Jake Long III (Season One)
Chapter/Episode Fifteen: The Am Drag Revived
A few hours later, on the Island of Draco, Holly knocked on the door to Desideria's room. About five seconds later, the door opened and Desideria showed her face, looking tired. "What?" Desideria croaked.
"I need you to come with me." Holly told her.
Desideria swallowed hard as she, Kalle and Santxo all stood with Holly in front of dozens of Dragon Council Agents, a tired and grumpy-looking Lin-Lin standing in front along with Sillian. Holly took a step forward and started to speak:
"I regret to inform you all that, earlier this evening, your previous leader, Savannah Rogers, passed away."
While Lin-Lin didn't react, murmurs came from all of the other Agents, and Sillian's eyes widened in surprise.
"We finished the autopsy about a half-hour ago..." Holly continued. "...And we concluded that her cause of death was a second heart attack." Then, Holly sighed before she spoke again: "Her funeral will be held on the first of January. While you are not required to show up, I hope you will come to pay your respects."
A short time later, Nephele was sitting on the bed, watching as the door to the room opened and Desideria walked back inside, Santxo, then Kalle, and then Melissa all following her inside. "What's going on?" Nephele asked as the door to the room was closed.
"The last Head Agent kicked the bucket." Desideria said with a smile on her face.
"That's something to be happy about?" Nephele asked.
"Yes, and here's why." Desideria said as she crossed her arms. "Her funeral. It's going to be held on New Years. That'll give us the perfect opportunity to sneak into the crypt and steal the chi of the first American Dragon."
"But they'll be burying her." Nephele said.
"We'll do it during the service, or whatever they call it." Desideria said, still smiling. "Oh, just think, Nephele..." She clasped her hands together. "...I'll be a dragon for the new year!"
At Regan's house, Regan was lying on her stomach in her bed, fast asleep. However, when she heard the sound of her ringing iLife, her eyes snapped open and she jolted awake. Sitting up on her knees, Regan yawned as she slowly lifted up her arm, pressing a button on her iLife, a holographic image of Lin-Lin appearing.
"Sorry for waking you up." Lin-Lin replied, using her free hand to rub the side of her neck.
"Why are you calling?" Regan asked. "Couldn't this have waited until tomorrow?"
"I suppose." Lin-Lin shrugged her shoulders.
"Well, you woke me up..." Regan said before she sighed. "...So why don't you just tell me."
"The last Head Agent..." Lin-Lin began.
"Yeah, Agent Rogers." Regan nodded. "How's she doing?"
"I just thought you should know that she died tonight." Lin-Lin said, rather casually at that.
"What?" Regan asked with wide eyes after she gasped in shock. "That's...That's terrible!"
"She was an eighty year-old bag of bones." Lin-Lin said. "She lived a good life."
"That's a pretty heartless thing to say about a good dragon that just died, Lin-Lin."
"Well, I didn't know her all that much." Lin-Lin shrugged her shoulders. "I just assumed that you knew her better and that you'd appreciate it if I told you."
"Well, I d-" Regan started, but before she could finish telling Lin-Lin that she did appreciate it, she abruptly stopped when Lin-Lin jumped in surprise. "Whoa, what happened?" Regan asked, her eyes widening again, watching as Lin-Lin turned her holographic head to the side.
Sighing, Lin-Lin turned her attention back to Regan. "Look, I need to go." Lin-Lin said.
"Um, okay." Regan replied. "I'll see you tomorrow. And thanks for-" However, before she could finish thanking Lin-Lin, her holographic form vanished.
Back on the Island of Draco, Lin-Lin turned around to face Holly. "What?" Lin-Lin demanded.
"How did she take it?" Holly asked with a sad smile on her face.
"She thought it was very, very sad." Lin-Lin put her hands on her hips. "I'm sure she'll go to the funeral."
"And you will, too." Holly told her.
"Huh?" Lin-Lin asked, her eyes widening.
"I talked to the rest of the Council..." Holly explained. "...And we decided which dragons will be carrying her casket out for burial."
"No." Lin-Lin said, shaking her head once. She knew what was coming. "Oh, no. You can't make me."
