Chapter 2
"Come on Weiss," Blake said, leaning against a wall outside the dressing rooms, "we don't have all day."
"Be patient," Weiss replied from inside the dressing room, "I'll be out in a minute."
Sighing, Blake leaned her head back, closing her eyes, I should have known it would take her awhile, even if we are the only ones here. They had been laying low in abandoned parts of the city, waiting for the search for Weiss to die down some before attempting to board a ship.
Blake had scouted the docks earlier that morning, finding it clear of Schnee men. With that she found a ship that would be traveling to Menagerie and secured a room aboard for the two of them. The ship would be heading out later that day. When relating the news to heiress she was all for leaving Vale, but not before they got a change of clothes, not wanting to be seen in 'these filthy rags.'
She wasn't wrong, Blake mused, with weeks of wear, their old outfits had been torn and dirty, it is nice wearing something clean again, she thought looking down at the long white coat she was wearing.
Turning her head at the sound of the dressing room door opening, Blake watched as Weiss exited, she was wearing a shimmering short blue and white dress, with matching heel, the outfit complimenting her white hair and blue eyes.
"Well," Weiss started resting her hands on her hips, "what do you think?"
"I think its impractical." Blake deadpanned, turning away.
"Like that coat is any better." Weiss scoffed gesturing at Blake.
"Right." Blake said, pushing off the wall, "let's get going."
Heading toward the exit Blake spotted a long brown cloak with a hood, grabbing it she holds it out to Weiss, "Here, you'll need to cover your hair when we get to the populated areas."
Looking at the hood in disgust Weiss reluctantly accepted it, seeing the look Blake says, "You can take it off once the ship leaves."
Rolling her eyes Weiss pulled the cloak on, bringing the hood up to cover her hair and obscure her face, gesturing toward the door she said, "Lead the way."
"I didn't have very much money," Blake started leading Weiss along the ship passage way, "so we only have one room."
"That's not a problem," Weiss responded, stopping as Blake did in front of what appeared to be their room, "we have been sharing a dorm for a while now."
The small smile Blake sent her caused a warm feeling to rush through her, Blake hadn't smiled once these last few weeks, it was good to see again. Turning away from her Blake unlocked the door with the provided key, upon opening the door the smile slipped into a frown.
Frowning herself, Weiss stepped forward asking, "What's," looking in the room she finished, "wrong…oh." Along the far wall under a small window, was a twin sized bed along with a small dresser, there was a door leading to a bathroom along the right wall but no other furniture in the small room.
"I'll take the floor," Blake said, stepping into the room, "you can have to bed."
She already hasn't been sleeping well, the last thing she needs is to be sleeping on the floor.
Looking from Blake to the floor, then the bed, "We can both use the bed," stepping into the room, closing the door she continued, "it will be a tight fit," looking at the faunus," but we both deserve a bed after these last few weeks."
Watching Blake open her mouth Weiss brings her hand up, "Uhpupup, no arguing, we are sharing the bed."
Closing her mouth raven-haired girl looked toward the bed, then back to Weiss, "If you're sure."
"I'm sure." Weiss responded, taking off the horrid cloak and setting it on top the dresser, placing Myrtenaster atop the cloak, she then moved to sit on the bed, it wasn't the best mattress, old and spring filled, but it was an improvement from abandoned building floors.
Seeing her teammate still standing, looking anywhere that wasn't the bed, Weiss rolled her eyes, "Come on," patting the spot next to her, getting Blake's attention, "sit."
At first it seemed like the girl would run out the door with the way her eye's kept darting to it, but eventually Blake moved to sit next to her, as far away as she could be while still on the bed, but sitting nonetheless.
Taking a long look at her friend Weiss noticed not for the first time the dark bags under the girl's eyes, and the furrowed brow as she stared off into the room.
Maybe now that we are heading to her home she will get some rest. Frowning at the thought Weiss reflected that she didn't even know where Blake's home is. She knew that's where they were heading from what they told Sun, but with trying to stay hidden, fighting grimm in the city, and Blake securing passage on the ship alone Weiss hadn't gotten a chance learn where they were going.
"You said we were going to your home," Weiss started, watching as Blake jumped, quickly turning her head toward Weiss, "but where is your home?"
Staring at her for a second Blake answered, "Menagerie."
"Menagerie?" Weiss repeated, wanting to know more about the island than what she learned from school and her father, she asked, "can you tell me about it?"
Turning away from her Blake said, "It's home," reaching up toward bow, Weiss watched as the faunus removed it revealing her ears, "somewhere that I don't have to hide, where I can just be me." With the bow off Weiss had the chance to see the faunus's ears and how the folded back as the girl stared down at the bow in her hand, frowning.
"What's wrong?" Weiss asked concerned, placing her hand on the girl's shoulder.
"Nothing," Blake replied, shrugging the heiress hand off and standing, "I'm going for a walk." Not wanting to be alone Weiss moves to follow her.
"Alone." Blake adds, leaving the room, door swinging shut behind her.
Door clicking shut, Weiss slumps back into her spot on the bed, despite being with Blake the past weeks, she'd been lonely, the faunus had been distant, silent, and sullen, and Weiss didn't know how to help her. Weiss had thought that being on the ship, and sharing the same room that she would be able to get Blake to finally talk to her.
Look how well that turned out, she though bitterly.
Seeing something from the corner of her eye she turns to see Blake's bow discarded on the ground. Leaning over the heiress picks it up, running the smooth silk through her hands. Tears blurring her vision she whispered, "Why won't you talk to me, Blake?"
AN: Let me know what you think. Sorry about the long wait, classes have been kicking my ass.