I apologize for my lack of updates on this recently. I have been away a lot and also really caught up in writing "Stolen Memories" which is my pet story. But, without further ado, please accept a new chapter (small though it may be) and forgive my tardiness!

Keep in mind this is rated M for adult content like all of my stories so do not read if under age or easily offended.

I also do not own the wonderful world of Harry Potter and don't make any profit from this!

Malfoy was audibly groaning.

"All of these warm Gryffindor feelings are too much for my sensibilities," he whined.

Hermione laughed and flicked her hair back, teasing him with a view of the curve of her neck. How he would have loved to nibble on that delicious bit of flesh. If only Potter wasn't there.

Actually, why was Potter there?

"So…Potter," he began, "if you and Granger aren't fucking, why is it you've arrived here in the middle of the night, drunk, and helping yourself to her liquor stash? Do I sense trouble in paradise for our fearless hero? Or did I get it wrong and you have come to give Granger a late night booty call?" his tone was playful and sarcastic.

He knew he was pushing it, but he was who he was – and Draco Malfoy was a bit of a git.

"Well he often comes over to service me late at night Malfoy," Hermione said seriously. Draco almost choked on his fire whiskey. Potter's expression cracked and he began to laugh. "You're the worst liar Harry! I almost bloody had him you idiot," she moaned.

"Can't a man stop by his best mate's house for a drink without his motives being questioned?" asked Harry.

"Not at 2am, nice try in deflecting by the way Potter but you're speaking to a Slytherin here – we practically invented it," he boasted. His companions immediately rolled their eyes.

Malfoy made himself comfortable in the soft armchair across from the sofa where the old friends sat comfortably.

"What if Hermione had a gentleman caller and you popped up out of the floo to the image of some bloke's sweaty behind glistening in the moonlight?" he continued playfully.

"Believe me Malfoy, it's happened! It's a simple case of turning around and leaving…" he answered.

"Like to watch do you Potter?... Accidentally walking in and all that," teased Malfoy provocatively.

"Ha...Ha... Very funny Malfoy," snapped Harry childishly, but his expression was friendly.

"So who did you have the pleasure of disrupting, since we're all meant to be 'bonding,' as you say?" ventured Malfoy. "I'm assuming it was the weasel."

Harry flushed a little as he recalled the memory. Hermione looked out of the window uncomfortably.

"No, it wasn't Ron," said Hermione, answering for Harry. "But that aside, Harry, you ARE deflecting, you should tell Malfoy and I your problem so we can do some more 'bonding,' thus melting Malfoy's icy heart and teaching him how to become a real boy," she said.

Harry began to laugh, "sorry, I've just pictured him as a wooden puppet now you've made the reference," he said.

"What reference?" snapped Malfoy, hating to feel like he was out of the loop. "It's a muggle thing Malfoy, you wouldn't understand," she said. He sighed, she was right, he wouldn't understand.

"Back to you then Harry, why are you here?" he continued to push.

Harry exhaled loudly. "Fine, I had a fight with Ginny, heated words were exchanged… I left and went down the Leaky Cauldron with Ron – and now I'm here," he admitted.

Oh good, instead of spending a hot night shagging Hermione Granger all over her apartment, he was stuck listening to Potty's relationship problems. He thanked Merlin that at least Weasel wasn't there. He was a patient man these days but it had its limits.

"Where did Ron end up?" asked Hermione.

"He went home with Lavender Brown," said Harry.

"Isn't that the crazy bint who gave him a love potion back at school?" asked Malfoy in amusement.

"The very same," replied Harry nostalgically.

"She's grown up a lot since then though Malfoy and she's got a great set of ti…" Harry was cut off before he could finish his lewd statement by a swift kick in the leg from Hermione.

Perhaps Malfoy had underestimated Potter after all.

"That's enough from you Harry," Hermione scolded. "Sorry Mione'… the fire whiskey has made me a little blunt," he said apologetically.

"Well Potter, as amusing as you are, perhaps you ought to go home to your girlfriend – I am not an expert as I prefer the bachelor life myself," he smirked cockily, "but I've heard that disappearing for the night tends to make women upset," he finished.

"I never thought I would say this Harry but I think Malfoy is right. I would be livid if any man of mine disappeared for the night without explanation," so concurred. Malfoy liked the evident possessiveness she was confessing too. Perhaps she was more like him than he had given her credit for.

"Oh Merlin, I am in trouble now aren't I?" he asked no one in particular.

Malfoy nodded. Hermione nodded.

"Go have a shower, clean yourself up so you don't smell like the inside of a bar and go home to your fiancé Harry," said Hermione bossily. Draco loved it when she was bossy.

Harry immediately left to do as she said, leaving Draco alone in the dimly lit room with Hermione once again.

"So, what now?" he asked.

"Harry will leave, and you will stay," she said matter-of-factly.

"Why do you want me to stay?" he ventured flirtatiously.

"Because I'm not done with you yet," she said with a wicked grin.

He felt his stomach flip.