"You're doing it, Agent Clark." Holly told her, pointing at her. "And if you don't, you can spend some time in our jail. How would you like that?"
Lin-Lin narrowed her eyes before she crossed her arms. "Good." Holly said before she turned and started to walk away.
New Years Day came soon enough, and on that morning, inside a room, Savannah was lying on her back on a slab table, prepped as if she were already in her coffin. Councilor Asil and Councilor Dingane, both in their dragon forms, walked up to the table, Jake III and a distraught Cherri watching from behind.
Reaching Savannah's feet, Councilor Asil took a deep breath before he held his clawed hand out and then pulled it back, Savannah's chi coming from her body. The chi came to hover above Asil's hands, Asil smiling sadly.
"Here, Councilor." Asil said as he stepped to the side, Dingane walking up to him so that he could take Savannah's chi. Once the chi was in his possession, Dingane turned to face Cherri and Jake. Seeing her best friend's chi in the Councilor's claws, Cherri howled with sorrow, causing Jake III to put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"What are you going to do with that?" Jake asked.
"Dragons aren't buried with their chi." Dingane told him. "The chi is removed before the funeral."
"Where do you put it?" Jake asked.
"Well..." Dingane managed a small smile. "...If you'd like to know, I suppose I could show you..."
"What do you think, Cherri?" Jake III asked with a comforting and friendly smile on his face as he turned his head to the side to look at Cherri.
"I...I..." Cherri couldn't speak properly; with tears rolling down her cheeks, she was just too distraught.
"Yeah, I think it would be good for her." Jake III said, turning his head back to normal. "I'm interested."
"Then follow me." Dingane said.
A few moments later, Dingane led Jake III and Cherri to a large, round building. The two doors were then opened, allowing Dingane to walk in, with the other two following him. Looking around the room, Jake III could see that there was a large, round carpet in the middle of the room and there were statues of armor all around the room.
"Alright." Dingane said as he stopped and turned around to face Jake and Cherri. "Mr. Long, would you do me a favor and pull the rug up off of the floor?"
"Why?" Jake raised an eyebrow.
"You'll see." Dingane said. Then, the Dragon Councilor turned and walked over to one of the suits of armor. Shrugging his shoulders, Jake started to walk over to the rug. Once he reached it, Jake crouched down, grabbed the rug and pulled it off of the floor, his eyes widening as he saw that the rug had covered up a massive hole in the floor, the floor filled with the chi of every deceased dragon. The only separating Jake III the third from falling into the pool of chi was a glass plate over the floor.
However, that came to an end when Dingane, holding Savannah's chi in one hand, pulled the sword out of one of the armor suit's sheaths, causing the glass plate to slide into the floor.
"What would happen if I were to fall in?" Jake III asked as Dingane reached his side.
"Don't." Dingane told him. "You'd be dead within seconds." Then, the Councilor flapped his, wings and flew down into the hole, landing on a rocky plank not even a foot above the pool of chi. With a grunt, Dingane threw the chi into the pool, where it became one with the pool with somewhat of a "plop" sound.
Around that same time, Desideria was sitting in a chair, facing her human-formed sister and Kalle, a human formed Melissa stood at the door.
"There has been a little bit of a change in plans." Desideria said.
"What, we're not going to be able to do this?" Melissa asked.
"No, we still will." Desideria said, keeping her gaze on her sister and Kalle even though she was addressing Melissa. "Something has just come up. About an hour ago, one of the Councilors told me that Kalle, Santxo and I will be three of the four dragons to bring out the coffin."
"Who's the third?" Nephele asked.
"Some Lin-Lin Clark woman." Desideria replied, obviously not caring. "Santxo is going to keep her busy. So, here's how I plan for it to go down now." She clapped her hands together. "Nephele, you will fill in for me and you'll take the coffin out. Melissa will take me to the American Dragon's grave, and hopefully by the time everyone comes down to bury the old Head Agent, Melissa and I will be gone."
"Then what?" Nephele asked.
"I don't care." Desideria crossed her arms. "We fly out of here. I could care less about the Dragon Council Agents."
