Kihonne: Alright guys, I said that if at least five of you reviewed, you'd get an early update, and here I am, with the last chapter of Love and War. Alright, so I'm not going to babble for long; it's time for shoutouts!


LabGirl2001: Well, actually, I just meant that the five reviews couldn't be all by the same person (it's happened before), but I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and the story as a whole!

AlienGhostWizard14: I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, particularly Rani and Liam's team up attack. Thanks for reading the story!

NowThen: Wow, thank you very much! Seriously, your review made my day! I'm so glad you've enjoyed the series so much, especially the past chapter, with everything going on between Rani and Liam and Alivia and Lily. I do hope you enjoy the chapter. And yes, we will be seeing most of these characters again. I can't make promises on some, but I have specific plans to include Alivia, Lily, Rani, and Liam in future chapters of either The Power of Seven and/or Demons. Oh, and just so you know for the future, all writers get emails about all reviews on their stories, regardless of which chapter is reviewed on.

Algernon23: Don't worry about being AWOL – I was just getting a little frustrated at the lack of response from people in general. It's hard to tell if people are liking what you're writing if no one tells you if they did or not. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far though. Thank you so much for your kind words, they're really, really good to hear. I really appreciate it. Anyway, thank you for the review (zombie or not, I love reviews) and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Guest: Read and you'll find out. I'm glad you like them together though.

HeyHey5959: I'm so glad you enjoyed it – the story as well as the fight scenes. And yes, we will be seeing most of these characters again. I can't make promises on some, but I have specific plans to include Alivia, Lily, Rani, and Liam in future chapters of either The Power of Seven and/or Demons. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

SzymonS: I'm so glad you liked it! Yes, Alivia found love with Lily – she really does deserve it. As for Rani, you're going to find out what she's up to this chapter, so keep reading. I suppose you have a point about Bridget – she does have all the resources of her former partners, but with no one else trying to take over the world, it could be all hers. If she beats the Elite Force. If.

MayLeaf2001: I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Seriously, thank you. I know, I'm going to miss this story too, but hey, it does give me more time to focus on The Power of Seven. And yeah, we'll be seeing some of these guys again. Surge will be making a brief appearance – he's really just supposed to represent the New League of Heroes starting to expand – but he will be showing up and maybe making more appearances in The Power of Seven, depending on the direction I plan on taking things. I'm glad you liked the Rani/Liam team-up attack – it's probably my favorite part of this whole story, to be honest – but as for whether or not they get together or even if Rani's going to stay or not, you're going to have to read to find out. I'm glad you liked the Alivia/Lily moment – they're so cute, aren't they? Anyway, thank you very much for everything you've said, you're really kind, and I hope you enjoy the final chapter.


Kihonne: Alright guys, on with the chapter!

Alivia: Kihonne doesn't own Mighty Med or Elite Force. She only owns this story, all OCs, and anything else you don't recognize.


Liam's POV

"Alright, even I have to admit that this place is cool." I commented, looking around. "Seriously, how did Parker convince her boss to give us this place?"

"Apparently, they stopped using it a while back, and it was better than letting the place go to waste." Melody replied as we walked through the halls of our new base of operations. Davenport Industries, now a name that was growing in popularity in the superhero world, had offered up an abandoned facility for us to use as a base of operations for the New League of Heroes. After a couple of weeks of letting Lily redesign the interior (she insisted and to be honest, she's not that bad of a decorator), it was actually pretty nice. A cool combination of low-light colors with modern furniture – though, considering she didn't have any money, I was starting to get suspicious as to where all that furniture had come from – and it was starting to really feel like home. "So…"

"So…?" I raised an eyebrow at her tone. She gave me a sympathetic look.

"I haven't seen Rani this morning." She commented slowly.

"She went to talk to Alivia about an hour ago." I replied, shrugging.

"What about?" Melody asked, curious. I shrugged again, shaking my head. She sighed. "You think she might be leaving?"

"Well, that was the plan, right? I figured she'd leave right away, especially after all that shit with her brother. I'm pretty sure the only reason she stayed this long was because she was injured, but the cast came off this morning, thanks to her dark mumbo-jumbo, so I guess it makes sense that she'd be taking off." Not that I cared. I didn't, really. Well, maybe a little, or more than a little, but it wasn't like that was going to change anything. "It's fine. It's what she wants."

"Yeah, I guess." Melody agreed softly, giving me a smile just as Angela and a tall, tanned, blonde-haired guy in a red and black uniform came walking down the hall. "Hey, back from Brisbane so soon?"

"Flight landed an hour ago." Angela replied, smirking. I grinned and fist-bumped the guy.

"Surge, my man! Glad to have you aboard!" Back in the day, we'd been quite the team, working as partners whenever he was in the country. "How's your sister?"

"Off-limits, I remind you." He replied, smoothing over the words with his Australian accent. "But it's good to be here. Heard you guys could use a hand with the baddies."

"You have no idea, man." I agreed. He nodded and looked at Melody.

