Trouble seemed to find Steve somehow. Steve was walking back from the local food store, asking himself for what seemed like the millionth time why he didn't just do his shopping online. It would be so much easier for him since he would never have to leave the house since he has no friend and if ill 360 days out of the year, also only idiots walk around the streets of Brooklyn with any confidence.
Walking back from the shop, Steve heard shouting coming from the alleyway next to the shop. Like any sane person, Steve decided to ignore it and carry on walking home. Then his stupid conscience told him to go down to see what the hell all the shouting was about and to see if anyone was in trouble. Like an idiot, Steve followed his conscience. What sane person would walk down an alleyway at 5pm in one of the roughest areas of Brooklyn? Steve had always had a death wish even from when he was a child, he would always get into fights or someone illness would come along and try and kill him, somehow, he was still alive which was a miracle. Why not test this miracle of life by walking down a dark alleyway probably going to get stabbed, at least it'd leave a cool looking scar.
The shouting had stopped when Steve started walking down the alleyway but that didn't make him any less nervous. He carried on walking just to make sure that no one needed his help, he really did have a death wish though. Turning left in the alleyway started leading him to an exit closer to his apartment so taking the alleyways wasn't all bad.
Steve was thinking about what he was going to make for tea when he heard a groan coming from his left, which was another passage way. Lucky whoever is groaning was to the left since if it had been from the right Steve probably wouldn't have heard him. Since Steve is deaf in his right ear and had broken his hearing aid a few weeks back in a fight, he didn't have the money to buy a new one. There was another groan so Steve looked to his left to see a man sitting on the floor, back to the alleyway floor and holding his stomach.
Walking up to the man he didn't seem to notice so Steve crouched down and said.
"Hi, are you okay?" Which was a stupid question since the guy didn't look like he was in a good way. The guy's head lifted, a pair of grey eyes looked into Steve's own blues eyes and glared. Steve stood up to put some distance between him and the stranger and started thinking maybe he should just call the ambulance and run but he couldn't leave an injured man all on his own. As the man carried on glaring at Steve, Steve got a good look at him. His hair was shoulder length, wavy and dark brown and it kept falling in front of his eyes giving the guy an intimidating look. Steve pushed down his fear and asked again.
"Are you okay?" With this question, it seemed like the man's glare got even more intimidating which Steve was sure couldn't happen but he did answer in a rough Brooklyn/Russian accent.
"Do I look okay to you?" Starting to feel frustrated Steve rubbed the back of his head to keep from telling the guy to shove it and walking home, he was only trying to help the guy. Steve was debating whether to leave the guy on the ground but he then saw blood leaking through the fingers of the hand which was pressed against his stomach. Panicking Steve said.
"We need to get you to a hospital you're bleeding!" The man just carried on glaring at Steve and said.
"I don't do hospitals." Making a small sound in the back of his throat Steve thought was else could he do to help this guy since he couldn't leave him to bleed out on the floor. Steve decided that he would being the guy back to his apartment and stitch him up since Steve had enough medical supplies to open his own small hospital. Steve asked the guy if he could stand up but it didn't seem like he was listening to Steve so Steve grabbed the man's arm which was putting pressure on the wound and tried to pull him up which didn't work. Steve was 90 pounds soaking wet he had no chance of being able to pull this man up but it did get the guys attention again and he asked.
"What are you trying to do?" Steve blushed due to embarrassment and replied.
"I can't leave you out to bleed to death on the streets so I'm going to bring you back to my apartment so I can stich you up myself since you say the hospital is not an option." The guy chuckled and asked.
"Do you do this for everyone you meet on the streets?" Dropping the guys arm, Steve huffed and said.
"If you don't want my help I'll just leave you to bleed here, I don't care" The man started to slowly push himself up using the alley wall to keep him balanced, once he was standing up but still leaning against the wall he said.
"No, I'm up now. Lead the way." Grabbing the man's good arm again Steve started to pull him towards Steve's apartment.
It took a couple of minutes and a lot of concerned stares from the public to get to Steve's apartment. The man was swaying on his feet and Steve knew it wasn't long before the guy was going to collapse so Steve started to hurry even if it did put more of a strain on his lungs. When Steve finally got to his apartment which was on the third floor he leant the guy against the wall and opened his door, putting his shopping to the side. Steve then grabbed the guys arm again and pulled him into the apartment trying to be as gentle as possible. Once Steve put the guy in front of his beat-up sofa he said.
