The very next day, Jimmy, Sheen, Cindy, Libby and Brittany went back to Carl's house to see what happened. They got inside and saw that Carl was still asleep.

"Carl, Carl, Carl" Jimmy said as he shook Carl.

Carl was still sleeping "Yes...I would love thirds...thank you"

"Allow me, Jimmy" Sheen cleared his throat "CARL! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"

"AAAAHHHH!" Carl screamed as he woke up and fell right off his bed.

"Rise and shine, Sleepenstein" Brittany said in a singsong voice.

"Carl, what happened?" asked Jimmy.

"Did you see the Tooth Fairy? Did you kiss her forehead? Did you touch her wings?" asked Brittany.

"I don't know" said Carl "I just got sleepy and decided to rest my eyes for a while"

"Come on, let's check under your pillow" said Cindy.

Carl reached under his pillow and saw a shiny quarter "Guys look! A shiny quarter! That proves the Tooth Fairy was here!"

"Come on Carl" Jimmy folded his arms "That could've just been a quarter from underneath the mattress"

"How would you know, Nerdtron?" Cindy poked Jimmy in the stomach "You weren't here"

"Then I will be here and y'all are going to be here with me" Jimmy proclaimed "Come on, lets go get another tooth"

That night, Sheen put another one of his grandmother's fallen teeth under Carl's pillow. While Carl stayed inside, the others camped out in Carl's backyard to make sure Carl wasn't sleeping. Eventually, it got late and everyone fell asleep.

Libby was listening to some music on her phone. When she was about to change to another song, she saw a ladder leading into Carl's window and went to investigate. She climbed the window and saw two strange figures near Carl's figure. She turned on the flashlight function on her phone and saw that the figures were none other than...

"Sheen? Brittany?" she gasped "It was you?!"

"Shhh" Sheen and Brittany whispered "Carl's sleeping"

"Oh, sorry" Libby whispered "Guys, what are you doing?"

"Now hold Libby, I can explain" Sheen said nervously "I just didn't want Carl to be crushed"

"Yeah, and I didn't see the Tooth Fairy either" Brittany added "We had to fake it"

"Libby listen, you've gotta tell the others you saw the Tooth Fairy" Sheen begged "Carl's gonna be emotionally scarred for the rest of his life"

"And Cindy's gonna make fun of me for the rest of my life" Brittany added.

"You mean you want me to lie?" asked Libby "You know I can't lie"

"Silly Libby, don't think of it as lying" said Brittany "Think of it as something else like...saying the complete opposite of the truth"

"You wouldn't hold out on us, would you?" asked Sheen.

"Guys, I don't know..." said Libby "I..."

Just then, Carl started looking like he was about to open his eyes.

"Uh oh, the big lug is waking up, we'd better hightail it outta here" said Sheen.

Sheen grabbed Libby's arm and they jumped right out of the window with Brittany in tow. Unfortunately, the landing wasn't exactly great. This caused Jimmy and Cindy to wake up.

"Huh? What's going on?" Cindy asked as she woke up.

"Guys?" Jimmy asked as he picked himself up and saw Sheen, Brittany and Libby piled on top of each other "What are you doing?"

"Dog pile?" Brittany grinned.

Just then, Carl came out from the back door with some news.

"Guys! Guys!" he said "The Tooth Fairy came back!"

"Of course, the Tooth Fairy came back" Sheen fibbed "I was there when she came"

" was I!" Brittany nervously chuckled "And so was Libby! She saw the Tooth Fairy as well"

Jimmy and Cindy both looked skeptical about Sheen and Brittany's claim, so they turned to Libby.

"Libby, did you see the Tooth Fairy?" asked Jimmy.

Jimmy and Cindy kept glaring at Libby, who was biting her lip and looking nervous.

"Um...I...I...yes I..." Libby then quickly covered Jimmy, Carl and Cindy's ears together before she finished "...did not"

She then quickly took her hands off Jimmy, Carl and Cindy's ears "See the Tooth Fairy!"

Jimmy and Cindy looked at each, looking pretty skeptical.

"I'm kinda skeptical about that" said Jimmy.

"For once, Jimmy, I actually agree with you" Cindy remarked.

Jimmy and Cindy shuddered in shock and being creeped out.

"Okay, one more time" said Jimmy "Tomorrow night, we all see the Tooth Fairy!"

The very next night, the kids all camped outside in Carl's backyard to wait for the Tooth Fairy. This time, they all slept outside, so they could get a glimpse. Sheen then woke up and crept out of his sleeping bag to put another coin underneath Carl's pillow, when all of a sudden, Brittany stopped him.

"Sheen wait" she said "Just because you snuck a coin underneath Carl's pillow doesn't mean that the Tooth Fairy isn't real. Maybe she'll come tonight"

"But I can't, Brittany" said Sheen "I have to prove to Jimmy that he's wrong!"

"No Sheen!" Brittany said as she tried to hold Sheen back "I'm not gonna let you!"

"Brittany, please!" Sheen pleaded "I-Hey look! Is that Shawn Desman?"

Brittany quickly turned around "Oh, where?"

Sheen then quickly ran to Carl's sleeping bag and was about to put the dollar underneath when all of a sudden, something snapped and trapped his hand.

"YEEEOOOWWW!" he screamed in pain, waking everybody up.

Jimmy then came from behind a tree, holding a remote "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Tooth Fairy?"

"Are my eyes green" Cindy remarked.

"I knew I'd find a use for that Neutron Mousetrap someday" Jimmy stated.

"Sheen, it was you?" Carl gasped.

"Look Carl, let me explain" said Sheen "I didn't want to hurt your feelings and you see...I...well..."

"What he's trying to say Carl is that there is no Tooth Fairy!" Jimmy said as he folded his arms "End of story! I'm sorry to crush your dreams Carl, but as your best friend, I'm going to tell you that you're just gonna have to let it go!"

Sheen then turned to Carl "Carl, I'm sorry. I just didn't want to hurt your feelings. I hope you can forgive me"

"And I'm sorry I went along with it" Brittany added as her pigtails drooped.

"And I'm sorry for making you lie, Libby" Sheen turned to Libby.

"No guys, it was my choice and I should have been honest in the first place" Libby sadly said "I'm sorry guys"

"That's okay guys, maybe the Tooth Fairy isn't real after all" Carl sighed, finally accepting the truth.

"But you know, I have read that the legendary Bigfoot has been spotted in the woods outside of town" said Sheen.

"Bigfoot?" Carl's eyes widened.

"Oh my God!" Brittany gasped "Bigfoot is such a cutie"

"Oh, forget it" said Cindy "I'm outta here!"

"Me too" Libby added as she followed her best friend.

"For once Cindy, I actually agree with you" said Jimmy.

"But guys..." Carl, Sheen and Brittany said as they tried to follow their friends.

While the kids were arguing, some sort of tiny flying woman was watching them. It was none other than the Tooth Fairy.

"I don't know what they're talking about" she said to herself "There's no such thing as Bigfoot"


Author's Note:

And so, we come to the end of our story! Stay tuned for another one coming real soon!