Alternate Storyline

Hikigaya Hachiman's day starts at 5:00 when the Alarm goes off.

But before the alarm can go off, he presses the snooze button and turns around and then gazes at the person lying next to him.

Yukinoshita Yukino.

Or rather...Hikigaya Yukino.

Ever since that day, when Hiratsuka Sensei dragged him into the service club and he met Yukinoshita Yukino for the first time, he has never gotten tired of seeing her face.

Well who wouldn't want to see a beautiful scene just as he wakes up...?

And Yukino's beauty could be easily compared to any celestial beauty.

And then the person being talking about just opened her eyes.

A pair of Icy Blue eyes met with a pair of Dead fish eyes.

The two of them stared at each other for what seemed like eternity. The staring contest ended when Yukino closed her eyes and then snuggled into his chest.

"Morning Yukino," Hachiman said lazily.

"Mmmm," Yukino muttered while groggily raising her head, "Morning Hachiman,"

"Why don't you stay in bed a little more...?" Hachiman asked tenderly. He knew that being in her position meant a lot of pressure.

And as she was a stubborn person, she would definitely try to shoulder it on her shoulders like that time during the Cultural festival. Thankfully, this was not High School and he was always ready to take off any load.

"I can't because otherwise I'll get infected by your Hikigerms," Yukino said while stretching her limbs. Just as she was about to get out, Hikigaya pulled her back into his embrace.

"Oh...? Doesn't having Hikigaya in your name mean that you're already infected with it...?" He said and captured her lips.

Yukino didn't resist but rather threw herself into the kiss. They stayed like that for a few minutes till they separated due to lack of breath.

"I think I can," She said while slowly mounting him and sealed his lips with hers.

To be continued...

P.s- Don't trust this idiot, he was too lazy to continue SMH and decided to throw is a half finished script.

Please tell this git not to put in half-assed ideas.