Chapter 1:

Location: Hokage Tower

"So, the mission was a success?" asked the famous Tsunade Senju, crossing her hands.

A young boy around eleven stood at attention before her. "Yes, Hokage-sama, it was a success," stated Shikamaru. "Although, it would have failed had it not been for Naruto's assistance." Troublesome. How am I supposed to help her see he should have been promoted too? He was wearing his chunin vest that had some tears on it and a long gash that ran across its side, the blood already dried.

"Hokage-sama," he continued. "I have a personal request that was overlooked, and it needs to be brought to your attention." He paused to see the Hokage wave her hand, allowing him to continue. "I believe Naruto should have been promoted alongside me, Hokage-sama. He displayed perfect use of the Kage Bunshin Jutsu and the Rasengan. Both are A-rank jutsu, so I'm asking why hasn't he been promoted already?"

Tsunade nodded her head. "Your question is not a bad one, Shikamaru, but I don't believe that to be the case. He's childish and not mature enough to be promoted." Satisfied, she rested her chin on her hands.

Shikamaru snorted. "If I may add…?" He got her approval with a nod. "Hokage-sama, he hasn't been taught correctly because of Kakashi's training. He didn't teach the three of them tree climbing or chakra control until they were in Wave Country, now tell me how is that fair?" His tone was direct enough to imply a statement rather than a question.

"Oh? And how do you know this for sure?" inquired the Hokage. Damn you, Sandaime. You left me a pile of shit to clean.

"Sakura mentioned it," he answered. "I believe with proper training that Naruto could become a chunin in no time." He smirked slightly. I know you have no choice but to see things my way, Hokage-sama.

"So, you have valid points," she added. "But why should I listen to you? From what I saw when the brat was sent to drag me here, he had no respect for anyone." She narrowed her eyes, gauging his response.

"You know perfectly why that is," drawled the Nara. "He's never had a parent figure to teach him such things, which is why I am doing this."

Tsunade scanned over his appearance slowly. "Shikamaru, where did those injuries come from? Not from the mission, I hope?"

"Well, Sakura's been using me as a punching bag lately because of how much I've learned…"

Tsunade pursed her lips into a thin line. "And what would that be, Shikamaru?" Her curiosity was raised to a high degree.

Shikamaru sighed. I really blew that one, how troublesome. "I know who Naruto's parents were," he said. "His father was Minato Namikaze and his mother was Kushina Uzumaki. They died the night he was born."

For a long moment, the room was quiet.

"How did you find out?" Tsunade practically shouted after the pause. Shikamaru thought his ears were going to burst. "No one is supposed to know until he's at least a jonin." Her legendary temper was flaring again, and Shikamaru felt his fear grow.

"Well, his eyes changed during the mission." answered the Nara, making the woman's blood run cold. "I saw them as clear as day. They weren't the standard red-eyes of the Kyubi either. No, Naruto's eyes turned purple with one grey ring around the pupil. That was the Rinnegan, wasn't it, Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade's voice was surprisingly quiet but sinister. "You're not to speak of any of this to anyone." Her voice quickly dropped to a mutter, but the Nara still heard her. "This is not good. If Kenish finds out about this… Oh, Kami have mercy on this village."

Shikamaru blinked. "Who's Kenish?" Obviously, he's bad news. How troublesome. He flinched when the Hokage stood up, sending her chair backward.

"You're now dismissed, Shikamaru. I have some urgent manners to attend to." She performed a quick hand-seal and disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

Shikamaru just stood there, watching the leaves before finally shrugging. Troublesome blondes. But who was that Kenish person and why would she panic like that? He thought walking past the secretary.

Scene Break: Hospital

Tsunade appeared inside the hospital, leaves circling around her form. A few nurses around her jumped back, startled.

"Naruto Uzumaki, where is he?" she demanded. If that brat snuck out of his room, I'll kill him.

"H-He's in room 227," stuttered a brave nurse. "Second floor. His wounds are healing, but I was about to send a messenger to you because it seems his eyes have sustained significant damage."

