Boku no Hero Academia © Kōhei Horikoshi
Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto
Chapter 1: Yuuei Test
Inhale. Exhale.
That was all Sakura Haruno thought about as she tried to calm herself down. She was nervous. Nervous for what you may ask? She was nervous for the Yuuei Entrance Exam. Sakura couldn't lose this chance to get into her dream highschool, after all her parents were in support of her dreams. Her friends had faith in her, as quirk was helpful with most situations. Naruto and Sasuke were going to a different academy that was just as great but Sakura wanted to try and get into Yuuei. They already got accepted to Ketsubutsu Academy. Sakura thought she would learn how to control her quirk better at Yuuei than anywhere else because the nurse there was the best.
Her head was buzzing as she walked across the threshold and approached the huge building. Sakura stopped when she heard a commotion a few feet behind her. She saw a boy with unruly green hair smiling and making weird noises. He smiled as if the world just gave him the ultimate gift and Sakura covered her mouth a bit. He looked so silly and happy that she could not help but laugh a little.
As she walked forward without turning her head, she bumped into another person. Eyes widening, Sakura quickly faced forward and came face to face with another individual. It was quiet as each was inspecting the other. Sakura found it surprising that she was facing a person that had a bird shaped head. She studied him to see that he had sharp red eyes contrasting his dark feathered head. He was as tall as she was, maybe a little shorter than herself. The character was wearing a school uniform she didn't recognize. Sakura was staring at him until she realized that she had yet to apologize for her behavior. Blushing crimson from embarassment, she awkwardly apologized.
"Oh God, I am so sorry for my behavior! I did not mean to stare or bump into you." Sakura bowed deeply.
The male stared at her a little bit, before he gave a response. "No problem." He then proceeded to walk into the building which made Sakura realize that she was going to be late. She entered and then hit her forehead with her palm. Mutterings could be heard from her as she walked and took her seat, ironically next to said bird man.
Sakura sighed and glanced to the center of the stage; there was no one there and most of the seats were still being filled with other students. She turned her gaze to the seats right next to her and saw that the right of her was still empty. Sakura turned left and smiled awkwardly at the male. He just stared back, probably expecting her to introduce herself.
"Hi, I guess we are assigned seat next to each other. My name is Haruno Sakura." She lifted her hand so he could shake it.
For a moment he did not say anything but lifted his hands as well and shook hers. "Tokoyami Fumikage, pleasure."
Both of them quickly warmed up to the other in the time span they were given. Sakura found out that he was also one of the only students at his school to try out for Yuuei. As they were making small chat, one Pro Hero stepped up to the podium and hushed everyone.
"Welcome one and all to my live show! Everybody say heeeey!" Present Mic yelled into the crowd. Needless to say the crowd was too nervous to say anything, silence engulfed the building.
He continued to grin. "I've got shivers down my spine, too, listeners! All right, examinees I'm gonna give you the low-down on how this'll go down. Are you ready!?" He proceeded to scream 'yeah' as all the students were dead silent.
Sakura, however, heard faint mumblings and turned toward the sound. She saw that the same green haired boy was whispering random things that she could not comprehend. Sakura then turned her head back to Present Mic when he started his speech once more. She looked down at her handout and listen to him speak.
"Now pay close attention, listeners! We'll be testing your mettle by running a ten minute practice run at our replica city-district! You can take whatever you like! Everybody gather at the designated meeting area after the presentation, ya dig? Okay!?" He continued with introducing the exam. "We'll be sprinkling a large number of 'villains' over the battlefield. And they'll appear in three different varieties, with point values scaled according to difficulty! Using each of your individual quirks, dispatch as many 'villains' as you can your goal, listeners, is to rack up a high score! And don't think about directly attacking any other competitors or any of that nasty anti-hero stuff, because that's against the rules, capisce!?"
