Chapter 37

The Stork

Efrosyni POV

Twenty two weeks later…

I'm on maternity leave waiting for the arrival of our twins. Bobby insisted I used a studio apartment at Rangeman while Tank works. The obstetrician and Bobby say "probably in the next three days." Please today, my back hurts; apparently the back exercises weren't enough to prevent this. Mentally I was ready weeks ago to deliver these aliens who were jumping on my bladder, cramping my stomach and kick boxing my intestines.

Work at Dix has been hard. Yes, the computer was reachable and with modification I could write and read at the desk but it was the sitting for long periods, long walks from point A to B. When I needed to see the base commander, he came to me rather than my going to him.

"My wife has had children. I don't want you delivering on Sharp Parade Field."

Actually that didn't sound bad, nice soft grass….

Babies happen, even in the Army now that 13% of the population is female. It is taking time to catch up with women's needs. For example, uniforms have to make allowances for the swelling bellies. While the Army does have pregnancy uniforms, they don't come in my size. Ella and her magic sewing machine and I have been….creative. Out of uniform I dress in knits, they are comfortable, forgiving and very revealing.

Since I returned home from Israel in my second trimester, Tank was spared my indignities of morning sickness. I fought hard to keep it as inconspicuous to others as possible. One pregnancy symptom I haven't been able to hide is the mood changes. Damn hormones. Not only am in horny, which he enjoys, I also cry. I haven't cried since my father's funeral when I was 12 years old. Now I wake up in the middle of the night bawling. The plus side is there's a big massive chest to cry into which ultimately relieves my other hormonal symptom. Twofer?

And there have been the funny sides, getting stuck in the car behind the steer wheel, restaurant booth or kneeling in church. We giggle as I try to stretch or do pregnancy yoga. When we hug, it is not face to face as we can't get close due to the beach ball in the middle. Let's not talk about the constant trip to the bathroom.


Here at Rangeman, every morning Bobby begins with a quick exam; blood pressure, temperature, heart: mine and the babies. When I mentioned my back ached this morning he opted for a pelvic exam. For a doctor who has treated men for so long, the pelvics were a bit unsettling for him at first.

"Something's happening, he mutters. You are starting to dilate."

"How long do I have? I ask. I don't give a hoot about centimeters; I want them out of there.

"Maybe tomorrow."

I moan.

"Shorter walks, longer rests; if something doesn't feel right, get in here. I'll send Hector to be with you. "

Stephanie came as soon as I got to my "holding cell." She brought Sam who is pushing 20 months; a walking, babbling offshoot of his father but with the brown curly hair of his mother. She shared the news, she's 6 weeks pregnant and both parents are overjoyed with the thought of a second child. Finally Ranger will be able to experience the whole pregnancy, not just the resulting child.

Stephanie works inside Rangeman, rarely leaving the building. If she does leave it is usually north or east to Newark, Princeton, Point Pleasant, someplace other than Trenton and the Burg. Since her exile to Georgia, marriage and birth, she has transformed from a cute, lovely woman to a self-assured beauty. For a lady who was living hand to mouth for years as a BEA, she found herself helping run Rangeman. Her business sense is greater than either Ranger's or Tank's and Rangeman's expansion is due mostly to her business skills, customer interaction, and spidey sense. Few clients realize Michelle Manoso was formerly Stephanie Plum the Bombastic Bounty Hunter.

As she promised Ranger, she works out daily in the Rangeman gym and updates her self-defense skills. For an adrenaline junkie the workouts keep her mood evened out. They are better for her than the sugar-exploding cars-rolling in garbage life. Originally I was her instructor but as my pregnancy advanced, Bobby put a stop to my teaching. Since Steph is now pregnant again, Bobby will adjust her training schedule over the next few months. We two women are making his job challenging. He says he enjoys working with "different species." We both slugged him when he said that. I'll held back, I didn't want to hurt our doctor.

Stephanie has also become weapons proficient. Initially I got her over her fear and respectively comfortable with a shotgun and handgun. The day Ranger and I took her out with an RPG, after firing it she danced around in merriment. Ram has been honing her skills as I've found the loud recoil from the guns distressed the babies nestled inside of me. Their disapproving kicks were uncomfortable.


