Right, it's currently god knows what time. And of all the things I could be doing, like homework or whatever's. I decided to right a Modern AU Hamilton fic. Don't ask why. Just roll with it. ^u^

Any basic French you may need to translate is written in italics I didn't use google translate. I do French GCSE.

Herc's POV ~~

Lafayette, Laurens and I were sat in the corner of the small coffee bar where we hang out quite often. We were waiting on the other friend of ours. We had all ordered our usual and his was sat on the table, waiting for its drinker. When he finally comes through the door. The small golden bell above the door chiming sweetly. The three of us look over. Aaron Burr seemed to be hiding a younger teen in his shadow, whom he pushed softly ahead of him towards where we were seated.

"Who's the kid, Burr?" Laurens asked. I studied the younger kid over now, he was about sixteen. He was short, skinny and had a small frown on his face. A younger kid was uncommon in our group. None of us had younger brothers and we were all the same age. Which is eighteen.

"This is Alexander Hamilton, he recently moved here. He's pretty smart, He's my new roommate." Burr stated. I sputtered.

"He's like sixteen! Just how smart are you kid?" I pressed. Alex frown deepened.

"Stop calling me kid, you, s-sound like my mother." Alex's small voice came from the edge of the table. Burr turned to him shocked. He looked kind of freaked out by the small voice.

"Jesus Alex, I thought you were a mute or something. You haven't said a word to me since we met." Burr's words tumbled out of his mouth in a jumble. Lafayette had been silent. Which was unusual. But my worry was put out when his soft French accent came purring out from beside me.

"Bonjour. Mon petit ami." (A/N please read as my small friend. Not my girlfriend/boyfriend which is what we were taught.) Alex smirked and nobody quite understood why until he replied quickly.

"Bonjour monsieur. Je m'appelle Alex." We were all shocked by his fluent French. Except for Laf, who seemed entirely comfortable with the young man.

"Oui, Je m'appelle Lafayette." My friend said quickly. Alex smiled and turned to address the rest of us.

"I've gotta go. See ya around guys." The small voice drifted away as he turned around and walked towards the door…

Ham's POV~~

I walk out of the coffee house. I didn't know much of this town; I didn't know where I was headed. I disappeared down a small ally that shimmied through some foliage and opened into a small play park. There was a small lake with a tire swing hanging on a tree, it hung a small distance over the water and nobody was near it. So, I decided to go sit there.

I sat in silence with my phone grasped tightly in my hand. I had been added to a group chat with the people I had met in the coffee bar. The last notification in the chat read

'Laf added Hami to the chat'

I smirked at the nickname I'd been given. My feet were dangling a meter or so above the water and I stared down into it…

I'd been sat there for several hours and per the group chat Burr was worried. I read through the message that read.

'Alex it's getting dark. Where are you?'

another message popped when I was looking. A message from Lafayette that read

'Where are tu. Mon ami?'

I tapped out a quick reply.

'Uhm, tire swing at the local park. Behind the coffee house. The one above the lake. There's a ton of rowdy teens in the park now.'

Ten minutes later the four of them entered the park. Aaron, Lafayette and the other two who hadn't told me their names. But the group chat had their names as Hercules and John. They made their way over to the edge of the lake and looked up at me.

"Have you been here since you left the coffee place?" Hercules smirked. I nodded swiftly.

"It's a nice place when there aren't rowdy teens about." I reply.

"Yeah this is like the local haunt for the high school kids." John answers. Then he smirks.

"When we were in high school we used to go drinking down here, Burr was a mess when he got drunk." He sniggered.

"uh, mon amis. We should go before 'the hormone zombies' attack." Lafayette said nervously. I nodded my head and climbed down from the swing. We exited the park and I followed Aaron back to our dorm. He knew where he was going. I didn't.

I tumbled into my room and fell face first on to my bed. I didn't bother changing out of the warm sweater I was wearing. The black boots that I was wearing ended up hanging over the end of the bed. I don't remember drifting off into an uneasy sleep.

Burr's POV~~

I quietly crept into Alex's room. I rolled my eyes and slowly pulled off his boots. Then I softly lifted him so he was fully in the bed. I put him down and went to my room next door. I checked the time and then went to bed. I fell asleep…

I woke up with startled cry as I heard a loud choking sob come from the room next door. I checked the time on my phone. Wincing as the 100% brightness blinded me. It was four am. A quick sound broke the silence from the other side of the wall. A message tapped out on the wall. Which I remembered from code breaking classes. Morse code. I translated it quickly in my head to English.