Once he was done another student stood to ask a question about the test. He wore glasses and seemed very serious to Sakura. She found him familiar in some way. He talked, "Excuse me, may I ask a question!? On the handout, there are clearly four types of villains listed. Such an error would be the height of embarrassment for a top-tier national academy of Yuuei's caliber! The reason we are seated here today is because we seek guidance on the path to becoming model herores!"
He proceeded to turn to the green haired kid and speak out against him. "Moreover what's with you? Can't you sit still for a second… You're distracting! If you think Yuuei is some pleasure jaunt, then leave this place at once!" He glared until the boy apologized to him.
Present Mic interrupted the conversation, "Okay, oookay thanks for the sergue, much appreciated, examinee 7111! The fourth type of villain you'll encounter is worth zero points! Let's call them 'arena traps'! Have any of you ever played 'Super Mario Brothers' before!?" As no one answered, he mumbled to himself that it is rather a retro game. He then proceeded to explain the situation. "You remember those things that'd go thwomp on you!? There's a thing like that in each area! Their 'gimmick' is that they rampage when crowded!"
Realizing his question was answered examinee 7111 bowed and apologized for being rude. Sakura glanced at him then toward the center of the stage.
With the end of the question, Present Mic ended his speech, "Well, that's enough from me! I'll lead you all with a presentation on the 'school precepts' of this academy of mine! As a certain 'hero' by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte once said: "A true hero never stops overcoming the misfortunes in life"!"
"Now let's move to the main event! 'PLUS ULTRA!'"
Sakura followed behind the group she was supposed to be with and sighed. Sakura looked around to see if she saw Tokoyami anywhere. To her surprise, she indeed found him by the gate standing alone. She felt lucky to know someone in her part of the exam, it was truly rare. Sakura smiled widely at him when he glanced her way; she quickly walked up to him in hopes of talking to him before the exam. However, it did not go according to plan as she bumped into another male on the way. He turned to grin at Sakura and she took note that he had spikey red hair. She mumbled her apologizes and quickly made her way to Tokoyami.
Tokoyami nodded to her as she finally came to a stop right next to him. Sakura nervously started rambling about how the test will go and Tokoyami just nodded along. When the mic started to turn on, Sakura turned to Tokoyami.
"Good luck! I hope you pass!" Sakura stated with awkward smile. Tokoyami glanced at the girl before smiling slightly.
"Good luck as well Haruno-san"
A voice came above all the others and yelled start, causing a huge rush of people to run toward the gate. Sakura was pushed toward the gate before she realized what was happening. Her feet started moving as she went deeper into the replica of the city. When she turned a corner she saw a two point 'villain' coming her way. Sakura shifted her weight into martial arts position and readied her arm. Using her quirk she strengthened her muscles just a bit and punched the robot. Sakura's punch was not strong enough to obliterate the villain but it was strong enough to malfunction it.
As she continued to gain points like that she heard a huge screech behind her. Buildings started to crumble as the arena traps started to advance and destroy buildings. Unfortunately the red head she met earlier was trapped under the rubble and some other students. Sakura's eyes widened as the villain was approaching the trapped students.
She glanced around quickly and saw that Tokoyami was still around with his quirk. She made her decision.
"Tokoyami-kun, help me get the rubble off the students!" Sakura yelled in an effort to gain his attention. Tokoyami glanced at her and nodded. He raced forward with her before the arena trap could make it to the students. He used his quirk to lift the rubble off of them and Sakura carried the students out. They kept doing this until all of the students were safe. The last one that was saved was the red head who seemed to be trying to use his quirk but could not turn around to smash the rubble.
As they helped him get out under the rubble, he stumbled into Sakura arms. She look surprised and he laughed weakly, "Sorry about this, I think I twisted my ankle."
Sakura looked up to see the robot coming closer to their location; she bit her lip. "Don't worry about it. Let's just get out of here. Tokoyami-kun are you alright?"
"I am fine, we should get out." The trio made their way to safety until they all heard the countdown reach zero. Sakura sighed and slowly brought the man down so he could sit. She kneeled in front of him to check his injury.
He grinned weakly, "Hey, thanks for saving me back there."