"You sit down and get comfy whilst I get the supplies I'm going to need to stitch that wound up but don't fall asleep but you are losing blood." Steve then shut his front door and locked it then he walked into his bathroom and collected the essentials he would need to stitch the guy up. Steve also grabbed one of his winter blankets from his bed to put over the man since the man was probably cold and in shock.
After getting everything Steve came back to the man whose eyes where blinking slowly and was just about to drift asleep. First Steve asked the guy if he would be able to take off his coat and t-shirt to which the guy replied.
"Are you trying to take advantage of me?" Blushing Steve denied it and said.
"I can't get to your wound if your shirt and coat are still on, I would never take advantage of anyone!" The guy chuckled and took both garments off and threw them on the floor, so he wouldn't get cold Steve then put the blanket over his shoulders and hoped that no blood got onto it since Steve had to use the blanket himself. Steve then passed the guy a bottle of water and two painkillers. The man eyes the pills suspiciously, Steve said.
"They are only painkillers, I don't want to drug you or anything, but if you don't want to take them I won't force you it will just make this journey easier for you." The guy that the pills where only painkillers and the man popped both pills into his mouth and drank half a bottle of water to wash them down. After Steve made sure that the guy was comfy he moved the guys hand from the wound to see a deep stab wound which was next to his right hip bone. Steve wasn't the biggest fan of blood and he was hoping that it would have only been a small gash which he could fix with butterfly stitches but the man needed proper stiches for this one. Steve asked.
"Would you be able to lay down for me? It'll make it a lot easier for me." The man nodded and slowly laid on the sofa, grunting when the stab wound was pulled causing more blood to rush from the wound, quickly Steve put a towel underneath the guy and over the sofa so blood wouldn't get onto it. Steve set up all his supplies, washing his hands with some antibacterial soap and putting on a pair of white gloves, his mother had taught him how to treat a wound properly before her death she had been a nurse. The man was looking up at his water damaged ceiling and said.
"Get on with it then." Nodding, Steve got out of antibacterial wipe and started cleaning the wound as best as he could, also the wipe had a slight numbing agent in it so it would hurt just a little less for the guy when Steve started stitching him up. Steve said to him.
"This is probably going to hurt really bad, so when you are thinking about punching me in the face just remember you said you didn't want to go to the hospital." The guy nodded and closed his eyes, Steve saw him also clench his jaw. Steve worked as cautiously as he could since he didn't want to hurt the man any more than he already was. After the first few stitches Steve said.
"My name is Steve by the way, what's yours?" By doing this Steve hoped that he was able to take the guys attention away from the pain by answering simple questions. The guy gritted his teeth but still answered.
"-Bucky." Steve tried to ask some more questions but Bucky didn't answer any more of them so Steve carried on stitching the man up in silence and only disturbed the silence when the guy would hiss to apologise.
After stitching Bucky up Steve packed away his supplies and helped Bucky sit up when he asked to be up again. Bucky wrapped the blanket around himself and Steve watched him for a couple of seconds to make sure that he didn't pass out before putting his supplies away and going into the kitchen. Steve grabbed a couple more bottles of water and saw at the back of the cupboard was a bottle of whiskey his mother had gotten him for his twenty-first birthday, so he also grabbed that since he thought Bucky would probably want a shot or two and Steve wasn't going to drink it anyway he didn't drink. He also grabbed a glass and walked back into the living room, passing the water to Bucky, Steve then showed Bucky the bottle of whiskey and said.
"You probably need this after the night you've been through." Steve then passed Bucky the glass and whiskey bottle and Bucky poured himself some before shotting it down and pouring another. After Bucky had a couple of drinks of whiskey he said.
"thanks for helping me, not many people would these days." Smiling, Steve replied.
"I'm just too nosy for my own good and you don't have to thank me, most decent people would do the same thing." Bucky chuckled and replied.
"Maybe, most people wouldn't help someone like me." Tilting his head in confusion Steve asked.
"Why wouldn't they help you?" And the grin that came onto Bucky's face made Steve nervous and he replied.
"You really don't know who I am do you?" A feeling of dread them sat in Steve's stomach and Steve thought.
'Oh, God what have I gotten myself into now?'
Writers notes:
So if any of you guys are wondering 'hey haven't i read this before?' That would be absolutley true, I wrote this chapter in 2015 when I was still a terrible, terrible writer. Now in 2017 I really don't like how i had written this, I felt like I could do a lot better so I deleted it and I am writing it again in a style which isn't really bad!
I hope that people like this one a lot better because I sure do!
I hope you enjoy c: