1x06 The Shepherd
I set my makeup brush down and assessed my appearance in my mirror. My mild dark circles and the pimple on my chin were concealed, my cheeks were a pleasantly rosy hue, my brows combed and filled, and my eyes were defined by a dark eyeshadow and lashes lengthened with mascara.
I didn't normally wear makeup more than maybe a little bit of concealer and mascara, but tonight was a special occasion. I was invited to David Nolan's "Welcome Home" party. I used to be their dog sitter. I don't really remember it unless I think really hard on it. But I don't get invited to many social outings, so even if I barely know them, I want to go.
I slip on some sensible Mary-Janes and leave the house to begin my walk to the Nolan residence. The weather was just too lovely to not walk.
I arrived perfectly on time. Not early, not late. Unfortunately, no one seemed to want to talk to me. Everyone associates me with my uncle. David Nolan seemed to take pity on me though, and handed me a cup full of the rum-punch with a wink.
"As far as I know, you're 21," he said. I smiled politely and stole away to chair in the corner. I didn't want to be rude and leave too early, so here I'll sit until the appropriate time arises.
A few cups of rum-punch later, my head feels heavy and my belly feels warm. I both feel like I'm lighter than air and like I'm heavy as lead. Everyone was moving so fast, everyone but the boy in the corner.
He was cute. Tall and lean, with an impish smile and a crown of white lilacs and crocus flowers woven through his chestnut curls. Those are flowers of youth. He looked quite out of place though, wearing odd green clothes. I lumbered out of the chair and try to stumble over to him, but like a light flickering out, he was gone.
That, of course, gave me pause. Looking into my empty cup, I decided I should go home.
Mrs. Nolan offered to drive me, but I didn't want her to go out of her way, I would be fine walking.
On my walk, I saw the oddest thing. David Nolan was at Mary Margret's. I wonder what he was doing there that late.
"Would you do it?" David asked Lilian, in regards to the deal that Rummie had offered him.
"Sell my happiness to a selfish man to save a farm? No, I wouldn't. But we're different people, David, with different priorities. This is a decision you must make on your own."
David, of course, took the deal. Lilian was never worried. Rummie foresaw it, after all.
Disclaimer: I do not own OUAT or any affliated characters.
So sorry for the wait! Hopefully I'll have the next chapter out in a much more timely manner