Hey guys!

Welcome to the last chapter, this chapter is actually the equivalent of two but I like to end my stories in "closed" numbers (If that makes sense) when I can haha so I decided to just leave it in 15.

I'm so glad you've enjoyed it and I hope you'll like this final chapter!

Five more days passed and Jade still felt strange to be there, she liked the school and the classes but she couldn't help to feel different. She always sat down with her back completely straight, her legs closed with her left foot slightly leaned behind her other leg and her hands resting on her lap, she was very polite to everyone and even though she sometimes tried to fight it, she usually did everything she was asked to do, which was very unusual and the gang couldn't really see Jade in that girl anymore.

One day Jade was just having lunch with her friends when all of a sudden she saw Rosie walking towards her so her eyes wide opened and she smiled. "What?" Tori asked curiously when Jade smiled but then she turned around and saw a blonde girl there. Jade immediately stood up and walked towards her to hug her anxiously.

"El...Jade!" Rosie exclaimed as they hugged and the gang looked at each other not knowing what to say, it was obvious Jade knew that girl but it was unusual to see her being so loving and nice to another girl. "I've missed you"

"I've missed you too" Jade said and smiled as she broke the hug to look at Rosie's face and started stroking her cheek sweetly, she still felt the need to protect her. Jade felt the confused looks of all her friends and she moved her hand back awkwardly. "This is Rosie"

"Hey" Rosie said nicely.

"Hi!" They all responded and smiled at her.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in New York" Jade commented as she held Rosie's hand.

"I missed you and my dad thought it was a good idea to bring me here for a few days for a quick visit" Rosie explained and Jade smiled. "You look so…different" she commented and Jade looked down at herself before nodding.

"This is me, the real me I suppose" Jade said and Rosie nodded.

"Yes, it's just a little strange to see you like this, you know in school and with these clothes…You look younger, which is your actual age, I guess" Rosie said and chuckled. "I usually forget you're only a few year older than me, back in the house it felt like you were a grown up" she commented and Jade's smile slowly faded while the gang looked at each other not knowing how to feel or what to say. "I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"

"No, no it's fine…You're right, I felt it too" Jade admitted and gave her a little smile as they held hands.

"The only thing I miss about the house is getting to spend time with you" Rosie admitted and then sighed. "Sometimes I have nightmares, you know? I dream that we are back at the house and that you're pregnant again, it feels so realistic…I can hear and feel Alan like he is there"

"Alan is dead" Jade affirmed. "Those are just nightmares"

"I know but they feel so real to me" Rosie confessed with teary eyes. "Do you have them too?" She asked.

"Yes" Jade responded and the gang looked down sadly, it was just weird for them to be normal with her again because she'd gone through a lot of changes and they were always afraid of saying something that would trigger her. "Nothing to do about it, Rosie, they'll go away eventually"

"I hope so" Rosie said and hugged Jade again so she hugged her back. "I'm just so happy that you were there with me, I don't know what I would've done if I had been there by myself…I can't believe you could do it those first months, it must've been horrible" She commented and Jade sighed with a straight face because she didn't want to remember that "I mean I remember the first day when you did…that for me" Rosie said referring to when Jade seduced Alan. "And then when you couldn't save me and he did it, I remember having you with me and singing to me and saying I would be okay, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been there…" she said as she remembered with a little smile and tears in her eyes. The gang looked at each other sadly and moved at the same time, they felt horrible but proud of Jade for being such a big support for that girl.

"Don't think about it, honey" Jade said and smiled, the gang could understand their bond but it was still so weird for them to see Jade acting like that, she really did seem Rosie's mother judging from her behavior and they didn't know how to feel about it.

Rosie spent some days with Jade and then she had to fly back to New York but being those days together had been nice for both of them. Beck and Jade weren't really together at the moment because she didn't feel ready yet and she was still upset with him for what had happened, he didn't want to make it worse so he hadn't mentioned anything either.

Beck saw Jade and he just wanted to protect her, he wanted to hug her and kiss her and be happy like they used to but at the same time he didn't feel Jade was the same person he'd dated, it was a strange feeling for him because every time they spent time together he felt he was just starting to know her, the old version of her was present during some moments but most of the time Beck and the rest of the gang felt they were talking to a completely different woman.

One day Jade was, as usual, sitting in a very poised way while listening to class, her friends still caught those weird details in her behavior so they looked at her weirdly and Jade noticed it, she simply looked down, took a small breath as she relaxed and tried to lean back to sit like she used to but she just found it so hard to feel at peace and she'd gotten used to always being perfect.

