So yeah. This one is kinda short, but making it longer would require dragging it out and making it boring. But it has hints of Solangelo and ends with Reyna punching someone, so I think we're good.

Oh, and I like keep forgetting to do a disclaimer so here it is for this book.


It was time for Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter's first annual co-camp fall dance in New Rome. Everyone was celebrating. Leo had returned a few days prior. All was good. And Reyna was currently standing in a corner 'supervising'. AKA: Praetor Reyna's way to get out of dancing. It was foolproof. Except, apparently when that fool was Leo Valdez. "Come on, Reyna. Everyone's is dancing. Even Nico, wait, no he's walking in circles. Still, you should have fun." That was Leo, nagging her again for like the fourth time in a hour.

Reyna glared at him. "Go away Valdez. Go dance with your girlfriend, I think she needs help." Calypso did need help. She was stumbling around the floor, getting pushed about by the crowd. And looking very confused. When Calypso saw Reyna watching, she looked up. Help me. She mouthed. Reyna nodded, there was one way to do this.

Reyna grabbed Leo by the shoulders. "Your girlfriend is a 3,000 something year old titaness. That is a worse culture shock than being from the forties. Go teach her to dance." She shoved Leo towards Calypso, satisfied that he wouldn't nag her any longer. But let's be real, Reyna thought He will only leave me alone for about an hour, maybe two if I'm lucky.

Suddenly the temperature dropped, and Reyna was the only one who seemed to notice. She turned around. There, standing behind her, was Nico di Angelo. He looked around frantically. "I need help."

Reyna rolled her eyes. What Nico was doing behind her was one question, and what he wanted was another. "What do you need, Nico."

"I need you to hide me from Solace."

That got a raised eyebrow from Reyna. "Really? Why?"

Nico groaned. "He's on my back again about shadow traveling. I am perfectly fine, Will is just too," He shuddered. "Cautious. Honest to gods does it get annoying."

Reyna grinned. "And why were you shadow traveling in the first place?"

Nico grinned, which was a scary thing. "So I can play tricks on everybody. Why else?"

Reyna shook her head. The whole di Angelo-Solace drama was pretty funny, if you were a spectator that is. "Whatever. Go solve your boy problems on your own, di Angelo." Nico shot her a look, but Reyna smirked. When they eventually get together, and that is going to happen, mark my words, I am so telling Nico I told you so.

Nico disappeared back into the shadows, and Reyna turned back around.

Everything was good. Frank was dancing with Hazel. So were Percy and Annabeth. And by some sheer chance, Will Solace walked right by the spot where Nico had just shadow-traveled. He grabbed Nico's arm and said something to him. Nico just glared at him. Will glared right back.

Reyna looked away, practically laughing. They might not see it yet, but they were definitely going to get together. Everyone could see it except for the two doofs. Because honestly, even though Reyna wasn't a child of Venus, it was just plain obvious.

Reyna's area of solitude was quickly disturbed by one certain elf. Whose face and rest of him wasn't welcome anywhere near Reyna at a party.

"Hey Reyna!" Leo Valdez's cheerful face was grinning at her. "You wanna come dance?"

Reyna shook her head. "No, go dance with your girlfriend."

He shrugged. "Nah, besides, it's more of a single person dance."

Reyna froze. No. It couldn't be happening. Not here. The legionaries knew not to play that song when she was around. Unless... she rounded on Leo. "VALDEZ!"

Leo grinned in that really annoying way of his that made her want to punch him. "Aww, c'mon? You don't want to dance the MacaREYNA?"

This time, that grin got what it deserved. Reyna thought as her fist smashed into Leo's face. (She ended up breaking his nose)

Hope you liked it! I am making a Percy Jackson (+ Annabeth) goes to Hogwarts to teach and a Annabeth goes to Hogwarts to teach, so tell me which one you guys want first.

ALSO! Only one, ONE, person reviewed last chapter, so please review. They really make my day.

To Fratzy: Your chapter is coming! I will post it once it's finished, and you guys can help by giving me crazy suggestions for what the Seven and Nico should do. SPOILER ALERT: The first (and only) challenge (so far) involves Jason hanging upside down from a tree, and a time bomb clock that Leo made. (PRO TIP: This chapter will come out quicker if you give me suggestions, cuz I have like no ideas right now)


So yeah….