerva has reviewed the items, the magical or dangerous items have been confiscated for the moment, but the rest you may have."

Minerva proceeded to pull the embroidered a newly cleaned flask, the handkerchief, the ring necklace and the small leather photo album, and put them on the table.

Bellatrix reached for the ring, kissed it and clutched it tight, then grabbed the rest and put them on her lap.

"Thank you." Bellatrix looked at the ring again. "You have been very kind, so I hate to pry. But…Could I have the onyx tooth back?" Minerva looked as if she was about to counter but Bellatrix quickly interjected. "I know it's enchanted, but it's only meant to find its partner, which is not even emitting a signal anymore." She paused as Minerva thought. "You can take a bit of time to analyze it."

Minerva nodded and pulled out the necklace. She turned it around in her hand, felt the spell. It was a simple location spell. Bellatrix was right, the incantation could only feel its partner. The older witch found it odd that the spell was still in effect when there was no signal from its twin. But overall, she judged the onyx tooth safe to return, she slid it across the table.

"Thank you." Bellatrix took it and twirled the chains of the two necklaces together, now grasping both firmly in her hand.

With that, Molly stood and started wheeling Bellatrix back to the living room. Neither felt like speaking as they listened to Kingsley, Minerva and Poppy leave. The cat hopped off as Molly removed the items from Bella's lap, then hopped back on once the injured witch was solidly on the couch. Bellatrix grimaced and felt her eyelids drop as soon as she was lying down.

"Why does this fucking cat keep jumping on me?" Bellatrix growled, with a lot less venom in her voice than she was intending.

"It's a half-kneazle, he likes you." Albus bumbled into the living room. "I know our guest is tired, but Molly may I have a word with Bellatrix?"

"Yes sir." Molly quickly put the personal items on the side table and tucked the blanket around the woman before leaving and closing the door.

"Bellatrix." Albus addressed the barely conscious woman.

The woman shifted a bit and tried her best to stay awake. The elder pulled a chair up to the couch, then placed a hand on Bellatrix's head. The witch felt instantly awake.

Bellatrix turned towards her former teacher. "Thank you." She whispered. "I know you are the only reason they didn't kill me. I hope not to let you down."

"You won't." Dumbledore smirked. Then his face became serious; "I need your opinion."

"What? Why?" Bellatrix asked, confused.

"Well, you are the brightest witch of your age." Dumbledore's smile returned briefly as he said that. He proceeded to pull his sleeve up. Bellatrix frowned at the necrosis creeping up over a ring on his right middle finger. She reached out to touch the ring.

"This is one of the Dark Lord's horcruxes." She looked the man in the eyes. "Why on earth are you wearing it?"

"Safe keeping until I can destroy it." Bellatrix frowned at him. The great Albus Dumbledore would know to destroy a horcrux promptly and properly. She suspected he had ulterior motives. "Severus has already helped me confine the curse to my hand, but it is temporary."

Bellatrix pretended to inspect his hand, but instead took a good look at the horcrux. It was the Gaunt ring. Which carried the Resurrection Stone… Her frown deepened. Destroying the horcrux would potentially destroy the stone. Whom did Dumbledore want alive this badly?

"I am well versed on the topic of horcruxes, but not on this ring. Horcruxes will often only use psychological torment. I believe this curse is from the ring itself. Dragon fire would wipe the curse from the ring, but not from you. I'm sorry, I do not how to reverse this, if it is reversible."

Dumbledore nodded in understanding. "Thank you. I appreciate another opinion."

The elder stood to leave and the rejuvenation spell faded from Bellatrix. The last thing Bellatrix saw was Dumbledore leaving as her eyes slipped close into sleep.

Gibbon was screaming silently on the floor. His voice was too hoarse for anything else. This was just one of many cruciatus curses his Lord had subjected him too. Next to him, Jaice Shadowrunner, was suffering a similar fate. The Dark Lord had been gone for a few days and when he came back Bellatrix had been nowhere to be found. They had tried to lie to him. Tell him that she had accidentally been killed. But it was no use to try and lie to a Legilimens.

Three stories up, Lucius was taken full advantage of his wife now that her irritating sister was not there to protect her. He found Narcissa beautiful, bound to the bed, gagged with a lovely scarf, blindfolded with a torn piece of the dress she had been wearing earlier. She was lying limp with dried tears long dried on her cheeks. Not for long, Lucius dropped his slacks and climbed on her. Narcissa started to cry again. She too had to leave.

Bellatrix opened her eyes. Ginny was starring at her. As soon as they locked eyes, the girl started and fled the living room.

"She's awake!"

Bellatrix smirked a little. She stretched a little bit and looked to the side table for her water. Her body wasn't quite as sore, save for the broken bones. That pain felt sharper, but she would not complain. It was, however, preventing her from turning around to get to the side table, she would just have to stay thirsty. She turned back to lie down and blinked in surprise as she saw a purple-haired Andromeda standing above her. She blinked a few times and it became Tonks, who was not quite a replica of her mother.


