It was a normal Monday with nothing exciting happening.
A class at Francois Dupont High School was following their normal routine. It was first period French Literature and Ms Bustier was listing the poems they would be learning that day. Alya looked around the classroom at the familiar sights; Kim was falling asleep at his desk while Max stealthily nudged him awake, causing the jock to jump up and raise attention to himself while his best friend feigned surprise at his movements. She snickered at their antics and looked to the back of the room. Juleka and Rose were both huddled over a phone, most likely watching some cute video, Nathanael was drawing but made sure to look up so as to avoid a repeat of the incident with Ms Mendeliev. Lila was in her new spot next to him pretending to do her work when she was actually watching him. From the awed looks and the way she moved her pencil, Alya guessed she was trying to draw like him. Ivan was doing his work but the quick glances in Mylene's direction did not escape Alya's inquisitive gaze. Judging from the blushing glances from both ends, Alya could only come to the conclusion that something had happened between the two recently and made a note to tease/interrogate them both later. In front of her, Nino was trying to sway Adrien's attention by texting him but the hard working student continued to ignore him, even turned off his phone to stop the slue of texts which caused Nino to glare at him. Alya could see the hint of a smile on Adrien's lips. Apparently Adrien had let slip some information that Nino wanted to know more about. They were next on her interrogation list. Sabrina was studiously doing her work while Chloe touched up her make up in a mirror, still sour about losing the design competition on Friday. You'd think she'd learn not to copy Marinette's work from what happened with the hat competition, but Chloe never learns, and not just because she gets her 'BFF' to do all her work.
Speaking of Marinette...
Alya looked to the spot next to her. The empty spot. Marinette was late again. Alya looked at the time. Judging from Marinette's average time of arrival, she should come running through the door in around three minutes.
Earlier that morning a thirteen year old girl was frantically digging through the trash. The tears running down her face were a sign of her distress. "Why did I do that, why did I do that, why did I do that." She kept muttering to herself. She could remember the conversation with her new group of friends the day before when they found the old worn teddy on her bed. When one of them asked if she really slept with a teddy she denied it so as not to seem like a baby.
Her and her family had just moved to Paris and it was very hard to make friends, so when the first people who were friendly towards her visited her house, she made sure to make a good impression. And she was sure that a teenager who still slept with her childhood teddy bear would make them laugh and destroy any chance she had at making friends. What she didn't realise was that her parents were listening and took her seriously when she told them she was going to throw it out but hadn't gotten around to it yet. She'd joined them for a sleepover and didn't take the teddy for obvious reasons. When she got back that night she was too tired to think about it, having spent the whole day with her new friends.
It was only in the morning when she began to look for it and realised it wasn't there. She asked her parents if they'd seen it and when they said they threw it out because she didn't want it anymore, her heart broke. All she wanted to do at that moment was to curl into a ball and start crying but her need for her childhood teddy propelled her to the trash to start digging. She was covered in grime and rubbish was caught in her hair and clothes but she didn't care, she just kept digging and cursing herself for being so stupid. She had had that teddy for her whole life, slept with it almost every night and held it every time she was upset. She remembered how upset she got when the red plaid bow fell off the teddy a few years back. With no knowledge on how to put it back on she put it on her chain and wore it on her neck everyday. It was a bright side in the end because no matter where she went she would always have a piece of her favourite childhood teddy with her. That bow hung on her neck and hit her chest with every move she made and turned purple when the dark butterfly she never saw, hit it.
"It's always hard to lose a memory you've had you're entire life, especially when your own carelessness is the reason." The silky voice in her mind compelled her to stop looking and listen, "I can give you the ability to show everyone else your pain. People say things they don't mean all the time, now you can show them the power their words hold. All I ask for in return are the Miraculouses of Ladybug and Chat Noir."
Genie rose to her feet with an evil smile, "You got it Hawkmoth, by the time I'm done everyone will regret the things they say without thought for what it means."
The crackle of the PA announced a message from the principal, "Ms Bustier could you report to the office please."
Ms Bustier stood and looked to her class, "I'll only be gone for a few minutes, I trust you to behave but if I hear any complaints you all get extra homework." With that final threat the teacher left to see what the principal wanted.
Two minutes later Marinette ran into the room 37 seconds before her average. While she caught her breath both Max and Alya put down the new information in their respective devices. Most of the class smiled as the clumsy girl entered in her usual style. The morning wasn't complete until she came running in. Or falling, depending on the day. Chloe wasn't happy to see her at all and as usual, she made that known.
"Ugh, how can you get anything done when you're always late. Maybe that's why you're so careless with your appearance, you don't have enough time to look in the mirror." As Chloe laughed at her mean joke, Marinette looked up with a scowl. Then she straightened up, crossed her arms and gave the mayor's daughter an impassive look.
