Author's Note:

Looks like it's time for another episode of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius! And well, you know the drill folks.

Into the stars, fueled by candy bars, rides a kid with a knack for inventions!

With a superpowered mind, a mechanical canine, he rescues the day from sure destruction!

He's gotta save the world and get to school on time. So many things to do and not much...time!

So off the ground, up in the air! Out into the atmosphere! Who can we count on?

Jimmy Neutron!

Our story opens up in Jimmy Neutron's backyard, where we see him on his workbench doing another one of his wacky inventions with Carl and Sheen right by his side.

"So Jimmy, what are you making?" asked Sheen.

"It's a special telescope" Jimmy replied "It can zoom up to 80,000 miles into space. I've been working on it for over a month, but haven't exactly perfected the high resolution feature"

"Wanna go inside and watch TV?" Sheen asked, bored.

"Yeah Jimmy, this is fun watching you work on another of your weird and useless inventions, but I think I'd rather be covered in bees...and I'm allergic" Carl said as he breathed through his inhaler.

"Fine, there's a documentary on the brain in fifteen minutes, lets watch that" said Jimmy.

"No offense Jimmy, but I'd rather watch Ultra Lord" Sheen remarked.

"Yeah I'm pretty down with anything that doesn't hurt my brain" Carl added "It hurts worse than my last trip to the dentist"

"Wow, what happened?" asked Sheen.

"He said I had a root canal in my last baby tooth, so he yanked it out and told me to put it under my pillow for the Tooth Fairy" Carl replied.

"The what?" asked Jimmy.

"The Tooth Fairy, Jim" said Carl "She comes at night collecting all the lost teeth for children of the world and takes them to Tooth Island for retired teeth. Then, she leaves money underneath your pillow when she takes the tooth"

"Yeah Jimmy, where have you been these past several years?" Sheen added.

"Guys, that's ridiculous" said Jimmy "Why would a fairy wanna trade money for teeth? And who ever heard of something as ridiculous as an island for teeth? It's not like they're alive. This is nothing but a complete load of fluorine marble chunks!"

"Wh-what are you trying to say, Jimmy?" asked Carl.

"There is no Tooth Fairy" Jimmy said bluntly "She's a myth just like cat and dogs attached to each other"

"But Jimmy, the Tooth Fairy is real! Real as the glasses on my face" Carl argued back.

"Yeah Jimmy, don't be such a spoiled sport" Sheen added "My grandma knows someone, who saw someone, who saw someone, who saw somebody, who saw the Tooth Fairy trying on bowling shoes"

"Fairies don't bowl" Jimmy retorted.

"If fairies don't exist, how do you know they can't bowl?" Carl raised an eyebrow.

"The point is that there's no way the Tooth Fairy can exist" said Jimmy.

Just then, Cindy, Libby and Brittany came walking by.

"What're you guys doing?" asked Cindy.

"None of your beeswax, Cindy" Jimmy bitterly said to her.

"Geez, you don't have to be so rude about it, Neutron" Cindy folded her arms.

"What are you guys talking about anyways?" asked Libby.

"Cindy, you believe in the Tooth Fairy, right?" asked Carl.

"Tooth Fairy? That's a load of baloney" Cindy put a hand on her hip.

"Yeah, I haven't believed in that since I was seven" Libby agreed "Only a ditz would believe in that stuff!"

"Oh I do! I do! I do!" Brittany raised her hand "I believe in the Tooth Fairy"

"See Jimmy? Brittany agrees with us!" Carl remarked.

"I can't believe how gullible you three are" Jimmy folded his arms "The Tooth Fairy isn't real!"

"Yes she is" Carl, Sheen and Brittany retorted.

"No she's not" Jimmy, Cindy and Libby retorted back.

"Yes she is" said Carl, Sheen and Brittany.

"Well there's only one scientific way to settle this!" Jimmy proclaimed "We shall see the Tooth Fairy for ourselves"

"Wow Jimmy, for once you actually have a good idea" Cindy snarked.

"Thanks for your support, Vortex" Jimmy said sarcastically "Anyways, we'll put a tooth under a pillow tonight and then we'll see if the Tooth Fairy is real"

"But how are we gonna do that?" asked Libby "We've all lost our baby teeth at this point"

"No worries guys" said Sheen "My grandma has a jar of her teeth before they fell out back at my house"

"And why does she have them?" Jimmy raised an eyebrow.

"You don't wanna know" said Sheen "Now let's go get some proof of the Tooth Fairy"

Later that night, the others went to Carl's house and put Sheen's grandmother's tooth underneath his pillow.

"Okay Carl, now are you sure you can stay up all night?" asked Jimmy.

"Sure Jim, I've always wanted to see the Tooth Fairy in person" Carl replied.

"Good" said Libby "Remember Carl, call us the minute you see something"

"Got it!" Carl gave a thumbs up.

"We'll be next door at my house" said Jimmy "Remember, I'll be on my watch"

"And we'll be on our phones, too" Libby added.

Jimmy and the others left Carl's house and went to Jimmy's house, which is conveniently next door. Sheen and Brittany looked at each other and winked at each other.

Author's Note:

I know it may not be the best or most thrilling episode, but the series will get better overtime. That's because the other villains won't appear until later. One of which will introduce another villain and some story arcs will begin at the end of the season, which won't be for a while. But on this season, we will get better, don't worry.