This is the officially end.
I'm glad you all enjoyed my story. Love and best wishes to everyone, I hope you have successful stories of your own.
Thanks so much for showing me the world isn't all black and we can still enjoy fiction and fun.
Motivation will always be your Superpower.
Five years later.
"My God! Where's the veil? Dick! Dick, where is the veil!? I swear if you boys took it out for some sort of science experiment - " Maven screeched as she ran back an forth looking for the gauzy material with embedded pearls in her short black pumps that shone as she flew around the room.
Selina laughed, standing up from her seat. "Easy Maven, they can't hear you. Too busy planning the after party. We'll find it. In the mean time, how do I look?"
Maven stopped and took in a deep breath, nearly ten years with these boys and their shenanigans had taught her how to deal with sever cases of stress. Alfred therapeutic tea helped too.
She turned and took in her employers form.
Selina smiled radiantly, her hair done in an elegant French braid, pearls and diamonds strategically braided into it as a lovely diamond hair clip wrapped around the entire bun and glittered blindingly under the florescent lights. She had on a tight fitting trumpet dress, pure white with soft cream accents, pearls sewn into the flourishing gauzy skirt. It was sleeveless and dropped well down her chest and glittered, showing off her curved shoulders and long elegant neck.
In short, she looked like a wingless angle.
"Beautiful." Maven suddenly realized her eyes were blurring. Strange, she still had her glasses on. . . oh - those were tears. . .
"Thank you." Selina laughed breathlessly, eyes shining, "I never thought I'd ever get married." She spoke gently, wistfully even.
Maven sighed and adjusted Selina's satin bow, "Neither did I, but you are. . . and to the freaking Batman no less -" She shook her head as if she still couldn't believe it. Because she didn't.
Selina laughed again. "Not so loud, do you want those words on the front paper tomorrow?"
She clasped Mavens shaking hands and gave her a radiant smile. "Thank you Maven, for everything you have ever done for me. I couldn't have gotten by without you."
"Oh, pshaw, you're just saying that to make me cry."
"It's working."
The two woman smiled at each other and went in for a hug.
"I'm so happy for you, Selina." Maven sniffled as they pulled away.
Selina brushed away her own tears, carful not to smear her makeup. "You and me both."
Barbara burst in suddenly interrupting the two older women's bonding, looking perfect in her elegant light blue brides maid gown that shimmered with light satin sheen and hugged all her curves wonderfully. Selina had a sneaking suspicion how much a certain young man would be drooling once he saw the young woman so tastefully dressed.
"I have it." She smiled, pushing back thick red curls, her lips were painted a dark red that gave her a more mature look. "The veil, see - perfect. Just like you." Barbara had warmed up hugely toward Selina, even if she didn't live with them since her father had taken her back home, she visited everyday and she went to the same collage as Dick. As far as Selina was concerned, all Dick had to do was sign a marriage certificate to make it official.
Not like she had room to talk though. She and Bruce were probably worse then the young couple. Scratch that, they were definitely worse then the young couple.
"Great, hold still!" Maven snatched the floaty piece and instantly attacked Selina's head.
Barbara let out a gentle sigh and handed the bride a bouquet of blue and purple roses.
"There. Perfect." She smiled as Selina twirled for show.
"You're going to stun him so much he's going to forget to say 'I do'."
They all laughed and waited for the music.
Jason scowled as he tugged at his suit. He hated monkey suits, they itched and made him feel stiff and hot. And would those annoying girls stop staring and giggling at him?!
He hated weddings. . . granted, he'd never actually been to one. But still - if they were all like this he was pretty sure he'd hate them all.
He didn't like this. Any of this.
Ok, so they were living with the guy for a long while now, but did Selina have to go and marry him? Geez, it's like she's trying to make things harder.
Jason scowled harder, hoping his look was intimidating enough to scare those tittering air heads off. Why did Dick actually enjoy this kind of attention?
By the time he'd hit sophomore year he was getting as much attention as Dick was from girls. . . maybe more so because Dickie Grayson was taken and he wasn't. Damn it. Now he was in collage and things were infinitely worse. . . there were a lot more single girls in collage.
And now Selina was getting married and he didn't know how to cope with that. He would admit it. . . he kind of liked Bruce. . . a lot.
Ok, so the man had grown on them to the point were he was actually like a dad, definitely better then his previous so called dad - but Jason wasn't fond of change. Nineteen years old and he still hated it when things happened and he didn't know they would.
Seriously, they'd only announced their engagement last week!
Jason so wasn't ready for this. . . how could they be.
He worried mostly, worried, that despite their five year dating - and getting married was just a formality at this point . . . he was worried it would burn to the ground - worried something would break them - afraid Selina would get hurt. His worries were illogical and he knew it . . . but still.
"Hey, hey, Jay-Jay!" Dick chirped as he bounced up, no literally, they guy bounced, to his younger brother.
