Welcome dear Batman Fans! This is my first Multi-chapter story for this, not counting my 'When They Met Bruce' story. That one's just short series.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this story, this has been in my mind for almost a year now, and I finally grew a gut to write it out.

Note: I've never written for Selena before, but I've always loved her. Let me know if I do her ok? Ok?

Great. Now, on with this totally NOT cannon story!

Prologue: Like Dominoes.

The sound of expensive black heels echoed through the huge tiled hallway as she walked. People buzzed around her, some didn't dare make eye contact, others stared in awe at the raven haired beauty that walked with sheer confidence in her black business attire.

Selena Kyle had entered her ever buzzing office building, on her way to her private office. Rich, gorgeous and quite possibly Gotham's biggest and most constant gossiped about woman. Rumors, facts, theories. Many things surrounded this woman. Few people dared really mess with her. And if they did . . . they usually weren't heard of again.

The atmosphere was thick as she walked, as if everyone was holding their breaths. Until finally, she walked into her office and closed the door behind her.

She let out a soft breath and surveyed her huge marble floored space. A single desk was all that stood in front of the floor to ceiling glass windows that made of the entire north wall of her office and overlooked all of Gotham's skyline.

A short soft looking woman with gentle red hair pulled back in a tight, prim pony tail, stood with a stack of papers and a simple smile on her face.

Selena smiled back, "Maven, already?" She sighed and walked towards her desk and sat in the expensive swivel leather chair.

"Sorry Ma'am, But this is the schedual for today. You have a meating with the board at 10, a lunch meeting with Mr. Deen at Olive Tree, a signing agreenment at 4 if you want to secure that land for your wildcats foundation, and-"

"Hold it." Selena held up an elegant hand and regarded the younger woman with shrewd blue eyes, "What about my meeting with Gray, about the imported Cats he refused to release."

The woman sighed, "He cancelled."

Files flew on the floor. The elegance and stony face disappeared, "What! It took me months to set up that appointment!" She seethed.

Maven regarded her calmly, not fazed, "Yes. It would seem he called in yesterday and left a message. He simply has no interest and has a better deal selling the cats to a poachers club."

"P-That bastard!" She hissed and snatched the phone, "If he thinks he's going to get away with that, he doesn't know who he's stepped on."

Maven smiled, "I thought you'd say that, here are his numbers, office, car phone, even personal line."

Selena took the paper from her secretary's hand, "Maven, I love you."

"I know. Also, here, you'll probably say no, but," She slid a colorful piece of paper towards the agitated woman, "This as sent to you, apparently Haley's circus is in town, you've been invited. They need the publicity you'd bring so they sent you a free ticket."


"I know, your too busy. But you've been working hard, I thought you might at least consider it." Maven looked at her straight, "You need a break too."

Selena sighed and turned in her chair with telephone in her lap, "Sure. Later."

Maven sighed, "I'll be back with your paperwork."


"Five hours. Five hours and he didn't answer once. Looks like I have to drag him out of his house physically." Selena sighed, irritated, rubbing her temples, "Idiot."

Maven sighed and handed her a glass of water and an asprin, "Well, I admire your persistency. You've missed most of your meetings though."

"Right, reschedule. Tommorow."

"Fine. I'll go put these away." Maven took the forgotten files and headed out the huge metal doors.

Selena let the quiet engulf her. She was a very pro-animal person, she spent most of her money to portect and provide for animals. Mostly cats, escpecially cats.

She stared at the red tint of her desks wood. Men with no sense of basic rights often tried to weasel their way out of compromising with her. But she usually won.

Her hands balled, this time would be no exception.

Her sapphire blue eyes landed on the colorful ticket still on her desk. She stared at it. Maven had undoubtedly left it there on purpose. That girl had a way of knowing what she needed.

Well, she had been working really hard. And her stress levels were spiking because of this idiots antics.

She tapped the edge of the ticked contemplatively, Maven might be right, she might need some kind of relaxation. But a circus? What on earth could that offer? She'd never really had such thrills as a child, she'd never had the luxury.

Growing up homeless, abused, and hungry most of her life did that.

She sighed and closed her eyes. She'd come up very far in a world were nobody cared for anyone else.

Maybe she could go. What the heck, it's not like she could come out worse off than she was right?

She made up her mind.

Haley's circus, here I come. You better be worth it.