I DON'T OWN CHARACTERS! So I got bored... couldn't figure out what to write in Witches, so I was watching youtube videos and I stumbled upon the school dance battle by ScottDW and thought "Hey wouldn't it be funny if this was an actual thing."

"I've heard great things about this school, I'm sure you'll love it." Bubbles' mother went on and on about CHS, or Convalesce High School. Bubbles sighed and looked out the window. This would be the next two years of her life before she got out of this mess. Her mother and her were on the run. From who? Her father. He had been abusing her mother for years, but when Bubbles was a freshman in high school he raised his fist to her. Her mother hit him in the back of the head with a flower pot. They grabbed all the money they could find and the necessities before hopping in the car and speeding away. It wasn't enough. They couldn't get away from him. Last year he found them in their new lives.

It had started all over again.

And here they were. Running again. Bubbles estimated she might be able to graduate high school before that Satan spawn showed up again. This was her junior year. She cradled her textbooks closer to her. The situation was entirely different this time. Bubbles would be living at this school, she would be safe. Her mother would be in an apartment walking distance from the school. Bubbles didn't want to leave her mother alone, but her mother insisted that it was for the best. Bubbles rested the side of her forehead against the cool glass of the window. She glanced over at her mother every minute or so. Her mother was a beauty.

Her hair was blond and bouncy. Her eyelashes were long. Her eyes were blue, a blue that used to shine but was dulled. Her skin was like porcelain and she looked fragile and delicate. She kept smiling and laughing about CHS and how much fun Bubbles would have. Through all those smiles there was pain and fear. Just barely peeking out from under her pantsuit was an angry purple and blue bruise that he had left on her last night while they were trying to escape. Her mother endured all of this. She didn't deserve it. Her mother acted like it wasn't there, but Bubbles knew she had cried. She had heard it.

Bubbles turned away and glanced at her own reflection. Her hair was up in high pig tails, making the big blond curls fall to where her breasts began. Her chest wasn't particularly big, it was noticeable she guessed, maybe it was just a normal size. That didn't really matter to her. Her eyes were baby blue that, just like her mother's, appeared to be dulling as each day went by. She tried to the remember the last time she had let her eyes sparkle, but those memories were just fogged fragments.

"We're here." Her mother announced.

Bubbles looked up at two silver gates. They opened slowly and her mother drove onto the CHS property.

There were flowers everywhere. So much color. That was the first thing Bubbles noticed. Green grass touched everything. Bright flowers and large trees grew across the property. Apple trees lined the black marble driveway up to the school. As they drove deeper Bubbles took note of the increasing groups of students lounging about and goofing off. As they reached the school her mother had to stop the car. There was a long line of parents dropping their kids off. Bubbles looked at the school. All she could see was the entrance. The ground was covered by teenagers all greeting their friends or hustling to their dorms.

The entrance was a tall dark building. There were black marble pillars beside the large glass doors. The building itself was composed of dark brick with a glass dome roof.

"I can get out here." Bubbles smiled to her mother's worried face. It was her mom's first day at her new job, she couldn't afford to be late.

"Are you sure?"

"You can't be late for work." Bubbles smiled and her mother reached over, pulling her into a hug. Bubbles settled into the strawberry scented embrace.

"If you need anything, you call me." Her mother leaned back and looked her straight in the eyes.

"Likewise." Bubbles said as she opened her door. She opened the backseat and grabbed her suitcase before returning to shotgun and picking up her books. She looked at her mother, who was holding back tears. "I love you momma." Bubbles smiled at her.

"I love you too, darling." Her mother had watery eyes as she nodded reassuringly at her daughter. Bubbles closed the door and began to hike her way up to the school. Her mother pulled into the other lane and drove off. This was it, she was on her own now.

It didn't take Bubbles too long to get to the crowd of bustling kids. She stood at the tip of it. If she walked in she'd surely be trampled on. She saw a guy move his elbow up. An opening! Bubbles easily ducking under the elbow and she was in. Chaos took visible form around her. She couldn't tell where the entrance was. She saw a girl talking to some other kids. She tapped her on the shoulder. The girl turned and looked around.

"What is it?" Asked one of the kids.

"I guess it was just my imagination." She shrugged and turned back around. Bubbles glared. The girl had looked right over her head. Bubbles was unusually short. 4"7. The average female was 5"3. Bubbles turned back around and glared down at her light pink flats. This was the wrong day to wear flats. If she could back in time. Bubbles blew her bangs out of her eyes.


