Her mind wandered, thinking of a different scenario of what could have happened that morning, if something could be different, if she didn't fly out to see Bog, if she just stood and did as she was told. Her thoughts drifted to what the morning could have been, what she would have wanted to happen.

"Marianne?" She returned the smile, though she felt tears prick the corner of her eyes.

"I'm fine."

She moved to the closet door, fingers lightly touching the white dress. She smiled at the thought of changing it to what she saw, the way the purple danced against her skin. How she looked more like herself than anything. She turned around to find Dawn with her arms crossed, a concerned look staring her down.


"You wouldn't understand." Dawn grabbed both her shoulders, giving her a slight shake.

"I'm your sister, come on." She bit her bottom lip, meeting her sisters gaze she sighed.

"I've been having this…. Dream or vision. I've awoken twice now, and the day starts over like nothing happened."

"What happens? Do you get married?"

"The first one I didn't. Though it didn't end well….."

"And the other?"

"It ended before I said I will." She watched as Dawn tapped the bottom of her chin.

"You'll need to explain more."


"I want to help Marianne. Yesterday you were excited, like you were in love, and today, there's nothing, it's almost like you're wanting to run."

She bit her thumb nail, she could tell her sister, tell her everything but if she did she wasn't sure how Dawn would handle the idea of her not marrying Roland and falling in love with someone she never met. She watched as her sister placed a hand on her hip, foot tapping impatiently. There would be no way out of this now. She gestured to the bed, when Dawn sat she began from the beginning. How she couldn't find her, that she was missing and without thinking she blindly went after her. When Roland killed their father to gain the throne only for her in turn to kill him. How after everything, Bog was the one to calm her. She explained how in the second one she just needed to make sure Bog and his kingdom were ok, only to be taken by Roland anyways.

They sat in silence for what seemed like ages. The conflict she was having with herself about everything and what it meant. Her sister just sat there, her expression blank, but her eyes darted everywhere.

"So, from what I gather, you've had 2 dreams where marrying Roland is a bad thing?"

"I think? I don't know Dawn. Everything is all… all… jumbled…." She circled her hands around her head.

"Yet both times you went to this, Bog?"

"Look how that ended!"

"Yea yea." Dawn waved her hand to dismiss her. "You still went to him, right?" She brought her brows together, not sure where her sister was taking this.

"Well, yea, but what doe- "Her sister stood suddenly, grabbing her shoulders, her smile wide and mischievous.

"I have an idea. We have what, 6 hours or so until the wedding?" She opened the door to her room, peaking her head around it before disappearing. "I should be back by then, if I'm not, just stall and say you can't do it without me."


The door closed, by the time she opened it her sister was long gone from the halls. She cursed herself, what was she suppose to do for 6 hours? Shaking her head and what her sister could possible do, she started getting ready. Her hair was tousled and messy, sitting at her vanity she began getting ready. She saw the deep purple but decided against it and reached for the soft browns. As she was applying her makeup and doing her hair her thoughts wandered.

She never heard of a fairy having dreams that seemed to come to life, although she wasn't entirely sure that this was real, anything was possible at this point. For all she knew Roland was actually sweet and caring, she laughed at that. She knew better, but what was all this about? She hadn't felt at home in a long while and the way she yearned to be in the Dark Forest just grew the more she thought about marrying Roland. Why Bog? Why was she drawn to someone she had never met? Even more, why was she now suddenly having these dreams about running from the Fairy Kingdom. It had been so long since she felt needed, ever since their mom passed, the council seemed to ignore the fact that the King had 2 daughters. Dawn mostly spent her time at dances, celebrations and flirting with men. She however, attended meetings, gatherings, anything that she would be attending if she were to be Queen, yet every time she voiced her opinion it was immediately dismissed. When her father had announced, she would be marrying Roland, the thought had repulsed her when he told her, every time she begged him to change his mind the more he insisted that it was for the best of the kingdom. That Roland would make a fine King and she his Queen one day. It only angered her and drove her further from her father. Dawn was a little more lenient, though with her thoughts of "falling in love" every day with someone new wasn't a reassuring thought. She wanted to fly out to the Dark Forest, forget everything and everyone. Even if Bog locked her away for the rest of her life it would be better than the force position she was in. She would hate herself if Roland managed to take over the kingdom, more so if it made so many people die by his hands, but how much was she willingly to sacrifice before it came to much?

She looked herself over in the mirror, he hair was now flattened, her bangs pinned behind her ear revealing her entire face. Slipping into her dress she realized that she would do everything to keep her kingdom safe, it made her heart drop at that realization. She would go through anything if it meant the people of her kingdom were safe, that her father and sister would live because she would marry this man. The dress fell around her, it hugged every curve with a small dip down her chest, the sleeves hung just off her shoulders with her long sleeves clinging to her arms. It was a plain, simple dress. Nothing about it said it was her, but then again, it wasn't her that was marrying Roland, it was just a Princess marrying a man to secure her kingdom.

She paced her room for the next couple hours, nervously waiting for her sister when a knock came to the door. She all but ran to it, when it was her father standing there, a giant smile on his face as he looked her over.

"Marianne, you look beautiful!"

"t-thank you." He lightly grabbed her arm, taking her out of the room. "Where are we going?" This time he looked at her confused.