"Thanks," Tsunade muttered, walking to the stairs and shaking her head. He can't have that dojustu. If he did awaken it, then Kenish would have felt the chakra pulse. She snorted. We were all damn fools to be hiding his clan away from him for this long. Kami save us all should Kenish find out about him. She felt an uneasiness settle in her stomach. Shaking away her thoughts, she opened the door to Naruto's hospital room.

Once she saw him lying on his bed, her eyes softened. "Naruto, how are you feeling?"

The twelve-year-old quickly sat up straight in the bed. He began to pull against the medical tape around his eyes. "I'm fine, Baa-chan," he replied. "But could you get these off me? Everything looks really weird."

Her blood ran cold at hearing those words. "Naruto, what can you see?" Please, let me be wrong.

Naruto's face suddenly focused on her frame. "I can see you but if I focus, I can see a grey outline with a blueish glow in the center." He paused titling his head slightly. "Baa-chan, if my eyes are covered why can I still see?" A big smile covered his face. "Maybe I have an awesome dojustu, huh? One that's better than the teme's. That'd be great because then Sakura-chan will see I'm better and probably go out with me." His foxy grin only seemed to get bigger the more he thought about it.

Taking a few steps forward, Tsunade bit her lower lip anxiously. As she slowly grabbed the tape around his eyes and peeled it back, her eyes widened in horror. "It's the Rinnegan," she gasped.

The boy's once-blue eyes were now purple with grey pupils and a single grey line circling through each of his irises.

"Baa-chan, what's wrong?" he asked, while rubbing his eyes. "My eyes still hurt a bit."

Tsunade tried to keep her voice calm. "Naruto, how long have your eyes felt like this?" No need to panic. I don't think Kenish would have felt that weak of a pulse considering there's only one circle.

Naruto tilted his head to the side. "Since the teme tried to stab a chidori through my chest."

I still can't believe he tried to do that. I thought we were friends.

Shaking her head, Tsunade's hand glowed green to check his vitals. "The Rinnegan becomes active when the user's life is in danger," she explained grimly. "It seems its not fully matured." Her eyes sharpened. "Listen brat, you're to stay here and not take any—"

Suddenly, an Anbu wearing an owl mask dropped onto the ledge of the open window. "Hokage-sama," he stated. "We have a problem at the front gates!"

Tsunade scowled. "Well, what's wrong?" The sheer terror she omitted when she crossed her arms then was enough to make the Anbu flinch.

Scene Break: Twelve hours ago, Wave Country

A lone man ran up a set of stairs and into a small office. Kenish-sama will be pleased or highly upset. His thoughts were grim as he walked into the office where the current leader of the Uzumaki clan sat with his wife.

"Ah, Ko-kun, what can we do for you?" asked Nola Uzumaki, her purple eyes showing amusement. She was wearing a grey skirt that ended right above her knees and a pair of black shinobi sandals. Her long, crimson hair was tied up into a ponytail.

Across from her, sat Kenish Uzumaki: a man in his late thirties, his eyes closed His spiky, red hair was styled much like Madara Uchiha's. He wore a black shirt with the Uzumaki crest displayed proudly on the front of it. He also wore black, Anbu pants complemented with black fingerless gloves. "Yes, what has you worked up so much, old friend?" He asked, keeping his eyes closed.

Ko shifted uneasily. "Kenish-sama, Nola-Sama, I was buying our supplies when I stumbled across a bridge named the Great Naruto Uzumaki Bridge." He stopped, watching the amusement leave Nola's eyes and being swiftly replaced by fury.

"Ko-kun, there isn't anyone from our country left. Even if there was, what village would dare house someone from the Uzumaki clan?"

Ko became even more nervous. "I'm sorry, Nola-sama, but when I asked around, the locals said it was a blond boy from Konoha with blonde hair and blue eyes."

Kenish's eyes snapped open, displaying a pair of fully-matured Rinnegan pupils. "What did you just say?" He stood up from his seat. "Kushina was married to a Namikaze of the same description." His purple eyes narrowed. "Konoha wouldn't have lied to us unless they sealed the Kyubi inside the boy."