Books were splayed out in front of her. They weren't hers. The sound was followed by a sick giggle. She looked over at a group of cheerleaders. They all stood puffing their chests out. There was a girl in front of them.

"Whoops." One of them giggled before prancing off into the crowd. The girl was thin and bony. She wore a white sweater with a bright orange pattern on it. She was maybe a little bit taller than average. Her hands were tangled together, she twiddled her thumbs and her knuckles had taken some sort of a white glow. She must've been holding back. Her hair was white as snow and shaggy, ending at her shoulders and bound by an orange headband. She wore a dark blue jean skirt that was sorta baggy around her thin legs. She also wore orange flats. The sunlight glared off of her rectangular glasses. She finally sighed and dragged her suitcase over to the books. She knelt down and started to pick them up. Bubbles glanced at a little book tat had slid over from the rest. She walked over and picked it up. It was thick and really really little. It had black on the spine, but its cover was dark red with no words on it at all.

The girl stood up, towering over Bubbles. She tapped her arm and the girl looked down at her. With the shade on her glasses Bubbles could make out two defined pearly white irises. They were stunning. It was as though pearls had been sealed around her pupils. Oh, and the amount of wonder, that magical spark that danced in her eyes. It had been so long since Bubbles had seen it.

"Uh... Book." Bubbles held it out to her. The girl appeared startled.

"Thank you." She said and Bubbles out it on her stack. The girl turned to her suitcase and began to walk away.

"Uh... h-hey!" Bubbles grabbed her bags and caught up with the girl. The girl looked down at her once again. "I-I'm new." Bubbles could not for the love of God speak any English today!

"Yeah, you have that new kid look." The girl mused and looked forward.

"You wouldn't mind showing me how to get outta here, would you?" Bubbled looked up at her hopefully.


"Oh, I'm Bubbles by the way."


The two finally made it into the entrance building.

"5 foot 7?!" Bubbles yelled. "You're a freaken foot taller than me!" Bell giggled at Bubbles' antics.

"You are unusually short." She giggled. Bubbles had already made a friend. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"We have to get numbers for the check in desk over there." Bell pointed at an old lady with thin lips and a winning bitch face. "But it takes hours and it's only if you can endure the rudeness of Miss Traught." Bell winced as the woman's beedy brown eyes flickered over to them. "No teenager has ever made it" She crossed her arms. Bubbles noticed how each kid that was waiting was with their parents. She watched a tall guy with jet black hair slide over to her. He started talking and she glared at him.

"I can go try, watch the stuff." Bubbles smiled at Bell.

"It's your head." Bell shrugged.

Bubbles approached the boy and the grumpy old lady.

"Listen, we just gotta get 5 tags." He slammed his hand on the plastic table. Miss Traught didn't even flinch. Bubbles knitted her eyebrows. He growled and glared at her. Poor woman.

"Isn't that a little bit rude?" Bubbles looked over at him and he turned to look at her with tough forest green eyes.

"Butch, I got mom." A blond guy came jogging over with a little Asian woman. The other guy turned to look at them.

"I'm sorry, do you get treated like that a lot?" Bubbles looked over at Miss Traught, who's eyes had widened ever so slightly.

"Dear, you haven't the slightest idea."

"That's horrible, you shouldn't be treated like that just because people are in a rush." Bubbles had forgotten about the tickets. A strange sense of justice came over her. Miss Traught chuckled.

"So far you've been the highlight of my day." She laughed a little bit louder and this caught the attention of the three people behind her.

"What's your favorite color?" Bubbles asked.

"I quite like orange." She smiled. Bubbles bit her bottom lip and dug around in the back pockets of her light blue high waisted jean skirt. She smiled and pulled out a bracelet. It was a brown rope tied up in different designs. Dabbled along the edges and tangled in the rope designs were different shades of orange glass and gem shards.

"Here, to brighten up your day." She motioned for Miss Traught to hold out her wrist. She tied it around her frail wrist.

"It's a beautiful thing, where do you buy these?"

"Oh, I make them." Bubbles smiled.

"Thank you very much darling, you need 2 numbers, correct?"

"Oh yeah." Bubbles scratched her neck having forgotten the numbers. Miss Traught handed them to her and she said thanks before turning around. She slammed her forehead into a sweet vanilla smelling surface.

"Ouch." She rubbed her forehead and looked was up at another tall guy.