A knock on the door indicates Ella is bringing food. I'm not hungry at all. It's hard to be hungry with a child sitting on your stomach, from the inside. Hector was right behind Ella. He's become a "surrogate" midwife, reading and taking classes, but not yet certified. Hector answers my questions saving me from pestering Bobby or the doctor. Since he's not a licensed he defers to the doctors when necessary. I asked my obstetrician if he could be part of the journey, she was unsure when she first met him. Who wouldn't be what with his gang tattoos? After the first meeting and their long discussion, in Spanish, she realized he was serious and already well educated.

My doctor's appointments are like the First Lady and Secret Service; Tank the husband, Bobby the medic; and Hector the midwife all stay close. The obstetrician's staff enjoys the show; Army uniform patient and three intimidating men as companions.

Hector was rubbing my back trying to sooth the ache when he stopped. "Era una contracción," he said with conviction. (That was a contraction)

I smiled and nodded my head.

"Do you want Bobby?" He whispered in English.

"I've been having them for a while. No hurry. You keep reminding me to be patient."

I was walking, or waddling around the room having contractions. I also wasn't timing them. Hector was; he texted Bobby we were coming early for an exam.

Bobby came into clinic barely dry from a shower in the gym. Snapping on this gloves he said, "Saddle up." I was not in a gracious mood for his cowboy stirrup jokes and snapped back at him. He lifted an eye at me "You must be in labor, your mood stinks."

I wanted to growl but was seized by an impressive contraction. "You'll have to wait before I kick your ass," I said with my index finger raised. Hector held onto one arm and Bobby the other.

Hector whispered how long it had been since the last contraction. Bobby looked uneasy.

After a quick exam, "You trying to set a speed record? You are fully dilated. You are hours ahead of schedule. Were you and Hector planning on having the babies here?"

I was between contractions so could growl and chew him out in German, Du bist eine unmögliche Ruck. It's such a guttural language; it feels so good when one is upset.

He shook his head in wonder, "I'm glad I didn't understand most of that. Come on, let's get to the hospital. I'll call the obstetrician." He slipped off his gloves, took out his phone, sent a message. Suddenly I was besieged by people. Tank, Hal, Ram, some of the biggest Rangemen were there to lift me into a wheel chair and down into a waiting SUV.

I wondered where Cal was thinking about two years earlier being lifted in a wheel chair by Hal and Cal .

Somebody chuckled, "Cal doesn't do birthings; he faints."

"Guy's I need to walk," I complained.

"We are not giving Luis more to clean up. I'm surprised your water hasn't broken yet," Bobby said.

I looked at Hector and he smiled, "Estamos aquí para ayudarle a mamá." (We are here to help you mama.)

"Es el número estoy preocupado." I answered. (It is the number I am worried about.)

Everybody chuckled.

As I was helped into the largest SUV I saw towels galore.

"In case the water breaks before we get there," someone said.

"Heaven forbid I destroy the upholstery," I mumbled.

Hal and Bobby were in the front, Tank was next to me. Hector was in the third seat behind me. I began deep breathing then panting while another contraction started. Bobby checked his watch and shook his head, "Can you hold off, giving birth here, it's too crowded."

I considered flicking the finger but instead uttered, "Towels!"

"Breathe," Tank whispered.

"You or me?" I asked.

I made it through check in the private hospital not the gossip centered St. Francis. I was assured by the resident doctor I'd still have hours to go. He didn't bother with an exam. This was after Bobby, Dr. Bobby Brown, had given the dilation time line. Bobby was a trauma doctor, not an obstetrician so his option immediately disregarded by the resident. I guess it didn't matter, I was long past epidural time and no need for a spinal block, I hoped.

"Ass hole," Bobby muttered after the resident doctor was gone. A nearby nurse caught Bobby's eye and nodded in agreement.

Fortunately the two little ones sided with Bobby's assessment. While the obstetrician locked her car in the parking lot Bobby uttered, "We have crowning."