In that moment Jade was just remembering Alan telling her how to sit and how to move, she remembered those times when he would glare at her and tell her that she didn't look like a lady, that she looked bad and that she had to always be perfect, Elise had to perfect; she was lost in her thoughts so she wasn't really paying attention to her environment. "Alright Jade, come on stage" Sikowitz ordered but she didn't move, she was just sitting there like nothing had happened so they stared at her confused. "Jade!" He exclaimed again and she realized he was talking to her so she reacted, she felt so stupid because for a moment he expected him to call her Elise.

"Yes, Sikowitz?" She responded politely and he stared at her confused.

"I told you to come to the stage, why didn't you respond the first time I called you?" He questioned.

"Of course, I'm sorry, I was a little distracted…it won't happen again" Jade said nicely and smiled as she stood up holding her perfect posture once again and walked to the stage as everyone stared at her weirdly.

"That's new, it seems you've been taking manners lessons…I didn't remember you so polite and feminine" He commented and Jade looked to the side awkwardly, she didn't even know how to behave anymore. She didn't want to be like Elise, she wanted to be herself but she failed most of the time. "I want you to act a little scene with….Beck!" Sikowitz said and he smiled as he walked to the stage as well. "Jade, it's fine if you don't do it perfectly the first time…it's been a long time but being with your boyfriend should make it easier for you, okay? Still, no pressure" He said and she nodded even though she didn't feel Beck was her boyfriend anymore.

"What do we have to do?" Jade questioned.

"It's something simple, just act like a married couple who are celebrating their anniversary, this shouldn't be too hard" Sikowiz said and they nodded.

"Hey baby" Beck said nicely and she smiled.

"Hey, my love" Jade responded and he held her hands. "You know what day is today, right?"

"Of course, it's been a year since we got married" He responded and she nodded smiling. "Do you have any plans for today?

"I was hoping you would come up with an idea, do you have anything in mind?" Jade asked as she touched his chest and made her way up to his face. He felt so happy in those moments that he just wanted to kiss her, for a moment he felt she was the same person she once had been so he put his lips against hers and she kissed him back, Beck put his hands on her waist and Jade couldn't help to get flashbacks, everything seemed so familiar but it didn't remind her of Beck, it reminded her of Alan.

They broke the kiss and Jade tried to keep going with the scene because she didn't want them to realize she'd been distracted but those same thoughts were keeping her head away, she was just letting herself go and acting like she was used to automatically. "I think we could have dinner, maybe watch a movie or a play and finish the day swimming in the pool, do you like that plan?" Beck asked as he held her by her waist and she nodded smiling.

"Yes, Alan" Jade said and Beck's smile immediately dropped just like hers because she quickly realized what she'd said. The gang looked at each other nervously and Sikowitz stared at her confused. "I'm…I'm sorry" she immediately said and looked at Beck.

"Alan? So you were thinking of him while you kissed me?" He asked clearly angry and moved his hands away from her so she looked down nervously. "Oh my god…"

"I'm sorry" Jade apologized again and she felt the tears coming because she was overwhelmed with emotion. She felt guilt, fear and shame at the same time and she couldn't understand why but she was panicking. "Beck, I'm sorry, please forgive me, please" she said nervously, even in that moment she was experiencing an emotional flashback and she felt fear, she knew Beck wouldn't hurt her but she couldn't help to be afraid; that was just the normal reaction she had after making a mistake because during her time with Alan, mistakes were usually equivalent to insults, angry glares and even slaps.

"Jade, it's alright, it's no big deal" Sikowitz said because it was obvious she was getting too worked up over it. Beck was angry but he could also see she was getting exalted, she was even trembling a little so he tried to grab her hand but she moved it back instinctively and stared at him scared.

"I'm sorry…" Jade said almost whispering.

"Hey, it's fine…" Beck said but he could see her eyes filling with tears as her breath accelerated, she had never been so emotionally fragile and it hurt him to see her like that. It was obvious she was confused and scared. "It's okay, Jade, I won't hurt you…and I'm not upset, okay? I know you didn't mean to say his name" He affirmed because he could see how affected she was and he understood it wasn't really her fault but Jade couldn't keep going, she felt completely overwhelmed and ashamed so she just walked down the stage, grabbed her bag almost gracefully and left the room.

"What was that?" Sikowitz asked.