Nola's eyes widened at seeing her husband's arm glow. "Kenish-kun, your seal is glowing!" She gasped and both her hands covered her mouth.

Kenish's eyes wandered to his forearm that was beginning to harden. "Ko, summon a battalion of our Anbu. We're going to Konoha." I'll kill the man that lied to me.

"Kenish-kun, it isn't true, is it? Did Kushina-chan place the seal on her child?" She asked. Her eyes were starting to tear up.

"Yes, it's very possible, but I placed a blood seal on her that should have carried over to her offspring. The seal only activates when a blood relative awakens their Rinnegan." Considering I'm the only one who really knows about this, Konoha's going to a have a rude awakening.

Scene Break: Current Time, Outskirts of Konoha

The two figures walked down the dirt road flanked by a battalion of Uzu Anbu.

All of a sudden, Kenish stopped, holding out his hand to tell his troops to follow suit. "You can come out now, I know you're there," he said, his eyes glowing.

A figure landed in the middle of the road. "So, Uzu still stands, I see," said Jiraiya. "What pleasure do we have to welcome our allies this fine day?" A jubilant smile enveloped the Sannin's face.

Nola glared at the Toad Sannin, making him visibly flinch under her gaze. He kept the smile, though. "We're here to speak with the Hokage and her council…" She paused, looking for her husband's approval. When she got it, she continued: "And to collect our grandson."

Jiraiya's smile disappeared. Kami, Kushina's mom is scary when she's pissed. I hope Tsunade got my message in time.

"Out of the way, Jiraiya," ordered Kenish. "You're stalling! You will not keep my grandson away from his family! By all rights, he belongs to us. Not for your nation to use him as a weapon!" He spat.

"What makes you say that?" asked the sage, scowling. "He's grown up to be a splendid shinobi."

"Irrelevant," declared Nola "Now, out of the way or I'll move you myself." A flash of a chakra chain floated behind her then darted towards Jiraiya.

Jiraiya jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding the deadly chakra. Wow, she wasn't joking. He made a sign with his hands and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Glad that pervert left," huffed Nola. "Can't believe he's such a pansy." She pointed toward the direction of the village. "We're almost there, Kenish-kun."

Scene Break: Naruto's Hospital Room

"Alright, bring them to my office immediately," Tsunade ordered the Anbu who was listening intently on the ledge of the window. "Naruto, stay put. And I mean it. No one is to enter this room but me."

Naruto waved his hand dismissively. "Baa-chan, you worry too much. I'll be fine." What's got her so worked up, anyways?

"Good, I'll be back shortly," she said before leaving in a shunshin.

Naruto was now left to his thoughts, although he certainly wasn't alone. Oi fox, do you have any ideas on what's going on?

Oi, not so loud, brat, replied the Kyubi. I didn't know her chakra was spiking.

Scene Break: Hokage's Office

"Where are they now?" Tsunade demanded as she appeared beside her desk. All the Anbu in the room stopped dead in their tracks at hearing the Hokage's voice.

"Uh, yes, well, Hokage-sama, we don't know," answered one Anbu. "Jiraiya-sama hasn't reported back yet."

Tsunade scowled in irritation. "Go and find him then. When they reach the gates, bring them straight here. I can't refuse their claim if Kenish is there." She never thought she would ever admit it, but she was growing quite fond of the blond brat. Saying good-bye to him was going to be rough.

Meanwhile, at the front gates, two bored chunin stood guard. One of them was wearing a bandana for his headwear and the other wore a bandage around his chin. Their bored expressions changed quickly when the saw the small army approaching the gates.

As the Uzumaki Clan neared, the braver of the two guards stepped forward. "Halt, state your name and business," he ordered, trying to keep the fear out of his voice. Kami, don't let me die today.

Nola huffed when she saw the guard. "We are—" She was interrupted by a Konoha Anbu who dropped down from the treetops and landed in between them. Their tone was direct. "Lady Tsunade has ordered that the Uzumaki Clan Heads are to come with me."

