A/N: I don't own RWBY it belongs to Rooster Teeth. As well as Fusion parts as well. Got the fusion idea from an RWBY AMV video called Stronger than you AMV (Rose-Xiao Long Family) by Raven Xiao Long on YouTube. The song is Stronger than you from the show Steven Universe. So I like to point out that I don't own Steven Universe either. Also * this* is for thinking. New rule {This means talking head when fused.} And one more thing at the moment I'm not getting many ideas for this fanfic compared to my other fanfic's so updates might be less than my other fanfic's as well as being shorter chapters than them. Also, the fanfic is going to be more canon. So when you read things that sounds much like the show don't jump the gun on anything. Just wanted for you to know that ahead of time enjoy.

Later that night Qrow was outside thinking about what He, Oz, and Glynda were talking about when the children were in class.


Qrow was standing in front of Ozpin and Glynda wondering what was going on at the moment in Ozpin's office. "So why am I here? Besides having to watch Ice Queen's sister almost killing my niece."

Ozpin just signed. "Qrow I know that you want to keep Ruby safe and out of our little group."

Qrow's heart fell as soon as he heard Oz say those words. Because that always meant that Oz had a reason for someone to get involved with there group. Which Qrow didn't want any of Salem's lackeys anywhere near Ruby or Yang.

Ozpin went on. "But because a Grimm showed up out of nowhere when Glynda and Ruby fought on the day we first met her. It is safe to say that Roman and the woman that he was working with has some type of link to Salem. Meaning she will if not already found out about Ruby."

Qrow started to take out his flask and started to drink from it before speaking. "So you want Ruby to join our little club? What would you have her do?"

Glynda and Ozpin looked at one and other and then back at Qrow. "The Plan is to wait until the full team rounds are over of the Vytal Festival is over. This way Ruby could be gone without anyone wondering where she is at. Then we will have Ruby try to fuse with Amber. Which if need be we will use Ruby as a way of means to relocate Amber out of the Kingdom."

Qrow nodded his head. "I get it if Glynda and I join in on the fusen then we might be able to take a look at Amber's memories while we're at it."

Ozpin nodded his head. "That's right."

End Flashback

At that moment Qrow made it to a bar. "Might as well get something to calm my nerves."

And with that Qrow went in to get a drink.

Meanwhile in Team RWBY's room Weiss as busy copying her own notes in Ruby's notebooks. *This is the lest I can do for her. At least for now.*

Once Weiss got done with the last of the notes she put everything away and went to bed.

The next day in class Ruby was waiting for the rest of her teammates to show up. Which at least for one of them it didn't take long. Weiss walked in all by herself with her and Ruby's book bags. This alone shocked Ruby since the teachers told her to wait to bring her book bag to class for another few days since she more than likely wouldn't be taking any notes. "Um... Weiss...? The teachers told me..."

But Weiss cut in. "I know but I copied my notes from yesterday onto your own notebooks and thought you would like to look at them before class."

This shocked Ruby even more, but then Ruby gave Weiss a grateful smile. "Thanks, Weiss I was planning on asking Yang if I could look at her notes later on. But she doesn't take that many notes so it wouldn't have helped much."

Weiss smiled back and the two looked at the notes while Weiss started to answer any questions that Ruby might have. Not knowing that both Ozpin and Glynda were watching the whole thing. Ozpin smiled at seeing this. "It looks like Mis Schnee is on her way to making things right with Mis Rose."

Glynda looked at him and then back at the girls. "I just hope she has learned her lesson."

At hearing this Ozpin frowned. "So do I... So do I."

A/N: And here is where I'm going to end this chapter I really don't have that many ideas for Hearts Unite as One at the moment. So I'm still just going to give really short chapters for now.

Anyways here is new news on the voting on Frozen Lost. I have decided that I will be making the Sequel when one of two things happen. Either I get done with one of my ongoing Fanfic's or One one of the two choices get ten votes.

With that in mind, I've decided that when the votes come to an end I will post one last bonus chapter on Frozen Lost. This one is if someone else finds Ahsoka besides Luke or Ezra. Because this one is not a chose for the voting I'm not saying who it is. This bonus chapter is a thank you to you all for voting and can not be a chose to vote on.

With that being said here are the vote results so far.

Luke has 3 votes while Ezra has 6 votes. Meaning if we are going by the 10 vote rule. Luke needs 7 more votes to win. When Ezra only needs 4 more votes to win.

So if you have Read Frozen lost but haven't voted yet please place your vote on Frozen Lost Comments.

If you haven't read Frozen Lost but like Star Wars go check it out.

Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day.