"It's time. Did you really take that long to get ready you lost track of time?" He gave a soft chuckle as he dragged her through the halls.

"What about Dawn? I haven't seen her since this morning, she wouldn't want to miss this." He steps paused for a moment before continuing again.

"I'm sure she is around. Like you said, she wouldn't miss this for anything."

"But I really feel like we sho- "

"She'll be here." He dismissed her as though it was nothing to worry about. She kept trying to stall but he would just keep dismissing her thoughts about her sister not being there for the ceremony. They finally reached the large doors to the throne room. He faced her, placing his hand on her cheek.

"My girl is all grown up."

"Father, I really think we should wai-"

"Roland is very eager to marry, we can't wait for your sister. She'll just have to hear the stories about how beautiful it was." He handed her a small bouquet of white lilies, waving to the guards to open the door. She stood there stunned how he so easily dismissed her all the time. How he didn't see how much she was sacrificing for the kingdom, it wasn't for him anymore, it was for the people. She feared what Roland would do without her by his side, though she doubted he would listen to her, if at all. Her father took her arm in his and began walking her down the long aisle. Each step she took pained her more as her heart began to wither away. Even if she wasn't attached to Bog in someway, she would never be able to love in her own way, she would never be able to rule and her voice would never be heard without Roland's behind her. She swallowed down the tears that threatened to fall, every fiber in her body was telling her to flee, just to run, fly anything to get away. Her wings seemed to hum as they shook behind her. It was noticeable but she knew they would all think it was because she was excited, not that she was trying her best not to flea. They reached the large archway where Roland stood in a white and gold suit, similar to the one in her dream. She handed the bouquet to the nearest woman and took Roland's hands. A shiver ran up her spin as fear started to tangle its way around her. She wished for her sister now more than ever before, if only she could at least stand beside her and give her reassurance. As if on que Dawn burst through the doors before the councilman uttered a word. A giant smile was displayed on Dawn's face, both proud and pure bliss. She watched as her sister marched down the walkway.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm going to have to borrow Marianne." She grabbed her hand, yanking it away from Roland, but he caught her other hand, stopping her on the steps between her sister and this over glorified man. "Roland, I promise to return her in a moment." He hesitantly released her, giving them both a stern look, she glanced at her father who just stood there confused. Before she could say anything, Dawn was dragging her out of the Throne room.

"Dawn, what is going on?" Her sister just continued to drag her through the castle, leading back up to her room, which only confused her more. "Dawn?" They reached her room and Dawn pushed her in, closing the door behind them.

"Look, you don't have much time, I'm going to spin a story about, I, I don't know, haven't thought that far ahead." Dawn ran to the window, waving her arms in an odd manner. "He knows what's going on, he said he could help. I said it was urgent and well." She watched as Dawn stepped to the side and turned to face her once more.

"Dawn, what is going on! You're not making any se- "There was a shadow in the window and there standing in the window, staff in hand, bright blue eyes staring at her and that mischievous grin she's seen to many times. She stared at him as he stepped down from the window, walking towards her. For once her mind was blank, not sure what to say or think. He now stood towering over her, a finger under her chin as his eyes wandered over her, she felt her cheeks go hot.

"Your sister told me quite the tale about you." His voice was deep, thick with an accent she couldn't pinpoint. Her brows came together, not sure where this was going.

"I don't…." Her ears twitched as she heard shouting in the halls. She went to turn her head but he held her chin in place.

"You're out of time! Common Bog, go! I can think of something, though I can't promise you won't have an army on your tail." Dawn's frustrated sigh took him out of his gaze. He gestured towards the window, which only confused her more. Rolling his eyes, he picked her up, his one arm under her knees and the other behind her back with his staff held in both hands. She stilled, her entire body unsure of what it should do. He stepped into the window, turning enough so she could see Dawn smiling. "I'll see you soon sis." With that the door burst open and she saw her father and Roland standing in the doorway stunned. Before anyone could do anything Bog lurched forward, the speed he took off made her gasp, clutching to him making him chuckle. She peered over her shoulder to see Dawn standing arms out stopping anyone from leaving. She could only imagine the story she would think of. She looked up at Bog who wore the biggest smile.

"What's going on?" He looked down at her as though she had just slapped him. "What?"

"I assume by your behaviour this is the first you are hearing of this?" It was her turn to roll her eyes, crossing her arms.

"Considering I told Dawn everything and she takes off only to show up with the King of the Dark Forest causes some alarms to go off."

"Not the fact that the King of the Dark Forest kidnapped you from your wedding, without a fight I might add." She opened her mouth then closed it again earning a soft chuckle from him. She looked up at him, staring at his features, he had a half grin plastered on his face while his eyes stayed in front, scanning the area around them, zoned out, her thoughts running back to how this could be another dream again. How it wouldn't matter what she said or did, what she felt, she would wake once more in that damn room. She felt her anger boil and her sadness deepen. She was stuck and she wasn't sure what to do, even if her sister believed her, by the time she woke in the morning, it would start all over. She felt a tug on her arm, but she paid no attention. That is until her feet were dropped causing her arms to flail and grab around his neck. His smile spread as he laughed at her, his one arm still holding onto her waist as she glared at him, but it only pressed him to laugh even more. They reached the edge of the forest, as he flew her across the border, a sense of calm washed over her as though nothing else seemed to matter. Her arms relaxed against him, her wings seemed to flutter a little at the feeling. Her brows came together, unsure what to make of it all, but maybe being here today would help. His grip loosened around her.

"Would you like to fly the rest of the way?" Before he could let go she was already opening her wings, lightly pushing ahead of him as her wings opened wide. The sun hit them the bright violet seemed to be glowing. She didn't look back to see him watching her take the lead back to his castle. Her long dress snagged on a couple branches, huffing in annoyance she stopped. She glanced at him to see the small knife that was attached at the tip of his staff. She pointed to it earning a raised eyebrow as he did so. Without hesitating she cut her dress, not caring that it was a little shorter than intended. It started at her knees and ended behind her calf, the edges jagged and rough. She flipped the blade in her fingers handing it back to him. Before he could say anything, she took off again, a large smile across her lips as she felt the wind on her face and legs. With nothing snagging at her anymore she flew faster, especially with the weight from her dress not there. The castle came into view and her nerves and mind seemed to calm. Her feet lightly touched the ground to the entrance of castle. The large skull of a forgotten animal served as a bridge, as eerie as it was, she liked it. She was about to enter when she realized it wasn't her place to storm in again. Her wings fell flat against her back as she played with her fingers unsure what to do next. She had just willingly been taken from her wedding, and was about to walk into the King's castle without thinking or asking to. Her brows furrowed once more at the frustration building. She wasn't understanding any of this and it only made it worse that he was going along with everything. Feeling a hand on her back pushing her forward veered her from her thoughts.

"Common Princess." She tensed at the word, but the way he said it just then made it seem genuine not like a contradiction. She let him lead her through the castle, that is until they were going through the throne room. She walked out of his grasp to look up through the skylight. The sun was at it's highest peak, castle a soft glow into the room. It was odd that this was the only spot where the trees didn't take over completely, it was just enough to see the sky. She opened her wings, letting the sun hit them, she could feel the warmth spread through her wings. The way the sun felt now she couldn't feel anywhere else, and she tried, but for some reason this was the only place that it seemed to take hold of her. She closed her eyes breathing in the scent of the forest. Even in his castle she could smell the earth, it was refreshing than the stone, flowery smell she was so accustomed to. She faltered again, peering over her shoulder she saw Bog standing there, leaning against his staff with a giant smile. His bright blue eyes bore into her making her cheeks go red.

"Sorry…" He placed his staff against the wall, placing his hands behind his back as he walked towards her.

"For what? Enjoying yourself?" she gestured around herself.

"It isn't my place to enjoy." This time he looked at her puzzled, raising an eyebrow.

"Why not?"

"Well am I your prisoner am I not?" This time he laughed, clutching his stomach. She watched him confused and baffled at his reaction. "What?"

"You're not my prisoner." He now stood within arms reach of her. "I brought you home." Her wings twitched at those words. He lifted her chin with a finger, his face drawing closer to hers. She could feel his breath on her lips, her eyes starting to close as his lips brushed against hers.

Hearing someone clearing their throat she brought her eyes back to the man standing before her, a scared look on his face as she realized she hadn't answered. Her mind had wandered so far that she knew what she wanted, what she should do yet fear laced through her, everything that good go right, everything could go ten times worse. Slowly she removed her hands from his, taking a small step back. Everything in her screamed not to do this, to just do as she was told, but she had done that for far to long and look where it got her. Her voice came out shaky and a little child like, but she still willed herself to speak.


She could hear the whispers and gasps around the room. She stared at Roland, his face contorting to anger as she took another step back. He stood there, his hands balled into fists, she thought he would lunge at her, but when he remained still she turned to her father. Walking down the steps with her dress trailing behind her.

"I know where Dawn is. I will fetch her at once." She felt his hand gently grasp her shoulder. His eyes were pleading, but she had to remain strong, now of all times.

"Marianne, please, rethink this." Shrugging his hand off her shoulder she allowed her face to almost glare at her father.

"I already have." From the corner of her eyes she saw Roland coming towards them, before he could utter a word she pivoted and threw a punch knocking him to the ground. Looking to her father once more, she pointed to where Roland was now laying on the ground. "Lock him in the dungeon, I will explain it all when I get back, until then he is to remain detained."

"Mar- "She waved her hand in front, cutting him off.

"Father, I ask you do this for me, I will be back with Dawn before the day is done."

With that she walked out of the room, she could feel the eyes on her especially her fathers and Roland's. She kept her head high, her wings slightly out, showing she meant what she said. When she was finally out of the room and the doors closed behind her she released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. She could turn around, walk back in and just tell them it was her nerves, jump into Roland's arms and apologize to everyone. She could act like it was all just something of the moment and that she was sorry for ruining the beautiful wedding. Shaking her head and pushing off the door she marched out of the castle. She couldn't go back, she made up her mind in that room and she had to follow through with it, as much as she wanted to just do as she was told and make her father happy, she knew she would never be happy herself, and she would never have a voice again once her father passed. She launched off the front step, glancing down she realized she was still in her wedding dress, apart of her wanted to go back and change, but decided against it. It was her own design, as revealing as it was, she felt comfortable in it. She stopped on a branch, ripping the bit of train of her dress so it wouldn't tangle when she reached the dark forest. As it ripped it gave the dress more appeal, the edges now fringed, it now ended just above her feet, enough that you could just see her toes. She dropped the rest of the fabric taking off once again.

She was nervous and scared. This wasn't like her. She was always doing as she was told, bending to everyone else's will and doing things for everyone but herself. The closer she flew to the Dark Forest, the more her confidence built. No more orders to follow because she was merely a princess, no more guilt for knowing something else should be done, and no more Roland. This was her, and it was her time to shine, it was her time to rise above everyone else and take charge. She would make her voice be heard.

When she reached the castle, the sun was starting to set, she could've gotten here sooner, but she didn't want her wings completely exhausted again. She knew Bog wouldn't harm her sister, he would be annoyed by her sure, but he wouldn't purposely hurt her, that she knew.

Her feet landed with barley a sound, to large goblins stood in the door way, growling at her sudden appearance. She sent them each a glare with made them pause, glancing between each other. She walked between them, ignoring the looks and concern on their faces. She marched through with her shoulders rolled back and her head high, the closer she got to the Throne room, the more her confidence seemed to rise. It seemed the further she was away from her kingdom, the more she could free herself from the bounds of it. The only thing she regretted was that she didn't bring her sword, she wasn't expecting a fight, but some part of her loved having it on her. Reaching the large doors, she pushed them open. Clasping her hands behind her back she walked into the room, stopping just under the large skylight meeting those blue eyes once more. She could feel his eyes roaming over her, his one eyebrow arching, this time she held her own, it was her turn to be strong, her turn to make him feel what she felt so many times before.

"I have come for my sister." Her voice came out strict and hard, earning a look from him.

"And you came in that? Not very lady like I must say."

"I left my wedding and didn't have time to change." Both of his brows shot up, she only shrugged her shoulders.

"That was your wedding dress?'

"No, the original was very plain and lady like. This was my design." She tilted her head to the side, taking a couple steps forward, the fabric moving in a way to expose her legs. She watched as his eyes darted over her. "You're getting off topic. My sister."

"If I don't release her?" It was her turn to raise an eyebrow.

"I will fight my way through then, though I'm sure you wouldn't want your men dead." The threat to fight was real, though the killing was a little hesitant.

"You would kill?"

"For my sister, I would do anything." She took a couple steps closer, stopping at the bottom of the steps. She was now challenging him, her eyes boring into him. He stood and made his way down to her, stopping a few steps above her, he was trying to leer over her, but she wasn't afraid. Her head tilted to the side and her chin slightly out to him. She could feel her wings twitch at anticipation. His eyes lingered on her for a moment longer before he straightened.

"Leave." She kept her eyes on him, but she could hear the shuffling of people leaving the room. He stepped around her, reaching his staff and a sword off to the side, he tossed it to her which she caught, twisting and testing its stability. It wasn't the best sword, but it had some craftsmanship to it.

"Alright tough girl, lets see how you far in a fight." He lunged at her and she simple twisted out of the way, swinging the sword to her back clashing with his. Twisting once again, she pushed his staff away from her. She held the sword out in front of her, her stance sideways as she looked at him. He didn't seem angry or flustered, he seemed somehow amused. A small grin tugging at the corner of his lips. She pivoted her foot, her wings expanding as they gave her an extra push forward, her sword and his staff clanging together.

"Look at you." His voice was teasing and light. She rolled her eyes at him, pushing off. She went to lunge at him again, but this time she flapped her wings just enough so she could jump over him, the leap caught him off guard and she tapped him on his back, spinning out of the way in time as he swung. Before she could fully get out of his way he grabbed her sword lurching her forward, in a swift motion he tossed her sword out of her hand and pinned her against his chest the staff trapping her. His voice came to her ear, whispering low enough to send shivers down her back. "Shouldn't get to cocky there, tough girl." She smiled to herself, pushing on his staff just enough to let her dip out underneath, sliding backwards between his legs, grabbing one of his legs she yanked, making him fall to the ground. Before he could recover she straddled him, her knees pinning his upper arms, her ankles crossing each other behind his legs. He went to bring up his forearms but she only grabbed his staff pinning it to the ground once more. She smiled triumphantly at him.

"I should say the same to you." She felt him buck under her, opening her wings she flapped sending a push against him, keeping him still. She kept her wings opened and raised an eyebrow at him. He only smiled, he bucked again this time his knee connecting with her back sending her a little further forward, before she could steady herself her knee slipped on one of his arms, taking the advantage he pushed her to the side, causing her to lose her balance. He was knowing above her, tossing his staff to the side he grasped her arms above her head, pinning her there on the ground. She huffed at the sudden change in position, earning a chuckle from him. He lingered above her for a moment, his eyes wandering her body before meeting hers once more. His eyes had darkened, she could feel her cheeks go warm. He then released her, rocking on his feet to stand extended a hand out to her. She took it as he helped her up. There hands stayed together for another second before they dropped.

"I must say, for a princess you fight well." She scrunched her nose at the word. "How long have you trained?"

"Technically, I haven't trained at all. In the dream about a year I think?" She placed a hand on her hip. "Even then we were pretty even."

"You've learned all that from a dream?" He shook his head and began walking to one of the doors off to the side. "You must be a natural."

"A natural?" He chuckled at her. She realised she was just following him, not quite sure where they were going.

"I assume the only ones who know how to fight are your soldiers? Trained, given certain weapons according to their fighting style?"

"Yes, though that's a division fairies make on their own."

"Ah, so none are surprisingly good at what they do?"

"No, my father once was, when he was younger."

"So, you get it from him then. Here, we allow anyone to pick a weapon, some are more skilled than others. We urge them to work on it, eventually they all become masters."

"Is that why you use a staff?" He laughed again, stopping just outside a door.

"No, I use the staff because it gives others a chance, I am much better skilled with a sword." She looked at him puzzled. "We'll test your skills later, see how good you are." He opened the door and instantly she heard her sisters voice.

"I just want to help!" Entering the room, she realized it was the infirmary. Dawn was standing at the end of a bed; a small goblin was laying in the bed. She turned to see Marianne. "Marianne! Tell them I just want to help!" She stood there, shocked, unsure what to do. It didn't seem to faze her sister that nothing happened. She heard Bog laughing beside her, glancing up he smiled down at her.

"When you left, I went to speak to her. After awhile I let her out, she just pranced around asking anyone if they needed help. She was convinced that you would be back. She ended up here." He waved to the room.

"You're ok with this?"

"She's not causing any harm, just a little irritating to the ears with her voice."

He scrunched his face in the direction of Dawn, this time making her laugh. This made Dawn turn and walk up to them.

"You laughed!" Marianne looked at her, unsure what she was trying to mean. "You NEVER laugh." She glanced to Bog, he was smiling triumphantly.

"I've laughed before Dawn."

"Nope." Dawn crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. "Your fake laugh, you never laugh laugh." She rolled her eyes.

"Sure Dawn."

"I'm ser- "The room suddenly shook and the far wall shattered sending splinters of wood and dirt in their direction. She wrapped her arms around Dawn, spinning so she would take most of it. She felt something hit her back, causing her to stagger forward. Pain shot up her back, she clutched tighter to Dawn. They waited for a moment to pass when the room stopped shaking. She slowly loosened her grip on Dawn, looking around them. The room was almost destroyed, the far wall practically gone. In the opening stood Bog, his hands balled into fists. She looked over to the bed to see the small goblin on the ground, curled into a ball. Releasing Dawn, she sprinted to the small figure. She realized then it was a child, the other goblin, she assumed was the doctor, was unconscious. Dawn was by her side in an instant. She picked up the child and passed it to Dawn.

"Get out, now." Dawn turned and bolted out of the room. She turned and picked up the doctor, she could feel the pain getting worse, but she ignored it. Lifting the doctor, she looked to Bog, who stood unmoved. "Bog!" He finally turned to her, his eyes burning with anger. He was in front of her in an instant towering over her. She wasn't afraid, but something told her she would have to choose her words carefully.

"Why is there an army of fairies attacking my castle?" She looked at him confused, she then cursed to herself realizing her father must have ignored her request. He took a step towards her, she only looked up at him.

"I will discuss this after we get this doctor out of here." She watched as his eyes glanced to her arms, stepping to the side he gestured for her to walk ahead. She managed to get out of the door when she felt his arm on her shoulder stopping her.

"Are you not in pain?" She glanced over her shoulder, confused.

"What ever it is, it can wait." The look on his face told her it was more serious than she felt. They walked back to the Throne room where a rather large group of goblins were gathered as well as Dawn and Griselda. She handed the doctor off to one of the larger goblins. She made her way over to Dawn whose eyes were wide. When she saw, Bog join them, she bit her lip, uneasiness and anger rising.

"It has to be Roland. He is the only one who would attack before talking." She saw Bog clench his jaw. "I asked the King to detain him before I left, clearly he didn't." The room shook, causing everyone to stagger. Griselda came from behind them, handing Bog his staff. "You should tell everyone to leave, you have an escape tunnel in the dungeon room, one of the large goblins could dig through making it larger and easier to move through." The pair looked at her, instead of arguing like she was waiting for, he turned to his mother who only nodded and took off. Slowly the goblins began to move, before they could join she saw a flutter of moment in the shadows. Looking up she saw Roland diving towards them, just as he crashed through the skylight she pushed Bog out of the way, grabbing his staff in time to stop Roland's attack. She held him there, her wings attempted to flutter but pain shot up as she did. Pushing against him, he landed on his feet. He had a dangerous look about him, something that made her cringe and take a small step back.

"You're coming back Marianne." Her hands tightened on the staff, readying herself.


"tsk, tsk, tsk. You will come home Marianne. I will drag you if I have to." He lunged at her, she brought the staff up, blocking his attack. She twirled it in her hands as she spun causing him to stumble forward and away from her. What she didn't see was that Dawn was still standing off to the side, before she could say anything Roland had grabbed her, holding his sword to her throat.

"Roland let her go!"