After leaving Councilor Dingane, Jake III and Cherri both walked along the grass, tears still rolling down Cherri's face. "You're going to go to the funeral, right?" Jake asked, turning his head to the side.
"Of course I am." Cherri replied as she brought a hand to her face to wipe away tears. "There's no way that I'm going to miss saying good-bye."
"Me too." Jake said, putting a hand on Cherri's shoulder as Cherri sniffled. "In fact, I'm going to go have one last look at her before they close up the casket. Why don't you go wait for the ceremony to start?" As he said this, he took his hand off of her shoulder.
Cherri nodded once. "Okay." She said.
Meanwhile, both Melissa and Desideria were walking along the grass. Neither of them noticed as Regan, in her human form, walked out from in-between two buildings. Noticing them, Regan turned her head to the side, watching them walk away.
"What are they doing?" Regan whispered to herself. Her eyes narrowing, she whispered: "Ears of the dragon", and in a bright light, her dragon ears appeared. Then, she started to follow them.
"How long do you think this will take?" Desideria asked as she walked with Melissa.
"How am I supposed to know?"
"How about a rough estimate?" Desideria narrowed her eyes. "Unless I have the powers of the American Dragon, I don't exactly want to get caught."
"Huh?" Regan asked to herself, confused. She had no idea what the two were talking about.
"Just hold up." Melissa said. "Remember what you promised me. In exchange for my help in stealing the chi, you're going to help me force his grandson into killing me."
Stopping in her tracks, Regan gasped, her eyes widening in shock. Her eyes then narrowing, Regan growled as she transformed into her dragon form in a bright light. Then, she flapped her wings and flew at them.
Seconds later, she hit them from behind, landing on her feet as both Melissa and Desideria flew forward, grunting as they landed on their knees.
Meanwhile, Jake III stepped into the Main Hall, where Savannah's casket was placed upon a table, Santxo, Kalle, Nephele and Lin-Lin, all in their dragon forms, were standing at the table, guarding Savannah's casket, and to Jake's disappointment, the casket was closed up.
"What do you want?" Santxo asked, rather rudely.
"Agent Rogers was a very good friend of mine..." Jake III said as he walked further into the room. "...And I was hoping that I would be able to get to see her face one last time."
"Well, you can't." Lin-Lin joined in. "You should just go. We're going to be taking her out soon."
"You don't think that you could open it up just for me, do you?" Jake III tried to manipulate them, smiling.
"No." Lin-Lin said sharply. "In fact, I wish we could just go out there right now and get it over with." She crossed her scaly arms.
"The funeral hasn't started yet." Jake told her.
Meanwhile, Regan quickly unsheathed her Katana and held it up before she pointed it down at Melissa and Desideria, both of whom had rolled over so that they were looking up at the Debian Red-colored dragon.
"I have no idea what you meant by what you both were just talking about..." Regan said with narrowed eyes. "...But what I do know is that it doesn't sound good. I knew that nothing good would come out of having you around, Melissa."
"Oh, you did, did you?" Melissa asked, narrowing her eyes before she transformed into her dragon form in a bright light. Then, she quickly lashed out with her tail, making Regan grunt as she was thrown onto her back, both Melissa and Desideria getting to their feet. Quickly, Desideria turned and ran away.
"What?" Melissa asked with shock as she turned, watching Desideria run away. "She left me?" Melissa realized.
However, when Melissa heard an angry roar from behind her, she knew that she couldn't worry about being left to fend for herself and possibly dropped out of Desideria's plans together. She had a fight to take part in.
Quickly turning around, Melissa gasped and was forced to duck in order to avoid Regan's Katana as Regan swung it at her head.
Quickly, Regan pulled out her Push dagger before she growled and straightened back up, holding it up in preparation for battle.
"Oh, please." Regan rolled her eyes before she lashed out with her Katana again. Lamely, Melissa tried to do the same, but when the blade of Regan's Katana hit the blade of her measly Push dagger, the smaller weapon flew out of Melissa's hand.
With Melissa disarmed, Regan quickly re-sheathed her Katana before she lashed out with her tail, wrapping it around Melissa's neck. Before Melissa could react, she was pulled forward.
Back in the Main Hall, Lin-Lin was handling Jake III roughly, holding his sleeve and a fist full of hair. "You don't have to be so rough!" Jake told her.
"Just...get out!" Lin-Lin sounded exasperated, a bitter and annoyed look on her face.
"You do know that I can show myself the way out, right?" Jake III asked, just before he hissed in pain, Lin-Lin tightening her grip. Apparently...his words did not please the dragon that was handling him.
However, at that moment, a ringing came from the iLife around Santxo's wrist, making both Lin-Lin and Jake III freeze in their tracks as Kalle turned her head to the side, watching as Santxo lifted up his hand and pressed a button, a holographic image of Desideria appearing.
Desideria was standing still and was panting. She looked like she was descending down into the crypt.
"There's been a change of plans." Desideria announced. "Melissa and I were attacked by a dragon. Apparently, she overheard our discussion about our plans to steal the first American Dragon's chi."
"What?" Jake III asked, loud enough for only Lin-Lin to hear him. Lin-Lin quickly released him and together, they slowly turned around.
"Where is Melissa?" Kalle asked.
"Who cares?!" Desideria spat. "Look, I'm down here in the crypt! I'm going to need some dragon power once I find his grave. Without Melissa, it'll take longer, but I hope to find it before you get here."
"It might take us awhile to get down there, Desideria." Nephele said, watching as Lin-Lin unsheathed her Miao dao, while Jake's eyes widened as he finally recognized her as the dragon from the library.
"Whoa, hold on!" Jake III protested. "I don't have a weapon."
"You don't need one." Lin-Lin growled, taking her sword in both hands. Then, she charged. In retaliation, Kalle and Santxo (who had cut off his call with Desideria), drew their Rapier and Shashka respectively before they flew over the table and went to attack Lin-Lin.
Jake III watched, eyes wide, as Lin-Lin tried to fight the two dragons. She swung her sword at them, but Santxo flew up while Kalle flew back. Santxo lashed out, swinging his sword down, and as Lin-Lin ducked, Kalle hit her with her tail, making Lin-Lin grunt, drop her sword and flew back, heading for Jake. Before Jake III could do anything to react, Lin-Lin slammed into him. Both of them grunted and fell to the floor while Santxo and Kalle landed on their feet.
"Let's go." Santxo said.
"What about those two?" Nephele asked.
"We should take them as prisoners." Santxo said. "Desideria might not be happy about that, but I think we should. Just to be safe."
Regan's fist slammed into Melissa's face. Grunting, Melissa staggered back before she used her scaly arm to wipe away the blood that was coming from her nose. Scowling, Regan reached down and pulled out her Katana.
"You want to die, Melissa?" Regan said. "That's what you said to Agent Alcina. I heard you say that that was part of your agreement together. Well, consider yourself dead!"
Regan then lifted her sword high above her head and then started to bring it down, but before she could cut Melissa, Melissa reached out and grabbed her wrist.
"Not by your claws!" Melissa growled. Then, Melissa managed to knee Regan in-between her legs. Grunting in pain, Regan dropped her Katana and stumbled back, allowing Melissa to punch her in the face. Grunting, Regan fell back, crying out in pain as her head collided with ground. Hard.
Breathing heavily, Melissa stepped back. Then, she flapped her wings and, with an angry look on her face, flew away from the Island of Draco, knowing that it was no longer safe to stay.
Back on the ground, Regan moaned in pain as she slowly sat up. Her whole world spinning, she put a clawed hand to the side of her head.
Down in the crypt, Desideria stood in front of Jake's grave, an impatient look on her face. From behind her, the "elevator" came down, Santxo and Kalle holding onto the shoulders of Lin-Lin and Jake III, respectively. Lin-Lin was in her human form, and both of them had their hands shackled behind their backs.
"What are those two doing with you?" Desideria had turned around, and now she had a look of anger on her face.
"They were in the room when you called." Santxo replied as he, Kalle and Nephele came to a stop. Before Santxo spoke again, both he and Kalle shoved Lin-Lin and Jake III down onto their knees. "They heard what you said, so we had no choice but to take them prisoner."
