Hi, so here's my second story! I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading it! I'm really loving writing this one so I hope you can all enjoy it too! Please leave your thoughts in the reviews, they make me really happy! I look forward to hearing what you have to say & chapter 2 will likely come some time next week.

- HermionesPolyjuice xoxo

Chapter 1

It was Christmas Eve 19 months after the Battle of Hogwarts. Life had returned back to normal, or what was considered to be normal. Kingsley was Minister for Magic and had led an investigation to find remaining Death Eaters. Every couple of months or so news came out of the capture of another Death Eater. Mr Weasley was still working in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. Percy was now working in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Bill and Fleur had a six month old daughter, Isa, and living happily in Shell Cottage. Charlie had been relocated to a Dragon Reserve in the Midlands, much to Mrs Weasley's delight to finally have her second eldest son back in the same country as her. Fred and George's shop was blooming, helped by their younger brother, Ron, and were to open a new shop in Hogsmeade in the New Year. Harry was playing Quidditch for England and Ginny for the Holyhead Harpies whilst Hermione was coming to the end of her 2-year Healing course at St Mungo's.

The Weasleys, Harry and Hermione were all celebrating Christmas as The Burrow. It had been a cold December so far; snow lightly falling most days and there had been a fresh dusting over night. The lake at The Burrow had frozen over and at this particular time on Christmas Eve, the 7 Weasley children, girlfriends and wives, Harry and Hermione was found ice-skating out on the lake. Fred and George had moved the fire fairies to fly above the ice and so they were skating under a warming glow. It wasn't snowing as of yet, but everyone was wrapped up in Weasley hats, scarves and gloves, their cheeks pink in the chill.

"Hermione, watch out!" Hermione spun around just in time to jump out of the way of Ginny, who was skidding towards her. Unfortunately, her blade caught a stone and she stumbled over backwards, landing hard on her back.

"Sorry, Hermione!" Ginny called as she came to a stop the other side of Hermione. She offered her hand to Hermione, who scoffing took hold of it and heaved herself back up.

"Please, Gin watch where you're going. That's the third time you've made me fall over today," Hermione said disapprovingly.

"Sorryyyy," Ginny said skating over to Neville, who had come to visit for the day. He stuck out his arm to catch his girlfriend before leaning down to give her a kiss. But they didn't part.

"Find a room, please," Fred called over to Neville and Ginny as he reached Hermione. Ginny just gave him the finger.

"You are going to regret that," Fred shouted as he skated fast towards Ginny, pulling her away from Neville and carrying the laughing girl to the edge of the pond. He threw her into the snow and started pelting snowballs at her, a smirk reaching across his face. Hermione joined him in throwing large, soft snowballs at Ginny.

"Oh come on. Stop harming my girlfriend," Neville said appearing next to Hermione and closing his hand around her wrist.

"She's getting what she deserves, Neville," Hermione grinned. Neville couldn't do anything to stop Fred and Hermione and it wasn't long until everyone had joined in and they were having a full-on snowball fight on and off the ice. A particularly hard, well-aimed snowball hit Hermione's squarely in the stomach and she doubled over, winded

"You alright, Hermione?" Fred asked from her side.

"Fine, thank you. Help me get him back?" she said standing up to spot Ron receive a high-five from Harry.

"No need to ask," he said and they looked at each other. Fred reached out and grabbed Hermione's hand in his and skated over to Ron, whom realising what was about to happen turned around and ran off the ice. Hermione and Fred charmed their skates into boots as they followed Ron and jumped off the frozen lake. Without letting go of her hand, Fred pulled Hermione to follow Ron. They chased after him and cornered him by the shed. He turned around, a look of triumph in hitting Hermione so perfectly and worry in what Fred and Hermione were going to do to him. They stopped in front of Ron, catching their breaths. Fred let go of Hermione's hand and looked over at her. He noticed an unmistakeable sparkle in her eyes as they glistened in the setting sun as she decided how best to retaliate. Hermione knelt down and began to make a snowball, slowly so as to tease Ron. To stop him from escaping, Fred walked over to him and pinned his arms behind his back. Hermione straightened up with two snowballs in her hands, one larger than the other. She walked over to the trembling Weasley, with a look of menace in her chocolate brown eyes. She reached him and quietly said in his ear,

"I don't recommend you do that again, Ronald." With a wink to Fred she slammed one of the snowballs into his face and at the same time stuffed the other through the gap between his scarf and jacket, down his back. Ron shrieked with the cold snow trickling down his back and wriggled free from Fred, who had doubled up in laughter. Hermione smirked and went to join Ginny heading back towards the house.

Hermione entered the living room, pulling on a navy jumper emblazoned with a gold H. Fred recognised it as one that his mother would have made her for Christmas one year. Hermione's hair was still damp, hanging in loose curls over her shoulders surrounding her face that Fred noticed was free of makeup. She was wearing grey tracksuit bottoms tucked into pink, fluffy slippers. She had a book under her arm, she had Healer exams in January and she hadn't been seen without a book these past few days she had been at The Burrow. Hermione headed over to the hearthrug and plopped down in front of the roaring fire next to Ginny who was busy brushing Crookshanks. She opened up her book to where a small piece of parchment was sticking up and sighed deeply.