I had watched videos of women giving birth, read pamphlets and had the doctor and Hector explain what would happen. What I wasn't prepared for was the speed. I expected a long siege as the babies were large, nine pounds each the obstetrician said. Instead it was a quick "forward" assault, a rapid deployment.

"Whoa, slow down," Bobby uttered with humor.

"B** S***" I gritted through my teeth.

I had always been able to push aside pain, but this tested my ability. Thankfully my body and muscles wanted the alien invaders out quickly. Two nurses, Bobby and sorta-midwife Hector manned the southern arena; Tank was bouncing back between the actions below and encouraging me above.

First arrival was the boy followed literally on his heels by his sister. The obstetrician arrived in time for the cord cuttings.

"Couldn't wait for me, huh?" she asked.

"It never happens that fast and easy especially for the first time mother with babies this big," a nurse said as she tended one of the newborns.

I wanted to argue the easy part but just went back into my mental cave to tuck that whole experience behind me. I was still having contractions but the big part was over. The first woman who says something about what a joy pregnancy and birth was will get my boot up her ass.

Bobby had a big grin on his face, "That was fun! I haven't done that in a while and never twins." So that's where my endorphin rush went?! I was considering another boot for him. What did he do but catch a slippery baby or two? OK, he's been with me since the call to Israel months ago.

Tank just stared down at the girl in his hands. His expression was one of wonder, love, and fear. Hector had come up to sit near my head, wipe my face and kiss my cheek, "Hiciste bien, mamá." (You did well, Mama.)

I whispered to Hector, "Recordarle a adolescencia comienza en 13 años." (Remind him adolescence begins in 13 years.)

Hector looked up, "Your wife says to remind you adolescence begins in 13 years, bro."

Bobby and Tank froze with their mouths open. Hector spoke English with almost no accent.

"En Español Hector, recuerde que sólo habla a español," I muttered. (In Spanish Hector, remember you only speak Spanish.)

"Oooops," he said.

We giggled.

"Do you have names?" the nurse asked.

"We are still working on them. We thought about Sampson and Delilah since they were the kittens who introduced us, but there's already a Sam in the family. Instead we are thinking Kassiani and George."

"Kassiani?" the nurse asked.

"It is Mediterranean old world name, the name of a lady saint and a hymnographer. It was my mother's baptism name. There's a hymn especially attributed to her sung during Holy Week: Hymn of Kassiani. I'd sing it for you, but I'm probably not in good voice right now. Google it, it's on the web."

Tank was listening, "You'll be singing it often now and you do it so well." He and Hector traded places and I got a good look at my daughter and Tank his son.

As I held George against my upper body I looked at Tank and gasped, "What have we done?"

"We've started a family."

"Started?" I quizzed. "You think I'm going through that again?"

A nurse nearby chuckled, "God has a way of erasing your mind of the pain, replacing it with the wonder of holding your child for the first time and watching him…..and her, grow." I figured she had been huffing old ether bottles in a storage room.

"Cute little mammals, aren't they?" I asked him.

"Woman," he said exasperatedly, "These are our children."

"…and they aren't very little," Bobby said.

Tank held his daughter against his chest. Even in his massive hands she was sizeable. This was no 6 pound baby, it was….a giant. Of course, I've never done anything small.

Dr. Silias added, "I could only estimate 9 pounds prior to birth, I'm surprised they are 12, but then they are 22 inches plus, almost 23. I don't have patients quite your size."

"No wonder my back hurt when I woke up this morning," I said.

"No, those were contractions," Dr. Silias said.

Once stage three had passed and I could be cleaned up a bit, even taking a quick shower with Tank supporting me and Bobby and Hector minding the nursery, I was more comfortable and could assume a more modest position.

I was no sooner back in bed when George started crying. The nurse suggested he might be hungry. Oh boy. Two of the guys here had already seen my breasts; husband and doctor. The third was gay. What the heck; when you have an objective, move on it. So I offered little George a nipple he took to it like a duck to water. At 12 pounds 2 ounces it took a long time at the filling station. Thankfully "little" Kassi slept. She was just 4 ounces smaller than her brother. Then as George slowed down I passed him to Hector who showed Tank how to burp him while Kassi woke up.