"Nope, I just don't like wearing so much make up it's the equivalent of what a clown wears." that made Chloe stop laughing and stare at Marinette's smirk with incredulous shock.
"How dare you," Chloe stood to meet the stare and the class watched, amused even as the air sizzled around the feuding pair, "How dare you talk to me like that, I'm the Mayor's daughter." She placed a hand on her chest and stuck her nose in the air to prove how important that statement made her.
Marinette's deadpan answer showed how little it affected her, "Nobody cares."
Some laughed at her answer but the air felt thick. They had a feeling this argument wasn't going to end well, and it wasn't because of Ms Bustier's threat of extra homework.
Chloe glared at the laughing few, "Maybe you don't, but others do. They adore me and are flattered that I allow my presence among them. Just because you don't appreciate my presence doesn't mean you should drag others down with you. Don't be so selfish and hog the light like that."
Her words struck a chord in the pigtailed girl, "I'm selfish. You think I'm selfish. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror." If the air was thick before, it was suffocating now. It wasn't often Marinette started shouting, but when she did. Duck for cover. "You're the one that hogs the light, always making everything about yourself, never considering other people feelings to your actions, taking credit from other people's ideas. The only time you ever share or pass over the spotlight is when you're blaming someone else for something you shouldn't have done, usually it's your so called best friend." By now she'd taken a few steps forward and raised her voice. Chloe was a little scared of her enemy's outburst but would never admit it.
"Ugh, you're such a nuisance. There you go again, making a scene to draw attention to yourself and trying to make me look bad."
"You do that all by yourself. No help needed."
"Excuse you, my life was perfect before you started thinking you were better than me. You used to keep to yourself and not do a thing, it was perfect. And then you decided to enter all those competitions just to spite me and make me look like a fool."
"First of all, me entering those competitions has absolutely nothing to do with you. And secondly if you don't want to look like an idiot try using your own ideas and stop stealing mine for a change. Or if you're going to steal my ideas don't put my name on them. Literally."
Faced with her own idiotic mistakes, Chloe spluttered with anger and screamed the first thing that came to her head no matter how childish or mean it sounded, only wanting to get a rile out of the once quiet and obedient girl. "Urgh! I wish you had never been born!"
As soon as the words left her mouth there was a stream of purple and gold mist that came from behind the window. A form emerged from within. The mist didn't look like it was fading but more being absorbed into the form behind the veil. It seemed as if the person forming was made from mist. When all the mist had gone the form became solid with pale skin and wavy black hair in a fancy half up do with a gold headpiece across her forehead and weaved through her hair in an intricate manner. She wore a puffy purple tube top with see through sleeves cinched at the wrists, embellished in gold designs. The matching hippy pants were baggy and purple with a gold belt, only tightened on the hips and ankles. Gold links hung from the purple bow in the centre of her chest and stretched down half her bare stomach before going back up around the back. She had gold markings on her bare skin that could only be seen in the right light, a gold belly piercing with a purple gem in the middle, gold nails with a purple pointer, gold flats with curled toes, gold bangles and anklets, gold lips and purple eyeshadow framed her golden eyes, a spiky purple domino mask with gold on the outside and around the eyes completed the look.
When she spoke it was like she 100 voices all talking at once, "I am Genie and I will grant your wish spoken in anger."
It was obvious from her outfit and misty appearance that this 'Genie' was an akuma. You could ask everyone in that room and each of them would tell you that they thought this was yet another poor soul who'd come across Chloe Bourgeois. But no one could have imagined what this new akuma really wanted. Faced with the possibility of losing their Marinette for good, the class sprung into action. Rose, Nathanael, Mylene and Sabrina were too frightened to move, Max couldn't believe that something like that could be possible, but deep down he knew it was happening, and that frightened him to the point he couldn't move either. Ivan, Alya and Kim called out to her and started down the stairs, once they got over their shock Adrien and Nino did too and Alix jumped over the desks. The last thing Marinette saw before the flash of light engulfed her was Chloe's face, tight with fear, shock and most of all... regret. She took a step forward with her hand stretched out, trying desperately to reach the girl who she had just wished never existed.
Marinette smiled from that final image. She didn't have a chance of moving away, but at least she could still see Chloe finally understanding the weight words hold. Even if the price was her very existence. The blackness kept surrounding her until she could no longer see.
Over the frightened shouts of her name, Marinette heard Genie speak one last time, a final message for Chloe and everyone else in the room. "Be careful what you wish for."
The last sensation she ever felt was the touch of a hand on her arm.