"I don't know…" Beck simply responded and left the classroom as well so the rest of the gang followed them. Jade ran down the hallway but Beck reached her and grabbed her arm to stop her. "Wait…Jade, look at me" He demanded and she turned to him so he saw all the tears streaming down her face. "It's okay, don't be afraid…You're safe now, Alan is dead and he can't hurt you anymore"

"You don't get it" Jade responded.

"I do, we were playing a married couple and I reminded you of him, you got scared and ran off" Beck explained but she shook his head just in the moment the rest of the gang approached them.

"Guys, what happened?" Tori asked but Jade ignored her question.

"No, I'm not scared of him now, I know he is dead and that he can't hurt me, I ran off because I don't belong here anymore!" Jade exclaimed. "I…I'm not myself, just look at me! I told myself I would leave Elise Benathy behind but I can't! She is part of me now, Alan is part of me now" she said as endless tears streamed down her face. "I don't fit in anymore, I can see it…The way I speak, the way I move, the way I respond to people, this is not me! It's him, it's Alan telling me what to do and what to say at all times, he is always with me…and I notice it, I also notice how you all look at me after every single thing I do and I feel pathetic because I know this is not who I'm supposed to be but I can't help it" She added and wiped the tears off her face. "Jade is dead, I don't know who I am anymore…I feel so lost"

"No, don't say that" Cat said sadly.

"Jade, it's completely normal for you to be acting like this…You were trained to follow certain behavior and it's not easy to just forget all that and I'm sorry because you're right, we've just made you feel worse instead of understanding and remembering this is a process" Tori commented and Jade stared at her still with tears in her eyes. "You have been free for a few days, it hasn't even been three weeks yet and this is going to take a while…but the important thing is that you're trying, you're coming to school and spending time with us and I promise you'll start feeling better before you expect it"

"She is right, you're Jade and you're back where you truly belong" Beck affirmed and she stared at him not knowing what to think. "Alan is gone and you'll realize it with time and when that happens you'll stop feeling the obligation to act like a perfect Barbie doll all the time, I promise"

"Are you sure?" Jade asked sadly and he smiled.

"Completely" Beck said and she gave him a little smile. "Also, I'm sorry for not letting you explain yourself the day I found you with the teacher, I just freaked out and I went off…I shouldn't have insulted you and then when we rescued you I shouldn't have questioned you like it was your fault, I'm sorry" Beck commented sincerely.

"Guys, Sikowitz told me you had a little crisis" Lane said as he approached them.

"We are okay" Tori said and Jade turned back to Beck.

"It's okay, Beck, I get it…I didn't tell you in time and you found me making out with him, you had reasons to be angry" Jade responded. "And about Alan, I've seen the pictures and videos and you had reasons to be confused, I was confused too…at times" she admitted. "When he bought me and took me to the house, I was terrified and I thought he'd keep me in a basement or something but then he explained his intentions"

"What did he say?" Tori asked.

"He expected me to be grateful with him for rescuing me from the brothel, he said he would treat me nicely and I would get to do everything I wanted, I was confused…I asked why he couldn't just let me go and date a free woman and he told me all the women who came to him just wanted money but they would pretend to be 'decent' so it got him tired" Jade started. "He said I would be like his girlfriend but better because he could tell me to do anything he wanted and I couldn't say no, he felt he owned me" She said and Beck shook his head angrily. "That's why I lived the way I lived, I could do anything I wanted when I was alone but whenever he gave me an order, I had to obey. The first time he ordered me to sleep with him I tried to resist it and he beat me a lot, it was horrible…probably the worst night of my life, I had no way out so I had to give in, I had to do everything he said…" Jade said trying to be strong but the tears were streaming down her face so she looked down. "But every time I did something wrong he would get angry, sometimes he would slap me, I had to be perfect all the time because he said he deserved a perfect woman…"

"I'm so sorry" Tori said sincerely and Jade took a breath as she wiped the tears away.

"I got used to it, if I behaved well and treated him like I loved him, he did the same…so I did, I played along with his game and managed to be as well as I could, sometimes I felt I was happy…it was a like movie, a dream and I was just playing a character" Jade affirmed. "One day he brought Rosie so it was two of us, we got married because I was his 'favorite' and we all moved to London, we played the perfect family game, I was like the mom, he was the dad and Rosie was the kid but he also made us be together, he raped her and in those moments I could see the reality…It was sick!" She said and they looked at her mortified. "He impregnated me and we came to New York for a few days, then he brought Anna" She said sadly. "She was so scared and I was just…I tried to make her feel better by taking her out for shopping and she made a mistake, I should've warned her but she was rebellious and she had reasons to be…I wasn't of much help for her" Jade said sincerely.