"I hope he didn't drink me dry," I worried. Apparently Mother Nature was bountiful as both got their first feedings of mother's milk. Tank burped his daughter while Bobby held George and I became modest again. I was thinking this was going to take a squad to manage, two people, two babies was going to be tough.

"You have quite a few people out here wanting to say hello. For the next 2 hours it was a continuous parade of people, Ranger and Stephanie were the first. They brought a third person who I didn't recognize at first but Bobby did. Bobby stood up and offered his hand, "Silvio Barela, what a surprise."

Suddenly I remembered the Joyce Barnhardt incident. What was he doing here?

Ranger explained, "Silvio is coming to work for Rangeman. He was in the building when the stork appeared. He wanted to say hello."

He looked at me and suddenly seemed embarrassed probably remembering the "selfie" and my nakedness.

I couldn't help myself, "Don't worry Silvio, they aren't yours."

He looked horrified, Tank and Hector looked confused and Bobby laughed.

"I…..uh….I wanted to stop and say hello and hope you are doing well," he muttered.

I had pity on him, "Thank you Silvio, I'm sure you will be a fine addition to Rangeman."

He nodded and then turned to leave. Bobby and Hector stood, "I believe our work is done here now, we'll leave you to your adorning fans." Turning to Hector he said, "We need to talk….in English."

Oh how I wanted to hear that conversation! Stephanie's eyes were bouncing back and forth trying to figure out what was happening. Ranger just smirked.

As I handed Stephanie baby George, she gasped, "They are so big and long, they look like spiders."

Ranger and Tank exchanged glances. Tank shook his head, another generation, but these two will never be in gangs.

The visitor list was long. I remember Hal and Ram, Lester and Woody, Ella and Luis stopping by and everyone had a chance to hold a baby. By the time Anton and Mari Manoso arrived having returned Sam back to Ranger and Stephanie, Tank and I were tired, but the Dynamic Duo woke up for their next feeding.

Mari laughed, "Welcome to parenthood. That's why I'm moving in with you for a few days to get you started." I was hoping she would move in permanently.


The Army and I didn't exactly cut the cord. I stayed around until I earned a silver bird, full colonel, and eventually went with the reserves. I may still be called back into active duty and may earn a star, who knows. The rank isn't important anymore; I just tried to honor my father's memory by being a good soldier. If number of ribbons and medals are any indication, I must have done OK. I especially prized the one from Israel. I remembered how I was arrested by the Israelis early in my career for espionage. Later I learned it was a protective cover while my blackmailers were found. Since that time I worked closely with their military and intelligence organization.

By taking one of the Army's reserve options, I have a way to keep my finger on global happenings, be a wife and mother, and run Rangeman's subsidiary Mercorp. This is what I had hinted in Ranger's apartment years before.

Most assume the name is a shortened form of Mercer Corporation. Those who know Latin know "mer" as meaning a part or segment. We tried to add Rangeman, but "Merrange Corp" but it felt like bad spelling for meringue.

Mercorp's function, well, that's secret to the public. Yes, we are an information and intelligence company but that's just the veneer. Our employees are former military; cyber security or heavy into SEALS, Special Forces/Delta/Rangers, multi-lingual. We operate wherever we are needed in the world, preferring to stay away from hot zones. There are other groups for that. But…sometimes….

A small portion of Mercorp's job is to watch for old threats to Carlos and other Rangeman employees. When a blip appears, interception is made, sometimes Ranger is involved.

Mercorp building is behind Rangeman. It was built not to look anything like the Hayward building but built with the most up to date security features to date. It is connected by an underground tunnel to Rangeman. This gives me easy access to the Rangeman nursery and school.