"Sorry." He was the blond one. His hair was fluffy and dirty blond. His eyes were gentle like an elephant's and really dark blue. Bubbles blushed.

"I-I I'm sorry!" She looked down in an attempt to hide her blush. She heard him chuckle and she darted past him and over to Bell.

"I still can't believe this." Bell looked at the number card. They were in the waiting area. "You are definitely gonna stand out here."

"Well, that is if people can actually see me." Bubbles stretched out her little legs in front of her. Bell laughed a little. Then the door opened and in walked the Asian woman with five guys.

"Uh, Bell?" Bubbles asked.


"Who are they?" She pointed at the blond guy with the green eyed guy.

"Trouble." Bell crossed her legs. Bubbles gave her a curious look. "Those are the Heafer brothers."


"Adopted," Bell shrugged, "Their dad is Carson Heafer, You know from Heafer's Heavenly Coffee?" Bubbles shrugged at the familiar name.

"So they're a bunch of rich boys?"

"Pretty much." Bell shrugged.

"Who's who?" Bubbles knitted her eyebrows at them. Bell sighed.

"The red one it Brick. He's the second highest ranking academic boy and is supposed to take over the company after college." Brick was roughly 6 feet tall. His skin was pale and his hair was sort of shaggy. It was scarlet and was put in a low ponytail that just barely reached his shoulders. His eyes were an illuminating scarlet color as well.

"The brunette is Blitz. He's lazy as fuck, but he's a genius with a photographic memory. He's the highest ranking academic in all of the genders and he makes football strategies." Blitz had thick dark brown hair that was messy and reached around his chin. His eyes were a dark royal purple and even though he held himself with poor posture you could tell he had calculated everything that was going on around him. He was a little taller than Brick.

"The one with the black hair is Butch. Captain of the football team and a giant pervert." Butch was the tallest of the boys. He had broad shoulders and was obviously toned. His skin was tan and his hair was sort of shaved on the sides.

"The blond one is Boomer. He's a mega nice guy. Little bit of a doormat, but he's a player. He gets a new girlfriend every few months. I think he plays the guitar, but I think it's just a rumor." Boomer was in between Blitz and Brick's heights.

"The last one is Blaine. He's a total idiot and a goofball. He's a slacker, but a real people person." The second tallest of the five of them had olive skin. He had bright silver eyes and silver hair that defied gravity. An eternal ghost of a smile was settled on his lips.

"If you really wanna know about them, ask a cheerleader, I don't talk to them." Bell shrugged and Bubbles nodded. So a bunch of spoiled rich boys. Bubbles looked at the screen, her number would be up in 2 turns.

Suddenly Bell leaped out of her seat. Her hands were on the back of her neck and a small blush painted her pale skin.

"Bell?" Bubbles looked at her seat to see Blaine. He was standing behind it with his fingers out and a wide smile on his face.

"Blaine." She growled. He laughed.

"I didn't peg you as the ticklish type." He continued to chuckle as Bell blushed. The screen blinked as Bell's number flashed across the screen.

"Bell, it's your turn." Bubbles smiled and handed her her books. Bell smiled and grabbed her suitcase.

"I'll wait for you." She nodded as she walked out the door. Bubbles sighed and tugged at her off the shoulder light pink and light blue striped top that was tucked into the jean skirt.

"Young lady?" Bubbles turned around to look at Mrs. Heafer. She sat in the middle of the boys.

"Yes?" She asked, avoiding Boomer's stare.

"If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you." Bubbles blushed.

"Oh, I'm 4 foot 7..."

"Wow, that's so little." Blaine laughed beside his mom. Bubbles nodded a little bit before catching the numbers change on the screen. It was her turn. She stood up and grabbed her stuff before walking to the designated sign in desk.

"And here's your dorm" The check in guy handed her another piece of paper. Bubbles thanked him kindly before walking out of the check in room. When she exited she immediately caught sight of Bell.

"Bell!" She jogged over to her and Bell turned around, revealing another girl with glasses. This girl was shorter than Bell with crazy long wavy light orange hair tied up in a ponytail. In the ponytail it reached just above her butt and she had bangs cutting straight across her forehead. Her glasses were thick. Behind them were bright pink eyes. She had on a dark pink sweater and light green pants that faded into dark pink at the bottom. She also wore black flats.

"Bubbles, this is Blossom." Bell motioned to the other girl.

"Hello, it's very nice to meet you." Blossom smiled at her. Bubbles smiled up at her in response.

"Oh, we're all in the same dorm house." Blossom motioned to the paper in her hand.

"Great, so you can show me how to get there." Bubbles sighed. Blossom laughed.

"Follow me."

Bubbles huffed before opening the door to her dorm. Blossom and Bell were in the dorm across from her, which was comforting. She entered her key and opened the dorm.

comfort gone

Putting black curtains on the windows was a girl. Shorter than Bell, but taller than Blossom. Her hair was black and loose around her face, stopping at her mouth. Her skin was pale-ish. She wore a black tank top and over it was a lime green crop top that was torn on the back and fell off her shoulder. Her chest was large and she had a slightly muscular build. She wore dark green shorts with chains hanging on the sides. She had black mid shin shocks and dark green boots. She turned arouns and looked at Bubbles. She had a cute face, it didn't fit her style at all. She had round electric lime green eyes, a little nose, plump lips.

"Who're you?" She grunted.

"I'm Bubbles." She let the door close behind her. "Uh, I'm your roommate." Her face lit up instantly and the threatening air that had been surrounding them a second ago disappeared.

"I'm Buttercup" She held out her hand.

Bubbles had finished decorating her side of the dorm with Buttercup's help. They had talked and laughed about trivial things. There was a click and the door swung open. In 10 seconds Buttercup was thrown onto Bubbles' bed from the impact of an incredible hug.

"Buttercup!" The girl whined. Buttercup grumbled something and she sat up.

"Bunny, you have to stop that." She sighed.

"Who's this?" Bubbles asked.

"This is my cousin Bunny." The girl hopped up and ran over to Bubbles.

"You're so little!" Her violet eyes glowed with curiosity. Her brown hair was up in a side ponytail that reached the beginning of her chest. She wore a high waister flowy purple mini skirt with purple overalls. Tucked into the skirt was a baggy dark blue tee shirt with a black box in the middle and a white pac man. SHe haslo ahd on black knee socks and lime green high tops. Holding her side pony tail was a purple ribbon.

Bunny was shorter than the other girls.

"I'm only 5"2, I don't meet lots of people smaller than me." Bunny smiled kindly down at her.

"Bubbles?" Bubbles looked over at Bell and Blossom as they entered the room.


"We were gonna go down to the cafeteria, wanna join?" Blossom asked.

"Sure, why don't we all go?" She smiled at the others. There was a nervous look from all of them. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing, let's go." Buttercup stood up and slung an arm around Bunny's shoulders.

Once they sat down Bubbles finally noticed the strange looks they were receiving. Blossom and Bell exchanged quiet conversation. Buttercup looked out the window and Bunny silently drank some water while she swung her feet.

"Why is everybody staring?" Bubbles finally spoke up.

"It's because we aren't in our groups." Bunny put the cup of water down.


"Cliques." Buttercup grumbled.

"Bunny, what are you doing here?" Bubbles turned to look at a cheerleader. She had two big red pig tails on her head and freckles.

"Princess, what's up?"

"Why are you hanging out with these... I don't even know how to describe it!" She howled. Bunny gave her a blank expression.

"You're better than that." She motioned to Buttercup.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" A guy with long dark hair and lots of chains asked.

"Are you picking a fight Mitch?" She was all up in his grill.

"I guess I am!" He growled back.

"Oh, it's going down now!" Said a guy with headphones on. He unplugged them from his phone and music started playing. Princess and Mitch backed up from each other. Princess went first. She started dancing. Dancing? Then Mitch did some moves and people cheered. It went back and forth. Bubbles ducked under someone's legs and crawled out of the crowd. She stood up and dusted herself off just to connect eyes with Boomer. His brothers were all beside him. He gave her a little smirk and then a smile. Lots of mixed signals. What the fuck just happened?

Bubbles looked back at the crowd and then back to Boomer who had his eyebrows raised. She awkwardly walked up to him, then took a few steps back so she wouldn't have to crane her neck to talk to him.

"Uh, what's happening over there?" She pointed to the crowd.

"A fight." Boomer stated like that was normal.

"That's not a fight, I've seen a real fight, they're dancing." Bubbles put her hands on her hips. Boomer chuckled and pet her head.

"I love new kids. What's your name?" He crouched down to her level. Bubbles moved her head back from him with a blush, this was the first time their eyes had really connected.


"I'm Boomer, if you have anymore questions you can always ask me."