"No problem. Can I take a look at your ankle?" Sakura questioned as she stared into his eyes. Unabashed he lifted his pant leg up for Sakura to see. Tokoyami leaned in to inspect it as well.
"Is it alright if I touch it?" She looked up for a response and seeing that he nodded, she gently handled the ankle.
The red head hissed quietly when Sakura turned it the wrong way and she apologized quickly. Sakura inhaled then exhaled till her quirk started to show. The glowing of her hand caused others to see what the commotion was about. Sakura started to heal the red head's wound until there was no trace of it. She let go and stood up so that he could test out his ankle.
When he stood he grinned at her and gave her a bone crushing hug. "Thank you stranger! I'm glad you are here to help me out! The name's Kirishima Eijirou."
Sakura turned pink from the loss of oxygen in her lungs but smiled and nodded. When he released her, she studied him for a bit. Noting the little details, she started talking "My name is Haruno Sakura. It is a pleasure to meet you!"
Tokoyami sighed at how loud it was getting and glanced at the rest of the students. Recovery Girl had yet to come and heal those in need so he chose to point that out to Sakura. She nodded and continued to move around through the crowds to heal any student who was hurt.
When Sakura finished, she was found by Tokoyami and Kirishima. She waved at them, "Hey guys I'm d-" but didn't finish her sentence. She stumbled into the arms of the males with a flushed face.
"Are you alright Haruno-san?"
Sakura nodded slightly. Kirishima looked worriedly at her. "Are you sure Haruno-chan?"
Tokoyami held his hand to her forehead and his eyes slightly widened. "You are really hot Haruno, is this an after effect of your quirk?"
Sakura looked up slightly into the eyes of both the males and smiled weakly. "Yeah…" Her vision became a bit blotchy; the darkness slowly invaded her eyes as exhaustion took over. She felt herself being carried by someone. Sakura tried to convey her thoughts before she passed out.
When she awoke, she saw that she was at her house again. Sakura grunted a bit before she sat up to see her surroundings. She glanced at the note next to her before rubbing her eyes. That test took a huge toll on her and a migraine started to form. Sakura quickly grabbed the note and read it over.
Hello Haurno-chan,
This is Kirishima. Tokoyami had to leave because he had to do something important after the exam. I just wanted to write you a note telling you what happened. So Recovery Girl came and said that she wouldn't be able to heal you because you were exhausted. I took it upon myself to repay the debt I was in (because being in debt is not manly) and take you home. The school told me where you lived and that's basically the end. Hopefully you recover fast! I hope we're future classmates! :)
The note ended there and Sakura smiled. Both of the males reminded her of her best friends and she sighed. Sakura got up and began her day. A week later her score was mailed to her, deciding her fate.
Sakura nervously rubbed her hands together before looking at her two friends. The letter from Yuuei was in front of her and she felt awful. Sweat started to build up around her face and hands. Naruto and Sasuke sat in front of her, giving their support for the pink haired girl.
"Don't worry about it Sakura-chan! I know you'll probably get in!" Naruto exclaimed enthusiastically as he grinned at the female. Sasuke nodded as well, humming in agreement. Sakura weakly smiled at the two.
She weakly grabbed the letter and slowly opened it. A small projector was removed from the envelope; Sakura placed it on the table and crossed her fingers.
The projection started to turn on and all that could be seen was the Pro Hero: Present Mic. He started to speak to Sakura, "Heey! I am here to tell you some news examinee! Listen up Haruno Sakura!"
Sakura nervously closed her eyes and prayed with all her might. "You have been accepted into Yuuei. Recovery Girl gives thanks by the way for helping all the other students, but she says to be careful next time you use that quirk of yours. Any who, congragulations!"
Sakura's eyes widened at the exclaimation. Tears started to form at the corners of her eyes and she turned toward Naruto and Sasuke. They both grinned at her; Naruto giving her thumbs up and Sasuke smirking at her. Sakura choked.
I just really like this anime so I decided to give a fanfic a whirl.
Midnight Hibiscus