Cornwallis / Delaney Residence Year 1808

Dear Sister,

I write these words knowing they may never reach you. It has been two years since I left you and I have never witnessed such horror. My only light in this dark place is remembering the spark of life in your eyes, the feel of your skin, like silk as it touched mine, your velvet kisses that seemed to last forever. I seek you out in moments of loneliness, I know you can feel me. My body cannot contain my spirit, for it hunts for you across theses dark waters.

Lost without you


Dear Brother,

Slumber is my salvation, for it is there that I will find you. The waking hour is torture, the night is what I long for now, as I know when I close my eyes you will be waiting. I feel you calling to me my love. I feel your touch, your breath, your heartbeat. It rings in my ears, through my being, pulsating a primal rhythm of hunger. I feel you, I feel you now. Whatever you do, promise me you will return to me.

Forever waiting


Dear Sister,

I have shamed you. For what I've done to others would destroy your love for me. I have done things done to me, that no man should ever do to another. If hell had an address this would be it. My existence in this life may burn out like a moth to a flame, but my love for you will forever burn eternal. Nothing I have endured has cut, burned, whipped, or tortured the undying love I have for you. If I survive this living hell, know I will return to you. I hope the man before you, is the man you still love.

Dead without you


Dear Brother,

They say you are dead and I can only assume so, yet your spirit still speaks to me in the midnight hour. How could God take you away from me, are we being punished? Is it not love that matters above all? All of what I believed in is shattered, for my heart has shattered. I have never felt so alone. The thought of you no longer on this earth is more than I can bear. Father has made my life even more unbearable for he has started his search for suitors. I will be married soon, a punishment worst than death.

Yours only