"Ricky Barbara." He introduced. "Surge."

"Winters, Melody, AKA Frostbite." She replied.

"Uh, so we should probably continue with the tour. We've got bedrooms on the second floor; the one between me and Arciere is empty." Angela offered. He nodded.

"Let's check it out then. We'll lob in with you later." Ricky agreed, smirking. He started off with her, waving over his shoulder. "Cheerio!"

We watched him go. "She likes him." Melody observed, watching as they went. "Alivia mentioned that she asked specifically if she could be the one to go get him, since we didn't have enough money to send everyone over to Australia."

"They used to date." I informed her. "On and off, for a couple of years. They were still together when Mighty Med was destroyed, I think."

"So, the feeling's mutual." She smirked as Rani came walking down the hall towards us. She cast me a glanced, sympathetic. "I'm going to go. Barry bailed earlier to go visit some girl in Philidelphia, so Alan and I are going to screw with him and rearrange his room while he's gone."

"You have fun with that." I chuckled as she skipped off. Rani watching, an amused smirk on her lips as she shoved her hands in her pockets. "Hey, so how did things go with Liv?"

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that." She admitted, jerking her head towards a nearby room. Entering it, the room being the meeting room, we sat down in a couple of the chairs.

"You're leaving, aren't you?" I guessed right off the bat. Might as well rip the band-aid off fast. She looked surprised at my outburst, but not at the assumption itself. "Hey, I get it. This was all for your brother. He's gone now, so I get why you'd want to get away. Especially after everything he put you through with Dr. Wrath."

"I know, he just…Gully was never the most stable person around, but I guess I just thought we were always on the same wave length, you know." She sighed. "I guess I was wrong."

"That's not necessarily a bad thing." I added. She nodded.

"I know, but…Liam, I didn't go talk to Alivia to say goodbye." She gave me a look. "I actually wanted to know how she felt about making my place on the team a permanent one."

I chose to ignore the way my heartbeat sped up at those words. "You want to stick around?"

"Well, I don't really have anywhere else to go." She replied dismissively. "And I admit, I miss having a partner in crime."

"Well, I am the perfect choice." I replied cockily before turning more serious. "It's good that you're staying though. I'm glad."

"Obviously, though, for that partner in crime, I was actually thinking someone else." Her lips switched teasingly. "Alan, perhaps, or maybe Barry."

"You're kidding, right?" I scoffed, offended. "Please, I'm way better than them."

"Maybe. I'll consider it…on one condition." She leaned forward in her chair, still smirking. I chuckled, leaning forward as well.

"Yeah? And what's that?" I challenged. She bit the inside of her cheek, pretending to think about it.

"Take me out for dinner." She told me. "Tonight, somewhere decent."

Well, she was bold, I'd give her that. "You want me to take you out on a date?" I confirmed.

"Well, I was getting tired of waiting for you to ask." She insisted before giving me a look. "So, you wanna be my partner in crime or not?"

I grinned. "I'll pick you up at seven."

Lily's POV

"No, I understand. Really, it's alright." Alivia was on the phone when I walked into her room. She glanced up when I did, giving me a smile before continuing with her conversation. "Oliver." She emphasized the name, trying to get him to listen to her. "I'll keep an eye out for her. The moment anyone here sees her or hears from her, I'll let you know, alright?" She paused listening. "Good. Now, go. Tell Skylar I said hi."

She hung up and sighed. "Dani's still MIA?" I'm guessing, remembering what she'd said the night before. She nodded.

"Yeah, she is." She sighed, before shaking her head. "So, did you hear? About Surge and Rani?"

"Well, I saw Angela giving Surge a tour, but Rani? Is she staying?" I inquired. Alivia nodded, sitting down on the bed next to me.

"I think she wants to run it by Liam first, but yeah, she's sticking around." She agreed. "Which is good. We'll need her."

"Will we?" I inquired, leaning back on one hand to look at her. "I mean, we beat Dr. Wrath, right? He's the big bad, and I know he had partners, but Roddiseus is dead and you already said that the Elite Force wants to deal with the Elite Force themselves. So, what's next?"

"They're not the only villains in the world, Lily, and they won't be the last either. Someone's going to come and take their place at the top of the villain hierarchy. It's our job to try and stop that, and if it comes to it, we have to be prepared to stop them."

"So, we rebuild the world of heroes?" I guessed. "Build up our resources, make things back to the way they used to be?"

"Better than they used to be. Don't get me wrong; I loved my father and the League, but they weren't perfect. They made mistakes. We need to be better."

"Well, I think we're off to a good start." I replied, leaning in to kiss her.


Kihonne: Okay guys, it's been a blast working on this story. I hope you all enjoyed it, and I hope to hear from you all again when it comes to the Power of Seven. Yes, before anyone else asks, at least some of the characters from this story will have cameos and possibly recurring roles in both the Power of Seven and future stories. While I do encourage you guys to review, if you have any questions that you need an answer to, please drop me a PM!