So far Rangeman nursery and school have only four members: two Manosos and two Shermans. Woody and his wife have a baby due any day. It will be fun having an infant in house again. Bobby's wife, Amanda, the trauma doctor, is starting to think it's time to add to the nursery. Hal is engaged to a lovely Scandinavian beauty; we hope for some lovely blonde blue eyed children. Even Lester has been concentrating his efforts on one sassy biologist with the Philadephia zoo. We've run the various jokes into the ground, "Animal tamer, snake charmer, etc."

Carlos and Tank work out daily, sparring and trying to slow down Father Time while trying to stay up with active the children. Steph and Ranger's little girl, Lina, after Abuelita Rosalina, resembles Stephanie and hopefully will be as independent and intelligent as her mother. Sam is a knock off of his father in looks, emotion and fearlessness. Bink and Jason continue to run the child self-defense classes and report little Sam is unusually well coordinated for a child his age. Of course, he's Carlos' child.

In his role of father of three including the older teenager Julie, Carlos has cut back doing apprehensions, concentrating on the security section. In addition to security monitoring and response, Rangeman is designing new security items. Ram is heading up the new Rangeman subsidiary.

The Sherman twins are growing like weeds. Though younger than Sam, they will catch him soon. Tank is an exceptional father, but then I am biased. Fatherhood has brought out a whole new Tank, he laughs, big booming laughs. I'm so happy I could bring this side of him out in the open. Between his teen years and the years in the Army he had repressed his happiness to do his duty. He's learned he can blend both. I admit, I too am laughing more.

Kassi has her father wrapped around her finger. Woe be to any boy who dates her, but then the boy will probably be as tall as Tank as Kassi and her brother will be giants too.

As with Sam years before, the Rangeman men are exceptional with the children. On breaks they often come to the nursery-school to play toy trucks, kick ball or "box" with the kids. Kassi is like her mother, not into girly stuff. She agrees to wear a dress for her father, to church only. Hector is the master storyteller both in Spanish and English, the kids love him and thus are becoming proficient in Spanish.


Lula was found temporarily incompetent, attempted manslaughter, and sentenced to 5 years in prison, but served just two and a half before being released on parole and counseling. Amazingly, aside from her years as a prostitute, she had no other run-ins with the law, save speeding tickets.

The senior citizen center where she worked before the shooting wanted her to come back and work for them. The old folks loved Lula, even occupying a portion of the courtroom during her trial.

While incarcerated she studied business and when released, she went to cosmetology school. She now owns a salon-spa, and clothing store catering to the older clients. Surprisingly it is quite popular. Many of her clients are darker skinned and it is now easy to spot them on the streets for their bright colored fashionable clothes, modern hair styles and a certain strut as if to say, "I may have a few years on me, but I've still got "it."

Her project was backed by a wealthy gentleman who is now wooing her to the altar. I have forgiven her and wish her the best, but we won't be exchanging recipes or sipping tea together in the St. Andrew's Tea Room.

Mrs. Plum, Helen, was now full time in a care facility. Dementia has taken her mind. She doesn't recognize Stephanie, barely recognizes Frank or Valerie. Grandma Mazur got to the upscale senior living facility and is as happy as a clam in mud. Though in her 90's now, she seems energized being out from the Burg's grasp or is that the Burg's swamp gas? I stop by to see her every so often and make sure I wear a tight t-shirt and best uplifting bra.

Frank Plum lives alone, spending his days at the lodge and evenings eating his dinner with Valerie, Albert, and the girls who now live next door. The coffee cake baking neighbor passed away.

Ella and Luis are retired, but remain close to the Manosos. They live next door. Carlos and Steph bought the property across from Tank and I, a multi acre home site complete with horse facilities. They tore down everything and built a modern home for themselves but also a house for Ella and Luis. Ella jokes Ranger put her and Luis out to pasture.

Other Rangeman are neighbors. Bobby and his wife Amanda the doctor live down the street. George Halvers retired and lives next door to us, when he's not in Georgia. The property on the other side of George was coming on the market, but never made the listings, Hal bought it. He and his fiancée will make fine neighbors. We laugh about our Rangeman Core Estates, but our greatest fear is Lester will join us. There goes the neighborhood!

The end…..finally.