"Get lost Dick-face." Jason grouched automatically. Mostly out of habit than actually meaning it. Besides, Dick wouldn't leave anyway. Nope, he'd hug Jason until he couldn't breath instead.
As impossible as it seems, Dick Grayson had gotten ten times more annoying as he got older.
"Aw don't be sad Jay, this is it! The big day, Selina is finally tying the knot, we all knew it was coming." Dick nudged him, "about time anyway."
Jason rolled his eyes. "Yah, yah. . . why does she have to go spend her honeymoon all the way in France for. For two weeks."
Dick laughed, "Seriously Jason? Separation anxiety? Aren't you getting too old for that?"
"Fuck off, Dick."
Dick only laughed harder as Jason punched him in the arm and sent him barreling over into the ground just barely missing Alfred's painstakingly set refreshments table.
Tim walked in, phone in his hand, eyes glued to it as he casually stepped right over chortling Dick and tapped Jason on the shoulder.
"Hey, we might have a problem. The ice sculptures Alfred ordered melted on the way here because the trucks in-vehicle icing system broke down and they didn't realize it until it was too late. Who's gonna tell him?" Tim Drake was seventeen now, much taller then he was before, only just barley getting to five-ten last year. He was thin as anything and had a horrible sense of self maintenance. His hair practically drowned his face for most of his life.
Still brilliant as ever though.
Jason snorted. "Make Damian do it."
"Oh no you don't!" Damian burst in defending himself. "I told him about the broken chandelier last week. It's your turn Todd." Damian had also grown, at fifteen was as tall as Tim, much to the older boys annoyance, more emotionally capable now too, but still. . . arrogance made him who he was unfortunately.
"I am not facing the old mans wrath, ok. I've got enough problems with this monkeys getup." Jason emphasized his discomfort by tugging the blood red tie around his neck that was starting to feel like a noose.
Damian huffed. "Tt, it's just formal wear, Todd. Get over it, Father requested these suits specifically and since it is his day-" Damian had also grown amazingly close to his biological father and was looking more and more like him everyday, it kind of was starting to freak Jason out.
"Yah - um, guys - as riveting as this argument is - seriously - who's telling Alfred?" Tim cut in, shaking his phone at them.
Dick sighed, having collected himself and brushed back his dark hair. "I'll do it. Hang on-"
"Do what, Master Dick?"
They all jumped and someone squeaked, not to mention names but. . . Jason may have shrieked a little.
It wasn't his fault! Alfred was like a super secret ninja spy guy. He put Batman's stealth to shame. . . seriously.
"Um - well - uh. . ." Dick froze up.
Jason rolled his eyes but remained silent. He wasn't in the mood to be eaten alive or worse, to feel guilty. . . even though it wasn't their fault the ice guys were idiots.
The church music started.
They all panicked and shoved and knocked into each other just barely scrambling for the door as Alfred lead them out into the main hall.
It was time and they were so not ready for this.
Alfred was right.
Bruce knew he would never live it down if he said those words out loud. But right now, as he stood on the alter, in his best suit, blue rose in place, watching in awe as the beautiful woman he was about to marry walked up towards him, that was all he could think.
Jason and Tim stood by him as Dick lead their mother up the walkway. Damian carried the ring and Barbara stood to the side waiting for Selina to get there.
It was a small wedding, only close friends and relatives of Bruce and Barbara. The boys had none to speak of. . . except Damian - but inviting Talia al Ghul to Selina's wedding probably wouldn't have gone over well.
So here he was, standing on an alter, a place he never dreamed he'd be. Ever - he never believed he could love enough, not after his parents death.
He had always thought Batman was all he had and all he would ever have.
But he'd been wrong.
Batman was what Gotham needed.
Not Bruce Wayne.
Bruce Wayne needed a family. A real one to make new memories with. To be happy again. . . Alfred was right.
He should thank his surrogate father.
Selina stood before him, breathtakingly elegant and ready.
After the wedding.
Everyone waited. Bated breaths. As the priest started the traditional ritual.
Bruce barley registered any of it, he was to lost in the incredibly alluring woman across from him and she didn't seem all to focused on anything other than him either.
The 'I do's' were exchanged in an absent-minded way, the rings transferred. The kiss was momentous.
Jason groaned. Dick tried not to laugh as Tim shifted a bit awkwardly. Damian wasn't really looking. He was too busy thinking about what this meant for all of them.
The ceremony ended with an uproar of rice and bouquet throwing as the newly wed couple ran down the stairs with smiles for miles, laughing and nearly giggling as they were wished well and happy, climbing into their waiting blue Mercedes, Selina reached out and pulled each of her boys closer through the rolled down window and kissed them each on the forehead.
"Remember boys." She whispered as the crowd cheered. "I loved you first."
