AN: I was really cold and thinking about Kid Flash. What else was I supposed to do?

Captain Cold

Usually a broken heater is just a broken heater, right? Nope. Not when you share a drafty cave with an impulsive speedster who fights an ice obsessed villain. Especially when said speedster likes pranking people.

Which is why Robin, Artemis, Conner, Kaldur, and M'gann where up at 8:30 on a Saturday morning.


Robin bolted straight up in his bed. He groaned. How would that idiot man with an ice gun even get in here? Robin was exhausted. He and Batman had been patrolling Gotham until four in the morning. Even Robin needed his sleep sometimes. Which is why he wasn't planning on getting up for at least six more hours. It was Saturday, for God's sake! He should not have been woken up by a speedster shouting throughout the whole Cave.

Robin heaved himself out of his bed and into the hallway, not reasonably was it so freakin' cold? It was like standing on ice! He shook himself and sprinted toward the kitchen, which was where Wally was now.

Robin came into the kitchen, and was met with Wally dancing around on bare feet trying to avoid touching the ground.

"Rob, you're here!" KF yelped. "It's freezing"

"Well, duh. If Cold's attacking it's bound to be cold!" Robin snapped. Then he paused.

"Cold's not really attacking is he?" Robin sighed. He knew KF well enough to recognise his pranks.

"Nope! But, this is a sweet chance to mess with our dearest teammates, isn't it?" Wally asked mischievously. "The heater's broken. But of course they don't know that,"

Robin felt a smile slowly form on his face. He held out a fist to Wally, who bumped it, and they both mimicked explosions. Robin smiled at KF, his earlier annoyance gone, thanks to the energetic speedster.

"MR. FREEZE IS HERE TOO! EPIC ICE VILLAIN TEAM-UP!" Robin yelled. He and Wally ran around the mountain shouting about team-ups and ice villains until they wound up back in the kitchen, with four other teens on high alert.

"What's going on? No one's attacking!" Artemis snapped. Conner looked more than miffed to be out here when he could be sleeping. He drew his arms closer to himself in an attempt to keep warmer. Wally and Robin grinned at each other.

"Oh that-" Wally started.

"-no one's attacking-" Robin continued.

"-I just woke up cold-"

"-and decided to wake-"

"-up everyone because-"

"-he has no respect-"

"-and I thought it would be funny-"

"-which it wasn't-"

"-at least not at first,"

"True," Robin conceded. "It was more fun after,"

"Well of course you had fun! You're with the Wallman!" Wally grinned, looking at Robin with a happy expression.

"Of course, you idiot," Robin said sarcastically and affectionately. Artemis and Conner glared at them.

"And you two decided to disturb everyone's Saturday with a false alarm?" Artemis asked pointedly.

"Yup!" Wally and Robin responded cheerfully in unison.

Artemis growled and turned away. Kaldur turned to Wally and Robin.

"And why did you do this?" Kaldur asked peacefully. Wally and Robin grinned at each other, and Wally turned to the team.

"The heater's broken,"

AN: So, broken heater + speedster + ice villains= annoying pranks. What else? Review?