"What do you mean?" Cat asked.

"I don't know, when Rosie came I remember I instantly felt the need to protect her, I could understand her pain and she was young, I tried to make her feel good…I told her we'd be fine and with Anna, I just…I told her how things worked and that was it, I didn't show her any empathy" Jade responded sadly and shrugged as she shook her head a little. "I couldn't feel anything, I wanted her to be okay but I didn't help her the way I should have, she was fifteen and she was terrified and I should've offered her comfort, a shoulder to cry on, a person she could trust but I was there just to tell her she had to cooperate and let Alan rape her, I mean…what the hell is wrong with me?" She asked and they looked at her and at each other sadly. "She felt it too, she told me…she told me it seemed I was one of them and she didn't trust me, that's why she ran…and that's why she died"

"That wasn't your fault, Jade" Beck affirmed and she looked at him.

"He is right, you couldn't know what would happen and your reaction was normal, Jade" Lane said and Jade turned to him confused. "Your brain did what it had to do to protect you, you said it yourself…At times even you believed you were happy and that's because there's only so much pain you can take, your brain tricked itself into believing you were okay because then you could survive"

"That makes sense" Andre added and Jade thought about it.

"And about your lack of empathy, that's also normal…The same reason is behind it, you approached it from a very cold perspective, like a machine" Lane said. "You did it to avoid feeling pain and frustration because in the end, you couldn't do anything about it and I'm also guessing after all this time, her situation is no longer familiar to you…I suppose that wasn't the case with the other girl, Rosie, was it? Did he take long to bring her?"

"A few months" Jade said and sighed. "Maybe you're right, it makes sense…it would explain why sometimes I felt okay being there, sometimes it felt like a dream or a movie…I wasn't me anymore, I was Elise Benathy, it was surrealistic but it felt good" she admitted sadly with a few tears in her eyes. "But then I remembered the reality and I just wanted to die" she said as the tears came out again.

"You survived and that's what matters…Anna's death is not your fault" Beck affirmed.

"I'm here because she is dead, otherwise you would have never found me…" Jade responded and they looked at each other because she had a point.

"Well, at least something good came out of it" Beck said and she gave him a little sad smile. "You'll be fine, I promise, you'll see that all these memories will start to vanish soon"

"I don't think so" Jade responded. "They won't ever leave me"

"Then you will learn to manage them and you'll be okay, you'll be yourself again" He affirmed and she hugged him so he hugged her back gladly, he kissed the top of her head and took a breath. He'd been dreaming about that moment for a long time and she was finally there with him. "I love you" He whispered on her ear and she broke the hug to look at his face.

"Do you still like me? Even like this…" Jade asked and looked down. "You know, being like Elise"

"You're still you, Jade, what you call Elise is a lie, she is just mannerisms and things you were taught to always do but you're you and you'll forget all those things with time" Beck affirmed.

"And you don't mind the fact I was married?" Jade asked a little confused and he smiled.

"That is also a lie, you weren't married, Elise was" Beck responded and she thought about it. "Jade West will only be married when I am the person standing next to her" He informed and she smiled at him with a couple of tears in her eyes, she felt so moved in that moment that she forgot how angry she had been at him, she loved him and she wanted him to be with her in that process. "I mean, there's no rush but I'm ready, you tell me when" He said and she chuckled so he laughed a little too.

"You're right, there's no rush" she added and he gave her a sweet kiss on the forehead before smiling at her.

"You guys are so cute" Tori said smiling and they smiled back as he put his arm around her shoulders.

"Alright, since everything seems to be settled…why don't you all go back to your classes? Jade, you have a lot of catching up to do" Lane commented and they nodded. "Go on!"

Jade continued struggling with behavioral issues since she couldn't just get rid of all the things Alan had made her do but with time she started getting used to being herself again. She and Rosie continued having contact because they'd become really close and Jade saw her as a little sister so they would call each other or video chat sometimes. Beck and Jade continued working on their relationship because things weren't perfect and sometimes they would fight but they loved each other and they could understand each other's positions so they always sorted out their problems.

In the end Jade had been through a series of very dramatic changes over the course of a year, she'd gone undercover to rescue victims and she'd become one of them, she'd become a slave, a doll, a robot, a different person. She'd become Alan Benathy's wife and even though she was doing her best to leave that life behind and succeeding at recovering herself, she also knew that one way or another, at least part of Elise Benathy would always live inside of her.

I hope you liked the ending! It's happy but also not so happy because it can't be given the story haha but I do hope you're satisfied with it.