"Whatever." Desideria said before she turned around. "Nephele, I require your dragon powers. Santxo, Kalle...keep an eye on the prisoners." She finished as Nephele started to walk over her twin.
"Oh, so there are two of you?" Lin-Lin asked, disrespect dripping from her tone.
"Shut up." Desideria said, not even bothering to look at Lin-Lin as her dragon-formed sister reached her side. "Alright, Nephele..." Desideria continued as she and her sister looked down at Jake's gravestone. "I don't care how you do it, I just need you to use your dragon powers to dig up the grave."
Holly, Councilor Asil, Councilor Yara, Councilor Dingane and Councilor Agata, all in their dragon forms, were standing in front of many dragon-formed Dragon Council Agents and other dragons, including the dragon-formed Cherri, who was standing next to the dragon-formed Sillian and had tears rolling down her cheeks.
Holly took a deep, sad breath before she spoke up: "It's been a year and a half since we last laid one of our brave, loyal friends to rest. I must say that I feel it is far too early to having another funeral for a Dragon Council Agent. Unfortunately, what I think doesn't matter in the grand scheme of mortality."
She then paused in order to take another deep breath. "Agent Savannah Rogers..." She continued. "...Was everything that a good Dragon Council Agent should be. She was loyal, brave and dedicated. She tried her hardest to live up to her friend's legacy, and I truly believe with all my heart that she succe-"
However, before Holly could finish, she stopped when Regan pushed through the first row of Dragon Council Agents. "Dragon Wido?" Councilor Agata asked, her eyes wide as she watched Regan stumble forward before she fell to her knees, groaning.
"Are you alright?" Yara asked before she hurried over to Regan, kneeling down in front of her and lifting up her head. "Dragon Wido, say something." Yara said as Regan moaned.
"Tr...Traitors..." Regan managed.
"What?" Yara raised an eye.
"Agent Alcina, Agent Owen..." Regan managed. "...Tr...Traitors..."
"How are they traitors?" Yara asked. "Did they do this to you, Dragon Wido?"
"They're..." Regan started slowly, her voice regaining its strength and normal speed as her head steadily cleared. "...Planning...on...stealing...the first American Dragon's...chi."
"What?" Yara's eyes widened.
"You don't believe her, do you?" Yara then looked up at Sillian, who had spoken, and Cherri, standing behind Regan. "I mean, should we?" Sillian asked.
"I think it's worth a look." Holly said.
Back down in the crypt, Nephele used her tail to sweep away the broken pieces of Jake's gravestone. "Alright..." Desideria said as she took a step back. "...Now pull the casket out."
As Nephele did as her sister commanded, Lin-Lin watched, her head turned to the side, as Jake III furiously struggled against Kalle's hold on him, pulling at the chain that kept the shackles around his wrists together. "Stop defiling my grandfather's resting place!" Jake III shouted angrily, just as Nephele pulled Jake's casket out of the ground, setting it down on the floor. Using her strength, Nephele grunted as she ripped off the lid of the casket, revealing Jacob Luke Long's rotting human corpse.
"Get the chi out." Desideria told her sister as she walked up to the opposite side of the casket.
Heating this, Jake III couldn't help but laugh, making both Desideria and Nephele turn to face him. "And what do you think is so funny, boy?" Desideria asked, narrowing her eyes.
"This is about chi?" Jake asked her. "You want his chi? Hate to tell you this, but dragons have their chi stripped from their bodies before they're buried."
"What?!" Desideria asked furiously.
"Then what do they do with the chi?" Kalle asked, looking down at her captive.
"Let Lin-Lin and me go..." Jake III bargained. "...And I will personally take you to where they store the chi."
"And how do I know that she won't run to the Council?" Desideria asked.
"Ha!" Lin-Lin scoffed. "Those dragons can all go take a hike for all I care."
Desideria took a deep breath before she spoke: "Alright. Free them."
As Kalle and Santxo released Lin-Lin and Jake III from their shackles, the "elevator" lowered down into the crypt, Cherri, Dingane, Asil, Agata and Yara all in their dragon forms, standing and watching as both Jake and Lin-Lin were pulled to their feet after their shackles hit the ground. Jake III grunted as Kalle pushed him over to Desideria.
"Let's go." Desideria said, putting her hand on his shoulder and forcing him to turn around.
"What do you want us to do?" Nephele asked.
"I want all three of you to stay here and clean this mess up." Desideria said, staring at Kalle and Santxo, but not her sister. "Put Jake Long back in his grave."
The Council and Cherri both watched as Kalle and Santxo stepped to the side, allowing both Desideria and Jake III to walk forward, but they both froze when they saw the entire Council plus Cherri watching them, all of them having angry looks on their faces.
"You're not taking him anywhere, Agent Alcina." Asil declared, making Lin-Lin, Kalle and Santxo all turn around. Flapping their wings, Cherri, Dingane, Yara, Agata and Asil all flew at the villainous dragons. Kalle, Santxo and even Nephele all did the same and flew at the Council.
"Come on!" Desideria took Jake III by the shoulder and rushed him forward. Within moments, both got on the "elevator", and they both turned around to see Nephele, Santxo and Kalle fighting the Councilors, while Cherri was leading Lin-Lin away from the fights that were taking place above them. Then, the "elevator" started to rise up.
The doors to the building with all the chi inside was opened, Desideria and Jake III walking in together. "Where is the chi?" Desideria demanded as she looked around the room, seeing the carpet and the suits of armor.
Taking a deep breath, Jake III lifted up his arm and pointed up at the carpet. "Pull up the carpet." He said before he started to walk over to the suit of armor that Councilor Dingane had gone to. "I'll do the rest."
"You better not be plotting anything." Desideria growled as she started to walk over to the carpet. Once she reached it, Desideria crouched down and grabbed the rug, pulling it up and throwing it back behind her as she stood back up. Seeing the pool of chi, her eyes widened with awe.
"Yes..." She whispered.
Meanwhile, the Council, Cherri and Lin-Lin all returned from down in the crypt on the "elevator" with Santxo, Nephele and Kalle, having defeated and captured them. Kalle, Santxo and Nephele were all in their human forms, their hands shackled behind their backs. Agata guarded Santxo, while Yara guarded Kalle and Dingane guarded Nephele, while Cherri and Councilor Asil walked Lin-Lin away.
"Where did she take Jake, Agent Clark?" Cherri asked.
"To some chi room, or something like that..." Lin-Lin responded with Shrugged shoulders, Cherri and Asil both staring at her.
"You don't think she'd kill him, do you?" Cherri asked. "I don't want to lose Jake, just like I lost Savannah."
"There's only one way to find out." Asil replied. "Come on!" He said before he turned and flapped his wings, flying off. As quickly as she could, Cherri turned and flapped her wings as well, leaving Lin-Lin alone.
Back in the room with the chi, the glass plate finished sliding away, Jake walking up to Desideria's side again. "Which one?" Desideria asked, staring down at the chi pool.
"What?" Jake III asked, turning his head to the side.
"Which one is your grandfather's?"
"Does it really matter?"
"I suppose not." Desideria said as she looked up. "Alright, we had a deal. Get lost."
"You're not going to try and kill me later, are you?" Jake III asked her.
"We're never going to meet each other again." Desideria said before she jumped down into the hole, landing on the rocky plank, not knowing that the plank she landed on started to crack as she landed on it.
Jake watched as Desideria stood up straight before he turned and started to head for the exit, but he froze when Cherri and Councilor Asil flew into the room, landing on the ground. "Jake!" Cherri shouted.
"Where's Agent Alcina?" Councilor Asil jumped to his question.
"Down there." Jake III replied, briefly turning his head to the side.
Quickly, Councilor Asil reached the edge and looked down at Desideria, who hadn't moved since standing straight up again. "Agent Alcina, it's over!" Asil called down to her, making Desideria spin around and look up at him. "Your friends and decoy have all been captured!" Asil told her. "It's over. You have nowhere to go."
"I came this far to get dragon chi of my own!" Desideria called up to him, clenching her fists. "I'm not stopping until I get what I came for!"