Bellatrix tried to answer but her mouth was too dry. Tonks saw this and picked up her cup and gave it to her. Bellatrix took a few sips and left the cup near her. She turned back to the other person in the room.

"Thank you." She didn't know what to say to her niece. She had only ever seen her from afar, nothing ever coming close to conversation.

"Do you hate my mom?"

"No." No hesitation. Bellatrix still loved Rommie, their lives, personalities, didn't match up.

"Mom was blasted off the Black tapestry, why?"

"Yes. Trust me, that was the better option for her."

"What do you mean?"

The person in front of her was a woman, but her tone and seeming innocence in her questions was childlike.

"They wanted to send her to an institution. I convinced them to disown her."

"It was you?" Tonks frowned.

Bellatrix nodded slowly. "She was so in love… I also think you underestimate the horror of the institutions…"

Tonks nodded. She had planned on confronting the woman, but the questions that came out of her mouth were more childlike than anything. Perhaps it was because the woman lying there on the couch looked too much like her mother? Perhaps, after all this Tonks wanted to have a connection with a lost aunt? Perhaps she needed to believe that people weren't just evil?

"You didn't mention your sisters today."

"Nobody asked me about my sisters today." Bellatrix was noncommittal about the answer. But it was clear that the girl wanted to know. "I love your mother, she is safe, but our relationship has been broken for a long time. Your mother was always the strong one."


Bellatrix elaborated, not looking at the other woman. "She was always able to say no. To our parents. To society. She was strong enough to leave us." Bellatrix squeezed her eyes shut. "I'm angry at her." She whispered.

Tonks nodded. "Would you want to reconcile?"


"What about Narcissa?"

With that, a sob escaped Bellatrix. She tried to muffle it with her good hand, but her niece took it in hers. Bellatrix tried to pull away, but Tonks held on, moving with her instead of firmly.

Tonks watched her mother's older sister turn to her in confusion. She understood now why her mother was so conflicted about her sister. The younger woman was having a very hard time recalling the burning anger she had for Lestrange before and at the start of the meeting. Although she didn't forget that the woman in front was still very dangerous, just maybe not as evil as she had previously thought.

"I left her there." Her aunt cried silently.


Bellatrix nodded, tears now rolling down her cheeks. "I left her there."

"I don't think you could've done anything given the state you were in." Tonks tried to reassure her. It was true, considering the state she had been in. It was a miracle Bellatrix has escaped at all.

"They are going to kill her. She's not…"

"Bellatrix." Her aunt finally looked at her. "I promise, as soon as we get the chance, we will try to save Narcissa. She isn't wrapped up in any of the Death Eater stuff right?"

"Lucius thinks she's his fuck toy… He is… a monster." Bellatrix scrutinized her niece's face. "Why do you think they would rescue her?"

"I will make sure they do. You are my aunts, and my mom misses you." Tonks swore. However, she wasn't certain it could happen. Narcissa was in the main nest, unless the war ended soon or she found a way to seek help, she would not be rescued.

"Thank you."

Tonks nodded. She started to stand but Bellatrix didn't let go of her hand. The Auror looked down curiously.

"Tell me about yourself."

Tonks' eyebrows shot up. "I'm sorry?"

Bellatrix looked embarrassed. "I do not know much about you. Only what Cissy told me. She keeps newspaper clippings about you. Your birth announcement, you winning first place in the duelling competition, your appointment as an Auror." Bellatrix looked back up to Tonks. "Of course, if you don't want to talk to me, I understand."

Tonks looked to her feet. It was a tempting offer, but she was still uncomfortable with the, to be honest, crazy-looking, unhealthy, darker version of her mother. "I'm sorry, I promised my mom I would tell her what happened today and I'm already late, it's past suppertime. I didn't want to wake you earlier."

It wasn't a lie. She had to do just that and promised she would be there for supper. But she had had supper with the Weasley's and now the sun had set.

Bellatrix frowned. "Your mother was there."

"No?" She would've thought Bellatrix could recognize her own sister.

"Right. Well. Have a good night."

"You too." The atmosphere was now heavy, and Tonks scurried off unimpeded. She said her goodbyes to Arthur and Molly, who was preparing a bit of soup for Bellatrix. The young woman threw some floo powder in the fireplace and stepped in.


And the Tonks household living room appeared before her.

Miles away, Hermione opened her eyes, or rather eye. The right side of her face was swollen, her eye swollen shut. She stiffly got up and limped to her desk. The girl drank the healing potion she had there and near immediately felt a small measure of relief. She jumped a little as the sound of her father's booming voice reached her ears. She sighed and crawled back into bed. Hermione couldn't wait for next week when she would be welcomed into The Burrow.