Disclaimer: I own nothing of CSI
Stood Up
"Ma'am, would you like some wine while you wait?"
Jackie glanced up and the nice young waiter.
"No thank you, I'll wait until my husband gets here." Jackie answered with a smile.
She sat in a semi fancy restaurant waiting for Nick to get there, they hadn't been out together alone for a while with things being semi hectic since Nora's birth and so she had been looking forward to this night, almost as much as the kids were looking forward to getting to spend a couple hours with Jackie's parents.
Jackie had taken the extra time to curl her hair and put on the blue dress that Nick liked on her, she would look better in it if she had lost all of her baby weight and not just some of it but she'd have to be patient with that. She wore heeled shoes, not that the heels were very high but they were heels none the less and so far she hadn't broken her neck and she was impressed with herself because of that fact.
She glanced at her watch, Nick was fifteen minutes late.
She finally gave in and ordered a diet soda.
Fifteen more minutes passed and still Nick hadn't shown up. She was getting worried.
She dialed his cell phone, she'd talked to him earlier and they had decided to meet at the restaurant because he needed to put some more hours in at the lab because of his case.
When she dialed his number it went straight to voicemail, she started to panic.
She then dialed Sara's number, she answered on the first ring.
"Sidle." She said into the phone.
"Hi Sara, it's Jackie, do you know where Nick is? I can't reach him on his cell phone."
"He's working a high profile case out in the desert with Greg and Russell, he probably doesn't have cell service out there. I'm on a different case with Catherine tonight but the lab is swamped, I think people are getting more insane because it is getting nicer out."
"Oh ok, thanks Sara." Jackie said before ending the call, she relaxed a bit, at least he was safe.
When Nick was a full hour late, she tried his number again but again got his voicemail.
"I've been stood up by my own husband, this is wonderful." Jackie mumbled to herself.
She gave Nick another half hour and when he still didn't show up she decided she'd had enough.
"Do you need change ma'am?" The waiter asked as she laid a $20 bill on the table.
"No. Have a good night." She said softly.
She figured that the big tip was warranted since she'd been there nearly two hours and hadn't ordered anything but a soda, she felt bad for the waiter, he could have served someone else that ordered a large meal instead of wasting the table space on her.
She got into her van and started it, as she put it in drive so she could go pick up the kids a tear slid down her cheek.