"Alright Hermione?" Harry asked from the chair next to the fire. He was busy examining a complex diagram of moving figures on a large piece of parchment, no doubt the most recent tactic sent from his captain to learn before their next training in January.

"I don't really know, Harry," she replied looking up to stare at his bright green eyes.

"What is it?"

"I'm not really sure this is what I'm meant to be doing," Hermione said thoughtfully, her face forming a pained and confused expression.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked folding the parchment up and placing it on the table next to his chair.

"I mean, is Healing really what I wanted to do? I know I spent most of my time at Hogwarts knowing that's what I wanted. But is it what I want?"

"Hermione, it's fine to have doubts. No one, maybe other than Fred and George oh and maybe Ginny and actually probably Charlie, so basically no one other than the Weasleys," Hermione laughed, "will go through life without doubting what they want to do. You wanted to be a Healer so you're becoming a Healer. If in a few years, weeks or maybe even days, it's not what you want that's fine, it happens to everyone so just move on. No doubt anyone would hire you without a thoughts notice," Harry said giving Hermione a broad smile. He always knew what to say.

"I don't know. I guess I am only a trainee Student at the moment so maybe when I'm doing actual Healing it will get better," Hermione pondered.

"Whatever you do, Hermione, everyone will support your decision – I promise," Harry said grinning down at her.

"I know that. But I just wish I knew. I mean look at you and Ron, you both know exactly what you want to do, you always have and no doubt you always will and Neville for Merlin's sake, even he knows. I guess I just want the same as you two," Hermione sighed looking down at the book in her lap.

"Don't compare yourself with Ron and me, you're so much better than either of us could ever dream to be. You've just got to follow your heart, do what your mind tells you to do."

"That's the problem though Harry. My mind is such a mess, it has been since the battle, and I don't think it will ever sort itself out. I don't know if I'll ever truly know what I want to do."

"Hermione, listen to me. When the opportunity arises you will know exactly what you want. It will come and stare you right in the face, trust me. And it doesn't matter when it will come, look at Bill – he didn't find his true passion until about four years ago so really don't worry yourself."

"Thanks, Harry. I guess you're right. I'll just stick with Healing, maybe it will be right for me," Hermione said, already looking better.

"I know I'm right, I'm always right. I mean I can't be The Boy who Lived twice for no reason now can I?" Harry joked. Hermione let out a laugh before turning back to her book. Harry caught a glance and it almost made him feel sick just looking at it. There were so many complex drawings and diagrams covering just that double page and he knew all the other pages in all the other books looked exactly the same. No wonder Hermione was having second thoughts; Healing was tough. She was always the last to bed and the first up the next morning cramming all of the information from those five books into her brain for her exams. Hermione was working tirelessly; it was if they were back at Hogwarts. Harry watched Hermione read through the pages, muttering to herself and her eyes squinting in the bad lighting.

"Hermione, give it a rest. It's Christmas, enjoy the season and put your book down for once," Ron called from the other end of the living room where he, Bill, Charlie, Fred and George were playing exploding snap.

"I can't Ron, I'll fail the exams if I do," Hermione replied not taking her eyes off her book.

"You won't fail for Merlin's sake. You're Hermione Granger and you don't fail. Just leave it until after Boxing Day and then go back to brooding over your work."

"I'm hardly brooding Ronald," Hermione said quietly so only Harry and Ginny could hear.

"Come on Hermione, as much as I dislike to agree with Ron he does have a point – it is Christmas so you should start enjoying it," Ginny hesitantly added. Harry winced, knowing that Hermione was going to shout at her. But she didn't. In fact she just sat there staring forwards. To Harry's surprise she saw tears swimming in her eyes.

"I…I can't Ginny. I really want to…but I just can't" Hermione said weakly though Harry could sense her trying to be strong.

"You can. It'll be 3 days, that's it and then if you want Harry and I will help you afterwards, won't we Harry?"

"Um…yes of course," Harry stuttered wishing he hadn't been brought into the conversation. Hermione was on the verge of tears and Harry knew exactly why but it seemed Ginny didn't and she was treading on very thin ice if she didn't stop right there.

"That's not it though Ginny," Hermione nearly whispered. She wasn't trying to hold back her tears but rather let them fall down her cheeks.

"If that's not the problem then why are you still working?"

"It gives me something to do and keeps my mind busy," Hermione said almost inaudibly. Ginny looked over at Harry with a confused look, who avoided her gaze by looking over at the large, glittering Christmas tree in the corner.

"I don't get it," Ginny said honestly. "It's Christmas, why wouldn't you be joining in?"

"Ginny, just drop it," Harry almost shouted at her. There was silence as all of the conversations stopped and everyone looked over at the trio by the fireplace. They were shocked to see tears trickled down Hermione's cheeks and Harry standing up glaring at Ginny. Ginny looked shocked, not knowing what was going on with Harry, nor Hermione for that matter.

"She's made her point, it keeps her busy and if you used your brain you would realise why so just leave her to read. She's said she won't touch a Healer book the next two days so just let her read in peace," Harry said his voice full of anger.

"I…oh," Ginny's face suddenly flowed with understanding, "Hermione. I am so so sorry; I was being completely tactless and an utter prick. I am so sorry – I didn't mean anything. I'm sorry." Ginny flung her arms around Hermione's shoulders and Harry could see the odd tear filling her eyes.

"It's OK, Gin," Hermione managed weakly hugging the Weasley back. The rest of the room remained silent only filled with Crookshanks scratching at the door to be let outside. Harry flicked his wand and the ginger cat trotted out of the open door.

"I think we're all in some great need of some hot chocolate," Mrs Weasley finally said, her voice filling the silent room.

"I'll come and help you," Harry said turning around and following Mrs Weasley to the kitchen.

"Is everything alright with Hermione, dear?" Mrs Weasley asked as Harry walked past her to pull out 11 mugs from the cupboard.

"I think so. She just needs to keep busy at the moment; Christmas is a really tough time for her so we just need to keep occupied," Harry said.

"I can't even imagine what she's going through," Mrs Weasley sighed leaning back against the counter. She was also wearing a woollen, purple Weasley jumper with a large silver M on the front. Come to think of it, Harry realised he was the only one in the house not wearing his Weasley jumper. It must be a tradition that he hadn't been aware of and suddenly felt quite bad. He made a mental note to double check with Ron the next morning to find out if he needed to wear one of his eight Weasley's jumpers tomorrow.

"She hasn't brought up her trip to you since that weekend has she?" Mrs Weasley said interrupting Harry's thoughts.

"No, she hasn't. I'm beginning to think it was a spur of the moment and she's not actually going to go," Harry said grabbing a tray and piling the mugs onto it.

"I do hope it wasn't. I know it will be so difficult for her but I do hope she does go, and sooner than later for that matter," Mrs Weasley said as she poured the boiling water into a large jug and crushed chocolate into the milk.

"I know, me too but I don't want to bring it up just in case she gets really upset by it all."

"I know, me neither, dear. We'll just have to let her tell us when she's ready." Mrs Weasley smiled at Harry before bustling out of the kitchen levitating the mug of hot chocolate and a plate of mince pies. Harry followed her with the mugs, whipped cream and marshmallows. He was pleased to see that Hermione had joined in the game of exploding snap and was laughing at some joke Fred had just told her. He placed down the mugs and Mrs Weasley began filling them with steaming hot chocolate, cream and marshmallows.

"You know, I reckon we're missing something," Fred said sharing a wink with George.

"Boys, please don't do anything reckless," Mrs Weasley warned as she sat back down next to Mr Weasley cradling a steaming mug.

"Mother, why do you always assume we're going to do something bad? You know we can be pretty well behaved sometimes," Fred said indignantly. Mrs Weasley just shrugged, choosing not to reply. Fred and George clambered to their feet and headed into the kitchen, muttering under their breaths. Not even a minute later, they reappeared holding a large stereo. George set it down and pressed a button. The rest of the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione sat there in anticipation, sipping at their hot drinks.

"The First Noel, the Angels did say

Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay

In fields where they lay keeping their sheep

On a cold winter's night that was so deep.

Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel

Born is the King of Israel!"

Fred walked over to the sofa Hermione and Ginny were occupying and sat down in between them both. He picked a marshmallow off of Hermione's hot chocolate and popped it into his mouth.

"Oi," Hermione said indignantly.

"It was really, very yummy I have to say," Fred said patting his stomach. Hermione elbowed him in the ribs but had a smile on her face. In return, she simply picked up all of Fred's marshmallows and put them in her mouth, grinning at Fred.

"Muummm, Hermione ate my marshmallows," Fred whined like a three year old.

"Shouldn't have eaten mine then," Hermione whispered in his ears. He grinned.

"I only had one, you had all of them," he said reaching over to take another.

"Oh no Fred Weasley. You've had your share; these are mine. They're in my mug they belong to me," Hermione said lifting her mug away from Fred's outstretched arm.

"But that's not fair."

"Life isn't fair," Hermione said. Harry gulped at those three words dreading what was going to happen but looking over saw that Hermione had a twinkle in her eyes – she was very much focused on the present.

"Whatever. I'll just get some more," Fred said trying to stand up.

"Oh no you won't Frederick Weasley, you all had the same amount, it's just a shame you let Hermione eat your ones," Mrs Weasley said with a slight smile on her face as she leant into Mr Weasley's shoulder.

"But mum, that's not fair."

"Oh stop acting like a child Fred," Hermione teased. Fred glared at her. It appeared she gave in as she put her finger into her drink to fish out a marshmallow. However, when she brought her finger out it was covered in a large dollop of cream and she promptly rubbed it over Fred's cheek. The Weasleys and Harry all laughed at the immaturity of Fred and Hermione. It was clear there was something between them. Something very different from what was between Fred and Katie Bell only a few weeks ago. Harry looked over and caught Ginny's eye whose expression mirrored exactly what he felt. She knew just what was going on with her brother and her best friend. Oh, she knew.

(A/N: hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I really loved writing it! Please do leave reviews of your thoughts & thank you for reading!)