"You don't understand!" Asil narrowed his eyes. "It's either prison or death, Agent Alcina! Dragon chi is not meant for normal humans! The only person in history that received another dragon's chi suffered for decades before the chi claimed her. And I'll tell you this right now: You go in there, and you'll never come out."
Then, Councilor Asil got down on his knees and offered down a clawed hand. "Come on, Agent Alcina." He begged. "It is not too late."
Desideria looked like she was considering Asil's offer, but before she could move, the rocky plank snapped, and Desideria shrieked as she fell into the pool. Asil closed his eyes, not wanting to watch as Desideria lied in the pool, the chi swarming into her body, one after one. Desideria's grin then vanished as, instead of transforming into a large, scaly dragon, her body started to bloat from all the chi that was going into her body, and was still continuing to do so. Within seconds, Desideria's body burst, nothing left of her other than small strips of skin, while the chi that had gone inside of her became one with the pool again.
Later that night, Jake III, Regan, Cherri and Sillian, all in their human forms, stood before the seated Council, Regan having her head wrapped in bandages.
"We questioned the prisoners..." Councilor Asil declared. "...And they confirmed that Agent Owen was indeed with them. You were correct, Dragon Wido."
"Please step forward." Holly invited her, a smile on her face.
Slowly, Regan walked away from the others and took a few steps forward. "Yes, Councilors?" She asked.
"We are very impressed that you managed to fend Agent Owen off." Holly told her, still smiling. "Unfortunately, I have no doubt that she will return."
"Really?" Regan asked. "You're certain?"
"Yes, and that is why the Council would like to promote you to a full-fledged Dragon Council Agent." Holly told her, smiling as she watched Regan grin with excitement.
"Really?" Regan asked.
"Without a doubt." Holly told her. "And Sillian?" She looked over at Sillian, who had been standing silently.
"Yes, Councilor?" He asked politely.
"When Agent Long retired..." Holly explained. "...She stated that it was her wish for Agent Rogers to take her place. Agent Rogers was not able to name a successor before her death. With Agent Alcina gone, the Council has decided to give you that position."
Sillian briefly smiled, but he quickly forced the smile off of his face and bowed his head with respect. "I'd be honored, Councilors." He said.
"Good." Holly smiled again.
"Now, Agents, we'd appreciate it if you would leave." Agata said.
As Sillian and Regan walked for the exit, Jake III and Cherri were left to face the Council. With a sigh, Holly clasped her hands together. "Jake, your grandfather's gravestone is going to be fixed." She told him. "As for Savannah, we're still going to put her to rest tonight."
"But you said that you were calling it off." Cherri said.
"True, we are." Holly said. "It's no longer going to be a public funeral. After what happened today, we're just going to bury her. No one will know, no one will be there."
"Then why are you telling me?" Cherri asked.
"No one except you, Dragon Solorio." Asil said. "And perhaps you, Mr. Long. You both were close, and we feel that you should have the right to be there."
"What do you say?" Holly asked.
Jake III turned his head to the side, waiting for Cherri's answer. Now, Cherri had tears running down her cheeks. She had to. It was only the right thing to do. Savannah was her best friend. No matter how hard it would be to watch her be buried, Cherri owed it to her. She had to see her off. She had to say her final goodbye.
"Yes." Cherri said softly. "Yes. I want to be present."
A/N: So ends the season. Personally, I think the season was alright. Personally, I think Season Two will be better. As for the season finale, I wasn't in the best state of mind/mood when I wrote it, so I don't really know how I feel. My main complaint is that the end result wasn't personal enough. I don't think Jake had any scenes to interact with Santxo and Kalle, and I wish that Melissa and Regan could have had more screen-time together, but the season was mostly focused on her building relationship with Lin-Lin.
So, as I said before, I think Season Two will be better. I think you'll like it, too. There's going to be a huge surprise in the season, and I think/hope that you'll like it.
Please review!
EDIT: I actually forgot that Jake and Nephele had met in the first episode when I was first writing this. So, sorry if the part where Jake recognizes Nephele seemed a little odd, because I had to try and place it in.