"Can't do that Marianne." He was slowly walking backwards. From the corner of her eye she saw Bog walking towards him with her. Ignoring the pain that was ceasing her body, she threw the staff towards Bog, lurching forward. She grabbed the hand that was holding the sword and her other hand grabbed the blade, loosening it enough for Dawn to duck down and spin away. She saw Bog grab her, pushing her behind him. She kneed Roland in the gut, taking the sword from him. Before she could spin the sword in her hand he lunged at her, his arms wrapping around her causing her to spin, her back against his chest. The room shook again, this time it seemed like the walls were giving out. He eyes connecting to Bog before Roland started flying up towards the skylight once more.


She couldn't seem them any more as Roland dragged her up. They got outside just as she could hear the place collapse beneath them. He was flying towards the main entrance, as they got closer she could see the fairies gathered outside, swords ready and pointed at the goblins who managed to escape. She heads butted Roland and elbowed him in the side. She felt herself drop out of his grasp, she tried desperately to open her wings but they wouldn't obey. Fear laced through her as she realized what was wrong with her wings. The thing that hit her before must have hit her wings, they were either ripped or it hit the base of her wings. Either way she wouldn't be flying now. She watched as Roland dove for her, her back then hit something, the air leaving her lungs at the impact as a staff was in front of her stopping Roland's sword once more. She felt an arm around her waist that was squeezing tight as though she would fall once more.

"Let her go your scaly back cockroach." She could feel Bog laughing behind her, the way his chest vibrated against her back sent shivers through her.

"I do believe the princess said no." The way he said it this time made her smile a bit. It was the first time someone held it with such regard and power. She felt them lunge forward, the amount of force that was thrusted onto Roland made his wings falter, giving Bog enough time to hit him in the leg and gut, sending Roland tumbling down, his wings struggling to slow his fall. Bog's arm tightened a little more before he flew down, she felt her feet touch the ground, his arm slightly loosened but didn't leave her, she leaned into him, thankful that he was there. She watched as the fairy soldiers looked at her with confusion, their swords wavering and looking at each other unsure what to do. She felt Bog's breath on her neck, his lips brushing her ear.

"Do you wish me to stand next to you?" She shivered, nodding her head they walked together, she was off to his side and his arm was still around her. She didn't question why he was standing so close, but she didn't want him to stop.

"Why are you here?" Her voiced boomed over the silence, her people kneeling in front of her. She roamed over them with her eyes, finally meeting one, she waved her hand in a standing motion. The soldier stood, keeping his eyes downcast.

"Sir Roland believed you would be in danger, he told us how the Dark King had kidnapped the young princess Dawn." She looked to her right where Dawn was standing, she was already helping the goblins, ignoring the fact she had almost died.

"My father?"

"He was no where to be seen when Roland came to us. We wanted to help in any way, we truly believed you were and princess were in danger milady."

"I walk out on my wedding and you believed the groom that I was in danger? Please enlighten me as to how that makes sense. I never divulged as to where my sister was, just that I knew. You followed a man blindly who was rejected and you were about to slaughter with no thoughts of your own?" Her voice dripped in anger, making the soldier cringe. She walked out of Bog's arms, instantly missing the contact but she needed her soldiers to see her power. She lifted the soldiers face with her finger, his eyes were wide in fear. "You will go home after helping those in need, you will no longer follow Roland's orders. Is that clear?"

"Yes, your highness." Dropping her finger, she turned in time to see Roland landing in between her and Bog. She walked up to him, stopping the swinging sword with her hand, if he wasn't so disoriented she was sure the sword would have cut her hand clean off. It only deepened the gash that was currently there. She brought her other hand up connecting it to his jaw, when he stumbled back she pulled the sword out of his grasp, flipping it in her hand and swinging her fist at him again, causing him to fall to the ground. She held the sword out to him, inches from his throat, the blood from her hand slowly making its way down the blade. He was about to speak but she drove the sword down, it cut his cheek and dug into the ground next to his head, his eyes widened and his face paled. She leaned down next to him, pulling the collar of his armor so he was lifted off the ground.

"You are no longer welcome in either kingdom. You are here by banned, should you show your face you will be imprisoned. Should you resist arrest, you will be set to treason." She dropped him, she watched as he scrambled up and took off. She made sure he was out of site. Looking over her shoulder she looked at the soldiers who looked at her baffled. "Help those that need it and return to the kingdom." They nodded in unison and moved around them. They helped any that were injured, she waved down one more. "I want you to grab some men and look in the rubble for any survivors." When she was, certain there were no eyes on her she allowed herself to tremble.

"You need to be checked out." She looked up to see Bog glancing behind her. She gave a weak smile.

"Others need to be tended to." He growled at her making her roll her eyes. "If it makes you happy, you can look and see how bad it is." He was spinning her before she finished, she could feel his hands lightly opening her wing, the other grazing across her back. She hissed at the pain as he continued to inspect it.

"You have a small tear near the base as well as a large cut between them. You won't be flying for a couple weeks." He slowly lowered her wing, turning her and grabbing her hand. The gash on her hand was still bleeding, though it was slowly drying. "You need a doctor before this close." She let him look over her, making sure there were no more injuries on her, when he was satisfied he took a step back. "You have a couple marks here and there, but only the two that need immediate attention." He sighed, looking around them. "Though it seems there isn't a place to do so."