They each gave her a kiss in return and smile, warmth, despite uncertainties, filling them up. They waved as the German model car sped away with their adopted mother and now. . . new father.
Each boy looked at each other. Unsure of what to do now.
Barbara bound up and grabbed Dicks arm. "C'mon guys, the after party's gonna rock - no matter what Maven tries to stop us from doing." She smirked alluringly at Dick who instantly caved and followed. His brothers rolled their eyes and tagged along.
Jason looked back for a moment at where the car had turned and disappeared.
Change wasn't his favorite thing. . . it really wasn't.
The party was elegant with a touch of actual fun. People laughed and danced as opposed to all those snobby parties Jason had ever attended with his brothers.
He was currently leaning against a wall, drinking something, he wasn't sure what, as he took in all the sparkling lights and brightly colored clothes of the excited people.
The energy was making him sleepy.
He wondered where his brothers were.
Ah - there's Tim. . . talking to some random blond? And it looked like he was blushing. Well Damn. . . Jason was pretty sure he would get a lot of mileage out of that one.
Damian was avoiding, adamantly, all the several freshman girls after him which made Jason snort.
Dick was. . . where the hell was Dickie?
"Hey Jason."
Oh, there he is.
"What?" Jason wasn't really in the mood to snap. He wasn't happy about Selina leaving for two weeks but. . . he was ok. For now.
"I'm really glad Selina could be this happy Jason. Us too." Dick leaned against the wall next to him and looked out at the party goers. "Are you happy Jay?"
Jason shrugged. "Most of the time. Yah, I guess. I'm just gonna miss her, that's all."
Dick smiled gently and nudged his brother. "Me too. Hey, can I tell you something?"
"Even if I say no, you'll tell me anyway."
Dick laughed. "True. So um - I'm gonna ask Babs to marry me."
Jason choked on his drink.
Dick waited patiently for his over dramatic brother to start breathing again.
"Well damn Dick. . . aren't you going a little fast?" Jason wiped his mouth to hide his surprise. He knew Dick was crazy in love with the girl but not. . . to this point yet.
The circus boy shrugged. "I love her. That's all there is too it Jason, so why not?"
"Because you are immature and therefore incapable of having a family." Jason offered rather stiffly.
Great, yet another change.
Dick shrugged again. "I don't know, when I'm with Babs. . . I feel like we can do anything together, you know. No, you don't but maybe you will, someday." He smiled and threw an arm around the younger males shoulders. "I'll be waiting to tease the hell out of you when you do."
Jason snorted. "Right. . . whatever."
They fell silent for a moment. The air slightly thick as Jason began to feel a bit down.
Dick noticed. "I love her, Jay. . . please don't get all pouty now. I'll still be your big brother you know."
"Cut it out you ass, I'm not-" Jason watched as Barbara appeared in the crowd half dancing as she laughed a bell like laugh, when her eyes fell on Dick she brighten like the sun and her eyes shone like stars.
Jason glanced at Dick. He looked ten times more sappy.
Good God, how could he crush that look.
"I'm happy for you Dick. Really - it's about time."
Dick's face brightened even more, how the hell was that even possible?
"Thanks Jason!" He grabbed his brother into a hug which Jason secretly enjoyed but resisted anyway.
"Just don't freak her out, ok."
"Brother, she knows me way to well to be freaked out by anything I do now."
Jason rolled his eyes. "TMI, Dickie, TMI."
They both laughed as Damian escaped the grabby girls and Tim came blushing over.
"Hey guys. . . this party's dragging, huh?" Dick spoke out suddenly surprising them.
"Seriously? But you love this stuff." Tim pointed out, trying to look unfazed.
An impish grin spread across the oldest boys face. "Yah, I do, but don't you think Gotham's lonely tonight. Bat and Cat aren't here soooooo..."
He let that drag.
Jason's face lit up in understanding. "Hell, yes!" He fist pumped the air.
Damian smirked. "Count me in, I'm being oppressed by those females anyway."
Tim sighed long suffering. "Fine. . . but when Alfred finds out."
"C'mon!" Dick nearly giggled as he headed out the door waving at Babs who shook her head with a smile as they all ran out.
Fifteen minutes later, Night Prowler, Red Tiger, Red Claw, and Hunter were whooping and flying over rooftops through Gotham's dark smoggy skies.
An alarm rang out and they all grinned.
"Looks like this is a job for-"
"Don't you dare, Dick." Jason snapped, taking out his whip.
Dick grinned wildly. "- A job for the Cat Bro's!"
They all groaned, threatened Dicks life, and headed down to beat up the idiot who decided to mess around in Gotham city while they were around to protect it.
That is how little different moments in time changed these boys fates and made it something completely new.
Made them into something completely new.
But they don't know that.
That is the end.
Thanks for reading and sticking by me.
I hope I see you all in my future stories.
Hasta la vista mi amigos!