Tick, tock, tick, tock
Ryan eyed up his opponent with interest, fingers stroking his chin gently, covering the smirk that was threatening to form. He'd no idea when he became like this. Years of social services, bullies, emotions and fear. Fear.
Fear of people. Fear of the world. Fear of knowing what he had done.
Except he hadn't. He'd been tricked. Conditioned by his alki of a mother.
"No one loves you, Ryan. You're a psycho, a murderer"
"Mam please..."
"I didn't; it was you!"
"Keep telling yourself that. If it makes you feel better.."
Ryan started as he remembered his mother's manic laugh that followed. The accusatory look on her face. He was so relieved when they got put in care. He didn't have to see that bitch ever again. And he had Chloe. His baby sister. His world but also his destruction.
What sane person could live with knowing they had tried to kill someone.
But he saw it so clearly, so brutally... such was his torture. He saw it like a dream. That's all it was- a dream. But a dream so vivid, that he became that murderer. His mother's son. Manipulative, analytical and merciless.
Ryan snapped back to reality, his gaze lowered but knowing that the person opposite him was staring back.
Then he heard it, a sigh. Just a casual sigh. But Ryan wouldn't let it go. The sigh alerted all his senses, his mouth went dry, his chest stirred uncomfortably.
Was that a sigh of pity? Did he give himself away when he was daydreaming about his mother? Or was she going to give up? Either way, he wanted to hear that sigh again somewhere under the cov...
A yawn.
She was just tired. Obvs.
Tick, tock, tick, tock
Did she move a piece? How did he not realise?
He recalled the positions of the board before. The Queen had moved forward.
He let the smirk absorb his features. How amusing it was, the girl was completely...stupid. Oh.
Oh. Oh no. She was good. Really good.
His smirk froze but it was replaced with a better one when he Checked her again.
Playing hard to get? Oh please.
Consumed in his joy, he let his guard down for a split second. Their eyes met and left. His mouth dried up without warning. That's how hot she was.
Her eyes. Darkest of the brown. Intense and unwavering. He'd wanted to stare down into them, find out all her thoughts, her secrets..
He licked his lips and stared at her openly. She was just a girl. Pretty, but a normal girl. He watched entranced as her long tan fingers floated the Queen behind a Rook. Perfectly manicured.
Perfectly executed. Yet he didn't see it coming. How?
Cat got your tongue? She smirked, her lips pointing up, her eyes lit up with knowledge.
Ryan just stopped himself from drooling.
Right. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
"Check" he stressed the 'ck', smashing the Rook out of the way. His anger subsided when he saw her grin grow wider as her eyes fluttered back to the board.
No. Wait. He'd used his King. Shit. Shit.
He pressed the timer, cringing internally. This was not cool. He'd never lost a game in 5 years. Why now?
He waited for the final blow. And waited. His eyes met the girl's. There were tears in them. Weakling. Why was she crying?
They disappeared almost as quickly. And her hand picked up her Queen. And moved it away.
Ryan's breath catched. Was it kindness? Did she have another plan? Who would be stupid enough to want to continue the game? He wasn't the only one to think this. He heard the audience gasp silently, saw their eyes widening.
The girl seemed to relax in the weird impression she just left, leaning back in her chair, hair resting above her shoulders. Her eyes drifted to Ryan's at his confused reaction. Then he understood.
She didn't want the game to stop. Well neither did he but all good things must come to an end...
"Check" he emphasised.
She raised her brow. And out from nowhere, her dainty fingers picked up the Queen to pit against the King. His King. Was now cornered from all sides by chaste white.
There was something about the way she said that. That silky response, the way her smooth fingers rested on her Queen. She'd made her move.
He didn't move back.
Ryan grinned. Their devious glinting eyes locked.
Because she had just submitted. And he had finally accepted.