'Burr did I wake you'

the message was clear. I was unsure whether I should answer or not. I tapped a quick reply on the wall anyway.

'No I could not sleep'

I'd never get used to the soft voice of the young gentleman who now lived with me. Even as it filled my ears.

"Burr, I'm hungry." He sounded like he'd been crying. I figured he had. I smiled.

"Do you wanna go to taco bell?" I replied.

"There's a twenty-four hour one just down the road." I heard a shuffle from next door.

"Sure, meet me in the living room whenever you're dressed if you even got changed." He replied. I heard more shuffling. Presumably him doing his laces. I also pulled on my shoes. Then I walked out into the living room.

He was waiting for me. He smiled and waved as I entered the room. We left our dorm, I locked the door behind me. I turned to him and whispered slowly.

"Come on, follow me."

We walked down the corridor and a flight of stairs to reach the front of the building we were in. I led him down the street, and into the 24-hour taco bell. As luck, would have it. We both had the same taco.

There was a small television that always played the news. It came in as breaking. A hurricane in the Caribbean. Alex's face resembled that of a dying goose when they listed off the islands effected.

"I never told you, I used to live in the Caribbean's until I moved here. That Island. I used to live there." I was shocked.

"Do you have any family there?" He seemed to deflate. His taco forgotten.

"No, I was the last Hamilton on that island, my parents, my grandparents, my aunts, uncles and cousin. Were all already dead." He laid his head on the table and cried. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was five am.

I sent a quick message to the separate chat we had. That didn't have Alex in.

'Listen, I know it's five am. Me and Hami are in the twenty-four-hour taco bell. He's crying send help.'

Herc replied immediately.

'I was craving tacos anyway I'll be there in five.'

Lafayette's reply came in soon after

'Oui, I'll be right there.'

Laurens was a heavy sleeper so I didn't expect a reply from him. I was right. Herc and Laf were roommates. So, they crashed through the door at around the same time. I signalled for them to be quiet. Lafayette dropped on the chair next to Alex and Hercules sat next to me.

General POV/third person~~

Alex seemed to have noticed a warm presence next to him but still felt Burr opposite him. He mumbled a quick greeting to the new person. Still not looking up. He shuffled closer to the new person and cried into them. He didn't know it was Laf who he was crying onto. But Lafayette just reached his arm around him and whispered softly.

"Don't worry mon petit ami." Alex didn't even care it was Laf he just kept crying. Burr pulled out his phone and messaged the group chat without Alex in again.

'His entire family is dead. He's the only Hamilton left.'

The other two read the message and Lafayette grimaced. Hercules grumbled death threats under his breath. A text pinged though to the three lad's phones. Burr was shocked.

"Holy shit, Laurens is actually awake?" He whistled.

'Holy shit guys, you still at TB? I'll be there soon.'

They didn't expect Laurens to be so shocked.

'Jesus, Laurens it's 5:30 have you seen a ghost or something?'

Herc replied. Ten minutes later John Laurens tumbled through the door and sat down at the end of the table.

"Uh, Alex how did your family die?" Burr tried to ask nicely but he failed miserably. Lafayette basically screamed, Hercules giggled and John reached across the table and slapped Burr. Hamilton sat up gently his eyes red and puffy yet he was smiling.

"Jeez, Burr. You couldn't be sweeter could ya." He smirked. Hamilton continued.

"My dad, I'm not sure what happened to him. My mum, she got real sick. My grandparents both died of old age. My aunt's and uncle's all died around the same time as my mum and my cousin committed suicide." He frowned. The other four were in varying degrees of shock. Lafayette broke out of his daze when Alexander started crying again. The French man calmed the boy softly, he spoke only in French. Alex spoke quickly in French between his sobs. Lafayette looked horrified by what he said. Hercules broke the silence.

"It's six am. Other people will come soon we should go back to your apartment, Burr nodded

"come on guys." Lafayette helped Alex through the door. And Burr dropped 20$ on the counter in front of the teen who'd been working the night shift. Lafayette sent a quick text to the group chat without Alex.

'The reason I looked so horrified: He told me he, Uhm. Cuts himself'

The other three were shocked. They got back to the dorm that belonged to Burr and Hamilton and all sat down on the couch…

Wow, I'm not sure what that was. But like I'll update it at some point