Kenish nodded slowly at his wife and turned to his troops. " Very well. Anbu, stand down." His battalion complied and issued a relaxed formation. The fools must be scared of us, disgraceful, Kenish thought with a scowl.

Nola's slender but firm hand reached out and grabbed his own. "Kenish-kun, let's go see the Hokage about our grandson," she said softly, kissing her husband's cheek. "We can't afford to mess this up, Uzu is in ruins and we can use this to our advantage. Maybe we could move the clan here and raise Naruto-chan."

Kenish seemed to think about that for a moment. "You're right. I'll be calm." He nodded again to the Konoha Anbu, and then followed him with his wife. Ko ran after them, having promised to accompany them.

After the Clan Heads had left with the Anbu, the chunin guard looked at the Uzu Anbu. "So, uh, are you guys just going to stand there?" he asked nervously.

One of the Anbu looked at his comrade and stepped forward. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a deck of playing cards. "You guys up for some poker?" he asked with a small smirk. All of the other Anbu copied his smirk. After all, all Uzumaki were born lucky.

Scene Break: Hokage's office

"Tsunade," said Jiraiya appearing in a cloud of smoke with a business-like expression. "They're not happy."

Tsunade flashed him a glare. "Of course they're not!"

Jiraiya flinched. What's with all these women being so pissed? "Well, I'm sure you've come up with something to say to them?" he asked, leaning against the wall.

Tsunade scowled. Damn pervert isn't helpful one bit, she thought crisply. "And what do you think I should tell them?" When she saw she wasn't going to get an answer from him, she continued: "Because I have no idea, Jiraiya. They could just take Naruto away. They have every right to. I can't even use his status as our only jinchuriki." She hesitated and could feel tears begin to trim around her honey-brown eyes.

Jiraiya gaped at the rare sight. "Well, um, now come on, Tsunade. It's not the end of the world.

Suddenly, an Anbu appeared next to them in the office. " Hokage-sama, Jiraiya-sama, excuse my interruption, but they are here." He saw the Hokage wipe her eyes and wondered what had happened to cause her to cry.

Tsunade scowled in irritation. "Well, bring them in!" she ordered, plopping down in her chair. "Now, get out of here Jiraiya!"

"Yes, ma'am." He mock saluted with a cheesy grin and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Tsunade rubbed her eyes and waited for the dreadful meeting to come. The door subsequently opened and three redheads entered. As she saw the standard, hard features of Kenish's face, all she could think of was: Damn, I hate politics.

"Hello, Kenish-sama," she greeted. She nodded to his wife. "And Nola-sama." Her eyebrow rose when she saw Ko, but smiled anyways.

Nola sent her a smile that sent shivers down the Hokage's spine. "Enough of the pleasantries, Tsunade." Certainly, the lady meant it as a demand.

Kenish inhaled deeply. "This… " he pointed toward the third party, "is Ko Uzumaki. "His purple eyes flared brightly. "Now, care to explain why you lied to my clan?" His temper was right on the edge, and Tsunade definitely didn't want to tip him over.

Scene Break: Naruto's Hospital Room

A knock was heard at his door, and Naruto moved his head in the direction of the sound. On Tsunade's orders, he had put the tape back on his eyes. "Come on," he chimed from his bed.

A familiar blonde girl opened the door and looked at him gingerly. "Hello, Naruto. It's Ino. I heard about what happened to you. How are you feeling?"

Naruto was just barely able to hide his surprise because of the tape. "Oh, I'm fine. Just healing for right now, ya know?"

Ino stepped into the room and approached his bed. "Why do you have tape around your eyes?"

"Oh, uh…" The blond rubbed the back of his neck and searched his brain for his best excuse. Women were smart, so he had to be clever. "I just hurt them is all," he said. "They should be fine soon, though."

Ino scanned him skeptically. "Uh-huh. Well, do you mind if I just hang around here with you?"

"Sure, that's fine. Maybe we can play a game."

"Yeah, maybe." Ino kept staring at him, knowing something was up. And she was going to find out what. Although, she had no idea what other factors were coming into play around her.

(All right, thanks yo my beta reader cschman20 this is the reedited verison )