"Wake up, Cher." Remy said, shaking Hope lightly. The red head rolled over, swatting his hand away. Remy sighed and picked her up, ignoring her as she struggled against him, reaching for her bed. He sat her on her feet, and she glared at him with tired eyes. Remy smiled slightly.

"Sorry, but dem kids are wakin' up, and dey'll be hungry. I am too." He said. Hope rolled her eyes, smiling as she walked to the bathroom, going to attempt to tame her hair.

"Is mom up?" She asked as Remy walked in and sat on the counter next to her.

He sighed. "No… she cried herself to sleep last night." Hope said nothing about that. She had done the same. "She's taking it pretty hard. It's exactly like when she lost Scott… and the others…" He trailed off. Hope nodded, understanding. She knew how he felt. They all had lost someone that fateful day. Some more than others.

"What do you want for breakfast?" She asked, pulling her hair into a pony tail and leading him downstairs to the kitchen. Remy grinned.

"Dem eggs you make 'specially for me." He said, making her laugh.

"Well them you'll need to share some, because I'm making them foreveryone."

Remy made a pouting face. "Aw, Cher… those are mine…"

Hope laughed. "Just this once. Then they're yours forever." She kissed him, walking into the kitchen. Hank McCoy was sitting at the table, reading a paper. Hope walked over, looking over his shoulder at the headlines before gently prying it out of his hands. He glared at her, but she threw it in the trash.

"I'm making eggs." She said, ignoring his glare as she pulled out what she needed. The whole reason Remy liked them was because of the ingredients she used.

Hank finally spoke. "He's really gone." He said, sighing. Hope nodded sadly.

"Both of them are." She replied, turning on the stove top to let it heat up as she cracked the eggs.

The first of the kids came in. One of the girls. She looked at Hank with wonder. His blue fur amazed her, and she hesitantly walked over. He watched her.

"You can touch it." He said softly, and she placed her hand on it gingerly, running her fingers through it. She smiled.

"It's soft." She said. Hope smiled at them, working on breakfast. In no time, everyone but Jean was gathered at the table in the dining room. There was room for close to 500 people there. But there was only about 35 or so occupants of the house, with the group of kids being the latest addition.

There were 13 teenage or young adult mutants there, that weren't part of the group that came the night before. With the 15 kids that made 28, and the others were Hope and the remaining xmen.

Laura was the last one in, taking a seat at the end of the table. Hope placed a plate in front of her and smiled.

Mind if I sit with you?" She asked. She didn't like that the girl was sitting all alone.

Laura shrugged, so Hope grabbed her plate and sat across from her. The two are in silence, until Laura placed something on the table. Hope looked at it and recognized it as the paper she had thrown away.

"He was with us." Laura said quietly. "He was killed by someone who looked like my daddy. We buried him. But now…"

Hope nodded, moving the paper so that no one else would see it. The headline stated that Charles Xavier's body had been found, buried in some woods.

"Your daddy… you're Logan's daughter." It wasn't a question. It was a fact. Laura nodded, staring at her food.

"They're dead. And it's my fault."

Hope placed a hand on Laura's, who flinched, but didn't pull back. "It's not your fault. Trust me. I know what you're feeling, but you need to know that it's not your fault."

Laura looked at her with hard eyes. "How do you know? Have you ever lost someone?"

Hope nodded. "I lost my dad too. Along with other family and friends. And I'll tell you something. Charles Xavier? I called him Uncle Charlie. And when I was 10, he had a seizure that affected everyone around. He killed several of the Xmen. That included my father. Remy's girlfriend and my best friend. Others were killed too. Almost killed me."

Laura's wide eyes were locked with Hopes. Everyone at the table that was a former Xmen was looking at her. She never spoke of that horrible morning.

"Logan was the only one who could stop the seizure and he did. We buried our dead and moved on the best we could. The world hated us even though we helped them, and now look where we are. You know why you're here? To be a new generation of Xmen. You're the hope for the future."

The kids were listening carefully, and Laura was silent for a moment. When she spoke, it was so quiet that only Hope heard.

"Can my code name be Wolverine?" She asked. A smile slowly broke out on Hope's face. She went back to eating.

"Those are big shoes to fill. You have to earn it."

Laura looked at her with determination in her eyes. "I'll earn it. You'll see."