"You could bring your people back to the kingdom, until yours is rebuilt." He raised an eyebrow at her, but she only shrugged her shoulder, wincing at the motion. "My father might not understand, but he won't have a choice in this."

"Very well, I will tell my mother to bring the people." A soldier approached them, his eyes downcast.

"Your highness, we have helped all we can though I am afraid many need medical attention."

"Send half to the kingdom, with myself, the rest will stay behind and escort King Bog's people back to the castle." The soldier looked at her question but only nodded his head.

"You would allow your soldiers to escort?"

"They may have followed Roland here, but they did so in good thought. I believe they know who to follow now." She began walking, looking through the large crowd until she saw the bobbing of blonde hair. Reaching her sister, she lightly tapped her. "Dawn, some of us are heading back while the others are to be escorted, will you be coming with me or staying behind." Dawn crossed her arms and tried to glare at her.

"You really got to ask?" She rolled eyes at her, she was adorable when she tried to play angry.

"Fine, but at least keep an eye out for Roland." They said their goodbyes and she began to walk, the sun was all but set, leaving an orange glow in the sky telling her it would only be an hour or so before it was completely night. She watched as her soldiers began flying back, some glanced her way but none stopped, she didn't blame them, they were probably afraid and unsure how to approach after everything. They were loyal to the family, but they never really thought for themselves. She stopped as Bog landed in front of her.

"You do realize it will take hours before you get back?"

"So, they must wait, big deal." She walked by him, before she got far he lifted her into his arms causing her to yelp at the sudden motion. Before she could protest he had already taken off. He kept slightly behind the soldiers, trying to keep out of ear shot.

"You just have to ask tough girl."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She crossed her arms and huffed. She just went through all that, looking like a leader only to be handled by another man. He only chuckled at her.

"Sure, you don't."

They flew in silence for most of the flight. She had all but melted into his arms, her head resting against his chest. She let her mind wander, unsure of what they should do if Roland was to appear again. What she was going to tell her father and how she was going to explain how the King of the Dark Forest was there with his people. She knew she would have to bend the truth a little, but it made her nervous all the same. What peaked her curiosity the most was how Bog was being so nice, almost protective of her. She had knowledge of him from her dream, but for him she was a stranger who came crashing through his door twice, once being weak and the second strong and demanding. Both times he caved into helping her, not really questioning why or what she was doing. She looked up at him, her eyes roaming his features. They were jagged and pointed, what she assumed would be his hair was pulled back, tilting her head it almost looked like a type of crown. His nose and chin were pointed and long, but the way they had suited him, she looked up into his eyes, those blue bright eyes.

"See something you like princess?" She could hear the amusement and teasing in his voice.

"Why are you so nice?" He raised an eyebrow at her, if she would already know the answer, but when she connoted to stare at him he sighed.

"The first time you crashed through my doors, I will admit, I was ready for a fight. Yet when I watched you unfold, something in your physic told me you meant no harm. The way you looked at me spoke volume. When you told me of your dreams it only made more sense."

"But you don't know me. You just excepted the fact I stormed in, twice I might add." He chuckled, his arms tightening around her.

"True, but when you came the second time, looking, well, like that." His eyes roamed over her quickly before looking out ahead again. "The way you held yourself, and practically demanded your sister, and the way you held your own against the fight told me there was more to you. The way you cared for my people before anything. The way you fearlessly went for your sister, not afraid of the consequences. How you stood against your own kin. That has the makings of a Queen." She looked out and saw the castle was just in view. Letting her gaze drop her voice came out weak.

"I'm no Queen…" She felt him tense, his arms tightening around her.

"You should be." She looked up at him and his eyes bore into her, he held truth in those words. She dropped her gaze once more, her fingers played with a small part of her dress. They flew the rest in silence, when they reached the front door her father was standing there, he was red in the face yelling at a soldier until he saw her. Bog placed her on the ground, he fathers instantly wrapping his arms around her. She gave a weak hug back, unsure what her father was going to say.

"Marianne, where is your sister?" He leaned back, holding either side of her, practically shaking her, she winced at the pain. "What, what is it, are you hurt?" He looked over her, and turned her around, she could hear him gasp. "Get the medic ready in her room! Now!" He all but dragged her through the castle, she looked behind her, bog only nodded and stood there talking to the soldiers. She heard her father ranting, about what she wasn't sure. When they finally reached her room, she sat on her bed, her father practically yelling at the doctor as she worked her way around her wings, she bit her lip trying to hold back the yelp of pain. It took an hour for her wings to be properly wrapped and only a couple minutes for her hand. She watched as the doctor packed her things and left, leaving a couple things for her to change the bandages. When it was just her and her father, he knelt in front of her, brushing back a couple stray hairs from her face.

"What happened Marianne?" She let the tears well up.

"You wouldn't listen to me! You pushed me towards Roland, to ignored my advice, you ignored me!" She let the tears fall, sobbing into her hands. Her father wasn't one for comforting so he stayed there, a hand on her knee rubbing in circles. She told him everything, stopping here and there to calm herself. When she was done, she looked up at him, he was hurt, tears in his own eyes, but she knew they wouldn't fall.

"I am sorry Marianne. I will clean up the mess Roland made, I will help restore Bog's kingdom and give any resources we can. I want you to rest for the next couple days and when I hold a council, I would be glad to have you there." He gave her a small pat on her back before leaving her room, she was alone once more. The tears still fell, but they no longer made her tremble.

Her father tried to mean well, she knew that, but he was still seeing her in a light that wasn't what she wanted. He was just trying to give her the false sense of hope, she knew he thought she was acting out in her own way as Dawn did. She kept her eyes on the floor, not willing to look or move. She could attend the council meeting, but she knew that they would pretended to debate about her opinions but as soon as she was gone they would go ahead and make their own choice. It didn't matter what happened and she didn't blame her father, it was how he was and nothing would change that.

"You alright tough girl?" He heard snapped up to see Bog standing in the window, leaning against the frame arms crossed. There was a small smile, but it wasn't reaching his eyes. She gave a weak laugh, her eyes drifting to the floor in front of her once more. She could hear him hopping down from the window and make his way towards her.

"Doesn't matter. It will all go back to the way it was soon enough." She saw him kneel in front of her, she felt a finger lift her chin, but she closed her eyes, the tears still falling.

"Come on tough girl, look at me." She only shook her head. Her voice came out shaky and raspy.

"I can't. I either wake up and this was a dream or it is real and it will all go back to the way it was." She felt herself start to shake slightly. She knew in a few weeks the walls around her would suffocate her once more, her sister would go back to chasing a new man every couple day, her father would try and marry her or Dawn off. The castle would move on as though nothing happened with Roland or the wedding. She didn't want that, she wanted her voice to be heard, she wanted to the kingdom to thrive not remain the way it was, but no matter how many times she shouted, acted or pleaded, nothing was going to happen.

"Tough girl." She shook her head again. "Marianne." His voice was low, almost a growl, making her eyes snap open without her consent. The way his voice called her name sounded as though he was demanding she listen. When she looked his eyes, they were a dark blue, reminding her of a stormy night. She went to speak but his lips were on her before she could. The kiss made her gasp allowing him to use his tongue, it was hard and rough but needy. Her hands came up and grasped onto his armor while his other hand snaked around her waist. He broke this kiss, glaring at her, he looked at her with such intent and longing it sent a shiver down her back. Her brows came together in confusion, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't think of anything. His voice was low, she could hear the small growl as he spoke. "When my castle is restored you will be coming home." She went to speak again, but he kissed her once more, this one seemed to be impatient. When he pulled back he raised an eyebrow. "You've told me you don't feel at home here, that you've dreamed of being in the Dark Forest. We may not know each other very well, but in my kingdom, we do believe in fate. I thought it was a tale for the young and weak, for I once thought someone loved me. Seeing you barge into my kingdom, I knew that I wanted you by my side. I didn't know your name, just that I wanted you there. I knew that the tales were true and it was just the lucky few who grasped it. Watching you stand for your people and your people not fully respect you, it made me angry. You have everything it is to be a Queen." He stood, bringing her with him, one hand stayed on her hip as the other brushed the hair out of her face, his fingers lightly wiping away the tears that seemed to stop.

"My own people don't- "He placed a finger on her lips.

"These are not your people. If they were, they would have listened and followed you long ago. They would have seen through Roland's act; your father would have more faith in you. It took the death of the both for the kingdom to finally see who you are. It took me no time at all to see the potential you wield." She stared at him, it truly shocked her how this man who barley knew her was telling her that she was Queen regardless of the kingdom, that he saw what she was trying so desperately for others to see. He had somehow seen all that in a few brief moments of being together. She brought her hand up to his face, the motion startling him but he didn't move. Her fingers roamed over his face, trying to remember each dimple and sharp edge. There was a deep fear that this wasn't real, that one day she would wake and this would be but a distant memory. She went on her toes, the pit in her stomach growing at the fear she wouldn't be able to do this. She moved her hand behind his head, her lips hovered over his, she brushed against him, she could feel him smiling, the hand on her hip gripping tighter. She connected their lips, keeping it soft. She felt her stomach flutter as she knew this was real, she believed it with every fiber that he wasn't going to fade away once more. That he would stand by her, and she by him. By the time her wings healed he would have his castle once more. She grabbed onto him harder, there lips almost bruising at the urgency. His other hand fell to the other side of her hip, pulling her closer making her back arch so she was leaning into him. Her hand wrapped around his neck, practically molding into him. She let out a soft moan as his nails dug into her earning a small growl from him. When she finally broke the kiss, keeping her lips hovering his, she peered up through her lashes, determination and a knew urge to fight once more. His eyes shone back the adoration and lust as they stared at one another. Before their lips met again she whispered to him;

"The Queen Will Rise."

A.N.: Don't worry, I have one more chapter, possible two before this is over, I do hope you enjoyed this chapter, it might take me a little longer to post the next one as I am bouncing between 2 jobs and only get a day off every 6 days. That goes for all my other stories for those of you following or reading more than this one. I do hope you enjoyed this and apologize for any typos. Please feel free to leave any reviews or questions and I will do my best to respond! Thanks guys!

Also, sorry for any disappointment if this chapter wasn't what you were expecting, took me awhile to think of this chapter, but I fully enjoyed writing this one.